
Chapter 972: Tuo Tian Wang

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This is a handsome middle-aged man, wearing a purple dress, wearing a gold crown, dignified and dignified.

After appearing in the room, his eyes first fell on Chu Yu and bowed slightly: "He Shoucheng, have seen His Royal Highness!"

"Uncle Tianwang is courteous." Chu Yu got up and returned the gift.

Subsequently, He Shoucheng looked at Xu Zhen and Lin Xuesong: "Two people, I haven't seen you for a long time."

"I haven't seen you for a long time!" Xu Zhen stepped forward with a smile and hugged He Shoucheng.

Lin Xuesong seriously conferred with King Tian. I also called my daughter: "Hurry up and see you and ask Uncle Tianwang."

Lin Xue got up and gave He Shoucheng a gift: "Have seen Uncle Tuo Tianwang!"

"Sit all." He Shoucheng nodded.

This is a very restrained person, and he can't feel much emotions of joy, sadness and sadness from him.

However, he looked at Chu Yu and others with a touch of light. It shows that his heart is not so calm.

"Too long." He Shoucheng sighed.

"Yeah, too long!"

Lin Xuesong and Xu Zhen also expressed emotion.

"How are you? Have you made any breakthroughs?" Xu Zhen asked with concern as he looked at Tuo Tianwang.

Chu Yu was there, feeling weird in his heart.

As soon as the Emperor Tuo appeared, the half-stone tower hidden in his body began to react.

If it weren't for his suppression, the stone tower had even flown out.

Tuo Tian ... Tuo Tian Tian?

Heavenly King Tower? Uranus Tower?

Could it be that the stone pagoda failed to trust the king?

But it seems to be different from the legend?

Chu Yu was full of doubts, but did not ask on the spot.

However, He Shoucheng glanced at Chu Yu and said, "Half of my tower is on His Royal Highness?"


Half of the stone tower flew directly from Chu Yu.

Chu Yu had just released the ban, and the stone tower flew out on its own.

He Shoucheng looked at the half-stone tower and sighed slightly. Then, the other half-stone tower flew directly from him.

The two tower bodies merged instantly.

In the chamber, a roar of avenues suddenly sounded.

The power of the avenue exuded after the two towers merged together is too powerful.

Chu Yu never thought that the complete stone tower had such terrifying power.

Is this really the top magic weapon?

He Shoucheng reached out a hand, the stone tower continued to shrink, and finally shrunk into a three-inch tall tower, appeared in his palm.

"For so long, you are finally brought back by the prince." He sighed.

"What the **** is going on?" Chu Yu looked at He Shoucheng with a puzzled expression.

Lin Shi was also surprised, murmuring: "Aren't these all legends of the lower realm? You didn't have the lower realm, but why ... will you leave the magic weapon in the lower realm?"

"No lower bound?" He Shoucheng glanced at Lin Shi, then looked at Xu Zhen and Lin Xuesong: "Have you not told the children yet?"

"There is nothing to say about this kind of thing." Lin Xuesong seemed disdainful.

Xu Zhen just smiled and said nothing.

He Shoucheng looked at Chu Yu and Lin Shi, and said, "After your lower realm, we actually followed the lower realm."

"The battlefield is everywhere."

"Your parents in the lower realm, no matter how many times they are reincarnated, can only be your original parents."

"It's just that your lower realm is a complete true spirit, and we ... are just a will."

Chu Yu looked at He Shoucheng and suddenly asked, "What about grandpa? Where is the ancestor?"

"The continuation of the blood line is all the same will. Therefore, the strong is constant." He Shoucheng said lightly: "Otherwise, how can there be so many days of pride?"

This is a terrifying situation, and ordinary people simply can't imagine how terrible it is.

In fact, on the earth, many years before the seal came into contact, scientists who studied genes had traced a little truth.

That is: almost all human beings on the entire earth, almost from a few common ancestors. Something is already reflected in the genetic code.

It was just that human beings at that time could not completely understand the deeper things contained in it.

He Shoucheng said: "Not only will we go to the lower realm, Zhou Han will also go to the lower realm. You have been bumpy all the way back from the lowest level of the world. Think carefully, many of those enemies that have appeared around you will see if they will meet later. Have a familiar feeling? "

"There are still some people who obviously have no hatred, but after seeing it, instinctive disgust; some people instinctively feel close?"

Chu Yu nodded and said, "Aren't all these things in the heavenly palace?"

"Heavenly Palace?" He Shoucheng pondered this sentence, and then nodded: "Yes, that's what it means. The top-level existence in the chaotic domain, all grudges and grievances are worldly grudges. The various entanglements between them are extremely deep."

"According to Uncle Tuotian Wang's meaning, Zhou Han and their people have also let some of their own will go down the realm and want to kill us?" Lin Shi asked.

He Shoucheng nodded: "Yes, that's it. It's just that the lower bound of the will will transform into an independent personality. After six reincarnations, unless one day it is called back by the deity. Otherwise, it will continue to reincarnate in the lower boundary."

"I was in the lower bounds of my will for a while, with my stone tower, I had a war with Zhou Han's will."

"Ultimately, we were both defeated and the stone tower was broken, leaving half of the lower bound."

Speaking of the turbulent past, He Shoucheng still spoke indifferently, as if he was talking about a humble little thing.

Lin Xuesong sighed sideways: "Chaos domain, there are battlefields everywhere, and no one world can be alone. Numerous top-level wills have set off a **** storm in the lower realm and established various great religions ..."

Xu Zhen nodded, and then looked at Chu Yu: "The group of people was already in the layout before you were dropped by the altar."

He Shoucheng Dao: "Heaven and earth, there is no way to escape."

Eight words tell the endless danger inside.

Chu Yu recalled that he had walked all the way. Although he had experienced countless dangers, he never thought that the reason for it would be so complicated.

The big figures of the Tiangong are standing high, laying countless killings, interlocking, but it is impossible to find. This method alone is shocking enough.

"That Zhou Han, did you have any objections?" Chu Yu suddenly asked.

He Shoucheng and Lin Xuesong and Xu Zhen looked at each other and laughed bitterly.

In the past, the four great kings, three of them are here. They are the most clear people to say whether Zhou Han has had any rebellion.

"How to say ..." Lin Xuesong did not tell Chu Yu too much about the past. His hatred for Zhou Han is well known. So he did not want to say too much about Zhou Han in front of Chu Yu.

Because of the opening, emotions will definitely fluctuate, so what is said naturally comes with a strong personal tendency.

But now, it's okay to talk, after all, there are two other people present.

"Your father is a super hero with a real talent and a real hero."

Lin Xuesong looked at Chu Yu: "But one of his biggest shortcomings is his soft heart. He is too kind to us."

Xu Zhen and He Shoucheng both nodded at the same time, agreeing with Lin Xuesong's evaluation of Chu Yuzhu.

Lin Xuesong continued: "The domain owner is not only good to us, he is good to everyone. Even if he knows that the person may have a bone, he may be mutinous. He looks at the problem and is completely different from us. See the problem from the top. "

"For so many years, I have been thinking that the domain owner should still be alive."

Lin Xuesong glanced at Xu Zhen and He Shoucheng.

He Shoucheng nodded: "I think so too."

Xu Zhendao: "Actually, Zhou Han should also have thought of it. However, he seems to have calculated that the domain owner will not return."

Whether Chu Yu was still alive, Chu Yu was not sure. He had seen it once when he went to the world where the Cangming army was hiding.

But that was only a part of the will of Chu Yuzhu.

"Don't think so much, Zhou Han must die." Lin Xuesong said.

"Have you contacted anyone else?" He Shoucheng asked.

"On the way Cao Hongzhi came, Xi Anfu ... should completely leave the chaotic domain." Lin Xuesong sighed lightly: "Si Anfu left Zhou Chao after he took the position. He left the chaotic domain completely and may find the domain master. Now. "

He Shoucheng nodded: "What about the others?"

"Mai Tianyu should be closed, but I have passed the news to him. I believe he will come over after receiving the news."

"Xiang Yingjie is dead." Lin Xuesong looked at several people and sighed: "I thought he should be still there."

"Does the domain master not give him ..." He Shoucheng was a little surprised.

"Yes, but he gave that thing to his son Xianghengdao. So, the message I sent was replying to thehengdao." Lin Xuesong said.

"Ai Yongfeng and Gongye Yingwei are still there, and they are also on the way." Xu Zhen said.

"We were left seven and right seven, and we were in the world. After years of passing, we are now falling apart." He Shoucheng's majestic face showed a bit of vicissitudes.

Xu Zhen nodded: "Yes, Huo Xiuwen, Shang Wenhong, Wen Wei, and Min Yushan all turned to Zhou Han, but I feel that Shang Wenhong ... should still be able to fight for it."

"Oh, the old feelings are unforgettable?" Lin Xuesong laughed and laughed.

Xu Zhen grinned unconsciously: "What old feelings can we have between us? The people she likes in the past are not me, you guys ... are too naive, the people she likes are domain masters!"

"You are right, but you like people." Lin Xuesong said.

"No kidding, she ... can really fight back?" He Shoucheng looked at the two of them: "You should also know that when Zhou Han was in chaos, I was seriously injured in retreat, waiting for the day when I went out, dust It ’s already settled. Even until today, I have a lot of details that are not clear. "

"What else can you say?" Lin Xuesong shook his head and sighed, "There is nothing to say. However, Shang Wenhong ... indeed should be able to fight."

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