
Chapter 973: Counsel

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Afterwards, He Shoucheng, Lin Xuesong and Xu Zhen had another discussion on how to fight for Shang Wenhong. In the end, they decided to let Xu Zhen meet Shang Wenhong in person.

During the whole process, there was no way to solicit the opinions of Chu Yu. Chu Yu did not intervene indiscriminately. After all, in terms of age, seniority, and even experience, he could not compare with these people.

These strong kings were all super strong who followed his father's battles in the South and North, and he has rich experience in fighting such things.

After returning to the room, Lin Shi looked at Chu Yu and said softly, "Is it a little uncomfortable?"

Chu Yu smiled and said, "How can it be uncomfortable?"

"For so many years, no matter where you are, you are the master. You are now in charge of everything. But now, it has become a mascot ..." Lin Shi smirked.

Chu Yu smiled helplessly, but did he become a mascot?

Former Prince!

The status is extremely respected!

It is no exaggeration to say that He Shoucheng can secretly come to Lucheng and join Xu Zhen and Lin Xuesong because Chu Yu has returned!

If only Xu Zhen and Lin Xuesong raised the rebellion, He Shoucheng would definitely not participate.

But after coming back, but after coming, He Shoucheng did not show much affection to Chu Yu.

These people are all without exception. They have endless fanaticism and loyalty to Chu Yu's father, the former domain owner. But his attitude towards Chu Yu ... even Lin Shi, can feel it.

It's really not much affection.

Speaking of it, it's better than Li Fu!

When old Li head saw Chu Yu, his face was still excited.

Xu Zhen and Lin Xuesong, although they are Chu Yu's father-in-law, but their attitude towards Chu Yu is definitely not cold, but to say how enthusiastic, there is no such thing.

Even Lin Shi felt a little embarrassed.

"Maybe I used to be a bit embarrassed." Chu Yu looked at Lin Shi: "Aren't your memories fully awakened? You say, what kind of person was I?"

"Oh, that's a distant and ancient memory, it's all a matter of the previous life. What does it say?" Lin Shi wanted to cross.

Chu Yu looked at Lin Shi and didn't speak.

"Why do you look at me so much?" Lin Shi sat next to Chu Yu and took hold of Chu Yu's hand: "Okay, don't be sad, now you are completely different from the former Prince of Chaos. "

"Completely different ... That is to say, I used to be very embarrassed, right?" Chu Yu looked at Lin Shi: "Are you sure, I am really that person?"

"Of course." Lin Shi looked at him affirmatively: "How can I say, in fact, the former prince of the Chaos domain, can not be talked about. It's just a little playful."

"We are all old wives and old wives, and I think it is better for you to tell me a little more clearly." Chu Yu looked at Lin Shi seriously: "You have also seen, your father, Xian'er's father, and He Shoucheng ... ... their attitude towards me, hehe. "

Chu Yu laughed self-deprecatingly and said, "If I really want to make a salted fish, then this ... there seems to be nothing bad. Is it? But the problem is, I don't want to be like this. I went back to the chaotic domain. In order to save the true spirit of Xian'er, on the other hand, he also asked for those grudges. "

Chu Yu said, couldn't help thinking of what he had said to him when he met the man when he was fishing by the river.

"In the Tiangong world, your biggest reliance is actually on yourself ..."

The young man is the master of Chu domain, his father, the master of soft heart in the mouth of the king ...

So, isn't he clear that there is still a large group of loyal men in Tiangong world?

Why should I tell Chu Yu that the biggest reliance is on himself?

Or did he know for a long time that people such as King Zhen, King Tian, ​​and King Tian, ​​although loyal to him, would not be loyal to the prince?

Now that the crown prince is back in place, this group of loyal heroes who were loyal to his father in the past has a reason to get together to overthrow Zhou Han.

But it is just a reason.

Because the facts lie ahead.

"My awakening memory tells me that you were indeed a bit stubborn."

After all, he was his husband, the only man in love in the past and present, Lin Shi couldn't help but still told Chu Yu some past events.

"It's not bad, but I like to tease people. Many top gangsters have been teased by you."

"And you don't like to practice, you don't like it at all. You are very keen on qinqi, calligraphy, painting, poetry, wine and tea. And they are proficient!"

"My so-called proficiency is for the entire chaotic domain. So, in these respects, you are the absolute top person!"

"If you are in a peaceful age, these hobbies and specialties will make your prince exude endless charm ... Well, even in that chaotic era, your charm is still unmatched."

"Neither me nor Xian'er. I love you so much that I can't extricate myself. Don't think that Xian'er has a doppelganger with you and you don't love you as much as I do, but it is not."

"She has no less love for you than me."

"However, these specialties of yours, in the eyes of the group of powerful men who have been fighting against the realm all year round, are simply doing nothing."

"In my memory, you should have an excellent talent, definitely the kind that can step on to the ultimate. But you don't practice at all."

Chu Yu smiled bitterly: "A prince who likes to make fun of people and is not yet engaged in business. How do you think it looks like a fool who might be killed by his brother at any time?"

"Fortunately, you don't have any brothers." Lin Shi also spit out a sentence.

Then she said: "So to say how unflattering you are, you can't talk about it, but for those warriors ... it may be a bit unfamiliar. But these things are all things from the previous life. You come back again, I think, it wo n’t take long for you to make them look at each other. "

Lin Shi said, looking at Chu Yu and asked, "Fujun, what are you ... now?"

"Realm?" Chu Yu smiled: "Probably still the level of the Great Immortal Venerable Eternal Realm?"

"Ah? How is it possible?" Lin Shi looked at Chu Yu with a puzzled look: "How could it be Daxian Zun?"

"Actually, what do you say? The realm is endless." Chu Yu looked at Lin Shi and said seriously: "But Dao is not the same thing as the realm."

"Huh?" Lin Shi frowned slightly, looking at Chu Yu.

Chu Yu smiled: "I'm in the Tao."

"Enlightenment? What do you mean?" Lin Shi's realm is also extremely advanced, but still very puzzled by Chu Yu's words.

"You will understand by then." Chu Yu said.

"Then, those who are enlightened, are you going to surprise me?" Lin Shi suddenly looked at Chu Yu with a wink.

What is this surprise?

Chu Yu actually wanted to create a surprise.

So he did just that.

A few days later, Lucheng held a grand reception.

No matter how to appease or to demonstrate, you still have to show up.

No matter how disliked the nobles of Lucheng, Chu Yu had to attend once on this occasion.

He is the prince, he occupies all righteousness!

He must appear in front of everyone and let everyone see.

The prince is back!

To make this group of deer giants valuable, find a shady cloth.

"Look, we are trying to disturb the chaos anyway! In order to get the prince back what he already belongs to!"

"Zhou Han, the pseudo-domain master, should have stepped down already!"

"Zhou Han is mischievous, arrogant and arrogant, and simply not worthy of sitting in the domain master's position!"

"He is totally unworthy of living in Wangcheng!"

Look, this group of people may have been praising Zhou Han a while ago.

But now, the wind direction has completely changed.

The wind blows over there, and it falls over.

In the eyes of these gatekeepers, there is always only interest.

But if Chu Yu doesn't show up, they can't say it.

Although so far, Xu Zhen and Lin Xuesong have not blatantly played the banner of rebellion-they do not think they are rebelling, because the position of the domain master should have been Chu Yu!

Just like now, another place far away from Deer City, the conversation between the two people.

"He is not qualified to sit in the domain master's position."

"Whether he is qualified or not, it's not you who made the decision, but the domain owner who made the decision."

"A dude, the chaotic realm is in his hands. It won't take long for him to commit crimes without realms, and he will perish."

"You are talking nonsense."

"Am I talking nonsense, you understand in your heart."

"I do not understand!"

"You are rebelling! Is the current chaotic domain bad? Is the current Tiangong world bad? Why do you have to toss? Is there no real world demons, we have to create wars to be happy?"

"What rebellion? Wenhong, is your brain broken?" Xu Zhen looked at Shang Wenhong and frowned: "How did Zhou Han become the domain master, don't tell me you don't know."

"I don't care how he became the domain master. What I care about is the peace and stability of the entire chaotic domain. At least for now, all beings can enjoy this hard-won peace." Shang Wenhong, a pair of beautiful eyes, looked into the distance , Youyou said.

"What do you mean, even if it's my superior, as long as the chaotic domain is peaceful and stable, you support it?" Xu Zhen looked at Shang Wenhong diagonally, thinking that this woman was simply unreasonable.

"Yes!" Shang Wenhong looked as he should, but then said: "But you don't have that ability."


Xu Zhen couldn't help but scolded swear words, and looked at Shang Wenhong angrily: "In your eyes, am I even as good as Zhou Han?"

"What is Lian ... You are not as good as him? Or why is he the No. 1 king? And you are the third?" Shang Wenhong is not at all Xu Zhen, straightforward.

"Second." Xu Zhen emphasized.

"Oh ... He Shoucheng is afraid that there are different opinions." Shang Wenhong sneered. Then she looked at Xu Zhen and said seriously: "I'm very happy to see each other, but if you come here, it's to persuade I ’m going to go, it ’s exempt, impossible. And I ’m not telling you that the domain master has ordered us four to kill you. You can do it for yourself. ”

Shang Wenhong said, turning to go.

"Wait ..." Xu Zhen stopped her, and then looked at Shang Wenhong's cheeky face, which was very deceptive, and said: "Wen Hong, haven't you, never ... even a little bit , Like me? "

"Counseling! The old lady has waited for you for countless eras. It is only today that I finally remembered to ask me a sentence? Tell you, late!" Shang Wenhong looked disdainful and then said to Xu Zhen: "Go back and tell you allegiance Prince Litter, tell him to clean his neck, and the old lady will chopp him up with her own hands! Tiger father and son, embarrassing his father, what is life in this world? "

After that, Shang Wenhong slapped his **** directly and left.

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