
Chapter 974: snowstorm

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The end of the twenty-third epoch of the open calendar.

A sudden snowstorm swept through most of the Tiangong world.

This snow is not ordinary snow, falling to the ground, even the monk of the Immortal Venerable level, also felt a biting chill.

Tiangong World, this super giant city floating in the boundless universe, can be called the dwelling place of God. It has never snowed.

Many people don't even know what snow is!

The snow on the earth is the water evaporated into the atmosphere. It crystallizes after encountering cold air, and finally falls to the white crystal on the ground.

The snow in Tiangong World is also a white crystal that fell to the ground.

In terms of composition, it is snow.

But this is too abnormal!

Tiangong World is full of immortals all year round, and the seasons are like spring. Its atmosphere is actually an aura.

Weather like rain and snow simply does not exist here.

Plant growth here is not based on photosynthesis, but on aura support.

So how did this snow come from?

Nobody knows.

In short, this is a strange snowstorm.

Many creatures and trees in the Tiangong world even began to die. Tiangong World's network is also actively discussing the topic of this snow.

A war has not yet begun, but it was temporarily interrupted by the snow.

After Xu Zhen returned to Lucheng, the mental state of the whole person was a little different. He often fell into contemplation, occasionally smirking, and occasionally getting angry inexplicably.

Many people are surprised, and they said, was this King Zhen Zhen's trauma hurt yet?

Lin Xuesong and He Shoucheng did not know exactly what happened, but they knew that Xu Zhenyou failed to succeed in lobbying Shang Wenhong.

Because the first thing Xu Zhen came back that day was to tell them that Shang Wenhong did not agree.

At the same time, Xu Zhen also asked what Chu Yu was doing recently. Lin Xuesong said that Chu Yu often attended various receptions recently.

Xu Zhen said angrily on the spot: "Waste!"

Whether it is the identity of father-in-law or the identity of the elders, Xu Zhen said this sentence, it is indeed a bit too much.

But Lin Xuesong and He Shoucheng did not say anything, neither refuted nor agreed.

After another period of time, Cao Hongzhi, Ai Yongfeng and Gongye Yingwei arrived.

Meet Chu Yu in the first time.

Ai Yongfeng and Gongye Yingwei's attitude towards Chu Yu is similar to that of He Shoucheng and others. It is neither too affectionate nor particularly indifferent.

Anyway, it is not bad in terms of etiquette, but it is just this level.

But Cao Hongzhi seems to like Chu Yu very much.

After seeing it, he was intimate and even quietly told Chu Yu that when Chu Yu was young, he often held Chu Yu to play everywhere.

Is it true, only if he knows it?

After winning Deer City, the group did not rush forward. Instead, stay here. But it doesn't mean how hard it is to run Lucheng.

Chu Yu hasn't asked him yet. By now, Chu Yu has been able to clearly feel the attitude of his loyal fathers who had loyal to his father.

He also has no interest in hot face and cold ass.

Together with Lin Shi, attend various activities in Lucheng every day.

Over a period of time, there were quite a few local nobles in Lucheng. They secretly said they wanted to take refuge with him.

The reason is also simple.

These nobles of Lucheng have no escape route.

They killed Yun Tongshu and Yun Xiaoting's father and son, and had completely eliminated the possibility of repairing with Zhou Han.

Only one way to go to black.

Speaking of which, after the rich nobles of Lucheng did that, they regretted it in private. At that time, I didn't know what happened, and I couldn't control the fire in my heart.

Yun Tongshu's father and son are too much!

The two don't have a good thing.

If they put up with it at that time, they will really lose their face afterwards.

But after this thing was done, they could only pray to He Shoucheng as a group of people, to be able to fight back and forth and kill the Quartet as they used to. Directly overthrow Zhou Han.

Until then, they are still the top aristocrats in this Tiangong world!

Moreover, they are also the first to follow the prince.

When the crown prince becomes the domain master, their days will be brilliant.

These days, many people have wanted to send women, money, and various cultivation resources to Chu Yu.

But without exception, Chu Yu refused.

He took Lin Shi to attend those activities, the fundamental purpose was to learn more about the world, but also to show it to some people.

Lin Shi naturally understood Chu Yu's thoughts and naturally supported them with all his strength. Deep down, Lin Shi even complained to his father Lin Xuesong.

On this day, Lin Xuesong found Lin Shi alone and said that he had a good talk with the woman.

"Are you complaining about me?" Lin Xuesong looked at Lin Shi and asked softly.

The whole Ritiangu Lin's family, only their father and daughter, and the rest of them have long disappeared. No longer exists in this world.

It is really difficult to get a descendant to this kind of supreme state of life.

Therefore, Lin Xuesong's feelings for Lin Shi need not be said much.

Lin Shi glanced at his father, and then at the thick snow outside the window. There is a feeling of going back to childhood.

It was still on the earth at that time, in the north, and it snowed every winter.

She would take a group of brothers and sisters to run out to make a snowman. At that time, she was also called Lin Shimeng ... it was the backbone of a group of children.

Lin Shi ... Dream, really like a dream.

After awakening the memory, Lin Shi knew that she was originally called Lin Shi!

Therefore, some things are engraved in the soul, no matter how long the past, it will not change.

"How dare my daughter complain to dad?" Lin Shi smiled, then glanced at his father, and said softly: "I'm just a little puzzled, even if I awakened the memory of the previous life, but there are some things, I still can't understand . "

Lin Xuesong looked at his daughter softly: "I am your father, you are my daughter, if you have anything, but you can say anything."

"Dad, did you, from beginning to end ... never thought of making Chu Yu the master of the domain?" Lin Shi finished, a pair of beautiful eyes, staring at his father's eyes.

"This ... hehe, why did you ask so suddenly?" Lin Xuesong smiled and asked without reply.

"Answer me." Lin Shi looked at his father seriously.

"He, it's not suitable." Lin Xuesong remained silent for a while, but still said it. He looked at Lin Shi gently: "You are my only daughter. I don't object to you marrying her and being his wife. So, even if you don't look at the domain owner, even if it's just for my own daughter's sake, I It can never hurt him. "

Lin Shi nodded, her father's words were heartfelt words, she believed.

"But people, it is difficult to change. Some practitioners, in order to change themselves, do not hesitate to transform into a little real spirit to go through reincarnation, after countless hardships, hoping to be transformed again ..."

Lin Xuesong looked at Lin Shi: "But the final result is not lost in the wheel forever, or after returning, it is still me ..."

"But Chu Yu is not like that! He has changed!" Lin Shi looked at his father seriously and said, "He is not the same person as the former Prince of Chaos."

"Changed?" Lin Xuesong smiled slightly, then shook his head: "It won't change. You see, we have been waiting for such a long time, waiting for him to stand up directly like the domain master of the year. Give orders ... "

Speaking of which, Lin Xuesong glanced at his daughter: "Now even if you remind him, it is too late, we are completely disappointed with him. He is as ambitious as he was then, he has no ambition and no pursuit of the future. Such a person, you marry She may live happily as a wife, but it would be unsuitable to follow the world with him. "

Lin Shi was silent for a while, then looked up and looked at Lin Xuesong: "Dad, maybe you are all wrong."

"We're all wrong? Are you guys right?" Lin Xuesong smiled disdainfully.

"If you never made mistakes, how could there be that scene?" Lin Shi said, stood up, took a deep look at Lin Xuesong, and then said: "Our husband and wife will leave here."

"Wait ... what do you say?" Lin Xuesong frowned and looked at Lin Shidao: "You are not a child anymore! Since you have awakened your memory, since you have been in the lower realm for so many years, you can count on many things and do things. Do n’t be so naive. "

Lin Shiyan smiled: "Dad, of course we are not children, we have grown up."

With that, Lin Shi pointed to the thick snow outside: "Look, the Tiangong World, which never snows, doesn't it snow? And even the top monks of yours are helpless with them, don't they? ? So, nothing is set in stone. "

Lin Shi said, taking a deep look at Lin Xuesong: "Dad, don't worry, I and Chu Yu are two. One will not take risks, and the other will not do stupid things. The man I am married to can be one in peacetime. A young boy, a cage bird, a bird watching flowers and fishing, but born in troubled times, he will definitely become a superhero! You do n’t believe it ’s okay, I ’ll do it. ”

Lin Shi finished, turned and left the house. Lin Xuesong watched her daughter go out and wanted to say nothing, but couldn't say a word. Admit that you are wrong? How can it be?

So many people, how could it be wrong?

They are a group of super-gods who have survived hundreds of battles and lived countless eras!

Can they read people wrong?

Even Zhou Han, in fact, can't be wrong, that **** has always looked at him unpleasantly.

Lin Xuesong followed the window and looked at her daughter who was slowly leaving with a white fur. There was a feeling in his heart that he seemed to have lost something at this moment.

Chu Yu was gone, neither sneakily nor bright.

After all, Lin Shi had already told Lin Xuesong, as for Lin Xuesong to tell other people, that was his business.

Chu Yu directly engraved a magic circle, a one-way, no-target magic circle. After using it once, no one knew where they went.

After He Shoucheng and Xu Zhen and others knew it, they were all furious.

Xu Zhen growled and said: "Nonsense! Isn't this nonsense? I'm still playing with a child's temperament, I know it, I know it! The child who's not grown up will never be mature! Why the domain master is so wise, but he gave birth to this An ... useless thing! "

He Shoucheng sighed: "Father and son ..."

The others rushed over and looked at each other, blankly.

"What should I do?" Lin Xuesong asked.

"Fight!" Xu Zhen gritted his teeth: "With him or without him, it's the same! Since our brothers get together again, then it's Zhou Han who is his mother! As for the domain master ... I'll wait until it's done! Anyway, No one can do that childish child! "

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