Lin Yuanxing

Vol 12 Chapter 260: Demon 9 Infant

It was a memory about Tianmen Town, which lasted about several months.

In Su Yun's unblocked memory, he saw many children, all of whom were about his age.

They live together in Tianmen Town. On the seventh day of each month, Qu Bo and others will lead a child into the Tianmen Ghost Market,

They walked inward along the ghost market very quickly. In Su Yun's memory, every time Qu Bo took himself to the ghost market. Before every break into the ghost market, Qu Bo and others must first set up a rune wall in their memory.

The rune wall is divided into two rune systems, one is the Divine Seal and the other is the Magic Seal.

With these arrangements in place, they took these children into the deepest part of the ghost market. They didn't know how far they would go. The Tianmen ghost city had no other colors, and they were all gray.

They found huge gods and demons in the fog, and some of them have become fossils.

Su Yun remembered that Qu Bo would let these children come forward. When the children approached, the petrified demon would wake up and grab the children and swallow.

At this time, the seal of the child's eyebrows will suddenly burst out, sealing those gods and demons that have not yet fully awakened behind the rune wall.

He still remembers that when they returned to Tianmen Town, some children suddenly burst out of their heads, and the terrifying demon escaped.

At this time, Qu Bo and others will inspire the seals arranged in advance, capture these giant demon and send them to other children's spiritual world to seal.

"This is already the 76th, can this child still bear it?"

Aunt Luo's face appeared in Su Yun's memory, and the kind old man gently stroked his head.

Qu Bodao: "He is pure in spirit and far superior to others, and he should be able to hold it. As long as he seals these gods and devils, we can perfect these heavens and get the magic of longevity by repeating these gods and deities again."


Su Yun only remembered this piece of memory, and other memories were gradually blurred.

However, he suddenly discovered that the rune wall is no longer mysterious to him, and he can suddenly understand the various rune changes and the details of the rune wall!

Regardless of the **** seal or the magic seal, he remembers everything!

Because at that time he watched Qu Bo and others put on such seals over and over again, branding these seals over and over in his memory!

With the awakening of his memory, these Divine Seal Runes and Magic Seal Runes have become a part of his memory!

Su Yun closed his eyes, and countless runes leaped in his mind, allowing him to understand the knowledge behind these magical runes.

Soon after, he opened his eyes, and he was calm and calm in his heart.

"The gods and demons in my memory, you can no longer invade my body!"

He smiled and suddenly moved his heart slightly: "Yes, there is taste!"

His memory of unblocking came up, and Su Yun clearly remembered that there was a very strange strange smell deep in the ghost city, and the deeper he went, the stronger the smell.

It was a kind of taste. When he first entered the gray robber city underground, he smelled the smell of the last world, and it was very similar to the kind of ghost city!

"It's the smell of ashes!"

"Those demon petrifications should be due to ash assault!"

Su Yun's memory flooded up and fell into thought. Does the smell of robbing in the depths of the ghost market have anything to do with robbing the city?

Why do these gods and deities like Yinglong choose to sleep there?

"Little man, don't think too much."

Ying Long appeared in his spirit world, and his voice was thunderous: "Tianshi is a place close to the fairy world, where we age more slowly, not because of the ashes."

"Sky market? Is aging slower?"

Su Yun suddenly woke up and asked, "Brother, what is the relationship between Tianshi and Tianshiyuan?"

"Tianshiyuan, you call it the city wall of the heavenly city, but for the fairy world, the Tianshiyuan is the great wall separating the world from the fairy world."

Ying Longdao: "In our fairyland, we call Tianshi Yuan the Great Wall of the North Mian. The Wuxian who guards the Great Wall of the North Mian has great strength. His treasure is a fairy sword."

Su Yun's heart beat violently: "Wu Xianren? Xian Jian?"

"Yes. Wu Xian's swordsmanship can be said to be unparalleled in the world. Any **** or demon would also like to sneak into his Northern Crown Great Wall, and the Northern Crown Great Wall is too long and endless. If he wants to sneak into the past, it is almost impossible."

Ying Long stretched his body, and this two-winged yellow dragon almost filled the spirit world, saying: "So I walked for a long time, then I lay down to sleep, and I was too lazy to go illegally. Five thousand years ago, many guys wanted to sneak back, I guess As they died on the road, they could not cross the Great Wall of the North Crown. "

Su Yun thought for a while and tentatively said: "Brother, this Wuxian, is it a sword?"

Ying Long lost his smile and said, "How could it be a sword? Of course Wu Xianren is a fairy!"

Su Yun blinked, somewhat hesitant, but still encouraged the courage to say: "So, will Wu Xianren already be dead?"

"How can it be?"

Ying Long laughed silently: "I can't die if the Wuxian people die! How is he there? Under his Great Wall of the North Crown, countless galaxies, countless worlds ... Wait, the nine infants are nearby! The strength has recovered a lot! "

"Brother Ying Long hasn't said, why does the fairy world have the smell of robbing ash?" Su Yun depressed his mind.

He stood on the bow of the boat and looked forward, and saw an island in front of the sea, a large volcano in the middle of the island, billowing thick smoke, the fire flashed occasionally in the smoke, as if some monster turned around in the volcano shape.

"Giggle, giggle!"

There was a baby-like laughter in the sky, and the people on the boat looked up and saw thousands of manta babies flying, holding a drowning people under their claws.

The mandrill babies flew towards the volcano. At this moment, suddenly a sea breeze blew the thick smoke off the island, but seeing a very tall figure in the crater, it was a demon, a body with nine An upper body.

His lower body sank in a volcano, his upper body had nine heads and eighteen arms, his face was like a boy, and the snake fluttered. Some eyes, ears, nose, and nose sprayed flames.

Su Yun looked carefully, and the volcano was not really a volcano, but the flames from Jiuying's body burned the rock and melted it, and looked like a crater from afar!

Thousands of young babies flew to the side of Jiuying and other horror demon gods, and dropped a body.

Nine babies and eighteen big hands scratched around, caught the bodies, and sent them to their mouths. They cried loudly, like a baby.

When he grabbed the bodies, Su Yun suddenly saw chains wrapped around him.

"It turns out to be a demon!"

Ying Longdao: "The young man is just a creature created by this demon god, which is specially used to support himself! He set off a shipwreck and killed the people who came to and from the ship, so he was fed by these demon to feed him! It is difficult for a soldier to cross the sea, and he ca n’t catch anyone to eat at all. Now that merchant ships are frequent, he eats so many people and absorbs the spirits of these people, and his strength may be greatly improved. "

Master Shuiheng also discovered the vision ahead and hurriedly turned around, and the building detoured.

Su Yun urged Tianyan to look around, and suddenly saw that there were actually houses on the volcanic island, and someone was on the island!

"Strange, how could anyone live there?"

Ying Long was also puzzled and said, "These people on the island are wearing away my seal. Nine babies should be the ones that awakened them, otherwise Nine babies should now be trained by me ... This guy is born to control fire and water. If you get out of trouble, you can lift the sky fire and water. How could anyone want to release this kind of demon? "

Suddenly, Jiuying found them, raised his arms, and suddenly the huge volcanic stone in the sky smashed here with billowing smoke!

Fortunately, the building ship turned earlier and was not hit by the volcanic stone, but when the volcanic stone fell, the horrible heat contained in it made the sea water explode and set off a tsunami, taking their building ship into the air.

Two sea dragons whined, apparently injured in this wave of attacks.

The island was moving slowly, gradually accelerating, chasing towards the building ship.

Obviously, the island did not take root in the ground, but floated on the sea like the skirt of Nine Infants. It was the Nine Infants Demon God who moved the island!

The nine infants kept raising their hands, and huge mountains of volcanic rocks smashed down with smoke. The building ship where Su Yun and others were located was like a flat boat in the sea, which could be smashed by the tsunami at any time!

"Old man found me!"

Ying Long said excitedly: "This old boy is in revenge! Let's kill it!"

Su Yun was startled. The next moment, he couldn't help himself, flew out of the building ship, and greeted the demon nine babies to kill the past!

"I'm dying!"

Su Yun looked at Jiu Ying's growing fist and smashed it against him, and his heart was full of hopes. At this moment, Su Yun felt that he was raising his arm and waving away from Jiu Ying's mountain-like fist!

"Let this old man look at our developed pectoralis major!" Ying Long said excitedly.


The violent loud noises exploded, and Nine Infantiles smoke billowed around him, standing back in the crater and falling backwards. Several upper bodies on his back stretched out their hands to support the island.

Su Yun opened his bow from side to side, constantly punching his fist, shaking the Demon God Nine Infants and shaking, unable to stabilize his body!

Ying Long was very excited. UU read the book The spirit and Su Yun ’s spirit merged, and they threw their fists to shake the nine babies. They shouted, "Old man, five thousand years, are you dead or dead?"

The Demon God Nine Infants were beaten smaller and smaller, and the island gradually sank down. There were many alien spirits on the island, and they all jumped into the boat to escape from the sea. A huge vortex swallowed all these ships.

The alien spirits on the ship fled escape, but many people were still swallowed by the vortex and buried under the sea.

There seemed to be a giant beast fighting on the bottom of the sea, and the sea was making waves and waves.

After a while, everything was calm.

At the foot of Su Yun, the island was smashed open, revealing its original appearance. It was a huge altar, and the Nine Infant Demon God was as tall as Zhang Liu at the moment, locked in the center of the altar by chains, staring at Su Yun fiercely.

"Ying Long, do you want to sacrifice me?"

The Nine Infants just said a word, and saw a dragon scale flying out of Su Yun's spirit world, and fell on the top of Nine Infants' head. The next shot, the Nine Infants were flattened and turned into a giant on the altar Nine Infant Brand.

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