Lin Yuanxing

Vol 12 Chapter 261: On: How to produce offspring with Kun

"Older brother, why did Jiuying say you want to sacrifice him?" Su Yun stood on the altar, looked at the brand of Jiuying under his feet, and asked.

Previously Ying Long used Su Yun's body against Nine Infants. Su Yun noticed that Nine Infants did not use any supernatural powers, but only confronted "self" with his flesh. Obviously there was not much power left in his body.

For five thousand years, the strength of Nine Infants has been banned and consumed by some unknown amount, far from being in a state of full prosperity.

Even if he was supported by a young man and a spiritualist helped him to seal off the seal, he was still in a state of weakness.

But the Nine Infant Brand at the foot of Su Yun is extremely horrible, like a volcano that has been brewing for thousands of years, harboring endless power of terror.

Su Yun stood on it, and even had a feeling of panic. Even a trace of power in the brand was enough to turn him into ashes!

Obviously, the power of the nine babies being sealed and refined in the past five thousand years is concentrated in this altar, especially the nine babies brand, which is full of vigorous nine babies vitality!

This heaven and earth vitality is filled with the power of water and fire, and the destructive power is extremely strong!

Nine babies just said that Ying Long wanted to sacrifice him. It should refer to the seal that Ying Long had laid, just to seize his power, sacrifice, and achieve a certain purpose!

Sacrifice must have a sacrifice goal and a purpose.

Ying Long ’s spirit was separated from Su Yun ’s spirit, and said, “In order to return to the fairy realm, I used these suppressed gods and deities to make altars, but at that time my power was not much stronger than these gods and deities. They sacrificed. So I had to suppress his door, and I slept, waiting for these guys to be refined. "

Su Yun's spirit world suddenly oscillated, and Ying Long's spirit returned to his body, turning into a yellow shirt boy, standing on Su Yun's spiritual supernatural clock.

Huang Zhong spins, and the young boy in yellow shirt follows Su Zhong to sway out Su Yun's spirit world, and appears in front of Su Yun.

Behind the young boy in yellow shirt, Huanglong coiled around and said quickly: "In the past five thousand years, these gods and demons have been cultivated to seven, seven, eight, eighty, and most of them will be slain by my seal. However, it is strange that someone wants to rescue nine infants. By the way, does anyone want to pick my peach? If so, the gods and demons I suppress with the Holy Emperor may be ... "

Behind him, Huang Long suddenly protruded his claws and grabbed the altar. The young boy in yellow shirt broke through the waves, and the voice came from afar: "I'll check other seals! Boy, don't forget your promise to me, wait until I confirm These seals are safe, I will come to you! "

Ying Long disappeared in an instant.

Su Yun was on the bottom of the sea, and originally had the mana of Yinglong to support the seawater. As soon as Yinglong walked, the seawater immediately fell!

Su Yun hurriedly urged the transformation of the flood furnace, the spirit world was released, and the seventy-three hole days were lined up. All the hole sky simultaneously sensed the spirit of Da Kun, and his body and sexual spirit suddenly changed with it, turning into a six-foot young kun.

The seawater rolled down and smashed on the young kun. Fortunately, although the kun made by Su Yun was young, it had thick skin and thick flesh, withstanding the pressure of the seawater and swimming in the seawater.

Su Yunyue was more and more joyful, could not help but emit a long Kunming sound.

At this time, he actually heard the sound of other kuns in the ocean, desolate and lonely, with loneliness in his voice, and the joy of meeting the clan!

"There is the sacred Kun in the sea?"

Yingying was surprised and happy, and said with a smile: "Da Kun is as rare as Ling Xi, I thought Kun Kun was extinct long ago! Su Shizi, you will soon send Kun Kun to lead him over!"

Su Yun made a sound of kun, listened to the source of the sound, and swam to the direction of the big kun.

At this moment, another big Kun's voice suddenly became hurried, with panic in his voice, Su Yun hurriedly swam to meet the voice, the speed became faster and faster.

Suddenly, a big ship appeared on the sea, and the ship on that floor was very gorgeous. A spear on the ship blasted out with a chain, and it blew, and shot at a big kun.

The giant kun was about a hundred feet long, and he was a child. He rolled in the sea with pain, and his blood stained the sea.

The spirits on the ship are men of color eyes, and most of them are in the realm of moving. Occasionally, a few of them became Liyuan, and they sacrificed Lizhu, but they did not know which country they were from.

Many spirits work together to drag the big kun to the surface. The strength of these spirits is amazing.

The other spirits on the ship laughed and shouted, "Get rich, get rich!"

"This big kun was sent to the palace of the royal prince and gave them the scholar's personality. I am afraid we even have the money to build the spirit soldier!"

"Kun cream is also a good thing, but it is the supreme panacea. In the belly of this big kun, I am afraid that there are more than one hundred thousand pounds of kun cream!"

The great kun struggling on the water, unable to break free of the imprisonment of the spear and the strong elephant, suddenly turned into a woman, knelt down, and prayed, "Masters, my pity is nearly extinct, can you let me go a lifetime?" "

The men and women on the ship laughed.

Suddenly someone shouted, "There is a kun in the water, smaller!"

The spirits immediately turned their spears and prepared to shoot at Su Yun. Someone said: "This kun is too small, maybe it was just born less than a month. Or let it go?"

"You don't know how expensive Kun Kun is now! Young Kun is more valuable!"

The spirits were about to shoot a spear at Su Yun. Suddenly, the young Kun accelerated and disappeared. The spirits looked around. Suddenly the ship swayed violently. Someone shouted in the cabin: "No, the bottom of the ship is leaking. A big hole was cut by something! "

Everyone hurriedly repaired the bottom of the ship. At this moment, a sword light flashed through the water, cutting off the spears, and the big kun caught by the sergeant of the eye was suddenly released from the trap and fell into the sea.

On the ship, the eyes and ears of people shouted again and again, and the spirits with good water jumped into the sea and tried to catch the big kun. Unexpectedly, they just entered the sea and saw a big clock full of gears.


Under the sea, the bells vibrated, and those spiritual men were shocked.

"Undertake my magical power, can it not die?" Su Yun was shocked.

In his hand, it was calculated that these spirits would jump down, so he prepared the magic power early, and crushed the other party with the powerful Huang Zhong magic power.

The spirit warriors who jumped into the sea were only in the state of Yuandong. When they were attacked by Su Yun, they would be seriously injured even if they didn't die.

The young Kun that he had transformed quickly took the injured woman away, and a few sergeant spirits woke up and immediately performed their magical powers, turning into evil sharks in the sea. The speed was very fast, and they smelled the **** smell left by the woman. Let's go!

Su Yun carried the woman on his back and urged mana. The dusty sky suddenly turned into countless flying swords, and he fell from the sky and plunged into the sea.

The flying sword traveled like a swordfish in the sea, piercing all the evil sharks, the evil shark died, the belly turned up, and it changed back to a few color eyes.

Su Yun secretly felt ashamed: "These people are really strong, and I have to use the Great Holy Soldiers of the friends in the building to kill them."

He shook off the building boat that caught the big kun, and swam farther and farther. When it was safe, the big kun's tail jumped and flew out of the sea!

The body of the young Kun that Su Yun transformed turned in the air, and the 73rd hole suddenly no longer sensed the strength of the big Kun, but instead turned back to the spirit of Tianpeng, which was directly transformed from the big Kundong to Tianpeng Dongtian!

Seventy-three days Pengdong Tianzhongpeng's vitality is coming, and Su Yun's spirit is transformed from the form of big kun to the form of Tianpeng in an instant!

His body suddenly began to change at a rapid speed, a scale of fish turned crazy into feathers, and the fins turned into wings. There were two pairs, four wings, and golden light.

His fish tail turned into a tail, and a pair of fins turned into two thick legs and feet, giving birth to sharp claws.

When Su Yun's body turned over, his thick claws stepped on the water, and his body almost fell into the sea, but at this time his two pairs of gold wings spread out with a wingspan of more than ten feet, and slammed the sea surface. !

The sea was surging, Su Yun carrying the wounded girl swaying, the wind and thunder under the wings, thunder and thunder, the thunder was mixed, and once the wings vibrated, the clouds under the wings rolled, and a small flash of lightning clicked and rattled, letting his The speed is getting faster and faster!

Su Yunfei flew a hundred miles away, and still did not find the building ship of the academician Tian Dao, but his body became more tired and anxious. He suddenly glimpsed a small island. The road injury was mostly yellow sand, with some coconut trees, so he swooped down and fell. on the sea.

Su Yun fell to the ground, put down the woman transformed by the big kun, then shook her body, and dispersed to the seventy-three Tianpeng caves, her body gradually returning to its original shape.

The girl looked at him in surprise, revealing a puzzled look.

Su Yun carefully inspected the wounds on her body, and saw that there were many broken spears on the Kun nationality young girl, which pierced the body. These spears should be a Western spirit weapon, which constantly destroyed her body and caused her blood to flow.

Su Yun carefully recalled the medical knowledge that Chi Xiaoyao taught him, sealed the wound of the Kun girl with her vitality, and imitated the blood vessels with her vitality, connecting the broken blood vessels of her wounds. The spear was pulled off.

The Kun nationality girl grunted.

Su Yun treated the wound and planned to take out some herbs from the spirit world and use his immature medical treatment to heal the girl, but he saw that the wound on the Kun girl was automatically healed, and the speed was very fast.

"Such a powerful healing ability is indeed enviable, no wonder those overseas spiritualists will want to capture her." Su Yun said in heart.

He knocked off a few coconuts, knocked on and drank, added strength, recalled the HNA chart, and said: "Catch up in accordance with the HNA chart, should be able to catch up to the ship ..."

He was about to jump into the sea when suddenly the palm of his hand was caught by the girl.

Su Yun turned around, but saw that the girl was a little shy and tweaked.

Su Yun puzzled: "Da En does not say thank you, girl, just remember ..."

He just said here, that the Kun girl dared to say: "Brother, I have traveled 100,000 miles, I have not encountered other Kun, only met you. The Kun, maybe only the two of us, we should be For the sake of race, when you grow up ... Go to Poseidon Palace! "

She was embarrassed and put a jade card into Su Yun's hands. Su Yun held the jade card and was startled, and suddenly the ghost misled the god: "Okay, when I grow up, I will go to the Poseidon Palace to find my sister!"

The girl turned shyly, jumped into the sea, and turned into a giant zun.

Su Yun took the jade card and hid it solemnly in the spirit world. He jumped into the sea and swam in the direction of the Great Qin Kingdom along the route of the nautical chart.

Yingying saw him not speaking, wondering: "Su Shizi, why don't you tell her that you are not a young man of the Kun nationality?"

"If I tell her the truth, she may not have the courage to survive."

Su Yun thought for a while and said: "She waited for me to find her when she grew up, and she had the courage to survive. Maybe she will find another male kin in the process."

"But ~ ~ What if she couldn't find another male kin?" Yingying asked.

Su Yun was at a loss, and after a moment, the teenager tentatively said: "Sister Yingying, people and Kun, can you have children? Are the children they are born humans or Kun? Or are they Kun or Kunren?"

Yingying couldn't help but have a headache, her face full of sadness, and muttered: "I don't know, how do I know? I haven't been born, I haven't seen it ... right! Don't you know it when you are born?"

Su Yun thought and thought, and always felt a little unreliable.

Moreover, he has grown up now. Although he has some thoughts about women, his eyes are unconsciously attracted by women's bodies, but he has no idea about how to have children.

As for what different races will give birth to, he is even more discredited.

"By the way, Brother Yinglong might know whether or not to give birth, and how to give birth."

Su Yun was a little sorry: "Unfortunately, my elder brother went too hurriedly. I haven't had time to tell him that I have a heavenly gate in his eyes. Maybe he can be sent back to the fairy world, and he doesn't know where to go."

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