Lin Yuanxing

Vol 12 Chapter 725: The sixth fairy world, has your majesty ever achieved his wish?

Yu Yanzhao died on the Great Wall of the North Mian. This battle was not glorious. Emperor Jue summoned the most powerful existence in the Fourth Immortal Realm and besieged his disciple before beheading him.

The fourth fairy world was able to annex the fifth fairy world.

However, the Fifth Immortal Realm already has many extremely powerful immortals. If the immortals of the Fourth Immortal Realm want to survive in the Fifth Immortal Realm, they have to abandon their own avenues and cultivation. However, at this time, they will easily be fourth. The strong of the fairy world kills.

Therefore, Emperor Jue showed his iron-fisted means to kill the strong in the Fifth Immortal Realm.

At that time, Yu Yanzhao had a son, and was exempted by the emperor as a prince, known as the Great Immortal Monarch, who used the jade prince to win over the hearts of the old dynasty.

Later, the Jade Prince was not strong in his mouth and rebellious remarks were repeatedly heard, so the emperor abolished the position of prince and ordered him to move to a desolate place on the edge of the universe.

After a while, Emperor Jue was worried that the Jade Prince would collude with the old court officials to rebel, so he demoted the Jade Prince to the Underworld.

In a few more years, the Emperor Jue will push the Jade Prince into the eighteenth floor of Mingdu, which is relieved.

Seeing this, the Queen Mother said, "The emperor violates his original aspirations and does not exercise benevolent governance. I am afraid that I will bring disasters, so I should advise him." Then he advised the emperor.

The emperor was never happy, thinking that the queen was not good, so he accepted the harem.

At the end of the Fifth Immortal Realm, people discovered that there was a new immortal realm outside the Great Wall of Beimian, where there were people who first learned and cultivated and became spiritual men.

The emperor desperately ordered Wen Qiao to control the calamity of the sixth immortal realm, so that the people of the sixth immortal realm could not become immortals. While proclaiming that the fifth immortal realm was the true celestial realm, he could fly to the immortal realm and control the sixth immortal realm. The immortal world does not require a single soldier.

So people call the new fairy world the lower world, and the fifth fairy world the fairy world.

The people of the lower realms ascended to the immortal realm, and gradually became a routine.

Since then, the emperor has annexed the two realms, and the power has covered the world, and the ancient emperors and emperors have never had this feat.

Emperor Jue made arrangements calmly while instructing Wen Qiao to search for the first immortal. Wen Qiao visited a woman whose surname was Chu and Gongyao. Emperor Jue took Chu Gongyao as his disciple.

By the time Chu Palace was cultivated into the Dao Realm Nine Heavens, the fifth immortal realm was about to be destroyed, and the emperor moved to the sixth immortal realm.

The emperor desperately ordered the immortals in the world to abolish the cultivation base and practice from scratch.

The Chu Palace was far away, and Emperor Jue was furious. In this battle, the two masters and disciples broke the candle dragon and broke Zhongshan, causing great damage.

Chu Gongyao was beheaded by Emperor Jue, and no one dared to follow his orders ever since.

Di Jue raised his head and looked at the sky, and he saw that the spectator came again to witness the scene where he beheaded Chu Gongyao.

"Your Majesty did you wish?" the spectator asked.

"What did you wish?" The emperor was absolutely puzzled.

"What is your majesty's original wish?" the spectator asked.

The emperor thought of following Tie Kunlun and escorting people who fled to the Great Wall of Beimian, when suddenly Tie Kunlun appeared in his mind.

His teacher was holding the head that had just been cut off in his hand, and his gray-haired head was sent to him in his hand.


Tie Kunlunhao's first gray hair, glaring anger, and his voice sounding self-evident: "This is your mission!"

Di Jue heard this scene, and Tie Kunlun's words still lingered in his ears.

"Have your majesty do what you want?" the spectator asked again.

Di Jue was annoyed, and was about to kill someone. The cycle of reincarnation broke out from behind the spectator's head, and the spectator disappeared.

After another 80,000 years, Xian Ting Biluo rose up, entered the dynasty as a state, and followed the emperor.

After many tens of thousands of years passed by in the heat and cold, Di Jue met a young man with extraordinary talent, named Bu Feng, who became his disciple. When Bufeng was harvested as a disciple, Di Jue heard that the spectator had appeared again, and went to look for him, but he was nowhere to be seen.

The clock mountain broke, the candle dragon broke, the corpse of the emperor Chaos set off a stormy sea in the Chaos Sea, swallowed the fairy court, drowned countless immortals, and was restless in the Nether City. The emperor repeatedly tried to break the Nether City.

Di Jue knew that it was difficult for Dili to be killed, so he worked with Biluo, Tianhou and others to make a wedding dress plan, and took the skull and bones of Dili to make treasure, and named it Wanhua Incinerator.

The incinerating furnace is the most powerful, and thousands of immortals have been sacrificed day and night, and it has never been achieved.

At this time, the Wuxian rose, Wen Qiao was not reused, fearing that he would be harmed by the Wuxian, so he threw Liyang Mansion and escaped, and Wu Cactus took charge of the mine pond.

Rumor has it that someone found a spectator in Lei Chi, so Emperor Jue ordered someone to look for it, and both of them were missing.

Lei Chi Liyang Mansion.

In the secret room at the entrance of the Taikoo restricted area sealed by Wen Qiao, Su Yun directly suppressed the two adult gods and demons, entered the Taikoo restricted area with Yingying, and smiled: "Wen Qiao Dao brother has disappeared for so many years, something must have happened here. I don't believe that he will be honest from the Third Immortal Realm to the present!"

Yingying also cheered up, eagerly gearing her hands, and said: "If he is Dihu, this time he will show his feet anyway!"

The two came to the Fifth Immortal Realm, which was completely submerged by the ashes, but saw Wen Qiao driving the thunder away in the world covered by the ashes.

They followed Wen Qiao for more than ten days. On this day, Wen Qiao suddenly stopped the thundercloud and landed.

Su Yun and Yingying's spirits were lifted up, thinking that Wen Qiao was bound to show amazing methods, but they saw this old **** dig a hole in the ashes, lying in it, and buried themselves with the ashes, whirring Sleeping.

No other creatures here can survive, and if they stay for a long time, they will become ashes. But the old avenue of gods like him is not among the immortal roads, so there is no need to worry about turning into ashes.

Su Yun and Yingying stared at Wen Qiao, watching him sleep for more than ten days, and they finally couldn't bear it.

Su Yun caught Yingying who was about to wake Wen Qiao, and said, "No. We will see him again in 80,000 years!"

Eighty thousand years later, Su Yun was sitting on Wen Qiao's "tomb head" with a gloomy expression. There was a thick robbery ash under his butt, and thunderous snoring came from under the robbery ash. Obviously Wen Qiao was still snoring here!

He is not Dihu, nor did he go to find Dihu!

"You are so lazy"

Yingying was so angry that she kicked the "Grave Tou" ashes, spreading the "Grave Tou" to ashes everywhere, and said angrily, "Somehow it looks like a man behind the scenes!"

On this day, there was an inexplicable vibration between the world and the earth, and Su Yun woke up from the distress, and hurriedly got up, uncertain.

Yingying also suddenly became energetic: "This shock...the scholar, is the shock that came out after the new world was opened up!"

Su Yun settled down, but still couldn't hide the fluctuation of Dao's heart: "It is the seventh fairy world! It is the seventh fairy world that was opened up by the saint king of reincarnation!"

Soon after, Emperor Jue also discovered the seventh fairy world.

Emperor Jue traveled through the new fairy world, and then returned to the fairy court of the sixth fairy world. Following the same method, he divided the seventh fairy world into the lower realm and ordered the cactus to control the calamity.

Anyone who ascends to the seventh immortal realm must experience the calamity of the sixth immortal realm and ascend to the sixth immortal realm for easy management.

Di Jue became more and more calm. There was a fairy-like blue sky inside him, Difeng outside, and a queen in the harem ruling the world's female immortals. The country was stable, and it never happened.

The immortals of the lower realm soared, but the immortal energy of the immortal court gradually dried up, so the emperor desperately ordered the lower realm to pay tribute to the immortal energy.

On the other side, the emperor ordered the world's skilled craftsmen to go to the seventh fairyland to build a new fairy court in the emperor court. The emperor court was completed, and the emperor jue accepted the palace, filled the harem, and stayed in the emperor court all year round.

On the day the Imperial Court was built, spectators came again.

Di Jue smiled and said, "There is also Yaxing for the spectators. Come and see my magnificent mountains and beautiful palaces!"

He didn't know that Su Yun would have a name called the Master of the Imperial Palace in the future, so he was just reviewing how magnificent his palace was.

As time went by, the sixth immortal realm gradually revealed its twilight state, and many blessed lands filled with ashes.

Another day, the Quadruple Ding sneaked an attack on the incinerator and severely damaged this unfinished treasure.

Di Jue was in the process of setting up the lower realm, so he had no time to worry, so he set out to repair the incinerator.

Emperor Jue had no intention of the sixth immortal world, and gradually caused dissatisfaction with the central government.

During this period, Su Yun was still guarding Wen Qiao, but this big man always slept soundly in the ashes of the Fifth Immortal Realm, which seemed to have nothing to do with Emperor Su.

Su Yun sneered: "If he stays asleep until I and Shuiying return to open Liyang Mansion, then he is Dihu! As soon as Liyang Mansion is opened, he will come to me and say that I was ordered by Dihu to be Dihu. Do it! If he has been sleeping here, how can Dihu contact him?"

Yingying defended Wen Qiao, saying: "Senior scholar, if Wen Qiao is Emperor Hu, how can he know the world? Wen Qiao sleeps here, he has clearly become a fool, and he sleeps two hundred here. Wannian, knows nothing about anything! How could he be behind the scenes, even calculating the emperor?"

Su Yun was speechless by her, and at this moment, I saw catastrophes in the deadly place of the Fifth Immortal Realm, rushing to this side.

Su Yun and Yingying hurriedly evaded, and when the fire was near, it was a few immortals who had turned into monsters with ferocious faces. Holding a few flags, there was fire burning in the banners.

What Su Yun and Yingying saw just now was that the fire in the banner came and went.

"Strange, how can there be Jie Huixian in this place?" Su Yun and Yingying were surprised.

The Fifth Immortal Realm has been completely submerged by the robbery ash, no creature can survive, and the robbery immortal has been exiled to a place like Wangchuan, where he will survive.

However, the Fifth Immortal Realm suddenly appeared several robbery immortals, and they couldn't help but arouse their curiosity.

These tribulation immortals came to the place where Wen Qiao was sleeping, and suddenly a tribulation fire fell, igniting the ashes on Wen Qiao's body, but in a moment, Wen Qiao jumped out of the burning "tomb head" and said angrily: "Wuna Goblin, stop!" After talking, he chased after him.

Those few Jie Huixian carried the Jiehuo banner with a strange smile, and fluttered away.

Wen Qiao pursued it all the way, and after more than ten days, he arrived at the border of the Fifth Immortal Realm, and suddenly those Jie Hui immortals disappeared.

When Wen Qiao chased him, he saw a grand canyon in front of him, waving several fire banners, and gradually falling into the canyon.

Wen Qiao jumped into the canyon, only to see that the canyon was bottomless.

Su Yun and Yingying also chased them, but saw the thunderclouds erupting under Wen Qiao's feet, and the bright thunder illuminating the canyon. On both sides of the canyon cliffs, countless tribulation immortals were climbing on the cliffs, their gazes were faint, one after another. Wen Qiao who shines brightly!

Su Yun and Yingying tried their best, the Jie Hui fairy in their eyes, Wu Yang Wu Yang, could not see the end at all!

Not only that, but there are still so many Jie Hui Immortals shaking their wings and flying out of the canyon!


Yingying suddenly said loudly: "This is not a canyon! This is a cut open chest!"

One of the most important ways to learn about things is to analyze the body structure of the gods and demons. As a recorder and a book fairy, Yingying has recorded countless anatomical drawings of the gods and demons!

From only the cross section of the canyon, she recognized that it was not a canyon, but the chest of an extremely large, unimaginable **** and demon!

The chest of this **** and demon was cut open, and countless Jie Hui immortals were parasitic in the chest of the giant **** and demon!

At this time, Wen Qiao was flying towards this chest!

At the same time, Su Yun and Yingying were discovered by many Tribulation Grey Immortals, countless Tribulation Grey Immortals fluttered their wings and rushed out from the canyon!

Without thinking, Su Yun took to the sky with Yingying. At this moment, the seemingly incomparably flat plain of the Fifth Immortal Realm was violently shaken, and hills of robbery ash rose from the ground!

Su Yun and Yingying looked straight. It was an unimaginably big hand, holding up countless fairy mountains and blessed land that turned into ashes!

Wherever the palm of the hand passed, the stars that turned into ashes were swept into dust, swept toward them with the power of destroying the world!

This blow, covering too much, is not something they can avoid!

"Scholar!" Yingying cried out in shock. UU reading www.

Su Yun raised the Innate Purple Mansion Sutra to the extreme, and the five mansions were surging, and the purple Qi suddenly turned into a ragged giant. A reincarnation magical power burst out from behind Su Yun's head, cutting through time and space!


That giant hand smashed everything under his palm!

Su Yun and Yingying closed their eyes together. When they opened their eyes, they were sweating profusely. It was already 80,000 years later.

"Dili! It's Dili!" The two looked at each other and shouted in unison.

"Don't make noise!"

In the five palaces behind Su Yun's head, a little purple "giant" only three to five inches tall, with a purple qi, said nervously: "I should have sent you to the time slot where you were, but I just seemed to be distracted. I don’t know if I sent it to the wrong place..."

Su Yun and Yingying both had a bad feeling, and said in their hearts: "It must be the canopy luck of the scholar (Yingying) that caused me to follow the bad luck!"

The middle of the month, ask for a monthly pass! !

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