Lin Yuanxing

Vol 12 Chapter 726: On the cycle of rebirth, the branch of the world

The purple-qi ragged little giant was not as tall as Yingying. At this time, he was a little furious and flew around in a rush, urging them to practice as soon as possible, so that he could mobilize the innate scorpion again and re-exhibit his magical powers.

"When are we going?" Yingying asked curiously.

The purple-qi ragged little giant looks majestic and solemn: "You don't want to know the future!"

"It turns out to be the future!"

Yingying's eyes lit up, she immediately took out the pen and paper to calculate, and said quickly: "We have entered the Seventh Era of the Immortal Realm. First of all, let's determine the time coordinate based on the milestones. The best time coordinate is the beginning of the immortal realm..."

When the Seventh Immortal Realm was opened, they sensed inexplicable vibrations in time and space. Starting from that time, each period of reincarnation was 80,000 years.

They have gone through twenty-eight rounds of reincarnation in the seventh fairy world.

"Plus the years we spent in our cultivation, that is to say, it is now the second two hundred and twenty-four thousand years of the seventh era."

Yingying raised her head and looked carefully over the years, somewhat suspicious, and said: "This year, it seems that the seventh fairy world is very close to the death of Emperor Jue."

Su Yun nodded and said, "It is also very close to the restoration of the Seventh Immortal Realm. The seventh immortal realm was broken and restored, and it has only been about ten thousand years. However, we have not yet established the exact annual ring of the seventh immortal realm."

Yingying said: "The Holy King said that we are in the future, which means that the future we are in is actually not too far away."

The ragged little giant was very nervous, and said: "Don't be fooling around, practice honestly, and I will send you back to your time period after a part of your cultivation level is restored."

Su Yun and Yingying looked at each other, Su Yun got up and flew to the Mausoleum of the Three Holy Emperors in the Fifth Immortal Realm with Yingying.

The ragged little giant hurriedly followed them: "Don't mess around, know that the future will have no good results for you, you..."

Yingying wrote the word "closed" and stuck it on his forehead. The ragged little giant couldn't speak immediately, his mouth opened, his tongue knotted, and he couldn't speak.

When he cracked Yingying's magical powers and was about to speak, Yingying wrote the word "Feng" on his forehead again, so she didn't even have a mouth.

Su Yun was extremely fast, leading them to find the Mausoleum of the Three Sages of the Fifth Immortal Realm, drilled into the mausoleum, and followed the passage of the coffin to the sixth Immortal Realm.

When he arrived at the sixth immortal realm, Su Yun originally planned to go directly to the seventh immortal realm. He hesitated for a moment, and the ghost and goddess walked outside the tomb.

"This is the future!"

The ragged little giant broke the shining seal and flew to Su Yun nervously, saying: "Knowing the future will cause unpredictable changes in the future! It will cause ripples in time and cause the avenue of cause and effect to be blurred! The past life of the emperor was chaotic. It is to gain insight into the future ahead of time, disturb time and space, chaos cause and effect, and cause a series of unpredictable events..."

Su Yun went to push the door of the mausoleum, but did not open it for the first time, obviously there was something blocking the door.

He pushed the door slightly for the second time, and then pushed the door open.

The ragged little giant eagerly said: "... His actions prevented the chaotic creatures from swimming in the future, so chaotic creatures came ashore, and chaotic creatures turned into deities with positive faces on all sides, even involving me..."

Su Yun walked out of the Mausoleum of the Three Sacred Emperors, only to see the heavy robbery ash blocking the door.

"...That was when the Seventh Lord of Chaos landed. He was fairly good and didn't intervene in the world. But not all Chaos are Seventh Lords..." The ragged little giant was anxious and chattered endlessly.

Su Yun felt the annihilation of Tiandi Avenue, the smell of corruption everywhere in the air, and even the smell of ashes.

He boarded the heavy robbery ash, stood on the surface, and when he looked around, he suddenly looked like a wooden sculpture of clay.

Yingying followed him, trying to seal the ragged little giant, and wanting to hear what he would say, her heart was really contradictory. However, when she saw the sixth immortal world, she couldn't help but stay there, speechless.

In front of them, the glorious fairy world is now completely a doomsday scene.

The nearest fairy mountain was burning with a raging fire, and the floating ash fell from the sky, and soon accumulated a layer on them.

This is just a sight up close.

Farther away, the blessed lands are spraying the ashes into the sky, and some blessed lands have been ignited by the fire, burning the sky and the earth, and even the sky is stained with scarlet blood!

There are also the half-submerged fairy city, the collapsed fairy palace and the collapsed pavilions.

In the ashes, there are buried corpses everywhere, there are gods and demons, and there are immortals.

There is a dead fairy tree not too far away from them, and a crane standing on the branch seems to be still alive. However, the robbery ash on his body was too heavy, and the leaping rope fell down, and all of the crane's fur was gone, leaving only the dead bones that had been robbery ash still standing on the branch.

Desolate, silent, uninhabited.

Now the sixth immortal realm, there is only the surging tribulation fireworks floating in the air, this is the only thing that moves.

"...You will cause disorder and cause and effect, no beginning, no end!"

The ragged little giant looked serious and said, "That is a chaotic cycle of reincarnation, and no one can escape from the cycle of causality!"

Su Yun turned back and entered the Mausoleum of the Three Holy Emperors.

He hesitated, or entered the coffin of the imperial tomb.

The ragged little giant's expression became more and more tense, and he said, "Don't go to the Seventh Immortal Realm! Don't go there! If you only see the dead world without being involved in the Great Way of Cause and Effect, if you are seen, you will fall into disorder. The cycle of reincarnation, forming a closed-loop structure, is very involved, without beginning and end, and reincarnation goes on forever!"

Su Yun came to the Tomb of the Three Holy Emperors in the Seventh Immortal Realm, and saw the sun shone outside. The Tomb of the Three Holy Emperors had collapsed and no one was repairing it.

The ragged little giant became more and more nervous, and firmly grasped Su Yun by the collar: "If someone finds out, you will even implicate me in disorderly reincarnation!"

It's a pity that he is very weak now and can't stop Su Yun at all.

Su Yun walked out of the Mausoleum of the Three Holy Emperors, which was off the beaten track, but there was a temple not far away, and there were incense wafting. Outside the temple there was a drunk Taoist who collapsed in front of the temple, drunk.

Su Yun only felt that the sun was a little dazzling, and raised his hand to cover it, and the Mausoleum of the Three Holy Emperors collapsed and there was a newly built tomb next to it.

Su Yun saw the tombstone clearly, and it said: "The Tomb of Emperor Ai."

Next to the tombstone, there is an inscription biography of Emperor Ai, which reads: "Emperor Su Yun, whose literary words are well-known, he is young and has a reputation. He is elegant and feminine. And older, he recognizes a thief as his father. Overwhelmingly usurped and called a false emperor. Stubborn resistance affects all living beings. Woohoo, Emperor Ai was lonely and short-lived early, and if he had great ambitions but did not build his virtue, he died."

Su Yun walked to the side in silence.

Next to Ai Diyun's mausoleum, there is a burial tomb and a stele in front of the tomb.

Tomb of Ying Ni.

He looked far away, and there were Qiu Nishuijing’s tomb, Zuo Nisongyan’s tomb, Song Niming’s tomb, Lang Niyun’s tomb, Shui Niyinghui’s tomb, Fang Ni’s tomb for Zhizhi, Shi Ni Weiran The tomb and so on.

Su Yunmu looked farther, where there are the tombs of Evil Emperor Jue, Tianhou and others.

Su Yun's mind was muddled, and the tattered little giant whispered: "...Go back quickly, before the drunk is awake, don't cause the chaotic cycle of reincarnation! Otherwise, he will see me and even I will be involved. It's easy to be free..."

Su Yun walked back and inadvertently looked up, only to see a torn apart planet floating in the sky.

That is Yuan Shuo.

The whole world of Yuanshuo was shattered, and scattered fragments of the planet were floating in the air.

Su Yun walked into the Tomb of the Three Sages unconsciously, and suddenly staggered under his feet and almost fell.


The voice of the drunk man came and yawned, "Who is there?"

Su Yun hurriedly fled to the imperial mausoleum. He only heard the staggering footsteps of the drunk man, yelling: "No one wants to scare me, hehe, do you know who I am? Say it and scare you to death. My father is Ai Di, lying there..."

Su Yun stopped and looked back.

The ragged little giant hurriedly grabbed his clothes and said in a low voice: "Don't face each other, you can remedy it! If you face each other, even me in the Eighth Immortal Realm will be involved! At that time, I will repeat the universe where I live. Everyone is finished!"

Su Yun turned around and walked towards the mausoleum.

"...My father is lying in the tomb, lifelike. My name is Su Jie, hey, the emperor didn't kill me. I was not allowed to marry a wife or have children. Just let me stay here and let my old Su family be the last... "

There was a sound of gurgling wine pouring, and the drunk Taoist bones were planted into the tomb and smashed in.

Su Yun put on the coffin and disappeared in the coffin.

When they returned to the Fifth Immortal Realm, the ragged little giant breathed a sigh of relief, yelling with excitement, tears in his eyes, and then picked up Su Yun's collar. Although he couldn't lift him up, he was still extremely vicious.

"do you know?"

He said fiercely: "Back then, I was afraid of fear even in the emperor Chaos and his past lives! I was born a Taoist god, and was born a strong man at the end of the road! No matter how foolish you are, I have 10,000 ways to make you unable to survive. Please die!"

He let go of Su Yun's collar angrily, and snorted: "Now, forget everything you see, hurry up and practice, I will send you back to the time period you were in."

He grabbed Yingying's collar, his arms trembling with exhaustion, and finally lifted the little girl up, and said viciously: "Don't give me any more moths! From today on, we will be categorized and have nothing to do with me! Tired, you know?"

Yingying timidly said, "Is it because I'm fat, can't you move?"

"No! My heart is very tired!"

The ragged little giant put her down, rubbed her shoulders, and sneered, "Hurry up and practice!"

Su Yunan sat down quietly, silently urging the Xian Zifu Jing, the ragged giant carefully supervised him and Yingying, lest there be any troubles.

In order to strengthen his own strength, as long as there is a trace of innate purple energy in the five palaces, he will collect it by himself, and this incarnation of himself will be strengthened.

Yingying looked at him and said pitifully, "Holy King, am I really dead?"

"Dead!" The scruffy little giant had no good air.

"The scholar is also dead?"

"Dead! The straight one!"

"We are all dead, don't be angry..."

"I'm not angry with you!"


After three days, the purple gas in the five palaces was suffocated, and the ragged little giant gradually grew stronger and higher, and said in a deep voice: "I will send you back to the time you were at. At that time, everything you saw today will be restored. Give reincarnation, I won’t remember it again!

He didn't wait for Su Yun and Yingying to speak, he immediately urged his magical powers, cutting into the past time and space with a cycle of reincarnation, sending Su Yun and Yingying back to the "past".

Su Yun and Yingying stabilized their figures, and when they opened their eyes, they saw the two of them standing in front of the gate of the fairy world, the seventh fairy world in front of them.

The Eighth Immortal Realm is opening up chaos, the ragged giant breathed a sigh of relief, and said in his heart: "After paying this debt, I can jump out of the cycle of causality and be at ease."

Su Yun and Yingying shook their heads. About the future, they didn't remember the least, only this wonderful experience of the Seven Great Immortals.

"Thank you, Brother Sheng Wang Dao." They bowed to the gate of the immortal world.

Su Yun started and walked towards the seventh fairy world with Yingying.

At this time, UU read www. He saw the world tree in the distance, the leaves holding up the phantom of the world, the outsiders were under the tree.

A handsome young man flew over here with a scarlet fairy sword, and bowed and said, "Mr. Passing, my teacher would like to ask."

Su Yun's heart moved slightly: "A foreigner invites me over? Do you know that the big golden chain and golden coffin are on me?"

However, when a foreigner invited him, he couldn't resist, so he had to go.

"What's your name?" Yingying asked the boy.

Su Yun followed the young man forward, the young man turned around and smiled: "My name is Su Jie."

Su Yun heard this name, his heart was slightly shaken, but at this moment, he saw the figure of the emperor's corpse slowly rising under the world tree, and a reincarnation light rolled towards him from under the tree, and Su Yun was wiped by the rags. The memories of the past flooded in.

Under the world tree, the outsider watched this scene with a smile and did not stop it.

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