Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 990 Ten Thousand Years of Agreement (Subscription Request)

Another hour or two passed.

In the heart of Yan State.

A barren land adjacent to the territory of Bailingmen in the Lingxiao Mountains.

A green light suddenly appeared in a patch of grass, revealing the Ling family's Frost Spirit Tree in the middle stage of the Golden Core.

The Frost Spirit Tree has already developed intelligence. After receiving Ling Chengxia's request for help, it immediately rushed over from the Ice and Snow Valley in the Ice and Snow Forest where it cultivated Taoism.

It looked at the fierce battle in the sky thousands of miles away from the treetops, and its eyes were fixed on the Golden Core Perfect Mo Ye Old Water Dragon fighting with the Dragon Abyss Dragon King.

It knew about the existence of the Dragon Abyss Dragon King. After all, it also participated in the battle to destroy the three mutant demon tribes in the White Shadow Secret Realm. It also knew that the Dragon Abyss Dragon King was already one of its own, so it had no hostility towards the Dragon Abyss Dragon King.

However, it felt an extreme sense of danger from the Mo Ye Old Water Dragon.

This made it hesitate whether to step forward and participate in this battle.

After hesitating for a while, it stopped at Ling Chengxia in the battlefield, and shook its treetops as if sighing. It then used the Jiamu Dunshu technique, rushed over, joined the battlefield, and helped Ling Chengxia bombard the red gold bear in the middle stage of the Jindan.

As for the Dragon Abyss Jiao King, it didn't need to help for the time being. Kill the weak first, and the red gold bear in the middle stage of the Jindan was the breakthrough point of this battle.

And soon afterwards.

The great elder Ling Chengyuan, who was in charge of the family's clan land, also rushed over, and he brought two demon corpses in the middle stage of the Jindan.

With the addition of Ling Chengyuan and the two demon corpses in the middle stage of the Jindan, the red gold bear, which had just entered the middle stage of the Jindan, soon fell under the siege of everyone.

Ling Chengxia, the middle-stage Jindan demon corpse he controlled, Feng Yingpeng, the middle-stage Jindan Frost Spirit Tree, Ling Chengyuan, and the two Jindan demon corpses he brought, a total of seven people, also joined forces to help the Dragon Abyss Jiao King, and bombarded the old Mo Ye Jiao and the middle-stage Jindan Fire Jiao Python.

If it was a one-on-one fight, the old Mo Ye Jiao would not be afraid of Ling Chengxia and others. It could easily kill Ling Chengxia and others, but there was a Dragon Abyss Jiao King next to it.

It was already at a disadvantage when fighting with the Dragon Abyss Jiao King, and even with the help of the Fire Jiao Python, the situation did not change.

Now, Ling Chengxia and the other seven came to help the Dragon Abyss Jiao King again. With their combined strength, they were not weak, and the situation of the old Mo Ye Jiao became more and more critical.

The half-jiao python followed the footsteps of the red gold bear and was killed here.

Here, the old Mo Ye Jiao was the only invader left.

It was also surrounded by the crowd.

Although it was difficult for everyone to kill it in a short time, it was no problem to entangle it.

After nearly half a day, Ling Pengyun, who was in Baiyun City a million miles away, received the news and rushed over without stopping. He used the White Shadow Escape Technique, which was a top-level intermediate magical power.

It is also worth mentioning that the other Jindan forces stationed in Baiying City also received the news and sent troops back to the hinterland.

This situation has greatly reduced the number of Jindan cultivators in Baiyun City, but fortunately, Yan Siyi and other Ling family Jindan who still stayed in the city have many Jindan demon corpses in their hands. They rely on these Jindan demon corpses to stabilize Baiyun City.

At this moment.

Ling Pengyun, who hurried over, saw that the old dragon of Mo Ye was indeed a water dragon with a perfect Jindan, and his heart was even happier.

Immediately, he joined forces with everyone and planned to kill the old dragon of Mo Ye here.

The old Moye Jiao felt the attack strength of Ling Pengyun, the eighth-level Jindan cultivator, which was so strong that it was at the pseudo-infant level, and was shocked.

The attacks of Longyuan Jiaowang and others around were also not weak.

It did not dare to think too much and quickly reported its identity.

"I come from the Black Jiao Lake, the holy land of the boundless Daze demon clan. My great-grandfather is the Yuanying demon king. Now he has also left the Black Jiao Lake and is sneaking into the territory of the three major immortal sects in the mouths of you righteous people. If you dare to touch a hair on me, my great-grandfather will definitely come here to avenge me!"

"If you don't want to die, let me go, and I can forget everything today."

Ling Pengyun, Ling Chengxia, and the great elder Ling Chengyuan, the three Ling family Jindan, trembled when they heard the words, and the hair on the three people stood up.

At this moment, Ling Chengxia and Ling Chengyuan also looked at Ling Pengyun.

"Dad, what should we do about this?"

Ling Chengxia frowned and asked.

Ling Pengyun hesitated for a moment, and did not directly answer Ling Chengxia, but asked the old Mo Ye Jiao.

"You, the Black Jiao Lake, broke the contract, not only left the boundless vast swamp without permission, but also left the Black Jiao Lake. Aren't you afraid that the three major immortal sects of the righteous way will lead us to join forces to kill your clan?"

The old Mo Ye water dragon said contemptuously. "Just based on the righteousness of your Northern Wilderness Immortal Cultivation World, how could our clan be afraid."

"It seems that my Black Dragon Lake Dragon Clan has not appeared in the world for too long. I didn't expect that the world would think that my clan would be afraid of the three major immortal gates. What a joke."

"Ten thousand years ago, if you, the ancestors of the righteous cultivators, had not had the help of several other major forces in the immortal cultivation world, how could my Black Dragon Lake Dragon Clan be defeated in that battle? How could my clan give in and give you a piece of land, and also set an agreement for the hundred-year monster beast chaos, and promised not to say the words of the Black Dragon Lake."

"Let me go quickly, otherwise, when my great-grandfather arrives, it will definitely destroy you."

Ling Pengyun's heart trembled when he heard this.

He just asked coldly.

"Did your clan really send the Nascent Soul Dragon to attack the three major immortal gates during this monster beast chaos?"

Mo Ye Old Dragon said.

"Of course, they are just a bunch of dogs. Our clan has allowed those three big dogs to be arrogant for ten thousand years. What's wrong with our clan attacking these three big immortal gates?"

"I am not afraid to tell you that our clan has sent out three Yuanying dragons this time, and my great-grandfather is only one of them. You can weigh the seriousness of this matter yourself."

It said this because it wanted to scare Ling Pengyun and others away by attacking the three Yuanyings of the same clan who had many Yuanying Zhenjuns sitting in the three big immortal gates.

"Words are not enough. Do you dare to swear to ensure the truth?"

Ling Pengyun was natural.

The old Moye dragon was slightly happy when he saw this, and felt that there was some hope of escape. In addition, the three Yuanyings of the same clan attacked the immortal gate. It did not hesitate and immediately swore an oath to ensure that it was true.

When Ling Pengyun saw that the old Moye dragon was so decisive, his face was uncertain.

He had heard that ten thousand years ago, when the cultivators of the three major sects in the Northern Wilderness Cultivation World were developing the Northern Wilderness Cultivation World, they had the support of several other major forces in the cultivation world. That was why they defeated countless monsters in the boundless and vast swamp in the battle to open up the territory and established the Northern Wilderness Cultivation World.

And the events of that year, combined with what the Mo Ye water dragon said, plus the fact that a large number of dragons entered the Yan State to cause chaos, he also had some more guesses in his mind.

"If what the old Mo Ye dragon said is true, I'm afraid that the dragon clan in the Black Dragon Lake is now sure to... destroy the agreement made with the three major sects... No... It should be said that the dragon clan is sure to destroy the agreement made with the other major forces in the cultivation world behind the three major sects ten thousand years ago."

This amount of information is extremely huge, one link after another. If what the old Mo Ye dragon said is true, the chain reaction it brings is enough to turn the entire Northern Wilderness Cultivation World upside down.

The other major forces in the cultivation world that have never entered the Northern Wilderness cultivation world will definitely show up.

It took a long time for Ling Pengyun to recover.

After hesitating for a moment, Ling Pengyun was still reluctant to believe what Mo Ye Lao Shui Jiao said.

After all, the implications were too great.

Moreover, although the oath had some binding force, it was not actually that great. The real binding force was the Yuanhun Contract, but the Yuanhun Contract was not very effective at this time. (End of this chapter)

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