Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 991 Secrets (Subscription Request)

For this reason, in order to ensure that what the old dragon Mo Ye said was true, he said in a deep voice to Ling Chengxia and others around him.

"I will go to confirm the truth."

At this moment, whether to kill the old dragon Mo Ye was not too important to Ling Pengyun.

What he was really worried about was that the Black Dragon Lake would reappear in the Northern Wilderness Immortal Cultivation World.

It is said that this clan has a Black Dragon ancestor who is a Taoist master of the Transformation God.

You know, at present, there is not even a cultivator in the late Nascent Soul stage in the Northern Wilderness Immortal Cultivation World.

Even if the forces behind the three major immortal gates will help, if the Black Dragon ancestor has greatly increased his strength in recent years, everything will be over.

It is possible that it will not be long before the entire Northern Wilderness Immortal Cultivation World will disappear.

After saying that, Ling Pengyun hurriedly used the escape technique to leave this battlefield.

The first thing he did was to go to the family and put all the spiritual objects in the family library into a storage treasure with a large space, such as a storage spirit bead string. He took all the spirit beads that he could carry with him, and temporarily gave the ones that he couldn't carry to some trusted family elders who were stationed in the family.

In addition, he also instructed those family elders to gather the cultivators in the family, prepare the flying boat, and prepare to leave Yan State and even the Northern Wilderness Immortal Cultivation World.

Although those family elders didn't know why Ling Pengyun made such arrangements, as the strongest person in the family, Ling Pengyun must know a lot of things, and they also inexplicably thought that Ling Pengyun must have a reason for doing this.

For a while, those family elders became panicked.

And Ling Pengyun didn't care so much, he immediately went straight to Tianxing State under the "Tianxing Sect", the superior sect of Yan State where the family was located.

Yan State is thousands of miles away from Tianxing State. Even if Ling Pengyun's current spiritual power is pure enough to be comparable to that of a pseudo-infant, the speed of his escape technique will not be slower than that of a pseudo-infant. He has also learned the White Shadow Escape Technique, which is extremely fast, enough to reach about 1.5 million miles a day. He also rushed for more than half a month before crossing Tianxing State and arriving at the border city "Chijin City" that resists the monsters.

He found his good friend "Liu Haochan" stationed here.

Liu Haochan is the contemporary Yuanying seedling of Tianxing Sect. His formation is extremely mysterious. As early as hundreds of years ago, he had already entered the quasi-fourth level of formation, and his cultivation had also reached the perfect level of Jindan.

During the last monster rebellion, Liu Haochan also helped Yan State to resist the invasion of the Chijin Bear Clan.

It was also in that battle that Ling Pengyun established some friendship with him.

Long before the monster beast riot began, Ling Pengyun sent someone to establish contact with Liu Haochan. He also learned early that Liu Haochan would be stationed in Chijin City, the border city of Tianxing Country, during the monster beast riot.

After Ling Pengyun found Liu Haochan, he kept it short and told him that Yan Country was found by several dragons and pythons from the Black Dragon Lake Dragon Clan, and that the three Yuanying dragons attacked the three major immortal gates, which he learned from Mo Ye Lao Jiao. He asked Liu Haochan if he knew the current situation of the three major immortal gates, and wanted to confirm whether what Mo Ye Lao Jiao said was true.

After hearing this, Liu Haochan sighed helplessly.

"This is most likely true. Recently, some dragons and pythons from the Black Dragon Lake have appeared in Tianxing Country under my sect and are causing trouble."

"For this reason, my sect has also sent many disciples back to the heartland of Tianxing Country to quell this matter."

"I also asked my master about this matter. Although my master did not say much about it, according to my master's face when I told him about it... I guess my master also knows something. Combined with what you said now, I'm afraid that my master also knows that the three major immortal sects were sought by Yuanying dragons."

Ling Pengyun's face darkened. "This is troublesome."

"It is indeed troublesome, but judging from my master's current attitude, I am afraid the situation will not be too critical, otherwise my master would not continue to let us guard this city and resist the invasion of the Red Gold Bear Clan."

"After all, if the Black Dragon Lake really reappears in the world, this city will be like tofu in the eyes of those Black Dragon Lake Dragon Clan. I am afraid that my master would have asked me and the disciples of the sect to withdraw to the three major immortal gates."

Liu Haochan guessed.

"That's true, but this matter must be prevented."

"Thank you Brother Liu for telling me these secrets. I will repay you in the future."

"There is still a golden elixir dragon trapped in my clan's territory. I will go back to deal with this matter first."

Ling Pengyun's face looked better and he said.

"It's a small matter. You will know about it soon."

"As for the trapped dragon in your's better to release it. Before, when Master ordered our disciples to deal with the Black Dragon Lake dragons, half-dragons, or demon pythons that broke into our clan's territory, Master only asked us to kill the half-dragons and demon pythons, but not the dragons. We just drove them out of our clan's territory and left it alone."

"I guess Master also thought that dragons are rare monsters, even in the Black Dragon Lake, there are probably not many, and he was afraid that killing the dragon would cause the Black Dragon Lake's anger."

Liu Haochan remembered something and reminded him.

"I understand, fellow Daoist Liu."

After Ling Pengyun thanked Liu Haochan with gratitude, he quickly returned to his family and rushed to the previous battlefield.

The old dragon of Mo Ye was still trapped by the powerful Dragon King Longyuan and others, and it was difficult to escape.

Ling Pengyun had considered everything on the way. When he saw the old dragon Mo Ye, he took out a third-grade superior Yuanhun contract and forced the old dragon Mo Ye to sign it.

"After this contract is signed, you can leave."

When the old dragon Mo Ye saw Ling Pengyun, who had left to get information, return, he planned to let him go, and he immediately felt confident.

He was too lazy to look at the Yuanhun contract, and his embarrassed look was a little less. He said arrogantly.

"Fellow Daoist Ling, what I said before was true, right?"

"Does your clan want to join my clan? I will guarantee you. As long as you follow me to conquer the Yan Kingdom, I will guarantee you a good fortune."

After saying that, the old dragon Mo Ye looked at the Dragon Abyss Dragon King calmly and said.

"And this fellow Jiaolong, your blood is as strong as the second-grade Jiaolong realm. This blood is extraordinary. We are both Jiaolong blood. I really don't want to see you wandering in the outside world and wasting this blood. Why don't you follow me back to my Black Jiao Lake."

"Anyway, your cultivation is also at the pseudo-infant realm. You have tried to break through the Nascent Soul once, and the probability of breaking through the Nascent Soul in the future is also high. You can rely on this advantage to get the appreciation of the Nascent Soul ancestors in my clan. In the future, you can also get some Nascent Soul spiritual objects and try to break through the Nascent Soul realm." (End of this chapter)

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