Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 101 Father and son finally meet (will be available tomorrow, please subscribe)

Chapter 101 Father and son finally meet (will be released tomorrow, please subscribe——)

Lingxiao Grocery Store is made entirely of ordinary iron wood. The entire building is two feet high and has two floors.

The first floor sells various first-order low-grade spiritual objects, such as elixirs, monster furs, spiritual rice, spiritual iron, etc., while the second floor sells various first-order mid-grade spiritual objects.

There is also a large courtyard attached to the store. There are five guest rooms in the courtyard. The couple Ling Xiaoshun who manages the store live in the guest rooms in the backyard.

Since there were few visitors to the grocery store, Ling Pengyun was noticed by a handsome middle-aged man with regular features and fair skin as soon as he appeared at the door of the grocery store.

The good-looking middle-aged man in this store is Ling Pengyun's father "Ling Xiaoshun". Ling Xiaoshun also relied on this excellent skin to marry Yang Minghua, the fifth elder of the Yang family of the established foundation-building family, with the qualifications of the four spiritual roots. His daughter "Yang Qiuyun".

As soon as Ling Xiaoshun saw Ling Pengyun arriving, a bright smile appeared on his face. Feeling the powerful aura exuding from Ling Pengyun's body, even as a fifth-level Qi practitioner, he couldn't see through it. His pupils shrank and his face showed joy. One more point, he shouted in surprise.

"Xiaoyun, why are you here? You kid has indeed broken through to the seventh level of Qi training."

Ling Pengyun's cultivation reached the seventh level of Qi training. It was after Ling Pengyun's grandfather Yang Minghua returned to Yunshui County after the Huaishui meeting last year that he informed Ling Xiaoshun and Ling Pengyun's mother Yang Qiuyun.

After learning the news, Ling Xiaoshun and his wife were happy for a while.

The couple lived far away in Yunshui County, and few clan members came here. They had very little information about the family, and little was known about their biological son Ling Pengyun.

After Ling Xiaoshun gave a pleasant surprise, he quickly walked out of the store counter and walked towards Ling Pengyun outside the store.

"Dad!" Ling Pengyun saw Ling Xiaohua walking towards him, feeling happy from the bottom of his heart, he smiled and saluted.

Then, he also took steps to enter the grocery store, walked up to Ling Xiaoshun, and explained the reason for coming here. "Dad, I have completed the five-year mission assigned by the family to guard Qingshi Mountain. After returning to the family, the family plans to let me succeed the eighth great-grandfather and sit in Lingyun Mountain, the family's original mountain in this county."

Hearing this, Ling Xiaoshun looked slightly confused and asked. "I do know that you are stationed at Qingshi Mountain. What do you mean by letting you go to station at Lingyun Mountain? There are many first-level, middle- and high-grade spiritual plants in Lingyun Mountain. It would be difficult for someone who is not a first-order medium or high-grade spiritual plant. Take care of me, don't try to take care of me because your clan is short of manpower and you want to be transferred to Yunshui County to meet with me and your mother often. If it is because of you that something happens to the spiritual plant in Lingyun Mountain. , It’s not a big loss to you, but it’s a huge loss to the family.”

Seeing that Ling Xiaoshun had misunderstood, Ling Pengyun smiled. "Dad, don't worry. My current spiritual plants have reached the first-level mid-level, and I can barely take care of the spiritual plants in Lingyun Mountain. If not, the eleventh great-grandfather would not have sent me to replace the eighth-great-grandfather to take charge of Lingyun Mountain. "

"Your spirit plant has also entered... the first-level mid-level!" Ling Xiaoshun looked shocked and said in disbelief.

His son Ling Pengyun is only twenty-one years old now. However, at the age of twenty-one, not only has his cultivation reached the seventh level of Qi training, but he is also a first-level mid-level spiritual cultivator. Even in the Ling family, which is based on spiritual cultivation, Among the large foundation-building clan, only clan leader Ling Yunhong is comparable to Ling Pengyun. The rest of the first-level mid-level spiritual cultivators in the clan were at least thirty or forty years old before they broke through, and their cultivation levels are slowly improving.

"Really dad, dad, please see, this is my natal spiritual plant, the thorn vine, and now it is a first-order mid-grade spiritual plant." In order to reassure Ling Xiaoshun, Ling Pengyun specially called out the small thorn that was attached to his chest. The vine was handed to Ling Xiaoshun to look at.

As soon as Ling Xiao probed into the small piece of thorn vine in his hand with his spiritual consciousness, he felt that it had indeed reached the middle stage of Qi training and its aura was stable.

There are two factors for improving the spiritual plant. One is the spiritual plant secret method level, and the other is the spiritual plant level.

For ordinary spiritual planters whose level has always been difficult to improve, the secret method of spiritual plantation is not the difficulty, but the level of the natal spiritual plant, which is often a hindrance.

Generally speaking, as long as the natal spiritual plant breaks through the grade, the secret method of spiritual plant is generally not difficult.

Ling Xiaoshun, who was from the Lingzhi family, naturally knew this common sense. At the same time, he was also sure that what Ling Pengyun just said was true, so he laughed and said.

"What a good boy! I haven't seen you for many years, but you gave me another big surprise."

Ling Pengyun felt very happy when he saw Ling Xiaoshun's smile, and he also laughed together.

After the two calmed down, Ling Pengyun looked around the store, but did not see his mother Yang Qiuyun, and then asked. "Dad, where's mom?"

"It's not that your cousin Yang Siling is getting married. As Siling's biological aunt, your mother went to Yang's Pingyun Mountain a few days ago to sew some dowry quilts and other things with several kinds of spiritual silk." Ling Xiao followed. .

"It will be your cousin's wedding banquet in a while. Now that you have just arrived in Yunshui County, you can follow the Yang family's team with me and your mother to attend the wedding banquet at Bailingmen, otherwise your grandpa will have to do it again. Say something to me."

Yang Qiuyun's fifth elder, Yang Minghua, who has a high position in the Yang family, has always looked down upon Ling Xiaoshun, a member of the Ling family who only has the qualification of the Four Spiritual Roots.

Ling Pengyun also knew about this matter, and naturally he would not make it difficult for his father. He happened to be planning to attend his cousin's wedding banquet, so he immediately nodded in agreement. "good."

Then, the two father and son chatted together, sometimes talking about Ling Pengyun's experience of discovering the Xuanshui mine when he was stationed in Qingshi Mountain, sometimes talking about the business of the grocery store, or talking about interesting things that happened in Yunshuifang City. Anyway, they talked about whatever they had.

It was not until lunch that the two stopped chatting.

In order to celebrate Ling Pengyun's arrival, Ling Xiaoshun, as a father, was extravagant and took Ling Pengyun to the best restaurant in Yunshuifang City, "Piaoxianglou", for a big meal.

After the meal, they chatted together again.

Anyway, Ling Xiao Grocery Store didn't have much business.

During the chat, Ling Pengyun also told Ling Xiaoshun that he had practiced refining tools and could now refine two kinds of magic tools, the green bamboo sword and the round iron shield, and that he would refine a batch of magic tools in the grocery store every year in the future.

This matter surprised Ling Xiaoshun again for a long time.

Practicing both arts together without delaying cultivation, this was something Ling Xiaoshun had never thought would happen to his son "Ling Pengyun" who had five spiritual roots. This incident also made Ling Xiaoshun worry whether Ling Pengyun had practiced some magic skills that could quickly improve his cultivation.

Ling Pengyun had already thought of a rhetoric, and still used the excuse of powerful consciousness and transcendent understanding, without mentioning the power of yin and yang primordial.

Ling Xiaoshun was a little skeptical of this rhetoric, and was still worried whether Ling Pengyun had practiced magic skills, until Ling Pengyun, who was only at the seventh level of Qi training, showed his powerful consciousness that was comparable to the perfect Qi training, Ling Xiaoshun was convinced, and immediately sighed several times, his son was a genius.

That night, the father and son talked all night long.

It was not until the next morning that the two stopped chatting.

Afterwards, Ling Pengyun lived in the grocery store for another three days to accompany Ling Xiaoshun, and then left Yunshuifang City and went to the place where he needed to be stationed this time, "Lingyun Mountain".

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