Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 102: Distribution of Spiritual Plants in Lingyun Mountain (will be available tomorrow, pleas

Chapter 102: Distribution of Spiritual Plants in Lingyun Mountain (will be available tomorrow, please subscribe-)

Lingyun Mountain is a hundred feet high and is the original mountain of the Ling family.

Because Ling Yunhong, the head of the Ling family, was powerful, he occupied Lingxiao Mountain, a second-grade lower-grade spiritual mountain, when he conquered Huaishui County. The entire Ling family moved from this mountain to Lingxiao Mountain in Huaishui County to settle down.

And this original mountain, Lingyun Mountain, has become a spiritual mountain that only grows spiritual plants.

More than two hundred years ago, the spiritual vein in this mountain was only of the first-grade lower grade, but after more than two hundred years of accumulation of spiritual stones by the Ling family, the spiritual vein in the mountain was upgraded to the first-grade upper grade more than a hundred years ago.

After more than a hundred years of accumulation of spiritual energy, the first-grade upper-grade spiritual vein under the Lingyun Mountain has already reached the peak of its current grade. It is only one step away from the final step, and this spiritual vein can enter the second-grade lower grade.

However, because the Ling family had no spiritual stones at the time and did not have the strength to defend a second-level spiritual vein, they gave up the matter of upgrading the spiritual vein in Lingyun Mountain to the second level.

Using spiritual stones to upgrade a first-level upper-grade spiritual vein to a second-level spiritual vein requires at least tens of thousands of spiritual stones.

As for the Ling family now, although they have spiritual stones, the Ling family, which has few members, has Lingxiao Mountain, a second-level lower-grade spiritual mountain with rich spiritual energy, which is enough, so they slowed down the matter of upgrading the spiritual vein here.

After leaving Yunshui Market, Ling Pengyun, after driving for two days with the green leaf, finally entered the foot of Lingyun Mountain in Luoyun County, Yunshui County.

Ling Pengyun looked up at the mountain where he lived when he was a child, and his expression was filled with memories.

After being stunned for a few breaths, he came back to his senses, cast the "sound enhancement technique" on his body, and shouted to the mountain.

"Eighth great-grandfather, I am Ling Pengyun, the junior, please come and see me."

Lingyun Mountain is a hundred feet high. Even if the "eighth great-grandfather" Ling Rucong stationed in the mountain uses his spiritual sense, it is difficult to detect Ling Pengyun coming from the foot of the mountain.

Of course, if Ling Pengyun takes a step into the mountain and triggers the mountain protection array arranged in the mountain, Ling Rucong in the mountain can also know it, but this will avoid some unnecessary situations.

On the top of Lingyun Mountain, Ling Rucong, who was performing the cloud and rain technique in a large area of ​​spiritual fields and watering the spiritual fields with a large area of ​​spiritual rain, heard the call from outside the mountain, his expression was slightly condensed, and he lowered his head with the Zhanzhan Qi technique, looking at the place where the sound came from below the mountain.

Seeing that the person calling was Ling Pengyun, he looked a little surprised.

"Huh? How did Pengyun come here from Huaishui County?"

In order to prevent Ling Pengyun from waiting for a long time, Ling Rucong immediately removed the large cloud created by the Sky Cloud and Rain Technique, added a Light Body Technique to his body, and quickly rushed down the mountain.

After a while, Ling Rucong went down the mountain and met Ling Pengyun.

"Eighth great-grandfather." Ling Pengyun bowed to the senior in front of him.

Ling Rucong is the eighth of the four generations of the Ling family, "Ru, Yun, Xiao, Peng". Although he was born in the mortal world, he is only a four-spiritual root cultivator, and has no support from his elders. However, because he has some spiritual plant talent, he has also been valued in the Ling family, a spiritual plant family, and the family has given him a lot of cultivation resources.

Relying on the help of the family, he broke through to the seventh level of Qi training more than ten years ago.

In the spiritual plant, he also achieved some success and is one of the four first-level middle-grade spiritual plant husbands of the Ling family.

"Pengyun, why are you here?" Ling Rucong asked with a puzzled look on his face.

"The eleventh great-grandfather sent me here to take over from you." Ling Pengyun said simply, and took out a letter from the great elder Ling Ruda when he left the clan mountain from his storage bag and handed it to Ling Rucong.

This letter mostly contained Ling Ruda's words persuading Ling Rucong to return to the clan mountain to retire, and at the end it also included the fact that Ling Pengyun's spiritual plant had reached the first-level middle grade, and this time he came to take over his garrison at Lingyun Mountain.

After reading the content of the letter, Ling Rucong's doubts were also answered.

He looked at Ling Pengyun with a happy face and said with a smile.

"I didn't expect that you, a child, would break through the spiritual plant to the first-level middle grade so quickly. The eleventh brother was right about you."

"Eighth great-grandfather, you are too kind." Ling Pengyun said.

Ling Rucong smiled and said. "Since you are already a first-class middle-grade spiritual plant husband, I feel relieved to leave the spiritual plants in this spiritual mountain to you. I am indeed old, and it is time for me to return to our Ling family's new mountain to retire."

"Eleventh brother mentioned in the letter that you need to go to Bailingmen to attend the wedding banquet between Yang and Bailingmen on the second of next month, so I will stay here for a while. After you attend the wedding banquet, I will return to the mountain. During this time, I can also introduce you to some of the spiritual plants currently planted in Lingyun Mountain."

"Come with me up the mountain."

Ling Rucong greeted him and took Ling Pengyun to Lingyun Mountain. On the way, he first briefly introduced to Ling Pengyun the number of spiritual fields in the two areas of Lingyun Mountain halfway up the mountain and the top of the mountain.

Before the Ling family moved away from this mountain, the low-level spiritual fields on the halfway up the mountain were only five acres of first-class lower-grade spiritual fields.

And the high-level spiritual fields on the top of the mountain were only five acres of first-class upper-grade spiritual fields and one acre of second-class lower-grade spiritual fields.

However, when the Ling family moved away, no one absorbed the rich spiritual energy in the mountain.

In order to avoid wasting the spiritual energy in the mountain, Ling Ruda, the elder of the family, led a group of spiritual planters in the family, relying on the remaining spiritual energy in the mountain, and using the soil cultivation technique, he opened up another five acres of first-level low-grade spiritual fields in the spiritual field area halfway up the mountain.

He also opened up another five acres of first-level middle-grade spiritual fields on the top of the mountain, so there were as many as eleven acres of spiritual fields on the top of the mountain.

There are a total of twenty-one acres of spiritual fields in the entire Lingyun Mountain.

After a while, Ling Rucong led Ling Pengyun up to the ten-acre spiritual field halfway up the mountain.

At this time, all the green bamboos planted in Mu Ling Field were three feet tall and thick as arms.

Ling Rucong pointed to a bamboo forest above the ten-acre spiritual field in front of him and introduced.

"Peng Yun, each of these ten acres of spiritual fields is planted with fifty green spirit bamboos. A total of five hundred first-order low-grade green spirit bamboos are planted in these ten acres. The five acres on the right of the green spirit bamboos with rich spiritual energy in their bodies are planted with them. The spiritual bamboo was planted before the family moved out of the mountain, and it has been planted here for decades. The five acres of green spiritual bamboo on the left, which has weaker spiritual energy, were planted eight years ago.

"Therefore, the ten acres of spiritual fields here are all at the lower level of the first level, and the spiritual energy they contain is limited. They have been unable to break through the grade. They can only grow their bodies through the spiritual energy in the spiritual fields."

"Every year, these Qingling bamboos can grow a length of bamboo poles about one foot long. At the end of each year, what you need to do is to cut off all the tall Qingling bamboos by one foot. You only need to ensure that they are The torso is still three feet high and their foundations are not damaged.”

"Due to the large number of Qingling Bamboo in these ten acres of Qingling Bamboo, many flying insects from outside the mountain are usually attracted to this bamboo forest and eat the leaves and bamboo poles of Qingling Bamboo. But you don't need to worry, the family is here Fifty innate-stage pigeons have been domesticated in the mountain to guard the spiritual plants in the mountain to prevent them from being harmed by flying insects. "

"In addition, it is best to water these ten acres of Qingling Bamboo with spiritual rain every day. This will also promote the growth of this Qingling Bamboo Forest. In the coming spring, the probability of the Qingling Bamboo Shoots nurtured by this Qingling Bamboo will grow. There will be more.”

"Although the Qingling bamboo shoots don't contain much spiritual energy, they can still be regarded as a cultivation resource. Every year, you can hand over one hundred kilograms of bamboo shoots to the family in these ten acres of spiritual land, and the excess bamboo shoots will belong to you."

"This bamboo shoot tastes extremely delicious. If it is stir-fried with monster meat, the taste will be even more delicious."

"The innate-level pigeons raised in the mountains also taste pretty good. Every other year, the pigeon flock will breed some pigeons. You only need to maintain the number of fifty innate-level pigeons, and you can eat the extra ones."

"The green spirit bamboo shoots and the pigeon meat are also additional benefits of being stationed in this mountain."

Ling Rucong said with a smile.

"Let's go to the top of the mountain."

After saying that, Ling Rucong led Ling Pengyun towards the top of the mountain.

The top of Lingyun Mountain is very flat with no debris.

Apart from a small house for raising pigeons, a two-story bamboo building, and eleven acres of spiritual land, there is nothing else.

The eleven acres of spiritual fields on the top of the mountain are planted with many types of spiritual plants.

There are five acres of first-grade middle-grade spiritual fields, four acres of which are planted with first-grade middle-grade green jade spiritual rice that matures every three years, and one acre of first-grade middle-grade green spiritual bamboo.

There are five acres of first-grade high-grade spiritual field, of which two acres are planted with white jade spiritual rice, two acres are planted with Qingling grass, the main medicine of the cultivation elixir Qinglingdan, half an acre is planted with twenty first-grade high-grade Qingling bamboos, and half an acre is planted with six Ten first-order middle-grade green spirit bamboos.

As for the acre of spiritual fields that are as high as the second-level low-grade spiritual fields, they are planted with Juling grass, the main medicine of the second-level low-grade cultivation elixir, Juling Dan.

"Peng Yun, the sixty first-level mid-level green spiritual bamboos planted in that acre of first-level high-level spiritual field are all used to cultivate into first-level high-level green spiritual bamboos. Before they break through the realm, there is no need to grow them every year. Just cut off the new bamboo poles and let them grow.”

"As for the twenty first-grade green spirit bamboos, due to their grade, it will take ten years for a bamboo pole to grow. I just cut off a batch three years ago. During the five years you have been stationed in Lingyun Mountain, There is no need to cut off a piece of their bamboo pole and hand it over to the family, just water it with spiritual rain and use the ripening technique."


After Ling Rucong roughly informed Ling Pengyun about the spiritual plants planted in the mountain, he also told many small details about the spiritual plants planted in the mountain.

Ling Pengyun didn't tire of it and kept everything Ling Rucong said in his mind.

These small details about planting in the mountains are extremely important, just like the sixty first-level middle-grade green spiritual bamboos planted in the first-grade high-grade spiritual field. As for the spiritual bamboos, when they grow new bamboo poles, Ling Pengyun might cut off a section of the bamboo pole and hand it over to the family.

It wasn't until night fell that Ling Rucong stopped talking and invited Ling Pengyun to dinner.

As an elder, Ling Rucong, in order to support Ling Pengyun, did not hesitate to give Ling Pengyun several kilograms of first-grade top-grade Qingling bamboo shoots that he had collected for many years to make a full bamboo shoot banquet for Ling Pengyun, and stewed a few captive-bred bamboo shoots in the mountains. Pigeons in the innate stage.

Such as stir-fried monster meat with bamboo shoots, braised bamboo shoots, steamed bamboo shoots, pigeon stewed bamboo shoots...

Although these dishes are all based on bamboo shoots, the taste is nothing to say.

Ling Pengyun liked this bamboo shoot when she was a child.

In addition, Ling Rucong had been alone for many years and had developed good cooking skills, which really made Ling Pengyun feel quite comfortable eating this meal.

After dinner, Ling Rucong chatted with Ling Pengyun for a while, and then arranged for Ling Pengyun to live in a room on the second floor of the bamboo building.

Ling Pengyun has never had any pursuit of a place of residence, as long as it is clean.

After entering the quiet room, Ling Pengyun absorbed a mouthful of moonlight power as usual, then started practicing the exercises.

Thank you: hp98 for the big reward of 500 points

Thanks: yoyorr, book friend 160904124921409, dream world, hall of fame Liu Dabao, monthly ticket

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