Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 995 The time limit for stirring up the storm (Subscription required)

After a long time, the huge water dragon on the jade bed said coldly.

"No team succeeded? It seems that the Tianxing Sect and its subordinate forces are quite powerful."

"It's not your fault. Since you can't take back the occupied territory, then forget it."

"You continue to go back and help the Yuanying forces, the Chijin Bear Clan next to the Tianxing Sect, to defend the territory."

"But I have to say it in advance. Helping the Chijin Bear Clan to defend the territory is the bottom line. It's okay if you failed to seize the territory before, but it's difficult to defend the territory. After the monster beast chaos is over, you don't need to exist in this world."

Mo Ye Lao Shui Jiao and other dragons and pythons heard this and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

It is indeed difficult to seize the territory, but they are still confident in helping the Chijin Bear Clan to defend the territory.

Here, many of the dozens of Jindan dragons and pythons attacked the Tianxing Sect some time ago, and a few attacked the other two affiliated countries under the Tianxing Sect.

The dragons and pythons of Mo Ye Lao Jiao were just assigned to go to Yan State to cause chaos.

Because they had been to various places of Tianxing Sect some time ago, they actually saw that Tianxing Sect and its subordinate forces had no intention of expanding during this monster beast chaos, and it was easy to help the Red Gold Bear Clan to defend the territory.

Immediately, they accepted the order and agreed to what the huge water dragon said.

The huge water dragon did not want to say much, and directly called back the dragons and pythons of Mo Ye Water Dragon.

After they all left, the huge water dragon showed a trace of weakness, and its breath became a little weak.

It also turned over, and it was immediately visible that there was a huge wound on its tail, as if it was split by a sharp weapon, and the tail was almost cut off.

There was a faint blue evil spirit on the wound, which continued to corrode the flesh and blood of the huge water dragon.

This matter also made the huge water dragon grin.

"The Haiyun evil spirit of that old thief Haiyun is really hard to get rid of. It seems that this injury will not heal without a hundred years."

When the water dragon thought of this, he was both angry and helpless.

A month ago, at the beginning of the monster beast rebellion, it and two Yuanying-level purple phoenixes of the purple phoenix bird clan led a large number of low-level monster beasts to attack Haiyun City.

But who would have thought that the immortal sect master "Haiyun Zhenjun", one of the two Yuanying Zhenjuns of Haiyun Xianzong who were in charge of the city, had reached the sixth level of Yuanying, and his strength was extremely extraordinary.

And the Haiyun evil spirit magical power he mastered can also be attached to the magic of spiritual treasures, strengthening the attack power of these spiritual objects. Being injured by these attacks will also make the flesh and blood stained with the Haiyun evil spirit.

This huge water dragon was injured by a big knife spiritual treasure of Haiyun Zhenjun that day.

If it had not sacrificed a fourth-level spiritual talisman to save its life at that time, I am afraid that its tail would really be broken on the ground at that time.

"It's a pity that the rest of the Yuanying clan are in seclusion, and the ancestor has only comprehended the magical power, and is not sure to stir up the situation."

"It's hard to avenge this hatred in a short time."

"With my injury, it's hard to snatch back the territories of the righteous human race."

The huge water dragon sighed helplessly.

This dragon is one of the three dragons from the Black Dragon Lake Dragon Clan during the monster beast riot. It is called "Mo Lin" at the peak of the early Yuanying stage, and is also a water dragon.

The Jiaomang Lake Dragon Clan has more water dragons, and fewer dragons of other attributes.

Then, this Yuanying dragon Mo Lin closed his eyes and continued to slowly remove the evil spirits from his body with spiritual power.

If it hadn't been injured now, it would not have given in, and instead let Mo Ye Lao Jiao and other dragons and pythons give up snatching the territory, but choose to defend it.


Half a month has passed.

Yan State.


In the Baiyun Mountains, which covers an area of ​​one million miles, the Baiyun Mountains are the closest to the demon tribe.

Baiyun City.

Ling Pengyun, who was here to help tens of thousands of other Yan Kingdom cultivators resist the attack of some Red Gold Bears, suddenly realized something. He looked up and saw several more rays of light coming from the south.

"It just disappeared not long ago, why is this old Mo Ye Jiao coming to bother people again?"

Ling Pengyun frowned.

Soon, the rays of light that came fell into the group of demon beasts outside the city, revealing the old Mo Ye Jiao and several dragons and pythons that invaded Yan Kingdom not long ago.

Not long ago, many Jindan cultivators from Bailingmen, Yaowang Valley, and Qingxin Taoist Temple, who had conflicts and hatreds with these dragons and pythons, showed countless anger when they saw this.

However, knowing that the group of dragons and pythons came from the boundless Black Dragon Lake, the Jindan of the three major forces did not take action at the first time.

After all, they were the ones who rashly killed the descendants of the Red Gold Bear King and the Red Kite Queen of the Yuanying Demon Clan, which was in the Yuanying stage. That’s why they were taken care of by the Red Gold Bear Clan during the last monster rebellion, and the entire Yan Kingdom was almost trampled.

Fortunately, the Tianxing Sect intended to save the Yan Kingdom at that time and sent the Yuanying Seed Liu Haochan to help.

With this previous lesson, how could the Jindan of Yan Kingdom dare to take the risk of attacking the dragons and pythons of the Black Dragon Lake with a bigger background.

However, what surprised Bailingmen, Yaowang Valley, Qingxin Taoist Temple, and Ling Pengyun and other Lings was that the dragons and pythons such as Mo Ye Lao Jiao who came to support them later did not use their full strength.

Instead, just like the monsters that originally attacked the city, they just pretended to attack the city, and didn't even attack the city a few times before slipping away to the rear of the monster group to meditate.

During this period, Ling Pengyun was somewhat curious, so he used the sound transmission technique to ask Mo Ye Lao Jiao.

When Ling Pengyun learned that the Nascent Soul Realm Jiao leader of Mo Ye Lao Jiao and other monsters had lowered his requirements and only asked Mo Ye Lao Jiao and other monsters to stop the expansion of the Yan Kingdom, he felt a little more fortunate.

"From this point of view, it will take some time for the Black Dragon Lake to truly appear in the world."

"This gives my clan and the entire Northern Wilderness Immortal Cultivation World a chance to breathe."

After all, according to the strength of the Black Dragon Lake, there must be no shortage of various golden elixir monsters, only more.

Logically, Mo Ye Lao Jiao and other dragons failed to attack the Yan Kingdom not long ago, and this force should send more demon kings instead of letting Mo Ye Lao Jiao and other defeated soldiers just assist the monsters attacking Baiyun City and stop the cultivators in Baiyun City from going out to prevent the expansion of the Yan Kingdom.

"However, after all, some dragons appeared in the Black Flood Dragon Lake during the monster rebellion that lasted for ten thousand years. It is estimated that the day when the Black Flood Dragon Lake will truly appear in the world will not be too far away."

"We must prepare well."

Ling Pengyun murmured.


Two and a half months later.

The northernmost part of the Northern Wilderness Xiuxian Realm.

There is a long stretch of beach here. Under the shining sun in the sky, the sand actually emits a golden luster.

And further north, there is an endless ocean.

The azure blue water is particularly clear, and there are many seafood in it. You can see some fish swimming around the coast at will.

With the ebb and flow of the tide, you can see some beautiful shells washed onto the beach.

But this peaceful scene was broken by a white shadow that ordinary people could hardly detect.

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