Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 996 The Secret Realm of Demonic Dao? (Subscribe)

If someone with a high level of cultivation were here, they would definitely be shocked by the white shadow.

The white shadow was actually transformed into a water dragon that was a hundred feet long, and there were thousands of monks in different clothes sitting on its back. Those monks had different levels of cultivation.

The person's cultivation level has reached the level of Golden Elixir, but there is only one person here. This person's face is cold, and there is only sadness between his eyebrows.

Those with low cultivation levels have not yet entered the Tao, but their bodies are contaminated by spiritual energy. Nine times out of ten, they are people who have practiced the techniques and are about to enter the Tao.

And this group of people are the thousands of clan members that Ling plans to arrange to go to the Immortal Cultivation World Branch in the Boundless Sea to escape the disaster.

The leader is Ling Chengxia, and the rider on the other side is Long Yuan Jiao King of the Pseudo-Infant Realm.

"Senior Long Yuan, the barren sea is ahead of us. The space in it is extremely unstable. An extremely powerful Wuji Gangfeng may be drowned in a certain place. Don't be careful."

Ling Chengxia looked at the seemingly calm and beautiful boundless sea in front of him, but the sadness between his brows was a bit more. He also reminded the Longyuan Jiao King in front of him.

"Don't worry, with my current level of cultivation, as long as it's not the kind of boundless wind that stretches thousands of miles, I can take you through."

The Longyuan Jiao King, who was as big as a hundred feet and as big as a small mountain, replied with great confidence.

The sea area here is the legendary deserted sea area.

Tens of thousands of years ago, due to the battle between a human being and a demonic god, the entire space in this sea area collapsed.

After that, although the victor of that battle, the human race god, used powerful means to repair the space in this sea area, the space in this sea area was still relatively weak.

On normal days, some voids will break apart on their own and turn into voids, from which boundless winds will burst out.

Every few years, there will be a strong wind disaster that stretches half or even the entire vast desolate sea area. At that time, even Longyuan Jiao King may not be able to break through.

At this time, Long Yuan Jiao King had fallen from the sky and dived into the blue sea.

I saw a flash of blue light all over its body, and its aura became more secretive.

I'm afraid even the True Lord of the Nascent Soul level is here. If you don't pay attention, you might not be able to detect the Longyuan Jiao King.

This method of condensing breath through the power of water is one of the magical powers inherited by the Baiying Lake Jiaolong clan in the Baiying Secret Realm. It is called "The Technique of Converging Water Spirits", and its quality has reached the level of top-notch magical powers.

Moreover, this technique is similar to the White Shadow Escape Technique of the White Shadow Sect, which can also restrain a certain amount of aura. Although they have different approaches and the same effect, the two will not conflict, but can complement each other.

Previously, Long Yuan Jiao King could turn into a white shadow, which was possible only by relying on the top-level white shadow escape technique.

And along the way, they indeed witnessed why the world said that the space in the desolate sea between the Northern Wasteland Cultivation World and the Boundless Sea Cultivation World was unstable.

Every once in a while, everyone will encounter some instability in the space, causing the slightest bit of infinite wind to spread out.

Fortunately, the power of these Wuji Gangfeng was not strong, and Longyuan Jiao King easily resisted them with his own various defensive methods.

The same goes for King Longyuan Jiao, who led Ling Chengxia and other thousands of Ling clan monks farther and farther into the desolate sea.

But this day.

When Long Yuan Jiao King was on his way, he suddenly noticed something strange.

It also said to Ling Chengxia.

"Little friend Ling, there are several different waves of magic power coming from tens of thousands of miles to the north. It is estimated that some golden elixir demon cultivators are fighting each other. There are two particularly strong spiritual power fluctuations among them. It is estimated that they are a demon with a perfect level of golden elixir. build."

"Do we need to go around it?"

When Ling Chengxia heard this, he suddenly showed a look of surprise.

The space in the desolate sea area is extremely weak, and the strength of the Golden Core monks is not weak. If the Golden Core monks fight in such places, the fluctuations caused will inevitably cause the surrounding space to collapse, and the fighting place will also turn into a void. Countless powerful boundless winds surged out.

At that time, I am afraid that the warring parties will be in trouble before the battle is over.

Therefore, most people would not dare to fight easily in the deserted sea.

It is even rarer for multiple golden elixirs to fight against each other.

At the same time, it is also more dangerous.

Ling Chengxia could only admire how courageous those people were.

"Let's let them go this time."

"Let's take a detour. Demonic cultivators who can enter the realm of golden elixir are not fuel-efficient lamps."

"We are bringing many tribesmen with us, so it's better not to go into this muddy water, lest they affect our journey."

Ling Chengxia's eyes were filled with fierce light.

Due to the various deaths and injuries caused by the demonic cultivators in his clan, and the Yin-Yang Transformation Xuan Jing he practiced, he now hates the demonic cultivators more and more.

Now, he has a murderous intention in his heart. If there are no clan members here, he really wants to ride the Longyuan Jiao King, kill all those demon cultivators, and throw the corpses directly to his four golden dragons to eat, the magic weapon It can be used by the family's batch of demon corpses, and the monsters on those demon cultivators can also be used by the family's batch of demon corpses for cultivation.

Anyway, if you can kill those demon cultivators, the value will definitely be great.

When King Longyuan Jiao heard this, he felt a little pity in his heart.

It actually really wanted to join that battle. It especially wanted to taste the flesh and blood of the Jindan monks. According to the inheritance of its clan, the flesh and blood of the monks was extremely delicious, especially the flesh and blood of high-level monks.

Demonic cultivators are all monks, and their flesh and blood are probably no different.

It spent the first half of its life in the White Shadow Secret Realm where there was no monk, but it had never eaten a monk, let alone a high-level monk.

After coming to the Ling family, although it has come into contact with many Ling family members, it dares not touch Ling family members.

Now, it was entrusted by Ling Chengxia's father Ling Pengyun to help transport people, so it could only accept Ling Chengxia's proposal reluctantly.

But as soon as they bypassed the battle site, the movement of the battle site disappeared quietly.

Then, a subtle space fluctuation was heard from that place.

This movement made Longyuan Jiao Wang's whole body tremble, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

"This is... the movement of the secret realm opening."

"But this breath also carries a special demonic energy. It is estimated that there is a demon vein in the secret realm."

Ling Chengxia's face suddenly showed a touch of excitement and asked.

"Is what the senior said true?"

Longyuan Jiao Wang replied excitedly.

"Of course, I have been in the White Shadow Secret Realm for a thousand years. When I followed you and your father and others to leave the secret realm, I paid more attention to the matter of leaving the secret realm. I am very familiar with the fluctuations when the secret realm is opened."

"Little friend Ling, shall we go to the place where the unusual movement came from? Maybe that secret realm is the legendary magic secret realm. I have never seen such a secret realm, and I don't know how this magic secret realm is different from my White Shadow Secret Realm."

In order to make Ling Chengxia agree, Longyuan Jiao Wang tempted.

"Secret realms are all treasures. Even the magic secret realms have many treasures. The nobles have a lot of Jindan demon corpses. It is possible that there are many things in the inexplicable secret realm that can increase the cultivation of the nobles' demon corpses. Maybe, it can also create a Jindan perfect demon corpse for the nobles."

"Moreover, the Jindan demon cultivators who fought in the place where the secret realm was opened must have known about the secret realm, which is why they fought there."

"Otherwise, if there is no special means to open the secret realm, it will be difficult for those people to open the secret realm."

"Little friend Ling, why don't we be the fishermen this time." (End of this chapter)

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