Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 1106 Two Quasi-Fourth-Level Formations Appeared (Subscription Request)

This white shadow escape technique is extremely powerful, and its best skill is to conceal the breath during the performance of the escape technique.

With the cultivation of Ling Pengyun and Long Yuanjiao, as long as they are not too close to ordinary Jindan perfect strongmen, those strongmen will find it difficult to detect.

In the early years, Long Yuanjiao King used this technique and beat up Leimao Lao Jiao.

At this time, Ling Pengyun and Long Yuanjiao King also used this technique to quickly reach the defense formation of Qianxing Valley.

At this moment, Ling Pengyun also pinched his hands directly, mobilized his spiritual power, and performed the strongest attack method "Five Elements Pure Yang Mysterious Thunder".

Before the monsters in Qianxing Valley noticed it, this powerful thunder bombarded the valley protection formation, causing a huge roar.

Immediately afterwards, a small sound of breaking came from the bombarded formation, and a small crack appeared.

Moreover, this crack is still expanding.

In the blink of an eye, a crack area several feet wide appeared. The ground was like spider silk, as if it would break with a slight touch.

The next moment, after Ling Pengyun swallowed a handful of Huiling Pills, he fired another five-element pure Yang Xuan thunder.

The two thunders worked together, and in just a moment, a huge gap was blasted on the protective array of the Thousand Star Valley.

And the two thunders still had about 30% to 40% of their power.

Seeing this, the Dragon Abyss Jiao King, who had been watching from afar, was already envious.

"If I could also learn such a powerful magical power."

At the same time.

Ling Pengyun, who had just broken the array, also followed the gap in the array and entered the Thousand Star Valley first.

However, as soon as he entered this place, he noticed that there was something slightly strange in the depths of the Thousand Star Valley.

But he couldn't explain it clearly.

The Yin-Yang Taichu Sutra in his sea of ​​consciousness also trembled at this moment.

This is exactly the meaning of danger.

Ling Pengyun noticed this and his face changed. He immediately left the Qianxing Valley and said to Longyuan Jiaowang and others.

"There is something unusual in Qianxing Valley. Let's go first."

After saying that, he turned into a beam of light and escaped into the void.

Although Longyuan Jiaowang didn't understand why, he did it anyway.

But at this moment.

The Qianxing Valley's valley-protecting array, which had a big gap in it, suddenly lit up, quickly repaired the big gap, and expanded outward quickly.

This expansion speed was a few points faster than the speed of Ling Pengyun and Longyuan Jiaowang's escape technique, and they were also covered by the light curtain.

The aura of the light curtain was also a level stronger, reaching the quasi-fourth level.

"A quasi-fourth-level trap array that can be used for both defense and entrapment? It focuses on entrapment and defense as a secondary purpose?"

Ling Pengyun, who was trapped in the array, was forced to stop. He looked at the light curtain in front of him that trapped himself, and there was some surprise between his eyebrows.

At this moment.

Then, a golden-winged tiger with wings and golden hair all over its body sprang out from the depths of Qianxing Valley, and its cultivation reached the realm of perfect golden elixir.

Obviously, this tiger was the golden-winged tiger that led the demon clan to destroy Chen State.

When the tiger saw that the third-grade superior valley protection formation of Qianxing Valley was broken, although there was surprise on his face, there was more sarcasm.

"I knew that you, the Ling family, would come. Although you are strong, you are not afraid of death. You are crazy about the essence of the earth spirit of the three major immortal gates."

"You have killed three golden elixir perfect dragons of the Black Dragon Lake Dragon Clan and the favorite son of the Red Gold Demon King of the Red Gold Bear Clan, and you dare to come to the Thousand Star Valley of Chen State to attack me so arrogantly."

" can stay here with peace of mind."

The next moment, an imperceptible transparent light curtain appeared in a corner deep in Qianxing Valley.

If you look closely, you can find that the transparent light curtain is formed by dozens of formation flags and a water-blue leaf that is constantly revealing formation patterns.

There are also three huge dragons inside.

The largest one, the blue-scaled water dragon, which is at least two hundred feet in size, also cast a spell in the blue leaf that is revealing the formation.

The blue leaf flashed, and the formation flags around it trembled slightly, and the transparent light curtain they jointly supported was immediately removed.

At this time, Ling Pengyun could also clearly feel the mysterious blue leaves in the depths of the valley, the dozens of formation flags, and the three giant dragons that were originally covered by the transparent light curtain.

The mysterious leaves turned out to be the prototype of a spiritual treasure, and the dozens of formation flags were a quasi-fourth-level formation.

As for the three giant dragons, it was even more terrifying, and their cultivation was as high as the Golden Core Perfection Realm.

Even the old water dragon had a cultivation level as high as the Pseudo-Infant Realm.

Under such circumstances, Ling Pengyun didn't know that he was tricked by the Black Dragon Lake Dragon Clan.

The only place in the entire Northern Wilderness Cultivation World where two Golden Core Perfection Realm and one Pseudo-Infant Realm Dragons can appear is the Black Dragon Lake, the holy land of the demon clan.

Ling Pengyun's face darkened even more, and his eyes were fixed on the blue leaves and dozens of formation flags that the old water dragon was taking into its belly.

"A quasi-fourth-level breath-retaining formation, and a quasi-fourth-level breath-retaining type spirit treasure prototype as a formation tool."

"The Black Dragon Lake clan is indeed very strong, and they even have such a formation."

"In addition to the quasi-fourth-level trapping formation that trapped us, there are two quasi-fourth-level formations here. This clan is willing to let two golden elixir-perfect dragons and one fake The Infant Realm Dragon is here to wait for me with these two formations, this Black Dragon Lake has some tricks up its sleeve."

Ling Pengyun took a closer look and his face suddenly condensed.

The breath-condensing formation is a simple formation. It only has the effect of condensing breath. Most people will not use this formation at all.

However, the cost of this formation is not low, at least 30% more expensive than ordinary formations of the same level.

And it is precisely because of this that high-level breath gathering formations are extremely rare.

A quasi-fourth level breath gathering formation is even more rare.

As for the quasi-fourth-level breath-condensing formation that has the prototype of a rare breath-condensing spiritual treasure as an array weapon, there are probably not many in the entire Northern Wilderness cultivation world.

The most important thing is that, counting the two golden elixir perfect dragons that suddenly appeared, the old water dragon in the pseudo-infant realm, and the golden elixir perfect golden winged tiger, the owner of Qianxing Valley, there are three golden elixir perfect dragons here. There are many monsters in the Dan Perfection Realm and one in the pseudo-infant realm.

This kind of combat power is much stronger than the combat power of Jindan Perfect who besieged Baiyun City, the border city of Yan State.

After all, there were no pseudo-infant realm monsters sitting around at that time.

And the trapping formation that trapped him, Dragon King Jiao and others was up to the fourth level. Even if he mastered a powerful weapon like the Five Elements Pure Yang Xuan Lei, it would be difficult to destroy it in a short time.

For this reason, Ling Pengyun's expression became a little more solemn. (End of chapter)

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