Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 1107 Four Mysterious Thunders Appear (Subscribe)

He also turned his head and said to the Dragon Abyss Jiao King who was carrying Ling Yunhong and several other Ling family golden cores.

"Brother Long Yuan, you will protect my people later. You can just block the golden winged tiger in the perfect golden core realm."

"The old water Jiao in the pseudo-infant realm and the golden core perfect earth Jiao among them will be left to me."

"The other golden core perfect fire Jiao of Grandpa Yunhong will be left to you."

After saying that, Ling Pengyun mobilized the two five-element pure yang black thunders that had been used to attack the Qianxing Valley's protective formation, which had 30% to 40% of their power left, and quickly hit the golden core perfect earth Jiao and the old water Jiao in the pseudo-infant realm among the three giant Jiaos in the depths of Qianxing Valley.

Ling Yunhong, the head of the Ling family, who was sitting on the back of the Dragon Abyss Jiao King, also sacrificed the prototype of the Thunder Breaking Gang Long Spear in his hand and hit the last golden core perfect fire Jiao.

The rest of the Ling family's Jindan sacrificed many formation flags and set up a third-grade superior killing formation with formation tools to help Ling Yunhong fight the Jindan perfect fire dragon.

This formation was rented by the Ling family from the old third-grade superior formation master Yan Mo Wolf King with spirit stones.

At this moment, Long Yuan Jiao Wang saw the situation in front of him, and his face looked constipated, and he couldn't help complaining in his heart.

"I wouldn't have followed if I had known."

However, since it was in danger now, it had no choice but to bite the bullet and sacrifice its own life spirit treasure, Qian Liushui, to attack the Jindan perfect golden winged tiger in the valley.

At the same time, it also used its remaining strength to continuously perform water defense spells around, covering itself and Ling Pengyun and others, and guarding against the attacks of the other Jindan monster kings and tens of thousands of low-level monsters in the valley.

This Qianxing Valley is not only home to the four monsters with cultivation levels above the Jindan perfect realm, but also several Jindan monster kings and tens of thousands of low-level monsters.

These are all golden-winged tigers. According to Ling Pengyun's guess, they are probably the same clan as the golden-winged tiger with perfect golden elixir. For this reason, the golden-winged tiger with perfect golden elixir left those golden-elixir demon kings and tens of thousands of low-level golden-winged tigers in this valley.

At the same time.

Deep in the Thousand Star Valley.

The strongest old water dragon, who had reached the pseudo-infant realm, saw the five-element pure yang black thunder bombarding him, and his eyebrows showed a little surprise.

"Only by facing this attack can you feel the horror of this attack."

"If this attack is a complete victory, I am afraid it will be the full force of an early Yuanying cultivator."

"With such means, it is no wonder that the human race can bombard the old golden dragon and the old mother earth dragon, as well as the three of them, the old dragon with thunder spear."

Then, the old water dragon became more vigilant, and its turbid eyes suddenly flashed with countless brilliant rays, and it also opened its mouth and spit out a prototype of a blue full-body armor spiritual treasure.

As it continued to transfer spiritual power into it, the full-body armor suddenly grew larger and was automatically worn on its huge body, and a huge defensive light curtain was propped up to cover it, blocking the five-element pure yang black thunder that Ling Pengyun shot at it.

However, for this reason, the full-body armor defensive light curtain around it also dimmed slightly. Obviously, even if this black thunder was not in full victory, its power was not bad.

And this old water dragon did not dare to delay. It immediately exerted its strength and flew towards Ling Pengyun and others.

It is mainly cultivating physical strength and is good at close combat, so it adopted such an attack method.

Moreover, in its eyes, now is a good opportunity to kill Ling Pengyun.

Just now, it saw that Ling Pengyun had used the elixir to restore his spiritual power once in order to cast two five-element pure yang black thunders. Now, Ling Pengyun also looked like he was exhausted.

If you don’t seize the opportunity now, when will you?

On the other side, the golden elixir-perfect earth dragon deep in the Thousand Star Valley also had a prototype of a spiritual treasure, which was a huge hammer.

With the help of this treasure, it also smashed the five-element pure yang black thunder that Ling Pengyun had thrown at it.

And it saw that the old water dragon elder in the clan rushed towards Ling Pengyun and others, so it naturally would not sit idly by and miss this good opportunity to kill Ling Pengyun.

Immediately, it used its spiritual power to touch the prototype of the huge hammer spiritual treasure and hit Ling Pengyun and others.

At the same time, it also sacrificed several third-level top-grade attack magic weapons, and kept reciting the spells to perform earth-based attack spells.

It is not like the old water dragon, who is a physical cultivator. It is just a dragon that walks the ordinary path of cultivation, and mostly uses magic weapons and spells to fight against the enemy.

However, in just a few breaths, the giant hammer spirit treasure prototype controlled by the golden elixir perfect earth dragon, as well as other magic weapons, spells, and the old water dragon, all showed fear before they could kill Ling Pengyun and others.

Because they saw that Ling Pengyun swallowed nearly forty soul-recovering pills in a row in just a few breaths, recovered his spiritual power four times, and displayed four superior magical powers "Pure Yang Five Elements Mysterious Thunder".

For a moment, the entire sky was shining with countless five-element colors of thunder.

Moreover, the speed of the four pure yang five elements mysterious thunders was extremely fast, and the fastest old water dragon in the pseudo-infant realm was covered by the four mysterious thunders before it could rush.

In just a short moment, a sound of breaking came from the ground.

Then, the old water dragon with a cultivation level as high as the pseudo-infant realm cried in pain.

Ling Pengyun followed closely, waving his hand to control the four Five Elements Pure Yang Mysterious Thunders, each of which had about 50% of its power left, and attacked the earth dragon deep in the Thousand Star Valley.

As for the old water dragon that was hit by four mysterious thunders, it had turned into a charcoal and fell to the ground.

Such a scene frightened the earth dragon that was about to be hit by four mysterious thunders, and it cursed in its heart.

"Is this human race made of iron?"

"In just a few breaths, with the help of elixirs to restore spiritual power four times, it can still stand up with such a huge consumption of magical power?"

Because of the previous experience of the old water dragon in the pseudo-infant realm, this earth dragon had no confidence at all that it could resist the four five-element pure yang mysterious thunders with a full 50% of the power left.

It also immediately used the top middle-level escape magic power "Earth Movement Escape Technique" that it had spent a lot of effort to get from the clan in its early years and successfully comprehended.

It saw a flash of spiritual light around it, and it immediately escaped into the depths of the ground, and in an instant, it moved thousands of miles away and left the Thousand Star Valley.

"In order to resist you, I used my injured meridians to cast four black thunders, and you want to escape like this?"

Ling Pengyun saw this scene, his face full of coldness. Immediately, he pinched his fingers and controlled the four black thunders with 50% of their power left to chase after him.

As the superior thunder system magical power, the speed of these four black thunders is naturally not bad, which is more than 50% faster than the earth dragon's earth movement escape technique.

After a while, the four black thunders caught up and blasted directly to the ground where the earth dragon was.

Instantly, a loud noise sounded.

Countless soil was blown into the air.

The whole ground was shaking as if there was an earthquake.

When the noise dissipated, a huge deep pit appeared in a wasteland thousands of miles away from Qianxing Valley.

Inside was the golden elixir-perfect earth dragon that had escaped from the Thousand Star Valley. However, now, it, like the old water dragon, had turned into charcoal.

When Ling Pengyun saw this scene, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

However, the great pain in his meridians made him frown.

After carefully examining his meridians, he suddenly felt like crying without tears.

His meridians were all riddled with holes, and they were already as damaged as they could be.

"If there is no spiritual object to help with the meridian injuries, I'm afraid it will take a hundred years to recover from the injuries."

"With this injury, even if we kill the two dragons in this battle, it can only be considered a partial victory."

Just now, he swallowed nearly forty soul-restoring pills in a short period of time. During the four times of restoring spiritual power, his meridians were impacted by a large amount of medicinal power.

Even though his meridians had been tempered by the Five Elements Golden Elixir and the Yin-Yang Primordial Essence, becoming several times stronger, they were still severely damaged. (End of this chapter)

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