Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 1158 Return to the Family (Subscription Request)

Finally, he still planned to take some time to ask Master Yunxiong and Master Yunqian.

After all, they had said before that if the Ling family became a Yuanying force in the future, they would need to pay tribute to the Yunqian lineage of Xinghai Pavilion every year.

As for the annual tributes required by the Haiyun Immortal Sect in the Northern Wilderness Cultivation Realm and the Canglan Bihai Sect in the Boundless Sea Cultivation Realm, they were actually all paid to the Yunqian lineage.

Therefore, Master Yunqian had said earlier that it was possible to save tributes to these two major forces.

Yan State originally belonged to the Yuanying force Tianxing Pavilion, and was not qualified to receive tributes from the Ling family.

After that, Ling Pengyun put his mind back on the battlefield and began to harvest the lives of the remaining low-level monsters that had not yet escaped, and slowly moved the bodies of the killed monsters back to the market.

Although he had gathered all the monster bodies needed to cultivate a fourth-level spiritual vein.

But if we can gather tens of millions of monster corpses, we can cultivate another fourth-level spiritual vein, which is a great thing.

However, as time went by, the other righteous Yuanying who had gone to hunt and kill slowly came back, and they also joined the work of slaughtering low-level monsters.

And like Ling Pengyun, they would separate some of their minds and transport them back to the market every time they killed a low-level monster.

Obviously, their idea was the same as Ling Pengyun.

Ling Pengyun's harvest was greatly reduced, and he had no choice but to try his best to kill more low-level monsters.

The same was true for the other righteous Yuanying and even the millions of low-level cultivators in the Sanxian Market.

In this way, the remaining tens of millions of monsters outside the Sanxian Market were quickly slaughtered.

The entire Sanxian Market also attracted the joy of the end of the war.

Ling Pengyun also counted the harvest of this final battle.

And the final result also made him smile.

He got more than 13.5 million low-level monster corpses this time.

After following his master Yunxiong Zhenjun and his senior brother Haiyun Zhenjun to kill two mid-stage Nascent Soul monsters, he also got the Nascent Soul of the mid-stage Nascent Soul earth dragon.

He planned to leave this Nascent Soul to his ghost-cultivating brother Ling Pengxing at home, so that he could use the fifth-level Tongtian Lingbao-level ghost fairy lamp in his hand to see if he could cultivate a Nascent Soul ghost.

The ghost fairy lamp is a ghost-raising treasure, and its effect is mostly in raising ghosts.

If this can be accomplished, the strength of the old Ling family can also be improved.

In addition, Ling Pengyun was also specially taken care of by his master Yunxiong Zhenjun, for which he was also allocated a fourth-level flying sword spiritual treasure.

According to his master's original words, since Ling Pengyun has the Yun Qian lineage's superior magical power "Yun Guang Fen Yun Jian Zhi Shu" in his hand, how can he not have a flying sword spiritual treasure.

Such things also made Ling Pengyun always grateful.

Then, Ling Pengyun looked at the 13 million monster corpses in front of him, and felt troubled.

"Now the war is basically over. After some time, it's time to transport these monster corpses back to the clan."

"But there are too many monster corpses. I'm afraid I'll be exhausted to transport them back to the clan by myself.

"This place is very far from the clan. It takes a lot of time for the clan members to come here. It will take decades to transport all the monster corpses back."

"This time is too long. I can only use storage magic tools. "

Thinking of this, Ling Pengyun immediately used the communication array in the Sanxianfang City to link up with a quasi-fourth-level communication array that the Yifan family had just built not long ago.

Notified the Yifan family to withdraw all the storage bags in the hands of the clan members and the other three major sects of Yan State.

Although the news that Ling Pengyun entered the Nascent Soul stage spread throughout the entire Northern Wilderness cultivation world, the three major forces in Yan State, Yaowang Valley, Qingxin Taoist Temple, and Bailingmen, also knew about it.

The three major sects also actively cooperated with this matter.

However, even if these three The storage instruments of the major sects and the Ling family’s own clansmen only have tens of thousands, which can only hold a million monster corpses at most.

Ling Pengyun has more than 13 million monster corpses here, which requires 13 trips to transport them all.

It takes at least ten days for him to go back to the family, and a round trip is 20 days.

Thirteen trips is almost a year.

It is a bit of a waste to use this time to transport corpses. After all, he and Brother Xinghai’s ancestor still have a hundred-year agreement.

For this reason, after thinking about it for a long time, he finally He then sought help from the Haiyun Immortal Sect's master, Haiyun Zhenjun.

Haiyun Zhenjun thought that this matter was not a big deal, and Ling Pengyun's master Yunxiong Zhenjun had a good relationship with his master who had already exhausted his lifespan, Ling Pengyun had been taken care of by Yunxiong Zhenjun over the years, and Ling Pengyun himself was talented.

He did not hesitate and agreed to Ling Pengyun's request.

He did what he said, and immediately found all the Haiyun Immortal Sect disciples in the market, and temporarily transferred some storage bags of these cultivators. .

In addition, he also specially returned to Haiyun Xianzong and lent Ling Pengyun the storage bags of tens of thousands of disciples stationed in the sect, as well as some storage magic tools stored by Haiyun Xianzong, totaling hundreds of thousands of storage magic tools.

In a short period of time, the number of storage bags in Ling Pengyun's hands reached nearly 600,000 or 700,000.

In this way, he could transport about 5 to 6 million monster corpses at a time, and send them back to the family in two round trips.

This also made Ling Pengyun very happy, and he immediately thanked Haiyun Zhenjun.

And Haiyun Zhenjun did not take credit for it. Later, he asked if he needed the disciples of Haiyun Xianzong to help transport the corpses of monsters with those storage bags.

Ling Pengyun was worried that there were too many storage bags and most of them were borrowed from major forces. If he lost them, Ling's family would go bankrupt.

In addition, there were many corpses of monsters in them, so Ling Pengyun did not dare to hand over this job to ordinary cultivators, but planned to transport them himself.

Seeing this, Haiyun Zhenjun did not force it.

Afterwards, Ling Pengyun chatted with him for a few more words, and then he said goodbye and left. Instead, he found his master Yunxiong Zhenjun and borrowed the fourth-level flying boat from him.

This flying boat can be freely enlarged, and it can just hold hundreds of thousands of storage bags.

In this way, Ling Pengyun began to wait quietly in the market to prevent the monsters from making a comeback.

During this period, Yun Qianlao Zhenjun and Jiangang Laoren, who went to hunt down Heiyun Laojiao, also returned triumphantly.

It is said that the Black Cloud Old Dragon was killed by them.

However, both of them also suffered some minor injuries and needed to adjust their breathing, so they went into seclusion as soon as they returned to the market.

The two Yuanying Perfection cultivators from the Zhongzhou Four Immortals Alliance and the North Pole Ice Palace also successfully killed the other Yuanying Perfection monster from the Zhongzhou Boundless Demon Territory.

The righteous Yuanying who went to hunt down the other demon kings also relied on the advantage of numbers and basically gained something.

In the end, according to everyone's statistics, only a few demon kings with good luck escaped the hunt and survived.

In this way, the chaos that lasted for a full hundred years led to the tragic deaths of at least forty or fifty Yuanying demon kings.

Perhaps, because of this, whether it was the Black Dragon Lake clan, the Zhongzhou Boundless Demon Territory, or the Sea Dragon clan in the Boundless Sea Cultivation World, they were all scared.

After a full year, none of these three clans made any movement.

Ling Pengyun therefore approached Yun Qian Lao Zhenjun, and talked about borrowing the fourth-level spiritual formation and the fourth-level formation master, and also planned to temporarily leave the market to transport the corpse of the monster back home.

Yun Qian Lao Zhenjun thought that Ling Pengyun was well prepared, and the Ling family, with the fourth-level spiritual vein, could be regarded as a true Nascent Soul family, and could produce more benefits in the future, and the Yun Qian lineage could also benefit from it, so he immediately agreed to this matter.

He also agreed with Ling Pengyun that within three years, a fourth-level formation master from the Yun Qian lineage would go to the Ling family with the spiritual formation.

As for Ling Pengyun's temporary departure from the market, he also agreed, but he also told Ling Pengyun to return to the market as soon as possible.

After all, although the chaos seems to be over now, who knows whether the monsters will launch a sneak attack.

For this reason, Yun Qian Lao Zhenjun and other Nascent Soul Perfection strongmen have already ordered all cultivators in the market, including the major Nascent Soul Zhenjuns, not to leave the market without authorization to avoid accidents.

As soon as these things were agreed, Ling Pengyun took advantage of the night and immediately drove Yunxiong Zhenjun's fourth-level flying boat, carrying hundreds of thousands of storage magic tools and leaving Sanxianfang City.

Perhaps because the flying boat had the effect of concealing breath, Ling Pengyun did not attract attention along the way, and did not encounter any trouble.

In just ten days, he returned to the family.

After he put all the corpses of the monsters in the clan land, he went directly to the elder Ling Chengyuan and asked him to look after the corpses of the monsters.

After many years, Ling Chengyuan finally entered the middle stage of the golden elixir.

As for the situation of the family and other clan members, he knew them very well with the help of the communication formation in Sanxianfang City.

In the past ten years, Yan State has been as peaceful as before, without being invaded by the monsters, because of its reputation in the early years.

Therefore, the strength of the Ling family has not been damaged, but has continued to grow with the passage of time.

At present, because the old Liu family is relatively wealthy, they do not restrict the reproduction of the clan members. Therefore, after only a dozen years, the number of cultivators in the old Liu family has increased to nearly 40,000.

There are nearly 20 million ordinary clan members.

As for the spiritual veins under their command, they have not increased much. After all, there is still chaos at present. Even if the Ling family has the strength, they dare not expand outward, so as not to destroy the peace that Yan State has finally won.

However, the Ling family has one more golden elixir cultivator.

And that person is Ling Pengyun's daughter Ling Chengxin.

Moreover, Ling Chengxin's impact on the golden elixir is quite special. She tried to impact with her own strength.

Due to the powerful spiritual consciousness and powerful meridians cultivated by various special methods, as well as the yin and yang primordial qi that Ling Pengyun gave her in her early years, she has at least 20% to 30% chance of impacting the golden elixir.

For this reason, she was lucky enough to succeed.

And she finally broke through alone and condensed a golden elixir at the peak of the middle level, which is also good.

In the future, there is a high probability of entering the late stage of the Nascent Soul, and there is even a slight probability of entering the perfect stage of the Nascent Soul.

The cultivation of the rest of the family has also been enhanced.

The biggest changes are the two Nascent Soul seedlings, Ling Pengcheng, who has the moral golden saint body, and Ling Lihao, who has the heavenly spiritual root.

One of them has entered the late stage of the Golden Core, and the other has entered the fifth level of the Golden Core. It can be said that the speed of cultivation is extremely fast.

Ling Pengyun's wife Yan Siyi is still hovering at the seventh level of the Golden Core as before.

And at this moment.

Ling Chengyuan was particularly happy when he saw Ling Pengyun, after all, Ling Pengyun was the first Nascent Soul True Lord in the family.

He even wanted to gather all the cultivators in his family to celebrate Ling Pengyun's return and his Nascent Soul.

At the beginning, after Ling Pengyun entered the Nascent Soul at Xinghai Pavilion, he was directly taken to Sanxian Market by Yunxiong Zhenjun.

Later, in order to gather cultivation resources, his Nascent Soul Ceremony was also held at Sanxian Market.

In this way, Ling Pengyun is indeed returning to the clan for the first time after entering the Nascent Soul.

However, the proposal of the great elder Ling Chengyuan was rejected by Ling Pengyun.

Now that the war has just ended for only a year, he is still transporting a batch of monster corpses back. If people know his whereabouts, it will more or less increase the danger.

However, he also agreed to the great elder Ling Chengyuan to gather a group of core clansmen in the Jindan realm to hold a small celebration banquet to celebrate his entry into the Nascent Soul realm.

After that, in just a few days, the core clansmen who were originally stationed in Baiyun City, the front line of Yan State, and various places all returned.

Ling Pengyun's wife Yan Siyi and Ling Chengxin were also among them.

His three senior brothers who also worshipped under Yunxiong Zhenjun came as well.

In the past ten years, they have been helping Ling Pengyun to stay in Baiyun City, the border city of Yan State, as before.

However, during the days they were in Baiyun City, they had a good relationship with the other Jindan of Ling family because of Ling Pengyun.

When everyone gathered together, they talked about anything.

This meal took several hours.

Once the matter was settled.

Everyone also said goodbye and left temporarily, leaving the space for Ling Pengyun, Yan Siyi, and Ling Chengxin's family of three.

The three of them immediately returned to a place for cultivation, Bingxue Valley, and then the three of them chatted about some intimate things. Ling Chengxin smiled and said something, and then left.

"Dad and Mom, you guys talk slowly."

When they were alone, the relationship between Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi also heated up rapidly.

The two of them stayed in the house for several days before they left.

Then, Ling Pengyun called the other core golden elixirs in the clan and gave them some advice on how to practice.

Once this matter was settled, Ling Pengyun handed over the soul of the earth dragon in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul to the ghost cultivator Ling Pengxing in the late stage of the Nascent Soul, and then left home and returned to Sanxianfang City to continue transporting the corpses of the monsters.

And this matter was soon over.

He also returned the storage bags in his hands and prepared a generous gift.

Then, he followed the instructions of Yun Qian Lao Zhenjun and returned to Sanxianfang City to take charge to prevent the monsters from counterattacking. (End of this chapter)

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