Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 1159: Advancing Spiritual Veins (Subscription Request)

Time passed gradually.

Two years passed in the blink of an eye.

During this period, Wu Yao had been causing chaos in the world of cultivating immortals in the Northern Wilderness.

For this reason, Yun Qianlao Zhenjun and other Yuanying Consummation Zhenjun who came from the deity power stationed in Sanxianfang City also spread the news about this place back.

In the end, the backers behind the three major immortal sects in the Northern Wilderness Cultivation Realm, the Xinghai Pavilion in the Boundless Sea, the Four Immortals Alliance in Zhongzhou, and the ancestors of the gods in the Arctic Ice Palace, all set out to find the Black Dragon Lake clan who launched the chaos, There are also the sea dragon clan in the boundless sea area and the three major god-transforming demon clans in the boundless demon domain in Zhongzhou.

In the end, the ancestors of the six parties signed an armistice agreement.

The righteous path of the Beihuang Immortal Realm has truly ushered in peace.

Everything is back to normal.

There was also joy in Sanxianfang City.

As the hosts, the Three Immortal Sects Haiyun Immortal Sect, Hanyue Immortal Palace, and Fuyun Immortal Sect also organized an extremely grand celebration banquet, and invited millions of monks stationed in Fang City during the past 100 years, as well as various Those Nascent Soul Lords who came to support from the big forces had a lot of fun together.

Perhaps out of relaxation, everyone present, including Ling Pengyun, the Nascent Soul Master, ate extremely happily.

After meal.

True Lord Yun Xiong and True Lord Yun Qianlao called Ling Pengyun to a cave deep in Fang City.

Haiyun Zhenjun, the sect leader of Haiyun Immortal Sect, and Master Yunhe, who had arrived here a year ago, were also here, preparing to promote Ling's spiritual veins.

Master Yunhe, the old formation master, is an old true king, with a head full of white hair, and even a trace of death aura on his body.

However, he is particularly clean, has a chin-shaped beard, and is wearing a white robe, which makes him look like a fairy.

However, it is said that he is actually older than Lord Yun Qian, and is one of the oldest people in Yun Qian's lineage.

No, his cultivation has reached the middle stage of Nascent Soul, and his formation level is also extremely high. He entered the fourth level hundreds of years ago.

Although he has not yet broken through to the fourth-level mid-level realm, he can be regarded as a veteran fourth-level low-level array mage.

At the same time, he is also the only fourth-level formation mage in Yun Qian's lineage. Even among the entire Xinghai Pavilion, his formation level is enough to rank among the top five.

If Ling Pengyun hadn't condensed the Five Elements Nascent Soul, it would have been the Yun Qian lineage's Nascent Soul Consummation seedling, and he was received by the ancestor of Xinghai Pavilion.

Otherwise, even Old True Lord Yun Qian, who is the leader of Yun Qian's lineage, would have difficulty in inviting this old formation master.

However, the promotion of spiritual veins has not yet begun.

After all, the chaos had not yet calmed down before.

And the movement of promoting spiritual veins is relatively big.

This matter was temporarily stopped.

This is also the reason why the old formation master Yunhe still stays here.

At this moment, Old True Lord Yun Qian said to Ling Pengyun.

"Now that the battle on Senior Nephew Pengyun's side has been settled, your master and I will return to the pavilion first."

After saying that, he said to True Lord Haiyun.

"Senior Nephew Haiyun, this is your territory, and you and Nephew Pengyun are both members of my family. No matter who of you two is in trouble in the future, you must help each other."

True Lord Haiyun already had a good relationship with Ling Pengyun, so he immediately agreed to the matter.

Ling Pengyun naturally replied.

Then, Old True Lord Yun Qian said to the old formation master Yun He.

"Senior Brother Yunhe, I leave it to you to promote the spiritual veins for the Pengyun family."

Master Yunhe heard this and said with a smile. "This is my duty."

"However, ugly things need to be said in advance. I am only 60% sure to use the formation to help your clan's spiritual veins enter the fourth level. If you fail, don't blame me."

"Moreover, the probability of some spiritual veins with poor foundations will be even lower."

Ling Pengyun had heard this statement before.

Not all spiritual veins that have accumulated enough spiritual energy can enter the fourth level. Only the stronger heels have the opportunity to enter the fourth level. This is the same as the monks attacking the Nascent Soul.

But he was already prepared.

Two years ago, when he went home, he had transferred a piece of Taichu Qi that he had saved over the years to the ice spirit vein under the Ice and Snow Valley, his family's monastery.

This ice spiritual vein is accompanied by a third-level high-grade ice attribute spiritual pool. With the help of this pool, the chance of this spiritual vein entering the Nascent Soul is actually about 10%.

Moreover, if this spiritual vein can enter the fourth level, then the spiritual pool will also lay the foundation of the fourth level.

Therefore, Ling Pengyun had already determined that spiritual vein as a place for promotion.

As for the half of the beneficial ownership of the Lingtan that originally needed to be given to the Heishan Zhao family of the Tianfeng Kingdom, it was also bought by Ling Pengyun with a million spirit stones two years ago. It was not considered a injustice to the Heishan Zhao family.

At this time, Ling Pengyun also followed suit.

"Uncle Yunhe, it would be a blessing for me if you can help me improve my spiritual veins. Even if it fails, it's because my family's luck is too bad. How can I blame my uncle at that time?"

When the old formation master Yun He heard this, he felt quite satisfied, and he nodded accordingly.

Afterwards, everyone chatted for a few more words and then left the Sanxianfang City residence.

A few days later.

Ling Pengyun and Yunhe, the old formation masters, rushed to the boundary of the Lingxiao Mountains within the family territory.

However, Yunhe, the old formation master, suddenly stopped. He was suspended in the air, looking at the ground below, his brows filled with surprise.

Ling Pengyun saw this and asked quickly.

"Uncle, what are you doing?"

Master Yunhe said.

"Senior Nephew Pengyun, the Xuanci leylines in your family's territory are quite interesting, and they are all connected together."

"If a fourth-level Nadi vein-making formation is deployed here to connect the entire earth's veins, there is a chance that a fourth-level spiritual vein can be created without spending any spiritual materials."

"As soon as this formation is completed, the remaining sources of spiritual veins in this land will gradually be extracted."

"After the fourth-level spiritual vein is successful, your family's spiritual vein in the area of ​​300,000 miles will disappear."

"After this, it is estimated that no other spiritual veins will be born in this land for ten thousand years."

"However, the benefits are great. After all, fourth-level spiritual veins are rare and hard to come by. Your family had a good chance to encounter a precious seedling."

"If you need it, I can help you."

After hearing this, Ling Pengyun's eyes lit up slightly.

He had actually learned about this matter from Ling Penglin, the strongest formation master in the family.

It is said that Senior Lei Yun, the quasi-fourth-level formation mage from the Canglan Bihai Sect of the Immortal Cultivation World in the Boundless Sea, saw it when he came here and later told Ling Penglin.

However, at that time, the old formation master Lei Yun did not have the ability to arrange such formations. He just saw that the ground veins in the Lingxiao Mountain Range were somewhat special, just like the old formation master Yun He.

"Uncle, how sure are you?"

Ling Pengyun asked.

"It is more difficult to condense fourth-level spiritual veins with earth veins, so the probability is smaller."

"I only have 30%, but if there are some spiritual objects containing spiritual energy to help, the probability can be improved."

"But generally a 10% probability for a fourth-level formation mage is good. Otherwise, even with your family's original strength, it would be difficult to keep this treasure land."

Yun He, the old formation master, thought for a moment and said.

After hearing this, Ling Pengyun hesitated slightly.

There are three thousand spiritual veins in this area, and there is a 30% chance that fourth-level spiritual veins can be cultivated, which is somewhat risky.

But the benefits are indeed relatively large.

Those three thousand spiritual veins were of relatively low grade and would not be of any help to him.

Moreover, if this matter can be achieved, and the spiritual veins in Ice and Snow Valley can also be successful, the family will be able to have two fourth-level spiritual veins with them.

When the time comes, just planting the fourth-order spiritual plants will be a huge benefit, and the fourth-order spiritual plants are good for a Nascent Soul Lord like him, and he is currently lacking the fourth-order spiritual plants, especially the spiritual plants. Medicine category.

As for whether Ling Pengyun could keep the fourth-level spiritual vein, he never thought about it.

He is now backed by Xinghai Pavilion Yun Qianyi.

Nowadays, the future direction of the Beihuang Immortal Cultivation World is inextricably related to Yun Qianyi.

Under such circumstances, unless something happened to Yun Qian's lineage or the Ling family rebelled, nothing would happen to the Ling family even if they really had two fourth-level spiritual veins.

Under such circumstances, he ultimately preferred the fourth-level spiritual veins rather than the three thousand low-level spiritual veins in the Lingxiao Mountain Range.

Then he said.

"Uncle Yunhe, I'll help you."

"And this junior will definitely remember this great kindness in his heart. No matter whether this thing can be done or not, I will definitely be richly rewarded after finishing it."

"However, can we wait for the juniors for a while and move away the mortals in this land?"

The boundary of the Lingxiao Mountain Range is the area where the Ling clan is located. Hundreds of years ago, in order to avoid the chaos of monsters and beasts that happened every hundred years, the Ling clan gathered all their ordinary people in that boundary early in advance.

Therefore, there are nearly 20 million mortals in this land.

During the period of extracting the spiritual veins, the movement will be very loud, and if a mortal is in this area, there will be nine out of ten casualties.

Moreover, with no spiritual veins, it would be difficult for the Ling family to protect those mortals. If they were not protected, the demon clan or the devil would take action.

After all, we are still in a period of great chaos.

"It will take some time to help your clan improve their spiritual veins. It doesn't hurt to wait a little longer."

"And because I was unprepared for this matter, I didn't bring the fourth-level Nadi Pulse Formation Formation with me. I still need to go back to the pavilion to get it."

Old Array Master Yunhe agreed.

Afterwards, the two chatted for a few more words, then rushed directly to the ice and snow forest, and finally landed in the ice and snow valley containing the third-level high-grade ice spirit vein.

Yun He, the old formation master, also began to look at the direction of the ice spirit vein here.

After a while, there was an unexpected look on his eyebrows again and he said to Ling Pengyun.

"Senior Nephew Pengyun, your family's opportunities are good."

"The foundation of the ice spirit veins here is actually thicker than the average third-order high-grade spiritual veins. I am afraid that even without the help of formations, given hundreds of years of time to accumulate, the ice spirit veins here will have the opportunity to enter the quasi-fourth level on their own. territory."

"Furthermore, I think his foundation is quite solid, and he is actually a good candidate for promotion to the fourth level of spiritual veins."

"You chose a good place."

After hearing this, Ling Pengyun felt relieved.

But when I think about it, after all, this place is the clan of the Chijin Bear clan, the Nascent Soul force next door to the Yan Kingdom, which used to be the stronger Ice and Snow White Lion clan. It has been managed by this clan for thousands of years, so it is not weak in the first place.

In addition, this spiritual vein was transferred by him into a primordial energy of Yin and Yang, and its foundation was naturally stronger than ordinary spiritual veins.

Afterwards, Ling Pengyun exchanged a few polite words with True Lord Yun Qian, and Master Yun Qian took out the formation flag of the fourth-level pulse-raising formation and began to find a place to arrange it.

Ling Pengyun took out the tens of millions of monster corpses that were previously stored in the Ice and Snow Valley and piled them on a flat ground in the valley.

This also made it easier for the old formation master Yunhe to set up the formation.

In addition, Ling Pengyun also dismissed some of the tribesmen who usually lived in the Ice and Snow Valley, as well as some tribesmen from the nearby Lingshan Mountain, to avoid being hurt.

Then, after waiting for a few more days, the old formation master Yunhe also began to take action.

In an instant, countless formation patterns emerged from the depths of the Ice and Snow Valley and finally formed a hexagram formation above the valley.

Then, the formation fell into countless beams of light that shot into the huge pile of monster corpses in the valley and began to absorb the spiritual energy from them.

In just a moment, you can see at a speed visible to the naked eye that the monster corpses that could originally be used as spiritual materials to refine various spiritual objects were drained and eventually turned into ashes.

The extracted spiritual energy will be tempered by the Shengmai formation, and finally transferred to the ice spiritual vein deep underground in the Ice and Snow Valley to increase its cultivation.

Fortunately, the foundation of this spiritual vein is relatively solid, and its ability to withstand and convert those spiritual energies is also fast.

In just three short years, this matter was resolved.

The Shengmai formation also took effect at this moment, helping it to condense its body and forge a fourth-level foundation.

This matter took a long time, a full five years to complete.

However, once this matter was resolved, everything was done smoothly.

Then, in just half a month, the spiritual vein mastered the fourth-level spiritual vein Dao, triggering the spiritual energy of the heaven and earth.

The spiritual energy within a radius of 300,000 miles suddenly tilted towards this place.

And this situation also made Ling Pengyun, who had been watching, extremely nervous.

If the spirit vein fails to condense the fourth-order Yuanying with this opportunity, the opportunity of the fourth-order spirit vein will be lost to him, and the corpses of tens of millions of monsters will be wasted.

During this period, the entire land near the Ice and Snow Valley began to shake.

Countless painful sounds came from the ground.

Then, it seemed that a dragon turned over in the deep underground.

The earth cracked.

Countless broken stones fell from the cliffs around the Ice and Snow Valley.

For a while, the area around the Ice and Snow Valley was full of gullies, and there was no good place, just like a Jedi.

But the turmoil still did not stop.

Such a situation also attracted the attention of many monks around.

There were even monks rushing here.

Fortunately, Ling Pengyun had prepared in advance and sent many Ling family monks to guard, so those curious monks were stopped.

And this land was also covered by a huge layer of clouds and fog, and the situation inside could not be seen from the outside.

"Husband, do you think this spiritual vein upgrade can be successful?"

The only wife Yan Siyi who could stay here with Ling Pengyun and watch the upgrade of the fourth-level spiritual vein together looked at the scene in front of her, a little worried, and asked Ling Pengyun.

Another person beside her, Ling Chengxin, also asked a question.

"Yes, father, can this be successful?"

"I don't know."

"It depends on that Uncle Yunhe."

Ling Pengyun fixed his eyes on the old Yunhe formation master who was sitting in the void above the Ice and Snow Valley, and his face was a little more worried. (End of this chapter)

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