Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 1189: The Third Son Cheng Mie is a bit weird (please subscribe)

And Ling Pengyun's three brothers who practiced physical cultivation were still stuck in the bottleneck of cultivation and were still hovering at the Golden Core Perfection.

However, their foundation was getting deeper and deeper.

The powerful magical powers they knew were also getting stronger and stronger.

With their combined strength, they were estimated to be able to fight against ordinary Yuanying level 1 cultivators.

This was not bad.

Afterwards, Ling Pengyun stayed here for a few more days, chatting with his brothers, and then left this place and returned home to continue his closed-door cultivation and deduction of Lingxiao Five Elements Juyuan Grass.

He wanted to see if there was any possibility of improving the efficacy of this grass.

But the efficacy of this grass has reached its peak, and it is difficult to improve it further.

Even with the addition of the Yin-Yang Taichu Sutra, the deduction ability is a bit difficult.

However, as time goes by.

He and the Yin-Yang Taichu Sutra spent ten years to improve the potential of Lingxiao Five Elements Juyuan Grass again.

In the future, as long as time accumulates, this grass will also have the opportunity to enter the fourth-level upper grade.

This also means that this herb can help Ling Pengyun even when he enters the late stage of the Nascent Soul or even the perfect stage of the Nascent Soul.

After a while.

His wife Yan Siyi came out of retreat again.

And this time, her physical cultivation has reached the high level of Golden Core Perfection.

After careful calculation, her ordinary way and physical cultivation have reached the perfect state.

With such means alone, ordinary cultivators are not her opponents.

If she adds the prototypes of the spiritual treasures in her hands, she can probably fight against many cultivators of the same level.

However, compared with Ling Pengyun's three brothers, she is a little weaker. After all, the magical powers she knows are too weak.

And this is a disadvantage of weak foundation.

However, Yan Siyi also has an advantage that Ling Pengyun's three brothers can hardly pursue in their lifetime.

That is the opportunity to impact the Nascent Soul.

As Yan Siyi's physical cultivation entered the perfect state of the Golden Core, her meridians were also fed back and became extremely tough.

Moreover, during her recent 50 years of retreat, she also comprehended a magical power to temper the meridians and a magical power to temper the consciousness, and reached the Nascent Soul level.

In this way, her already tough meridians have become several times stronger, and her consciousness has also become a bit stronger.

After careful calculation, these two advantages alone are enough to increase her chances of entering the Nascent Soul by 15%.

In addition, her Nascent Soul foundation Five Elements Golden Pill can also increase her chances of entering the Nascent Soul by 10%.

In total, she has a 25% chance of reaching the Nascent Soul by herself.

It is for this reason that Yan Siyi plans to try to reach the Nascent Soul this time.

Otherwise, if she continues to delay, she probably can only rely on the Lingxiao Xuyuan magical power that Ling Pengyun deduced some time ago to reach the Nascent Soul.

Now, she is about 300 years old.

And the best age to reach the Nascent Soul is 400 years old.

"This is not much worse than what I did back then."

"You can indeed try to impact the Nascent Soul."

Ling Pengyun said with a smile.

Then, he handed Yan Siyi a portion of Nine Heavens Mysterious Qi and a portion of Earth Soul Essence that he had obtained from Yun Qian's lineage in his early years.

"Although these two items can only increase the probability of a cultivator entering the Nascent Soul by 10% when used alone, taking them together has a complementary effect and can increase the probability of a cultivator entering the Nascent Soul by 30%."

"Moreover, only by relying on these two items to build a foundation can there be a high probability of condensing the Five Elements Nascent Soul through the Five Elements Golden Pill."

Yan Siyi's heart suddenly rose with a touch of heat when she heard this.

However, she said with some fear.

"Husband, you got these Nine Heavens Mysterious Qi and Earth Soul Essence from Yun Qian's lineage?"

Ling Pengyun nodded.


Yan Siyi said.

"Then what price do you have to pay for taking these things, husband?"

Ling Pengyun said with a smile when he heard this.

"No need."

"Although I am not a person who has been trained by the Yun Qian lineage since childhood, I have now been trained by Master Yun Qian, the leader of the Yun Qian lineage, as the successor of this lineage. Therefore, I actually have the right to take away these Nascent Soul spiritual objects directly."

"Madam, don't worry, just use them with confidence."

Yan Siyi felt relieved and took the two Nascent Soul spiritual objects.

As she looked at these things, a strong thought suddenly rose in her heart.

"The opportunity of Jindan in the early years and the opportunity of Nascent Soul now were all given by my husband."

"If this time the matter of impacting the Nascent Soul can be successfully completed, I will do my best in this life to clear everything for him and assist him to step into a higher realm."

Then, the two chatted for a few more words, and Ling Pengyun asked her to try to retreat in Jinchi Mountain to impact the Nascent Soul.

Although the grade of the mountain protection formation in Jinchi Mountain is only the lower level of the fourth grade, its quality is extremely good. It is an attack and defense formation.

It was given by Tianxing Pavilion in the early years.

Moreover, Ling Pengyun also borrowed a third-level middle-grade defensive formation from Yun Qian's lineage, which was enough to protect him.

There was no problem using these two formations to resist the Nascent Soul Tribulation Thunder.

Even if the Five Elements Nascent Soul Tribulation Cloud was condensed, it could probably be blocked.

And it was for this reason that Ling Pengyun asked Yan Siyi to retreat at home.

After all, Yan Siyi's attack this time was for the Five Elements Nascent Soul.

If she condensed this Nascent Soul when she went to Haiyun Xianzong or Xinghai Pavilion to attack the realm, it would definitely cause trouble.

After all, Ling Pengyun had already condensed this Nascent Soul before.

And this Nascent Soul is extremely rare, and the entire world of immortal cultivation may not have one for thousands of years.

Now they appear one after another.

It is tantamount to telling others that the Ling family has a treasure.

Later, Ling Pengyun was vigilant and temporarily dismissed all the family monks in Golden Wing Mountain.

And a large-scale fourth-level isolation formation obtained from Yun Qianyi Lineage some time ago was deployed in the thousands of miles surrounding Golden Wing Mountain.

As a result, it is difficult for even ordinary Nascent Soul cultivators to see what is going on inside the formation.

At the same time, he himself was constantly patrolling around the formation to prevent his making such a big move from being spied upon by some powerful monks.

And this move was indeed effective. With his intimidation, the two people he discovered during the period, Old True Lord Tianxing and Red Flame Fire Phoenix, did not dare to approach at all.

This also greatly prevented the leakage of the exact circumstances of Yan Siyi's attack on Nascent Soul.

And as time goes by.

Half a year passed in the blink of an eye.

Yan Siyi successfully condensed the prototype of Yuanying and triggered the tide of heaven and earth chance spiritual energy at Yuanying level.

Under the guidance of Dao Yun, countless tides rushed towards her Nascent Soul to cleanse its qualifications.

And according to Ling Pengyun's previous instructions, she directly injected the Nine Heavens Profound Energy and Earth Soul Essence into the prototype of the Nascent Soul, laying the foundation for it.

This thing does work.

After that, the Nascent Soul prototype basically encountered no big trouble.

Especially smoothly, it condensed into the real Nascent Soul.

However, Yan Siyi's source of blessings is somewhat limited, so although she has condensed the Nascent Soul, she has not touched the opportunity of the Five Elements Nascent Soul like Ling Pengyun.

It's just a collection of superior Nascent Soul.

However, even so, she was content.

She has never asked for the opportunity to become a god, as long as she can successfully enter the Nascent Soul.

Moreover, the qualification bonus brought by the superior Nascent Soul is not weak.

In the future, Yan Siyi will also have a good chance of cultivating to the state of Nascent Soul perfection.

And once you reach that step, you are almost at the top of the entire world of immortality.

After all, Taoist Transformation Lords rarely appear in this world.

For this reason, Yan Siyi was particularly happy.

And Ling Pengyun's hanging heart finally fell.

"In this way, Madam's lifespan can be extended for some time."

"My wife will accompany me in the rest of my life, so I don't have to be alone."

The two children, Ling Chengxia and Ling Chengxin, who were left here by Ling Pengyun as an exception, were already smiling.

Both parents are Nascent Souls.

They don't even dare to think about it.

This is truly a great blessing.

Then, they sent sincere instructions.

and celebrated together.

However, as soon as this matter was settled, Ling Pengyun sent away Ling Chengxia, his son who only knew how to practice, and Ling Chengxin, his daughter who only knew how to improve spiritual rice.

Then, he suggested to Yan Siyi.

"Madam, how about having a normal child."

"Cheng Xia and Cheng Xin are really weird kids. I think they are really angry and they are all the same."

"I need a good boy to calm the fire."

Yan Siyi said with a smile.

"You are so crooked, you just want to suppress the anger."

Although Ling Pengyun's thoughts were clarified, his expression remained unchanged and he continued to speak righteously.

"Madam, you have misunderstood me."

"I really want to have a normal child."

Afterwards, he hugged Yan Siyi and gave her a gentle hug.

From the bed, to the chair, to the ground, even above the clouds, in the sea, in the river...

It can be said that there are traces of them everywhere.

And just because they were so close, in just three years, Yan Siyi had a faint breath of life in her belly.

This is a sign of pregnancy.

This also made Ling Pengyun particularly happy, and at the same time he prayed secretly in his heart.

"I hope this third child of mine can be normal."

Yan Siyi said with a smile.

"You, a father, are talking nonsense. Our children are normal, okay?"


Time flies.

Ten months passed in the blink of an eye.

Yan Siyi was pregnant for ten months, and it was finally the day of delivery.

Because his cultivation level reached the realm of Nascent Soul and he was good at physical training, his birth was particularly smooth this time.

In fact, it doesn't hurt or itch for her, and she can go to the ground after her life is over.

Then, she and Ling Pengyun used their special eye skills to watch the child.

This child is a boy.

What surprised them was that although this child had spiritual roots, his spiritual roots were somewhat special.

He actually possesses two rare spiritual roots, wind and thunder.

Moreover, his aura affinity for both attributes reaches its limit.

This kind of thing also made Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi particularly happy.

"This qualification is probably stronger than the ordinary single-attribute Tianlinggen qualification."

"There are very few Feng Lei practitioners, and even if they exist, one of the attributes is probably the main one, and the other attribute is supplementary. There is no one that can truly make progress together with both."

"In this case, it would be better to deduce a cultivation method that is most suitable for him based on his physical condition."

"This will also benefit his path."

Ling Pengyun secretly made some plans.

Afterwards, he and Yan Siyi couldn't stop teasing the little guy.

Strictly speaking, this little guy is the most talented among the three children under their command.

Ling Chengxia had three spiritual roots in his early years, and Ling Chengxin had five spiritual roots.

For this reason, the couple valued this child more and kept him by their side to cultivate him carefully, even consuming spiritual power to help him cleanse his body, consolidate his foundation, and pave the way for his future.

And the couple also named the child Ling Chengmie, which means that wind and thunder come out together to destroy everything.

However, as time goes by.

In just one year, Ling Pengyun deduced a method called Lingxiao Fenglei Baodian Qi Training Chapter for little Ling Chengmie based on the exercises of his own family and some Fenglei fellow practitioners of Yun Qian's lineage.

Three years of foundation building chapter.

By this time, Ling Chengmie was also four years old. He gradually developed independent consciousness, began to comprehend the exercises, and entered the way of cultivation.

So far, he has shown extraordinary talent for cultivation.

In three hours, he led the Qi into the body and successfully entered the Tao.

Entered the middle stage of Qi training in one year.

Entered the late stage of Qi training in three years.

Entered the foundation building stage at the age of ten.

This cultivation speed is extremely fast.

Throughout the Ling family and even the entire Northern Wilderness cultivation world, I am afraid that no one has a faster cultivation speed than him.

Although Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi also provided countless resources to help during this period, entering the foundation building at the age of ten is the real deal after all.

For this reason, Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi were particularly happy.

However, before they were happy for long, something happened that made them collapse.

This day.

The couple asked the tribe to get a few foundation building monsters, hoping that Ling Chengmie, who had been immersed in cultivation, would kill the enemy and join forces.

But what did he expect? Ling Chengmie asked with a puzzled look.

"Dad, Mom, why do you want to kill monsters?"

"Can't we be friends?"

Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi were a little confused. When they were young, Shichen told Ling Chengmie about the chaos between the righteous and the demons.

However, in order to prevent Ling Chengmie from forgetting, they told the story again.

"In front of such a righteous gate, even if we don't kill the monsters, the monsters will kill us."

"How can the righteous and the monsters be treated as friends?"

"Of course, a few spirit beasts are fine, but Chengmie, you must remember that these untamed monsters are our enemies. Kill them when you meet them, and don't hold back."

Ling Chengmie. "Father and mother, this is too cruel."

"Why don't you let me tame them?"

"When I tame all the monsters in the entire Northern Wilderness Cultivation World, won't everyone be treated as friends?"

"And according to the number of monsters you mentioned, it is estimated that by then, I can place a spirit beast for each cultivator in the entire Northern Wilderness Cultivation World."

Ling Pengyun was stunned.


"Cheng Mie, you are kidding."

"You want to tame all the monsters in the entire Northern Wilderness Cultivation World?"

"Do you know how many monsters there are in the Northern Wilderness Cultivation World?"

Ling Cheng Mie thought about it and immediately understood what Ling Pengyun meant.

"Yeah, there are indeed a lot."

"I guess I can't tame them all."

"But as long as I defeat the Black Flood Tiger Clan, it will be done."

"Then I will be the king of monsters."

Ling Pengyun was secretly shocked.

"Good guy." (End of this chapter)

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