Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 1190 Strong Spirit (Subscription Request)

"Chengmie, ideals are good, but if you only have cultivation but no strength, you can't be the king of all beasts."

Yan Siyi, who was standing by, persuaded helplessly.

"That's right, ha Niang."

"Then I'll fight those foundation-building monsters."

Ling Chengmie listened and felt that it made some sense.

And seeing this, Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

They were afraid that this third son, Ling Chengmie, who was only ten years old and had extraordinary talent, was a dead saint.

After that, Ling Pengyun released the three foundation-building initial stage monsters that the tribe had captured with some expectation.

And he performed a special sound transmission technique that the monsters could understand, and said to the three monsters.

"If you kill that person, you can live, if you fail, you will die."

He did this just to stimulate the true strength of the three monsters.

The three demons had entered the foundation-building stage and had some intelligence, so they understood what Ling Pengyun said.

However, when they looked at Ling Chengmie, they felt a sense of intimacy mixed with majesty from him.

For a moment, they could not raise any killing intention at all.

Even, they forgot that Ling Chengmie was a cultivator.

In their eyes, they only felt that Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi were villains who endangered their fellow tribesmen.

For this reason, they all roared at Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi.

Even, they kept calling out to Ling Chengmie in the distance, asking him to hide behind them.

And Ling Chengmie didn't know why, but he could hear it.

He also felt strange.

"Dad and Mom, why do these three demons ask me to hide behind them?"

Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi were slightly stunned.

According to what they knew, Ling Chengmie seemed to have not practiced any magic since he entered the Tao, and he had been concentrating on practicing.

They had never come across the kind of magic that could read the language of monsters.

"What nonsense is this kid talking about?"

However, the appearance of the three monsters was indeed a little strange.

For this reason, Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi performed a magic that could read the language of monsters to see.

It was indeed as Ling Chengmie said, the three monsters were indeed constantly calling Ling Chengmie to hide behind them, with the intention of protecting Ling Chengmie.

It was as if Ling Chengmie was an important person.

This also surprised the two of them.

"What's going on?"

"Are these three monsters sick?"

However, after thinking about it carefully, they felt something was wrong.

After catching a few more monsters to test, they found that the other monsters were also like this, and they did not regard Ling Chengmie as an outsider at all.

This also gave Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi a pleasant surprise.

Immediately, the two of them once again used the powerful special magical power that could detect the spiritual roots in the body of the cultivator to carefully observe Ling Chengmie's body.

But nothing unusual was found.

However, the two did not give up on this matter. Instead, they took Ling Chengmie to Haiyun Immortal Gate, one of the three major immortal gates in the Northern Wilderness Immortal Cultivation World.

And they found their senior brother Haiyun Zhenjun.

When Haiyun Zhenjun saw Yan Siyi, he realized that her cultivation had entered the Nascent Soul stage.

Immediately, he was a little angry and joked,

"Junior Brother Pengyun, you are not good enough."

"You didn't even tell me that my sister-in-law entered the Nascent Soul stage."

After saying that, he suddenly realized.

"By the way, Junior Brother Pengyun, decades ago, you drove your cultivators out of your clan's Golden Wing Mountain, which is thousands of miles away. It wasn't because of this matter, was it?"

Ling Pengyun nodded and said with a smile.

"It is indeed for this matter."

"This matter is indeed that my junior brother did not think carefully enough, I hope you can forgive me."

"And this time I came here, it is also to talk to you about this matter."

"In addition, I have another request."

Although Yan Siyi's entry into the Nascent Soul has not been spread yet.

However, Haiyun Zhenjun has helped Ling Pengyun a lot over the years, and he is also considered a family member, so it will not be a hindrance to his future layout.

Moreover, because of his action of driving people out of the Golden Wing Mountain thousands of miles before Yan Siyi's attack on the Nascent Soul, some people have long speculated that there are cultivators in his family who are secretly attacking the Nascent Soul.

Now, this matter has also caused a sensation in the Northern Wilderness Immortal Cultivation World.

In addition, this time he asked Haiyun Zhenjun for help.

Under such circumstances, it would be a bit unkind to hide this matter from Haiyun Zhenjun.

And Haiyun Zhenjun was particularly satisfied when he saw that Ling Pengyun did not intend to continue to hide it.

"Just don't keep it from me."

"That's enough brotherhood."

"Also, don't worry, I won't tell anyone about this. You can do whatever you want."

"It just so happens that I refined a furnace of fourth-level Juyuan Dan some time ago. Although only two were made, the meaning is good, as they come in pairs."

"This bottle of Juyuan Dan is for you, my sister-in-law. I congratulate you on your Nascent Soul and wish you and me a long and happy life together."

Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi smiled when they heard this.

However, Yan Siyi didn't dare to accept the gift, so she looked at Ling Pengyun.

Seeing Ling Pengyun nodded, she accepted it.

Then she bowed to Haiyun Zhenjun and thanked him.

"Thank you, Brother Haiyun, for the gift."

"I'd like to borrow your auspicious words of long and long life."

Hearing this, Haiyun Zhenjun smiled.

"No problem."

"But, Junior Brother, Junior Sister, what do you want?"

"Is it for refining elixirs? Or are there any powerful enemies?"

True Lord Haiyun was a little confused. Under normal circumstances, Ling Pengyun would only come to visit him for these two things.

Ling Pengyun pushed out the curious little Ling Chengmie behind him.

"No, senior brother."

"This is my third son. According to my investigation and that of my wife, this child should be inhabited by some special spirit body."

"It's just that the spirit's own Taoist charm is too powerful, so we can't detect it at all."

"Therefore, my wife and I plan to ask you, senior brother, to borrow your sect's fourth-level spirit detection array."

According to what he knew, Haiyun Immortal Sect's fourth-level spirit detection formation should come from the Xinghai Pavilion Yun Qian's lineage behind it.

For this reason, this spirit detection array is particularly comprehensive.

Basically, during the hundreds of thousands of years since the establishment of Xinghai Pavilion, the information of tens of thousands of spiritual entities that have appeared in various major immortal worlds has been recorded in it.

Therefore, it is most reliable to rely on this spirit detection array to test whether Xiao Cheng Mie has a spirit body.

Upon hearing this, Zhenjun Haiyun immediately looked at Ling Chengmie, and at the same time, he felt a little more curious.

"It's easy to talk about borrowing the formation."

"However, I didn't expect that junior brother and sister-in-law, you two, who haven't seen each other for decades, would actually have another child."

"This is a great joy."

After saying that, he took out a jade pendant from the storage bag.

"This is an autonomous body-protecting magic weapon that I obtained when I was still in the Golden Core. It can barely withstand a full-strength blow from a monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul. Now that I can no longer use it, I gave it to you little guy."

"It's a gift for me to meet you."

"I hope I can help you when you are in danger. I also hope that your child will never need to use this jade pendant in your life."

After Ling Chengmi received Ling Pengyun's approval, he immediately accepted the jade pendant with a smile on his face, thanked True Lord Haiyun, and then happily played with the jade pendant in his hand.

Ling Pengyun said with a bit of joking.

"Senior brother, this time our family came here, it really cost you a lot of money."

"By the way, senior brother, when will you get married?"

"Otherwise, senior brother, if you remain a bachelor for the rest of your life, I won't even have the chance to give you the things you gave me today, even if I wanted to."

True Lord Haiyun's expression changed slightly.

"Even I dare to make fun of you. Junior brother, your wings are really hard."

Afterwards, the two brothers walked and chatted.

Yan Siyi followed Xiao Ling and Cheng Mie.

During this period, Xiao Ling Cheng Mie looked around curiously.

He had heard about Haiyun Immortal Sect's reputation.

Therefore, he wanted to see how Haiyun Immortal Sect was better than his own.

"It's just that the spiritual energy is more intense, but there's no difference at all."

"Besides, dad seems to be the junior brother of the sect leader of Haiyun Immortal Sect. Isn't this just a family?"

"Why do you still rank our clan below the three major immortal sects?"

"I really don't understand."

"Weird, weird, really weird."

When he was doubtful, everyone took him to the fourth-level spirit detection formation of Haiyun Immortal Sect.

True Lord Haiyun also said at this moment.

"Xiao Cheng Mie, don't move around later."

"I understand, uncle." Xiao Ling Cheng Mie was also a little curious about whether he had a spirit body, so he nodded expectantly.

Then, True Lord Haiyun activated the formation here.

A huge light curtain immediately enveloped Xiao Cheng.

Immediately afterwards, countless formations emerged and merged into Xiao Cheng Mie's body.

"Now, let's see if this child is really inhabiting some kind of spirit body related to monsters, as guessed."

Ling Pengyun said secretly.

After three breaths.

The fourth-level spirit-detecting array dissipated without any warning, and its aura became particularly buoyant, as if there was a malfunction.

However, the Yun Qian lineage elder tokens on True Lord Haiyun and Ling Pengyun both had a flash of inspiration.

When True Lord Haiyun saw this, countless surprises suddenly appeared on his face.

But Ling Pengyun noticed the change in his expression slightly, and he was a little confused when he saw it.

Immediately, Ling Pengyun asked True Lord Haiyun.

"Senior brother, what happened between that formation and my family Cheng Mi?"

True Lord Haiyun took a deep breath, looked around, and arranged a Nascent Soul-level soundproofing ban around the area before speaking.

"It's not an accident."

"If I remember correctly, this inheritance formation placed here by our Yun Qian lineage will only occur when we encounter rare superior spiritual bodies."

"Moreover, in order to attract people's attention, this formation will pretend to be malfunctioning and dissipate on its own."

"Only Yun Qian's Yun Ying elders like us, and with the help of the elder's token, can let him tell everything."

"In addition, it is estimated that our Yun Qian Yimai side also knows the news."

"If I guessed correctly, our lineage should have sent people here."

After saying that, he couldn't help but feel a little envious.

"Junior brother, you are really lucky."

"Madam, it's just that I entered the Nascent Soul. I have a son from the Nascent Soul Miaozi."

"I really admire you."

When Ling Pengyun heard this, he suddenly felt a surge of fear in his heart.

There has always been a mysterious legend circulating in the world of immortality.

It is said that as long as you have a superior spiritual body, you have a direct ticket to the Nascent Soul.

Moreover, the increase brought by this superior spirit body is also particularly terrifying.

The probability of entering the foundation building has been completed.

The gold elixir has reached 50%.

Entering the Nascent Soul is said to be 30%.

But I have never heard of a monk with an excellent spiritual body who has entered the Nascent Soul.

This is also the origin of the legend.

In addition, superior spiritual bodies also come with various mysterious and powerful effects.

According to Ling Pengyun's knowledge, Canglan Zhenjun, the leader of the Canglan Blue Sea Sect in the Immortal Cultivation World of the Boundless Sea, and the ancestor of the Transformation God of Xinghai Pavilion, both seem to have superior spiritual bodies.

And these are at least in the Nascent Soul realm.

For this reason, Ling Pengyun paid special attention to this matter, and he immediately asked.

"Brother, what you said is true."

True Lord Haiyun said with a smile.


After saying that, he took out his Elder Token of Yun Qian Yi Lineage and punched it into the spirit-detecting formation.

The spirit-detecting formation also removed its disguise, and its weapon spirit appeared, and respectfully raised its hands to True Lord Haiyun and Ling Pengyun.

"Hello, two elders."

"Previously, I saw that there was a female cultivator Yuanying here who was not from our sect, so I didn't dare to show up."

"Now, since there are two guarantees, I will keep the story short."

"But you have to agree in advance. If something happens to that superior spiritual seedling, it has nothing to do with me."

True Lord Haiyun was speechless.

"Fellow Soul Detector, why are you still so afraid? When I call you out, just do as you are told. Quickly tell me what the child's spirit is."

Ling Pengyun looked at Yan Siyi beside him and thought to himself.

"I guess the outsider female cultivator Yuanying mentioned by the weapon spirit is Madam."

"It seems like the formation weapon spirit is being cautious."

At this time, the extremely humanoid weapon spirit smiled coquettishly and said.

"Judging from the child's physical characteristics, this child should have the body of a legendary animal spirit."

"Those who possess this spirit body are born to be the king of monsters and can rule over all monsters of the same realm or even a higher realm."

"During this period, the monsters will have no intention of resisting."

"Moreover, this spirit body is also of great help to combat power."

"Those who possess this spirit body can smelt the soul of the monster into their body, and thus understand the monster's experience and all the methods they have mastered. They can even transform into its appearance to fight against the enemy. Its strength in life will not be the same."

"During this period, the owner of the spirit body can also use his own magical powers."

"In addition, this spirit body also provides blessings to monks in their practice. Nascent Soul will not encounter any bottlenecks before."

Hearing this, Ling Pengyun's face suddenly lit up with excitement.

But then, his expression suddenly changed.

Just because of that weapon's spiritual path.

"However, this spiritual body has a shortcoming, that is, it loves peace too much. It has always upheld the equality of all living beings."

"There are never any surprises."

"Therefore, you'd better teach this child well, otherwise you won't be able to protect him. If you encounter someone fighting, he will run out and chant sutras at others."

According to Ling Pengyun's observation, little Ling Cheng Mie does seem to have signs of such a temper.

"Now we're in trouble." (End of chapter)

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