Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 1247 Lingxiao Feikui Treasure Book (Subscription Request)

"The Great Dao in my heart, and the Dao of Fighting?"

It has only been three years since Little Ling Feifan entered the Dao, and his cultivation level is only at the third level of Qi training. He has been practicing hard in the family and has not gone out to experience the family, so he is really confused about the so-called Dao.

Seeing his look, Ling Pengyun couldn't help but smile.

"Since you don't understand this yet, I will temporarily create a practice for you based on the Di Kui spirit body in your body."

"When you understand the Dao in the future, I will help you improve the practice and make it more in line with your Great Dao."

Although this move will be more troublesome than creating a practice at one time, it is not much trouble for Ling Pengyun.

When Little Ling Feifan heard this, he was stunned.

"Create your own practice?"

Creating your own practice is extremely difficult, and helping others create practice is even more difficult.

Among the tens of thousands of cultivators in the family, there are very few who have created their own practice, and they can be counted on one hand.

And this probability applies to the entire world of immortal cultivation.

But thinking about it carefully, he remembered a legend.

It is said that hundreds of years ago, when the ancestor Ling Pengyun was still in the Qi training and foundation building stage, he had already begun to perfect the way of cultivation. After entering the golden elixir stage, he began to create his own cultivation method.

But this matter has never been verified, and it has become a legend.

But now, after hearing Ling Pengyun's words, Xiao Ling Feifan really believes this matter. After all, Ling Pengyun has no reason to lie to him.

For this reason, he couldn't help but raise a little admiration on his face.

"The ancestor is worthy of being the first genius in the history of our clan. He can help others create their own cultivation methods. I don't know how much the ancestor's understanding of the Tao has reached."

But at the same time, he was a little confused. The family clearly gave him a good set of cultivation methods to inherit, why did he create his own?

In the early years, the family inherited the inheritance of the Baiying Sect, a major righteous Yuanying Sect that had been destroyed for tens of thousands of years in the Zhongzhou Xiuxian world, as well as the inheritance of the Jindan Sect, and even obtained a lot of inheritance from the Yunqian lineage of Xinghai Pavilion.

The family's inheritance is extremely strong.

Among them, there are some techniques suitable for cultivators with earth-level spirit bodies like little Ling Feifan.

It is precisely because of this that he is really afraid of troubling the ancestor Ling Pengyun, so he said.

"Ancestor, the clan has given me a suitable technique. Let's forget about this self-created thing. If it is because of me that delays your path, I will be guilty of a great sin."

Hearing this, Ling Pengyun has a better impression of this child.

And his psychology is indeed in line with that kind of honest character. People with this character are most afraid of troubling others.

"Don't worry, kid. It's not difficult for me to deduce the skills."

"And the skills in the clan that are suitable for you are not really suitable for you!"

"Don't forget that the formation of each skill is derived from the creator of the skill. Those skills may be the most suitable for them, but they are definitely not the most suitable for us descendants."

"But those skills can be used, but they can't bring out the potential of cultivators like us."

"For example, you can only bring out 70% to 80% of your potential by practicing the skills of your ancestors, but if you practice a skill specially created according to your own various situations, you will definitely be able to bring out your potential to 95% or even 100%."

After saying that, Ling Pengyun saw that little Ling Feifan was confused, so he smiled and said simply.

"The general meaning is that it can at least speed up your practice by 10%, 20% or even 30%."

Ling Pengyun would create a skill for him just for this purpose.

You know, Xiao Ling Feifan's Earth Spirit Body is a mid-level spirit body. As long as he is properly cultivated, this child can be regarded as a Nascent Soul seedling.

And if he can speed up his cultivation, he can undoubtedly make it a Nascent Soul seedling.

This is good for both him and the future of the family.

Xiao Ling Feifan also understands how much significance it has to speed up his cultivation by 10%, 20%, or even 30%.

"I spent three years to enter the third level of Qi training. If I had a technique created according to my own situation before, wouldn't I have entered the middle stage of Qi training now?"

His eyes suddenly lit up, and he couldn't help but have countless expectations for the self-created technique.

But he understood that this was a great opportunity, and it was difficult for him to get it. For this reason, he immediately took out everything in the storage bag and kowtowed to Ling Pengyun who came to deliver the opportunity to express his gratitude.

"Grandfather, I am really grateful for your help in creating a technique for me."

"These are all my possessions, please accept them."

"Of course, I know that these things are not comparable to the opportunity you gave me to create a technique for me, but please rest assured, I will definitely find all the spiritual objects in the world for you in the future to repay you for helping me create a technique!"

Ling Pengyun saw his appearance and his face was even more joyful.

"You haven't even started to create a technique yet, and you believe that I can help you create a technique?"

Little Ling Feifan said with a firm face.

"Grandfather is very talented and has surpassed countless predecessors. He will definitely be able to do this."

Ling Pengyun smiled and took away all the things he handed over, and said.

"Okay, I will accept these spiritual objects. Don't feel bad. In addition, I will remember what you said now. If you can't do it in the future, I will take back the ones I created for you in the future. "Men Gong Technique."

Xiao Ling Feifan said those words sincerely, so he was not touched by what Ling Pengyun said now, but said it seriously.

"Ancestor, don't worry, I will definitely do it!"

Seeing this, Ling Pengyun couldn't help but nodded secretly, and then said.

"That's it for now, it's time to get down to business."

"Later, I will penetrate a spiritual power into your body to explore the distribution of meridians in your body, as well as the Dikui spirit body and other secrets. Don't resist then, otherwise it will affect the plan I create for you in the future. The effect of the exercise."

Little Ling Feifan's Dikui spirit body is different from the family's Nascent Soul seedling Ling Pengcheng who is pregnant with the Moral Golden Holy Body, and Ling Pengyun's youngest son Ling Chengmie who is pregnant with the spirit body and the body of thousands of beasts. They are recessive. But explicit.

From the moment he stepped onto the path, his spiritual body showed its edge.

It is precisely because of this that the family knew about his spiritual body early on.

At this moment, Xiao Ling Feifan nodded solemnly.

"I understand, ancestor."

Then, Ling Pengyun injected a spiritual power into his body.

After three breaths, Ling Pengyun's situation was clearly detected.

Afterwards, Ling Pengyun fell into deep thought.

"This Earth Chief Spirit is indeed a special intermediate spirit that can increase the speed of monks' comprehension of earth-attribute spells and can also be equipped with the Earth Chief Escape Technique. Its origin is indeed strong, and it is somewhat similar to the breath of the earth."

"In this way, we can designate the upcoming technique as the power of the earth in this world..."

Before he knew it, Ling Pengyun sat cross-legged on the ground, closed his eyes, and began to think about creating a technique for little Ling Feifan.

At the same time, he also handed over the matter to Taichu Sutra in the sea of ​​consciousness.

All of a sudden, his brain and Taichu Sutra were running wildly.

It was precisely because of the combined efforts of the two of them that the idea and outline of the exercise were completed in just three days.

Now it is just a matter of slowly improving the details.

For this reason, he handed over the entire matter directly to the Taichu Sutra in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Then he opened his eyes and woke up.

And as soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Xiao Ling Feifan sitting cross-legged next to him, looking at him all the time.

Even after seeing him wake up, he immediately took out some spiritual fruits and food from the storage bag, and asked honestly,

"Ancestor, I'm sorry for your trouble."

Seeing his attitude and actions, Ling Pengyun touched his head and said with a smile.

"You're a sensible kid."

"After three months, come to my cave to look for the early stage of my Qi training. When the time comes, you can practice this technique first. Then, after a few more months, I will give you the middle and later stages of Qi training. ”

"And make sure that the inheritance quality of these techniques is of the highest quality and will not belong to the set of techniques given to you by your family."

"However, this technique still lacks a name, please pick one!"

"After all, it was created for you!"

Xiao Ling Feifan never expected that he would be able to obtain that skill so quickly, and he was extremely excited for this.

And he couldn't help but admire Ling Pengyun even more.

"Such a difficult thing can be accomplished in the hands of our ancestors in just a few months. This deduction ability is really powerful."

Subsequently, because he did not dare to make a random decision, he refused to name the technique.

"Old Ancestor, you should choose the name. Although I will use that technique in the future, you are the one who created it."

Ling Pengyun nodded with satisfaction, then smiled.

"Since that technique was specially created for you, how about calling it the Feifan Dikui Manual?"

Xiao Ling Feifan was really satisfied after hearing this.

Feifan is his nickname.

Dikui is the name of his spiritual body.

The two combined into one are really suitable.

But after thinking about it carefully, he felt that the name still lacked some meaning.

"Old Ancestor, how about adding the word "Ling Xiao" to the family name, and subtracting the words "Fan" and "Earth"? The full name is Ling Xiao Feikui Collection!"

Ling Pengyun couldn't help but secretly nodded when he heard this.

"This name is suitable. The word "Fei Kui" is nothing more than describing the Di Kui escape technique that comes with your Di Kui spirit body. After all, this escape technique is extremely fast."

"Then let's call him by this name."

Afterwards, Ling Pengyun chatted with Xiao Ling Feifan for a few more words, pointed out the problems he encountered in his cultivation, and then returned to his cave to retreat.

He does not plan to return to Xinghai Pavilion's Yun Qian Yimai for the time being, but plans to wait for a big event.


Time passed gradually.

Ten years have passed in the blink of an eye.

After all, there are only five years left until chaos breaks out in several surrounding immortal worlds.

This day.

On the top of Golden Wing Mountain, a strange figure suddenly appeared.

His appearance is middle-aged, his eyes are as light as water, and there is no fluctuation at all. Moreover, he has a steady aura, which makes him look really extraordinary.

He walked straight to the door of Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi's cave, then reached out and knocked.

After waiting for a while, after he saw Ling Pengyun, his mood changed, and he could even see the determination on his face with the naked eye.

"Brother Pengyun clan, I am ready."

When Ling Pengyun heard this, he couldn't help but feel a little more expectant in his brows.

"That's very good."

Then he took out a jade box and a yellow book from the storage bag and handed them to the person in front of him.

"Brother Peng Cheng, the jade box contains a special Nascent Soul spiritual object called the Sun and Moon Crystal."

"And the yellow book records the special method of using this crystal to impact the Nascent Soul. The combination of the two can play the best role, which is enough to increase your chances of entering the Nascent Soul by about 30%."

"In addition, the Nascent Soul condensed in this way is quite special, equivalent to an enhanced version of the Golden Pill, not an ordinary Nascent Soul shape, so I hope Brother Peng Cheng will not make trouble at that time, and just calm down and break through the realm."

The middle-aged man was Ling Peng Cheng, who had the moral gold body of the family.

He had touched the bottleneck of the Golden Pill Perfection decades ago, and successfully broke through the mirror more than ten years ago.

After that, he began to practice various techniques at home that could amplify the consciousness, meridians, or physical strength to pave the way for the impact of the Nascent Soul.

At the same time, he was waiting for the family's special Nascent Soul spiritual object "Sun and Moon Crystal".

It is also worth mentioning that his cultivation speed is actually among the top in the family. In fact, he should have reached the Golden Core Perfection earlier than Ling Lihao, the quasi-fourth-level talisman master with water-attributed heavenly spiritual roots.

But unfortunately, he did not have a hundred arts, but was just stronger in the way of cultivation. Therefore, the family chose Ling Lihao as the talisman master between him and Ling Lihao, the two Nascent Soul seedlings closest to the Golden Core Perfection, and gave Ling Lihao many fourth-level spiritual medicines to assist him in reaching the Golden Core Perfection in advance.

Fifty or sixty years ago, he was given a Sun and Moon Crystal to assist him in impacting the Nascent Soul.

Ling Pengcheng, who had the Moral Golden Saint Body, also knew about this, but he understood the family's thoughts, so he had no objection to the family's original approach.

But in the past few decades, he had no desire to impact the Nascent Soul.

It was for this reason that he spent countless thoughts to comprehend the profound means that could improve his spiritual consciousness and meridians.

In the end, it was far beyond his and Ling Pengyun's expectations, and he developed a Yuanying consciousness and Yuanying-level meridians.

These two together were enough to increase his chances of entering the Yuanying stage by 10%.

His medium-quality moral golden saint body could increase it by another 10%.

The total was 20%.

This was also his confidence.

It was at that time that he began to plan to formally impact the Yuanying stage, and informed the family of this matter, wanting to ask if the family had a suitable Yuanying spiritual object.

Although the family did not have one at that time.

But half a year ago, the family's strongest formation master Ling Penglin arranged dozens of special third-level formations that condensed the essence of the sun and the moon in various spiritual veins. After accumulating for nearly fifty or sixty years, he finally condensed a sun and moon crystal.

However, at that time, in order to be prudent, Ling Pengcheng spent an extra half year to adjust his mentality, and only came out today.

It was precisely because of this that his state reached the best, which was the most suitable time to impact the realm. (End of this chapter)

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