Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 1248 Peng Cheng's Impact on Yuanying (Subscription Request)

At this moment.

After Ling Pengcheng heard what Ling Pengyun said about the Sun and Moon Crystal, he was shocked.

He had never heard of the Sun and Moon Crystal, and the matter of condensing the Nascent Soul to replace the Sun and Moon Pill.

Even in the many classics of the family, these two things were not recorded.

However, he was more experienced, because he had read more classics, so he associated a rumor based on the method of condensing the Nascent Soul of the Sun and Moon.

It is said that those in the world of immortal cultivation, those incarnation forces, and a few Nascent Souls with strong foundations, all have some alternative methods of impacting the Nascent Soul.

Because those forces are unwilling to give their own efforts to outsiders at will, this alternative method of impacting the Nascent Soul has not been circulated outside.

Therefore, most cultivators in the world of immortal cultivation have always followed the mainstream, using the method of condensing the Nascent Soul to condense the Nascent Soul, and thus enter the Nascent Soul realm.

"Thinking in this way, this method of Sun and Moon Condensing Infant should be that rare new path to Nascent Soul."

"And judging from the success rate of this method when combined with the Sun and Moon Crystal Spirit, this method should be pretty good, but I don't know if the Sun and Moon Crystal is difficult to make."

"If it is relatively simple, this method is stronger than the mainstream method of Condensing Infant in the world of immortal cultivation, and if the Sun and Moon Crystal is relatively difficult to make, it is not much different in value from the mainstream method of Condensing Infant."

"But at least it can bring another Nascent Soul path to the family, and the family can have more choices when collecting Nascent Souls to comprehend, which is also good for the family."

Ling Pengcheng, the elder of the family, has always taken family affairs more seriously, so when he saw the Sun and Moon Condensing Infant method, he thought of the role of this method in the family.

Although he was a little curious about whether the Sun and Moon Crystal was difficult to make, he thought about it carefully and didn't say it out loud.

This matter has not been spread outside the family, which is enough to show that Ling Pengyun, who mastered this method, does not want too many people to know about it.

Moreover, if such a matter were to be spread, it would certainly cause some trouble.

So it would be better not to know.

For this reason, after he received the Sun and Moon Crystal and the Sun and Moon Condensing Infant Method, he just said to Ling Pengyun with care.

"Brother Pengyun, I trouble you with my breakthrough to the Nascent Soul."

"If I can succeed in this matter, I will do whatever you ask in the future!"

This was his heartfelt feeling. After all, spiritual objects such as the Sun and Moon Crystal that can increase the probability of a cultivator's breakthrough to the Nascent Soul by 30% are very rare in this world, and ordinary people can't get them at all.

And with the help of this thing, plus his consciousness and meridians have reached the Nascent Soul level in advance through special methods, and his moral golden saint body factor, his probability of breaking through the Nascent Soul is as high as 50%.

And this matter also made him full of confidence in the breakthrough to the Nascent Soul.

At this moment, Ling Pengyun was very satisfied when he heard this.

Over the years, Ling Pengyun has been training his clan members to reach the Nascent Soul stage for two reasons: one is to make the family safer, and the other is to strengthen himself.

Take his wife Yan Siyi and the family ghost cultivator Ling Pengxing for example. Since they entered the Nascent Soul stage, they have helped Ling Pengyun in many battles.

Strictly speaking, they are the swords in Ling Pengyun's hands.

As for the family's water-attributed heavenly spiritual root Ling Lihao Zhenjun who rarely goes out, it is not that he is not in harmony with Ling Pengyun. On the contrary, this person is the most respectful person to Ling Pengyun among the many Nascent Souls in the family, except Yan Siyi.

In fact, he was brought up by Ling Pengyun when he was a child, and the relationship between the two is like that between Ling Pengyun and the old patriarch of the family, Ling Yunhong.

It's just that because he is like the current Ling Pengcheng, he was a Sun and Moon Nascent Soul Zhenjun who was transformed by the crystallization of the sun and the moon in his early years, so it is not convenient for him to show up casually.

But as long as Ling Pengyun needs it, he will definitely help with all his strength.

It is also worth mentioning that Ling Pengyun cultivated him into the Nascent Soul mainly because he valued his talent in the Way of Talismans, rather than the combat power of a Nascent Soul.

Now, Ling Lihao is working hard for this, and according to his recent estimate, this matter will have results in three years at most.

Afterwards, Ling Pengyun had a brief chat with Ling Pengcheng, who had the Golden Saint Body of Morality, and then watched Ling Pengcheng return to the cave.

"Five years later, the world-destroying chaos will come. If the family can have another Sun and Moon Nascent Soul at this time, it would be a good thing. I hope Brother Pengcheng can succeed."

Ling Pengyun murmured in his heart.

The world-destroying chaos is the description of the great chaos that will happen five years later by the cultivators of the Northern Wilderness Cultivation World.

After all, it is said that the great chaos will affect several surrounding cultivation worlds.

At that time, once the righteous way of one cultivation world becomes weak, it will inevitably affect the entire human race.

For this reason, it is called the destruction of the world.

This is also a very crucial battle, so in recent years, the entire Northern Wilderness Cultivation World or the cultivators of several other cultivation worlds have been preparing for this battle in full swing.

Of course, the demon clan is also planning.

Even decades ago, they had already set their sights on the nearby hostile righteous incarnation forces.

It was for this reason that the Black Dragon Lake clan of the Northern Wilderness Cultivation World dared to take the initiative to attack the righteousness of the Northern Wilderness Cultivation World, and wanted to take this opportunity to swallow up the righteousness of this cultivation world, or severely damage the righteousness of this cultivation world.

In this way, when the world is destroyed, this clan can withdraw and go to help the incarnation demon clan of other cultivation worlds, and then attack the righteous incarnation forces.

Indirectly, it is enough to increase the probability of the demon clan winning in the world destruction chaos.

But the righteous incarnation forces behind the Northern Wilderness Cultivation World are not stupid, so how could they agree with this clan's wishes.

This is also the reason why the gods of the Xinghai Pavilion and other gods of the Beihuang Xiuxian World arranged their own incarnations to come to the Beihuang Xiuxian World when the righteous way of the Beihuang Xiuxian World and the Black Dragon Lake fought a decisive battle.

And as those gods of the gods appeared, this clan naturally retreated.

This clan has a bit of a bullying nature.

However, the ambitions in the hearts of this clan have never been submerged. They are like a lurking wolf, ready to wait for an opportunity to swallow up the righteous way of the Beihuang Xiuxian World.

After all, no matter what, the Beihuang Xiuxian World is a newly established Xiuxian World, and there is no god of transformation in it, and its strength is not as good as the Black Dragon Lake clan.

As long as the world-destroying chaos begins, the righteous god of transformation behind the Beihuang Xiuxian World will be pinned down, and they will definitely give the righteous way of the Beihuang Xiuxian World a fatal blow.

Even the god of transformation Jiaojun of this clan has other plans.

At the same time.

Far away from countless miles away.

In the depths of the boundless and vast swamp.

There is a huge lake that stretches as far as the sea.

This place is full of spiritual energy, and monsters can be seen everywhere. They are relatively friendly with each other and rarely cause trouble.

But their types are quite special. Not only are there mostly snakes or pythons, but there are also some rare half-dragons and even dragons.

And as you go deeper into the lake, the monsters that appear become stronger.

Even in the small island in the center of the lake where the spiritual energy is the most abundant, there are several powerful Yuanying dragons that are hundreds of feet long.

But they are not the strongest on the island.

It is a three-foot-long black dragon on the island.

If it is placed next to those Yuanying dragons, it may not be as big as a few scales of those dragons, but if this little dragon starts to fight, it is estimated that it only needs to raise its hand to destroy all those Yuanying dragons.

And it is the black dragon ancestor of the Black Dragon Lake Clan.

It is because of its existence that the Black Dragon Lake Clan has become the overlord of the boundless and vast swamp in the contemporary era.

But now, the situation of this dragon is a bit mysterious.

It is in a cave, constantly using the power of the transformation of the spirit to attract the mysterious end of the water in the world, "the true meaning of the water", and carefully mobilize the spirit to explore it, and feel the origin of this true meaning.

For a moment, it entered a particularly mysterious state, similar to enlightenment, which can be called pseudo enlightenment.

This is also a method that most of the transformation of the spirit can master, and this can greatly enhance the ability to deduce.

And now, it is using this method to deduce a superior magical power about the true meaning of the water.

Moreover, the origin of that magical power is extraordinary, and it originated from the first generation of the transformation of the spirit of the Black Dragon Lake clan tens of thousands of years ago.

Moreover, the successive generations of the transformation of the spirit of the Black Dragon Lake clan have perfected this method.

But unfortunately, after the magical power reaches the superior quality, it has reached the peak, and it is extremely difficult to break through.

However, once the mirror is broken, the magical power will undergo earth-shaking changes and can be transformed into the great magical power in the legend.

It is said that such magical powers have the power to destroy the world, and it is very difficult for even ordinary gods to resist.

The most important thing is that there are many powerful righteous gods in the world of cultivation, as well as demon gods or demon gods, who all master such means.

Only the Black Dragon Clan, which has only been born for tens of thousands of years, does not have such a god, and this is also the reason why the Black Dragon Lake Clan has been bullied for tens of thousands of years.

After all, the gods of this clan do not have such great magical powers to protect the law, and are not the opponents of other gods at all.

For this reason, this clan is extremely eager for this great magical power.

After years of accumulation, the ancestors of this clan have deduced this method to the extreme, and now there is only one step left, and this method can be accomplished.

Even the contemporary Black Dragon ancestor who has extraordinary talent in deduction is confident that he can complete this method before the world-destroying chaos five years later.

And it gets excited just thinking about this.

"As long as this method is successful, my only shortcoming can be made up. By then, I will not be afraid of any righteous or demonic gods."

"Even if nothing unexpected happens, my Black Dragon Lake clan can completely leave this remote place and occupy a place in the entire cultivation world, and from then on lay the real foundation of the god-transforming power!"

The territories occupied by the god-transforming forces in various cultivation worlds are extremely large. Take the righteous way of the Northern Wilderness cultivation world occupied by Xinghai Pavilion, which is almost equivalent to the size of five or six boundless vast swamps.

The territories of other god-transforming forces are almost the same.

It is precisely because of this that the strength of the demon clan under the Black Dragon Lake has not been improved.

But this clan has been able to maintain the birth of gods in the past tens of thousands of years in such a situation, which is really not easy.


On the other side.

The border mountain of the Ling family.

Golden Wing Mountain.

Ling Pengyun led all the cultivators out of Jinchi Mountain, and even stopped nearly ten thousand miles away from Jinchi Mountain.

The tribesmen were all puzzled by this action.

After all, such situations have rarely occurred in the past.

But relatively speaking, every time such a situation occurs, something big will happen.

For this reason, some experienced cultivators secretly speculated.

"Either the spiritual vein of Jinchi Mountain is about to reach a new level, or a cultivator in the tribe is trying to reach the Nascent Soul level!"


For a moment, everyone was curious.

As time passed, a huge wave suddenly emerged in Jinchi Mountain.

Then, the spiritual energy fluctuations within tens of thousands of miles around trembled and rushed to Jinchi Mountain.

A huge spiritual energy tide was formed immediately, and it was mixed with some good fortune, which was particularly mysterious.

"The fluctuation of this spiritual energy tide seems to be caused by the impact of our generation of cultivators on the Nascent Soul. I don't know which ancestor it is!"

"I guess it is the eldest son of Pengyun, Chengxia. After all, he is the most powerful Nascent Soul seedling in our clan."

"That being said, I heard that there seem to be some hidden Nascent Soul seedlings in the clan..."

"I have also heard about this. It is said that the ancestor Ling Lihao of our clan was a hidden Nascent Soul seedling in the past."

"Thinking about it this way, the family is really full of hidden dragons and crouching tigers. There are so many Nascent Soul seedlings, so why worry about it not prospering!"


A large number of clansmen who were watching the tide discussed it.

And most of their guesses were correct.

Ling Pengcheng, who was impacting the Nascent Soul realm this time, was indeed a hidden Nascent Soul seedling in the family.

Before he was two hundred years old, he was just an ordinary person. It was only after he entered the Golden Core that he awakened the middle-level spiritual body, the Moral Golden Saint Body.

And the opportunity for this matter was relatively large. In order to avoid the daring demon cultivators secretly attacking him and refining him into a demon corpse or being targeted by those old monsters and taking over his body, the family deliberately concealed this matter.

For this reason, only some family leaders know that he has a spiritual body.

Time passed slowly.

Three days passed in a flash.

Inside the Golden Wing Mountain.

Ling Pengcheng, who was trying to reach the Nascent Soul stage, was really overwhelmed by the long-term washing of the spiritual energy tide.

His meridians kept feeling sore, and just a slight movement, his whole body seemed to be falling apart.

"Is it still difficult to survive this tide by my own strength?"

Ling Pengcheng sighed slightly in his heart, and then he directly stuffed the sun and moon crystal that Ling Pengyun had given him into his mouth.

In an instant, a thin film appeared on his aching meridians, and no matter how fierce the spiritual energy tide was, it could not pose any threat to his meridians.

Even his aching meridians were recovering at an extremely fast speed.

And his spiritual consciousness was also greatly enhanced.

In this way, this spiritual energy tide was no longer a threat to him.

This made his eyes brighten.

"This Sun and Moon Crystal is worthy of being said to increase the probability of a cultivator's impact on the Nascent Soul by 30%, and the effect is really strong."

"The only difficulty facing me now is to condense the mysterious Sun and Moon Pill!"

His expression became slightly solemn.

... (End of this chapter)

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