Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 1259 Treasure Boat (Subscription Request)

Ling Pengyun was particularly curious about the Xinghai Realm trade fair because he lacked some Nascent Soul spiritual objects, so he participated in it.

He did get some good things from it, but it also cost him a lot of fourth-level cultivation pills for trading.

In addition, he also spent a lot of fourth-level cultivation pills at the Xinghai Fair more than a few decades ago.

The two things combined almost consumed all the fourth-level cultivation pills that Xinghai Ancestor had supported him to cultivate in his early years.

But fortunately, he had a lot of better cultivation resources, fourth-level spiritual herbs, and some fourth-level spiritual food cooked by his wife Yan Siyi as a foundation.

For this reason, he was not worried, but was happy because he got some of the things he needed.

At this moment.

One of the nine major veins of Xinghai Pavilion.

The "Xingqi Vessel Vessel" stationed outside the Xingqi Valley, which is based on the way of refining instruments.

Ling Pengyun was waiting here.

After a while, a sturdy old man with white hair on his head slowly walked towards Ling Pengyun from the valley and asked Ling Pengyun curiously.

"Junior brother Ling, why did you come to me to refine weapons? In your Yunqian lineage, apart from your Junior Brother Yun Xiong, a fourth-level middle-grade weapon refiner who is far away in the Northern Wilderness Cultivation World and is temporarily unavailable, isn't there another fourth-level weapon refiner, Junior Brother Yun Chi, who has been in charge of your Yunqian lineage recently?"

"With your status, it shouldn't be difficult to persuade him to help refine weapons."

Ling Pengyun bowed to him first.

"Uncle Xingkui!"

Then, he slowly explained.

"Although Uncle Yun Chi of my Yun Qian lineage is willing to help me refine that thing, he is not very sure."

"For this reason, Uncle Yun Chi dare not take on the job easily, in case of failure in refining the weapon."

"And among the fourth-level weapon refiners I know and are still in the sect, you, Uncle, have the most extraordinary weapon refining skills. For this reason, I can only trouble you, Uncle."

The old Taoist Xing Kui of the Xingqi lineage heard this and felt a little proud.

And his weapon refining attainments are indeed good, even higher than the weapon refining level of Ling Pengyun's master, Old Master Yun Xiong. His weapon refining is only one step away from entering the fourth-level upper-grade realm.

For this reason, even in the entire Xinghai Pavilion, he can be ranked among the top five in terms of weapon refining level.

Even in the Xingqi lineage, only the master of this lineage, Xingqi Lao Zhenjun, had a better level of weapon refining than him, but that old Zhenjun had long followed the other nine lineage masters to the border of the righteous way of the Wubianhai Xiuxian world to guard, in order to prevent the Huashen demon clan and the Haijiao clan from rashly taking action and endangering the righteous forces in the Wubianhai Xiuxian world.

Therefore, Ling Pengyun had to find this Xingkui old weapon refiner.

And Ling Pengyun was able to make friends with him, and it had to start from the Xinghai meeting decades ago. At that time, the wealthy Xingkui old Zhenjun had many spiritual objects on hand, so Ling Pengyun traded with him several times.

In addition, Xingkui Laodao valued Ling Pengyun's talent, and Ling Pengyun valued his weapon refining level. The two naturally exchanged communication talismans and had some simple contacts.

After retracting his distracting thoughts, Xingkui old weapon refiner thought about it carefully, but felt that something was wrong.

Immediately, he asked curiously.

"As far as I know, the level of your Yun Chi, the fourth-level weapon refiner of your Yun Qian lineage, should be about to enter the fourth-level middle-grade weapon refinement level."

"With this level of weapon refinement, you are not sure to refine the spiritual treasure you need?"

"I wonder what kind of treasure you are planning to refine?"

After Ling Pengyun set up a cloud of covering mist around him, he carefully took out a huge jade box and a small soul-locking jade box from his arms.

The big jade box contained eighteen green fourth-level spiritual bamboos, and the small jade box contained a huge fourth-level spiritual iron.

"Uncle, I plan to use these two things as the main materials to refine a fourth-level middle-grade flying boat."

The old weapon refiner Xing Kui trembled when he heard this, and immediately recognized the origins of those spiritual bamboos and the precious iron.

He was immediately shocked.

"Fourth-level middle-grade Qingfeng spiritual bamboo and fourth-level upper-grade Qingming precious iron!"

Then, he looked at Ling Pengyun with countless enthusiasm and exclaimed.

"Nephew, you have a really rich family background. You can get these two items, and the grade is so high."

"I am really envious of you."

"But it is really difficult to refine a fourth-grade medium-grade flying boat with these three items!"

"After all, flying boats are one of the most difficult to refine among all kinds of magical instruments, and your materials are really expensive. I am really afraid of refining failure."

"I guess that's why your uncle Yun Chi didn't dare to agree to refine a flying boat for you."

When Ling Pengyun heard this, his heart suddenly skipped a beat.

The eighteen Qingfeng Lingzhu and the fourth-grade upper-grade Qingming Baotie were his gains from participating in the Xinghai Realm Conference this time.

The Qingfeng Lingzhu is extremely tough, comparable to the same-grade spiritual iron, but the material is extremely light, which is a good material for refining flying swords or refining flying boats.

The piece of Qingming Spirit Iron is not only of high grade, but also of superior quality among the same grade spirit irons, at least 50% to 60% stronger than the same grade spirit irons.

And it is particularly strong, which is a good material for refining defensive magic tools.

And with the grade and size of the piece of Qingming Treasure Iron in Ling Pengyun's hand, it can even be used as the main material of a fourth-grade upper-grade defensive spirit treasure.

And the eighteen Qingfeng Spirit Bamboos and Qingming Treasure Iron together are probably worth more than a hundred fourth-grade lower-grade cultivation pills, which are enough to buy a Five Elements Yuanying Pill that can increase the probability of Yuanying cultivators impacting Yuanying by 30%.

For this reason, these spiritual objects are not a small number even for the old weapon refiner Xingkui.

This is also the reason why he did not immediately agree to the commission of refining the weapon.

Ling Pengyun wanted to refine this weapon for future layout.

Although he mastered the superior magical power of escape, this kind of magical power consumes a lot of energy and cannot last for a long time.

On the contrary, if the fourth-level flying boat can be refined, its speed may not be as fast as the superior magical power of escape, but it will definitely not be much slower and last longer.

Even as long as some special weapon patterns are engraved on it, this flying boat can also have the means to store spiritual power.

In this way, in the future, Ling Pengyun can control this flying boat without using any spiritual power, just control it with spiritual consciousness, which is extremely convenient.

At the same time, it can also use this kind of weapon pattern as a source to arrange some special means.

And this is also Ling Pengyun’s ultimate goal.

In addition, as long as this flying boat is completed, with its speed, it is estimated that it will only take a dozen days to return to the family from the Wubianhai Xiuxian Realm. By then, even during the chaos of the world's destruction, Ling Pengyun can take time to return to the Beihuang Xiuxian Realm to take care of the family.

Of course, the only disadvantage of this matter is that it is expensive.

Take Ling Pengyun's refining this time as an example. The eighteen Qingfeng Lingzhu that could have been used to refine a set of rare fourth-level medium-grade flying swords and the fourth-level top-grade Qingming Baotie that could be used to refine a fourth-level top-grade defensive magic weapon can only barely refine a fourth-level middle-grade flying boat.

Later, Ling Pengyun considered that if the old refiner Xingkui also refused this matter, he might not be able to find someone more suitable to refine this flying boat in a short time.

And this flying boat is related to the chaos of the world's destruction.

Therefore, he immediately comforted him.

"Don't worry, uncle, even if the refining fails, the junior will not say anything."

After saying that, he gritted his teeth and finally said.

"And, regardless of whether Master Uncle can help me refine it, I am willing to give you thirty fourth-grade inferior Juyuan grasses as your refining fee."

These Juyuan grasses were naturally taken from his own future cultivation resources.

Although the cost is a bit high, as long as the flying boat can be completed, these cultivation resources will not be lost, and can even be earned back through the flying boat.

When the old refiner Xingkui heard this, he complained about Ling Pengyun's previous words in his heart.

Like Ling Pengyun, he has seen many people who said good things before refining, but threw a tantrum after failure.

But Ling Pengyun's generosity really moved him.

Thirty fourth-grade inferior Juyuan grasses are not a small number.

And this grass can be used as the main material for the cultivation pill Juyuan Pill.

And he happened to be a good friend of a fourth-grade alchemist in the sect who was good at refining this pill, and the probability of that friend refining this pill was as high as 50%, and the number of successful pills could be maintained at about four.

After careful calculation, it is estimated that about 60 Juyuan Pills can be made in the end.

And this is enough to be half the value of the materials Ling Pengyun took out.

For this reason, he couldn't help but sigh inwardly.

"This nephew is really generous."

After much consideration, Xing Kui, the old weapon refiner, really couldn't refuse the cost of refining the thirty fourth-level low-grade Juyuan grass. For this reason, he asked for confirmation.

"Nephew, is that... the thirty Juyuan grass true?"

After Ling Pengyun nodded with pain, he took out the thirty Juyuan grass directly from a storage bag and handed it directly to Xing Kui, the old weapon refiner.

"As long as the uncle is willing to agree to help with the refining, the uncle can take these thirty Juyuan grass directly."

Xing Kui, the old weapon refiner, looked at the thirty spiritual herbs, couldn't help swallowing, and then he said.

"Since you are so generous, I will take on the job of refining the flying boat."

"But you have to sign the agreement in advance. Don't blame me if I fail to refine the weapon."

"In addition, there is only half a month left before the World Destruction Rebellion, so it is difficult for me to help you refine the flying boat before the World Destruction Rebellion."

"But it won't take too long. It can be done in half a year or a year."

Ling Pengyun was a little surprised when he heard this.

"Is it okay to be so fast?"

Based on his understanding of refining fourth-level spiritual treasures, this should take at least several years.

Xing Kui, the old weapon refiner, said with a smile.

"I guess my nephew doesn't know that my Xingqi lineage has a fourth-level top-grade spiritual fire mountain."

Ling Pengyun was slightly surprised.

"My nephew really doesn't know about this. I wonder if you can tell me more about it."

This matter is not a secret, so Xing Kui explained it in detail.

The fourth-grade top-grade spiritual fire of the Xingqi lineage is the Chitian Spiritual Fire Mountain. The fire it breeds is extremely violent, but relatively speaking, its power is also good, and some cultivators even use it as a means of attack.

But at the same time, it is also a precious fire used to quench the impurities in the spiritual objects of the refining equipment.

After all, the spiritual objects of refining equipment are generally relatively solid, and it is difficult to quench the impurities in them.

It is precisely because of this that it takes a long time to refine the fourth-grade spiritual treasure.

However, with the help of the Chitian Spiritual Fire Mountain, the old refiner Xingkui has no such concerns, and according to what he said, their Xingqi lineage actually used a special formation to condense a quasi-fifth-grade precious fire, which is an excellent precious fire for refining equipment.

This time, he was refining equipment for Ling Pengyun, and he planned to use that precious fire. In this way, he could speed up the quenching of impurities in spiritual objects such as Qingfeng Lingzhu and reduce the time of refining equipment.

After all, as a member of Xinghai Pavilion, he also needed to contribute during the chaos of the world destruction and could not stay in the sect for a long time.

If Ling Pengyun had not offered a relatively large benefit this time, he would not have planned to take on such a difficult task at such a critical moment.

After hearing this, Ling Pengyun could not help but be secretly surprised.

"Sure enough, the foundations of these nine veins are somewhat extraordinary."

His Yun Qian vein, as one of the nine veins, also has some strong foundations.

However, because the Yun Qian vein is quite special and follows the path of fighting, the foundation of this vein is mostly reflected in the path of cultivation and cultivation.

For example, the spiritual vein of the Yun Qian vein has a relatively strong foundation. It is now about to enter the quasi-fifth level, and according to the master of this vein, Yun Qian Lao Zhenjun, this vein will advance in the next five hundred years.

By then, the Yun Qian vein will also become one of the few veins with a quasi-fifth level spiritual vein among the nine veins.

In addition, the Yun Qian vein also has an extremely rare, but extremely powerful superior magical power for tempering the spiritual consciousness, called "Yun Ling Tempering God Technique".

Its limit can double the spiritual consciousness of the cultivator.

Regardless of the strength of the cultivator's own spiritual consciousness, the result is the same.

For example, if Ling Pengyun, a person with extraordinary spiritual consciousness, enters the perfection of the Nascent Soul and comprehends it to the limit, it is estimated that he can have about 70% of the spiritual consciousness strength of the Transformation Spirit cultivator, which can be said to be extremely mysterious.

And this kind of magical power is extremely rare in the outside world. Even the other nine major veins have few magical powers to temper the spiritual consciousness.

At the same time, this technique is closely related to the three thousand points of the cloud sword formation magical power of the Yun Qianyi vein.

After all, the stronger the spiritual consciousness, the stronger the flying sword that can be transformed and controlled.

After collecting his distracting thoughts, Ling Pengyun chatted with the old weapon refiner Xing Kui for a few more words, and then returned to his own cultivation cave in the Yunqian Valley of the Yunqian vein, waiting for the chaos to begin.

Another thing worth mentioning is that when he attended the Xinghai Realm meeting, he heard some ordinary Yuanying forces in the Xinghai Realm say that the last time Xinghai Pavilion summoned people like them who were in the Xinghai Realm but not from the Xinghai Pavilion to participate in the war was a thousand years ago.

This made Ling Pengyun suspicious.

After all, Xinghai Pavilion and the sea dragon clan of the Wubianhai Xiuxian Realm would fight once every three hundred years.

Indirectly, the Xinghai Pavilion's action of summoning those Yuanying forces in the Xinghai Realm this time all showed that the chaos that happened once every three hundred years was more difficult.

But it was also true, after all, this chaos was praised as the chaos of destroying the world.

And this was also the reason why Ling Pengyun wanted to refine the flying boat as a backup, one to increase strength, and the other to escape if he was defeated.

………………………(End of this chapter)

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