Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 1260 Special Array (Subscription Request)

Five days have passed.

There are only ten days left for the world-destroying chaos.

On this day.

The great elder of Xinghai Pavilion, "Xingqing Laodao", suddenly notified all the cultivators in the pavilion to gather on Xinghai Square.

All the cultivators were puzzled, but no one dared to disobey.

Although the sect has many branches, there are not only nine major branches but also twenty-seven minor branches, and even many weaker branches.

But these branches are all under the command of the Xinghai main branch.

This main branch is the orthodox Xinghai, and all generations have only obeyed the Xinghai Sect Master of all generations, and the current Xinghai Sect Master is the old ancestor of the transformation of the spirit.

For this reason, the strength of the Xinghai main branch of all generations is extremely strong, and at the same time, this branch has a strong ruling power over Xinghai Pavilion.

And this Xingqing Laodao, who is the great elder, is a member of the main branch, and is even one of the direct disciples of the Xinghai Patriarch.

Of course, this person was valued by the Xinghai Patriarch and was appointed as the Grand Elder of the Sect, in charge of all the affairs of the Sect. Naturally, he was outstanding.

His cultivation was not high, even weaker than many of the nine major veins, only at the late stage of the Nascent Soul.

But it is said that because he possessed a superior array spirit body, he had a strong talent in array, and he had deduced the array to the quasi-fifth level early, making him a rare quasi-fifth-level array master.

He even had a strong record of temporarily resisting the ancestor of the sea dragon clan for dozens of breaths with a quasi-fifth-level array.

For this reason, no one dared to disrespect him during his tenure as the Grand Elder of the Sect.

Of course, there are very few people in this world who can have such an attainment in array. Even if the demon clan and the magic are included, it is estimated that there will be no more than five fingers.

After all, array is the most difficult one among the countless arts.

At the same time.

When everyone was together, the old array master Xingqing began to speak.

"Ten days from now, our Xinghai Pavilion will fight with the sea dragon clan of the Infinite Sea Realm of the Immortal Cultivation World for three hundred years."

"Therefore, you should also rush to the front line with me."

"If there are those who are afraid of fighting, you all know the consequences."

"But those who have made contributions will be rewarded."

After saying this, the old Taoist said no more, raised his hand and conjured up a large piece of blue light, and then, a piece of paper conjured up by spiritual light appeared in the hands of everyone present. It detailed how much war merit can be obtained and what kind of treasure can be exchanged after killing monsters of various realms and handing over the bodies of monsters in this battle.

For example, if you kill a Qi training monster and hand over its body, you can get about 5 to 20 war merits.

Killing a foundation building monster can get 3,000 to 10,000 war merits.

Killing a golden elixir monster king can get 30,000 to 100,000 war merits.

Killing the demon kings of the early, middle, and late stages of the Nascent Soul, and the perfect stage, can earn 300,000, 500,000, 700,000, and 1 million Dao War Merits respectively.

At the same time, the sect takes into account that these demon kings are all extremely powerful, but if they can be killed, it will have a certain impact on the overall situation.

For this reason, the sect will also take out an additional 30 cultivation pills of the same realm as the corpses of those demon kings as rewards.

In addition, the first person to kill the demon beasts of different realms in this battle, and the one who gets the most war merits in different realms each year, will have additional rewards, such as a large number of cultivation pills or healing pills of the same realm, or things like magic tools.

Even the one who gets the highest war merit in this battle can be rewarded with a quasi-fifth-level spiritual treasure afterwards.

"The sect is really willing to give up this time, and even the quasi-fifth-level spiritual treasure is willing to take it out."

Ling Pengyun was full of surprises, but he couldn't help but feel a little hot.

Although the fourth-grade upper-grade Five Elements Hundred Treasures Long River Spirit Treasure in his hand, which already had the foundation of incarnation, was not inferior to that kind of spiritual treasure, and was even stronger, no one would dislike having too many of these spiritual treasures.

Moreover, his spiritual awareness was extraordinary, and he could control many spiritual treasures at the same time. If he could get one more, it would completely increase his combat power.

The other Yuanying Zhenjun were even more tempted by the reward of the quasi-fifth-grade spiritual treasure.

For this reason, the fighting spirit of all the Yuanying Zhenjun present was mobilized.

And this was what the old formation master Xingqing wanted to see.

As for the spiritual objects that could be exchanged for military merits, there were quite a lot, and there were tens of thousands of types alone.

For example, the number of first-grade Huangya Pills was as many as one million.

Therefore, if the number of spiritual objects was really counted, it was estimated that it would reach tens of millions, which was a big deal.

In addition, there were also many fourth-grade spiritual objects.

Even the Yuanying spiritual object Nine Heavens Mysterious Qi and five portions of Earth Soul Essence that Ling Pengyun desired, each had five portions.

However, because these two items have extraordinary effects and contain the spirit of good fortune, if they are combined, they can not only increase the probability of a cultivator's impact on the Nascent Soul by 30%, but also increase the probability of a cultivator condensing a high-quality Nascent Soul. For this reason, their value is relatively high.

They require 5 million war merits to exchange respectively.

As for some ordinary Nascent Soul spiritual objects that can only increase the probability of a cultivator's impact on the Nascent Soul by 10% or half, they are worth 3 million war merits and 1.5 million war merits respectively.

These prices are normal prices. If there are people in the market who are willing to buy such spiritual objects with spirit stones, they are probably at this price.

Even if they are exchanged with spiritual objects, they are basically determined according to this price.

"According to my original plan this time, it is best to get a Nine Heavens Mysterious Qi and Earth Soul Essence for Cheng Xia and my spirit beast Black Armor Turtle to assist them in impacting the Nascent Soul. In this way, 20 million contribution points are required."

"Moreover, the three natal spiritual plants I have on hand are also close to the realm of Nascent Soul. It is best to need some Nascent Soul spiritual objects to assist in the attack. Whether they can enter the Nascent Soul in the future depends on the tempering of my spiritual power and so on. Gou Lian, in this case, it would be best to also injure a relatively powerful Nascent Soul spiritual object, the Nine Heavens Profound Energy and the Earth Soul Essence."

"But if this is the case, the amount of military exploits I need to achieve will inevitably be particularly huge."

"It's really unrealistic to just kill the Nascent Soul Demon Lord to get them all together. After all, killing a Nascent Soul Demon Lord only requires 300,000 to 1 million battle merit at most."

"Looking at it this way, the task of collecting a large amount of combat achievements must still be placed on those low-level monsters."

Ling Pengyun had a slight headache and secretly made some plans.

However, Ling Pengyun, who has experienced several chaos in the Northern Wilderness Immortal Realm, knows that even if the sect has no restrictions on this, it is still difficult to gain merit by hunting low-level monsters in such chaos.

After all, in a time of chaos, hostile monsters would not stand by and he, a righteous Nascent Soul, would kill at will.

Moreover, even if those low-level monsters are killed, it is estimated that it will be difficult to recover the corpses of those monsters in a big battle.

After all, dead monsters are just food in the eyes of the monster clan, and the monster clan all know that the corpses of monster beasts are extremely useful. For this reason, they will not give up the corpses of monster beasts to the right way easily.

But overall, this matter is still simpler than killing the Nascent Soul Demon Lord to gain military exploits.

What's more, it would be of great benefit to Ling Pengyun if he could complete the plan to gather military merit and assist his eldest son Ling Chengxia and other spiritual beasts or spiritual plants to enter the Yuanying realm.

For this reason, he did not waver on this.

At this moment, senior brother "Wang Qiuyang", a disciple of the master Yun Qian Lao Zhenjun, suddenly walked up to Ling Pengyun and said to Ling Pengyun.

"Junior Brother Pengyun, we are about to rush to the front line to face the chaos. It can be said that there are many dangers."

"For this reason, I have made an agreement with my Yun Qianyi lineage and some of the branch factions that I bought better, Yuan Ying, to advance and retreat together and cooperate with the enemy. I wonder if you are interested in this?"

Hearing this, Ling Pengyun hesitated for a moment and asked.

"Senior brother, I wonder who the other colleagues are?"

Senior Brother Wang Qiuyang immediately understood what Ling Pengyun meant. In addition, he came to invite Ling Pengyun this time, so he immediately revealed the information about the team members he organized.

According to what he said, there were four Nascent Soul fellows he summoned including himself, and the other three were not ordinary people. Not only did they have the same cultivation level as Senior Brother Wang Qiuyang, they also had the cultivation level of the middle Nascent Soul.

Moreover, the fighting methods are somewhat special, and his strength can be regarded as the highest level among the mid-stage Nascent Soul.

For this reason, Ling Pengyun was secretly happy after hearing this.

‘The strength of this group of people is extraordinary. Taken together, it is estimated that ordinary late-stage Nascent Soul powerhouses will have difficulty gaining the upper hand in their hands. "

"And if this group of people can cooperate with me in the future to kill low-level monsters in the chaos and recover the bodies of those low-level monsters, I can feel more relaxed."

Thinking about it this way, Ling Pengyun should have agreed to advance and retreat together with Senior Brother Wang Qiuyang.

Afterwards, everyone chatted for a few more words, and the ancestor who stood in the void and had extraordinary temperament said again.

"All monks with perfect golden elixir and above, come with me to the meeting hall."

After saying that, he disappeared.

When Ling Pengyun and other monks with perfect golden elixir levels and above heard this, they all felt solemn and puzzled. They left the square one after another and rushed to the meeting hall deep in the sect together.

quite a while.

Within the meeting hall.

After Xingqing Lao Dao briefly told some information about the Haijiao clan and the approximate number of Nascent Soul Demon Lords, he took out ten special fourth-order or nearly fourth-order arrays and distributed them to everyone.

"These large formations are quite special. They can be opened as long as there is spiritual energy. For this purpose, the spiritual power of a large number of monks can be used as the starting energy source. Even if there are enough monks, the person presiding over the large formation does not need to use any spiritual power at all, and only needs to use his spiritual consciousness. Just control the formation."

"But on the other hand, only those with strong spiritual consciousness can make perfect use of these formations."

"For this reason, I divided those formations into your hands based on your divine consciousness."

"After this meeting is over, the sect will send enough Qi training, foundation building, or golden elixir manpower to help you form an army in the future, and those people will be your private soldiers."

"In times of great chaos, unless arranged by the sect, the monks will be mobilized by you at other times. At that time, if you cooperate with those monks to arrange those special formations and gain something, most of them will belong to you, but you need to agree in advance that one of them will If the harvest is completed, you need to give it to the sect to cover the cost of the sect lending you the formation. In addition, you need to give 20% of the profits to the low-level monks who help you, so as not to get others interested, and the remaining 70% will be yours. ”

"In contrast, during this chaos, you also need to protect their safety. If the number of casualties exceeds 30%, they will be fined 300,000 battle credits. If the casualties exceed 50%, they will be fined 1 million battle credits. If they are completely wiped out, they will be fined 300. Ten thousand battle achievements.”

"Of course, if someone is unwilling to take those special formations, they can give up. There are many people in the sect who want the right to use such formations. If you give up, you can give some opportunities to others."

After saying that, Master Xingqing looked at everyone present with a smile.

Naturally, everyone regarded that special formation as a treasure, so how could they be willing to give it up? After all, it was something that could only increase their combat power.

Even Ling Pengyun was reluctant to give up the formation plate in his hand.

Because the Taoist Xing Qing thought that his cultivation had entered the late stage of the Nascent Soul, the formation plate distributed to him could be used to arrange a rare fourth-level superior attack and defense killing formation.

Its name is "Sea Dragon Riding the Sea Formation".

And it also has two fourth-level spiritual treasure formations for attack and defense, and its power is extraordinary.

After careful calculation, it is not only fully capable of killing late-stage Nascent Soul strongmen, but can even hurt Nascent Soul Perfect strongmen.

And the sect will send people to keep this formation open. In this way, he only needs to mobilize his spiritual consciousness to control it, which will basically have no effect on his battle. He can use his magical powers when he should use them, and use his spiritual treasures when he should use them.

But on the contrary, it can increase a lot of combat power.

"With this treasure, it will be easier to collect military merits."

Ling Pengyun was slightly happy.

After a while, seeing that no one had rejected the formation, Taoist Xing Qing told them about the subsequent chaotic layout and other matters.

Once this matter was settled, he led everyone back to the square and assigned enough low-level cultivators to help Ling Pengyun and others set up the formation.

In the end, Ling Pengyun got a total of nine Jindan cultivators, nine hundred foundation-building cultivators, and nine thousand Qi training cultivators.

Some of them came from Xinghai Pavilion, and some came from the small forces of Xinghai Realm, so their strengths were uneven.

But to be honest, even if they were strong, they would not be of much help to a great cultivator like Ling Pengyun.

After all, Ling Pengyun only needed them as a source of spiritual power to keep those special formations open.

And this group of people could barely do this, but if there were any losses, it would probably be difficult to fully open the formation.

"The sect's plan is brilliant. It is undoubtedly to use the strength of those special formations to force us, the Nascent Soul cultivators, to be tied together with those low-level cultivators."

"Undoubtedly, we, the cultivators of different identities, will also rise and fall together."

Ling Pengyun looked at the group of people in front of him and muttered to himself.

After that, he simply handed over the matter of maintaining the special formation to the more than 9,000 cultivators' private soldiers.

This matter also surprised the 9,000 cultivators, and at the same time, they were also a little excited, after all, they were working under a Nascent Soul.

After a while, with the order of the great elder Xing Qing, a thousand huge flying boats suddenly appeared in the air.

Ling Pengyun looked up and his eyes trembled.

"They are all large flying boats above level three!" (End of this chapter)

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