Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 22 The Talisman Seriously Injures the Demonic Python (Please collect and recommend)

Time passed quickly. During the two days when Ling Pengyun was in charge of Qingshi Lake, the demon python in Qingshi Lake did not come out to commit crimes because Ling Pengyun patrolled the lake a few days ago.

This situation also made Ling Pengyun secretly guess that the demon python in the lake might not have a high cultivation level, at least not a demon python in the late stage of Qi training.

If the demon python's cultivation level was far higher than his, why would it hide from Ling Pengyun? Two days ago, when Ling Pengyun was patrolling Qingshi Lake, it would directly jump out, kill him, swallow him into its stomach, and transform it into cultivation. Wouldn't it be better?

For demon beasts, cultivators are like elixirs, which can help to improve their cultivation. Moreover, the meat of cultivators is more delicious than that of mortals. No demon beast can refuse to eat a cultivator.

On this day, Ling Dong, under the instruction of Ling Pengyun, went down to the lake alone and pretended to catch fish in the lake.

In order to make it look real, he even wore only an inner armor.

However, even if he wore full body armor, it would be difficult to save his life in the hands of the Qi training monster.

Ling Pengyun, on the other hand, restrained his breath and hid in a room closest to Qingshi Lake, ready to support Ling Dong, who was luring the demon python in Qingshi Lake more than 50 feet away.

After waiting for half an hour, there was still no movement in the lake, but Ling Dong caught a lot of fish.

But at this time, he was not happy at all. Instead, his clothes on his back were already soaked with cold sweat, and his heart was always hanging. He tried his best to suppress the fear of the demon python in the lake.

Not knowing where the danger was, but knowing that there was danger coming, this feeling was extremely uncomfortable, and the fear in his heart would be infinitely magnified. He had already thought of dozens of ways to be killed by the demon python.

Time passed by, and suddenly he saw a huge black shadow flashing in the lake more than ten feet away.

His heart trembled suddenly, and he dared not wait too long. He turned his head quickly and guessed that it was the demon python.

But he did not dare to shout loudly or run back to the shore in a hurry, and continued to fish.

The demon python was good at water, and although it was in shallow water, it was still some distance from the shore. Ling Dong did not guarantee whether the immortal from Qingshi Mountain could arrive in time to stop the demon python and kill it.

It was possible that the demon python that was good at water would escape and harm the villagers of Qingshi Village again in the future.

Ling Dong did not want to see such things. As the village chief of Qingshi Village, if there were too many abnormal deaths in the village under his management, he would not only be dismissed, but also difficult to walk the road of power and nobility for the rest of his life. After all, he would still be a mediocre farmer.

All his ancestors were cultivators, and although he was a mortal, he was unwilling to become an ordinary person. Rather than being dismissed from the clan in the future, he might as well fight and let the demon python get closer to him, and then call the immortal to help, giving the immortal more chances to stop the water-savvy demon python from escaping.

The huge black shadow was extremely fast, and in just a moment, it came within three feet of Lingdong.

Just as the demon python lurking in the water was about to swallow the delicious human "Lingdong" in one bite, a very fast black iron flying sword flew from the direction of Qingshi Village, and in an instant, it hit the head of the demon python that suddenly jumped out of the water.

The black iron flying sword was extremely sharp. With one strike, it directly shattered the hard blue scales of the demon python and penetrated an inch deep into the flesh of the demon python's head.

"Hiss!" The blue demon python screamed loudly in pain.

"Lingdong, you can retreat!"

A slightly excited voice came from the direction of Qingshi Village.

Ling Dongguan saw the demon python's figure appearing. When he saw its huge figure, he had already thought about escaping. Now, when the immortal spoke, he quickly stimulated the blood and qi in his body, mobilized his innate perfect cultivation, exerted force with his feet, and quickly ran to the shore.

Then, two ice spikes flew from the direction of Qingshi Village.

However, their target was not the demon python, but the lake water around it.

As soon as the two ice spikes came into contact with the lake water, they quickly froze the lake water, turning the half-zhang lake water around the demon python into ice, temporarily trapping it.

The demon python was not powerless. When it realized that it was trapped by the ice layer, it was very angry. It shook its head to throw away the black iron flying sword that had penetrated into its flesh and blood, and then swung its body as strong as a millstone to directly break the surrounding ice layer.

After it escaped, it did not run away. Instead, it rushed towards the young man in Taoist robes who ran towards it from the village. It roared angrily and spit out a three-inch long water arrow at the young man.

The young man who rushed towards the demon python in the shallow water area of ​​Qingshi Lake was naturally the cultivator Ling Pengyun.

Ling Pengyun saw the water arrow shot by the demon python, tightly grasped the black iron shield in his left hand, blocked it in front of him, waved his hand to control the black iron sword thrown away by the demon python to stabilize his body, and attacked the blue demon python again.

"This blue-scaled water python has the same cultivation level as me, both in the middle stage of Qi training. I am afraid that I can hardly stop it with my own strength. Once something happens, it will definitely escape by flying in the water!"

"It seems that I can only use the three rocket talismans given by the family!"

"You can't catch a wolf without sacrificing a child. If I let this demon python escape this time, it will be very difficult to kill it in the future!"

Ling Pengyun thought about it and immediately made up his mind. He slapped the storage bag on his waist with his right hand, summoned three talismans with flashing red spiritual charm, injected spiritual power, and waved his hand to shoot.

The three talismans were touched by the spiritual power, and then transformed into three five-foot-long rockets, blasting towards the blue-scaled water python in the shallow water area of ​​Qingshi Lake.

At this moment, the water arrow shot by the blue-scaled water python also hit Ling Pengyun's black iron shield firmly.


Although the water arrow was blocked, the huge force from the water arrow hitting the black iron shield stopped Ling Pengyun's attack, forcing him to take several steps back before he could regain his strength.

The other side.

In the shallow water area of ​​Qingshi Lake, the blue-scaled anaconda looked panicked when it saw three powerful rockets coming. Those three attacks were enough to threaten its life.

It was too late to dive into the water. Those three rockets were extremely fast, so we had no choice but to resist them.

It roared, a flash of light appeared around its body, and it transformed into three water shields in succession to resist in front of it.

With three water shields in front of it, it dived into the water with confidence.

Ling Pengyun saw that the blue-scaled anaconda was trying to escape, so he changed his finger movements with one hand, and the speed of the black iron flying sword that was attacking the blue-scaled anaconda increased by three points again, but in an instant, it struck the blue-scaled anaconda again. above the head.

This blow was three points more powerful, and the black iron sword penetrated nearly an inch and a half into the head of the blue-scaled anaconda.

"Hiss!" The blue-scaled anaconda roared again in pain, but apart from casting a resentful look at Ling Pengyun, it did not use any other means and continued to dive into the water.

It knew quite well that the three water shields it summoned could not completely withstand the three rockets.

The reason why the water shield is summoned is to delay the rocket for some time and give it a chance to escape.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

In the sky, three rockets bombarded the three water shields blocking the blue-scaled python.

Although the three rockets are transformed from spiritual talismans, they are the finest among the first-level middle-grade spiritual talismans. They are all produced by the Ling family's first-grade high-grade spiritual talisman master and third elder Ling Yunfeng. The power of each rocket is equivalent to that of a sixth-level Qi practitioner. The rocket technique is used with all its strength, so it is extremely powerful. The three-sided water shield summoned by the demon python can be destroyed in one blow.

However, the three rockets still had 30% of their power. Without the water shield to block them, these three rockets, guided by Ling Pengyun's consciousness, struck hard at the huge body of the blue-scaled anaconda.

The scales on the blue-scaled anaconda were blown apart, and three wounds several inches in size appeared on its body.

As soon as the attack fell, the blue-scaled python successfully sneaked into the lake in the next moment.

It was seriously injured. Although it was in great pain, it also hated Ling Pengyun to death. However, it was seriously injured now and did not dare to stay any longer. It hurriedly swung its body to resist the water and headed towards the depths of the Bluestone Lake to resist the water.

"Damn it!" Ling Pengyun, who had just arrived at the lake, cursed secretly when he saw the blue-scaled anaconda diving and escaping. The worst result happened.

He really couldn't accept it after spending three rocket talismans worth nine spiritual stones and letting the demonic python escape.

This made him hesitate to risk diving into the water to chase the blue-scaled anaconda that was seriously injured by three rockets.

"My cultivation level is not high. If I go deep into the water, my strength will be greatly reduced!"

"Although that demon python is about the same strength as me, it is now seriously injured and its strength is greatly reduced!"

"If I let this monster python leave this time, it will be more cautious in its future attacks, and it will be more difficult for me to kill it. Furthermore, even if it escapes from here, I wasted three Rocket Talisman this time. , but I didn’t make any achievements, I’m really sorry!”

Whether it was for Qingshi Village or not to waste the three rocket talismans, he was determined to kill the demonic python today.

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