Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 23 Successfully Killed (Please read on, updated at two o'clock)

Ling Pengyun made a prompt decision, made a hand seal with his hands, and used the water-avoiding technique to create a thin blue light curtain around his body.

The function of this light curtain is to isolate the water flow. It is used for monks to go deep into the water. It can mobilize spiritual power to push the light curtain to move the monks inside it forward in the water.

Ling Pengyun quickly rushed into the shallow water of the lake until he reached the deep water, and then dived into the lake. With the breath of the black iron flying sword that Ling Pengyun deliberately left in the flesh and blood of the head of the blue-scaled anaconda, he chased after Lan Lin, who had lost his trace with Yuan Yuan. Anaconda.

The blue-scaled anaconda is indeed good at water. Ling Pengyun was just in the water, and after ten breaths of pursuit, he lost the aura of the black iron flying sword.

This situation can only show that the black iron flying sword is extremely far away from him.

Ling Pengyun was immediately alert, took out a water shield talisman and held it tightly in his hand, lest the blue-scaled anaconda that had gone away get rid of the black iron sword that penetrated its head, return and sneak attack on him.

Fortunately, such a situation did not occur. Ling Pengyun also followed the place where the black iron sword's aura finally disappeared and came to the bottom of the lake in the center of Qingshi Lake, where there was a deep cave several feet in size.

This huge hole is bottomless, but Ling Pengyun can feel that this huge hole never stops pouring water into the Bluestone Lake.

"This deep cave should be the underground river that maintains the water volume in the Bluestone Lake!"

"And the origin of the blue-scale anaconda is indeed what I thought. It came to Qingshi Lake through the underground river recently!" Ling Pengyun guessed.

"Nine times out of ten, the seriously injured demon python did indeed escape along the dark river where the aura of my black iron sword finally disappeared!"

He hesitated for a moment, then chased after him against the current of the underground river at the bottom of the lake.

Walking against the current consumes more spiritual power.

However, after walking a mile along the huge underground river, Ling Pengyun consumed nearly 10% of his spiritual power.

"I still have 70% of my spiritual power. If I advance three miles and fail to catch up with the blue-scaled anaconda, I will have to go back home to prevent my spiritual power from being exhausted and being noticed by the unknown blue-scaled anaconda. It's a sneak attack!" Ling Pengyun said to himself.

He walked another half mile, and the breath of the black iron sword appeared again.

This situation shows that the blue-scaled anaconda is not far away!

He restrained his breath, and moved a little slower against the current of the underground river, quietly leaning towards the black iron sword in front of him.

Ten breaths later, Ling Pengyun approached the black iron sword fifty feet away, but saw no trace of the black iron sword or the blue-scaled anaconda.

After groping for a while, Ling Pengyun finally figured out that the aura of the Black Iron Flying Sword came from a cliff in the dark river.

He searched for a long time and found a deep hole one foot wide near the cliff where the breath of the black iron sword came from.

"The smell of blood?" A few feet away from the foot-long deep cave, Ling Pengyun smelled a strong smell of blood.

Without much guessing, Ling Pengyun understood that this was the path leading to where the black iron sword was, which was most likely where the seriously injured demon python was hiding.

"Hey, spiritual energy?" Ling Pengyun had just approached the entrance of the nest and noticed a faint spiritual energy coming from it.

"Could it contain spiritual objects? Or spiritual veins?"

As soon as this thought came out, Ling Pengyun's eyes suddenly lit up.

As early as when he was young, when he was still learning knowledge about the world of immortality in family clan studies, he was told by his elders that there were many spiritual things in the lairs of monsters and beasts.

Or the remaining spiritual objects on the monster beast after being eaten, or spiritual plants, or a few pieces of spiritual iron ore found by the monster beast, or the monk's storage bag, etc. They may all be found in monster lairs.

The speculation about the spiritual veins stems from the spiritual energy coming from the entrance and exit of the lair.

As for whether it is the spiritual energy coming from the spiritual object or the spiritual veins, only by entering it can you see the true dawn.

Now that he had found traces of the blue-scaled anaconda, he was not stingy and directly activated the water shield talisman in his hand, transforming into a water shield floating around him.

He made a secret with his hands and used the Water Shield Technique to place a water shield around his body.

With two water shields protecting his body, Ling Pengyun felt much more at ease.

Following the narrow, difficult-to-fight entrance to the demon python's lair, Ling Pengyun obviously didn't know how to do it.

He waved his hand and shot out a jet of water, hitting it along the entrance and exit of the lair at the bottom of the underground river.

There was a dull sound as it hit the rock.

Immediately afterwards, a snake roar came out.

Ling Pengyun's face was filled with joy and he secretly said. "Sure enough, it's in this foot-long cave!"

At this moment, he felt the aura of the black iron sword moving, slowly approaching him.

"It is indeed here."

He took a few steps back and distanced himself from the entrance and exit of the lair at the bottom of the underground river. He made a hand with his hands and cast a spell, condensing three water spikes and a water arrow suspended around him, waiting for the blue-scaled anaconda to spring out of the cave.

Not long after, the blue-scaled giant python with three huge wounds on its body angrily sprang out from the entrance of the lair, swung its body, and killed Ling Pengyun with great anger.

General Ling Pengyun had already formed a secret, and used three inch-long water spikes and a three-inch-long water arrow to bombard the charging blue-scaled anaconda.

After making the attack, Ling Pengyun made a secret with both hands, recalling the black iron sword that had penetrated into the flesh and blood of the blue-scaled anaconda's head.

Injecting a seal containing 10% of his spiritual power, the black iron sword glowed with aura, and he fired it out again, attacking the blue-scaled anaconda together with the spell.

After all, the blue-scale anaconda is just a Qi-training monster that is stronger than the wild beast. It does not have much intelligence. It did not use the water shield in advance before escaping from the lair.

For a moment, its strong body was like a target, being hit by three water spikes, a water arrow, and the black iron sword fired by Ling Pengyun.

Blood flowers flowed out of its body, dyeing the surrounding water red.

It roared in pain, and its hatred for Ling Pengyun became more intense. It ignored its injuries and rushed towards Ling Pengyun, intending to use its strong flesh to hit Ling Pengyun to death.

However, Ling Pengyun was prepared. He waved his hand to block the two water shields floating around him in front of him, and then pinched his hands to cast a spell. In an instant, he could summon a water thorn, breaking the strong scales of the demon python and hitting its flesh.

Ten breaths later, the blue-scaled water python died under the bombardment of more than ten water thorns from Ling Pengyun before it broke the two water shields. The snake's head was full of holes pierced by the water thorns.

In this battle, the water thorn technique that can be cast instantly in the perfect state has made great contributions, and it has also strengthened Ling Pengyun's heart to comprehend spells.

He looked at the blue-scaled water python that had sunk to the bottom of the dark river. Its body had long been in a shattered state, and there was not much good left. He thought to himself what a pity it was.

“With the skin and scales of this blue-scaled water python damaged to such an extent, my wish to use the skin and scales of this demon python to entrust a refiner to refine a first-grade middle-grade water attribute Taoist robe seems to be gone!”

With a light sigh, Ling Pengyun looked at the entrance and exit of the nest not far from the body of the blue-scaled giant python.

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