Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 245: Three-party collaboration (2800 words, please subscribe)

Then, he had a discussion with Liu Daozhong, the Liu family cultivator who controlled the Flame Cloud Tiger, and the Shen family cultivators.

Everyone agreed, except for the few Shen family Qi training cultivators with low strength.

Ling Pengyun, Luo Daozhou, Flame Cloud Tiger, and Liu Daozhong all left the barren mountain together and headed for the Shen family mountain.

The three people and the tiger walked about two miles into the Shen family mountain, and were also noticed by the group of monsters in the Shen family mountain.

In just a few breaths, the python monster in the middle stage of foundation building in the Shen family mountain rushed out of the Shen family mountain with a large group of monsters and attacked Ling Pengyun and others.

"Fellow Daoist Liu, in terms of defense, we mainly rely on the Flame Cloud Tiger you are sitting on." Seeing this, Luo Qiuming frowned and called out to Liu Daozhong on the back of the Flame Cloud Tiger beside him.

Liu Daozhong heard the signal and immediately called Yanyunhu to sit down, activating the strongest defensive means to protect the body, and transformed into a huge red light curtain, protecting himself and Ling Pengyun and Luo Qiuming around.

Ling Pengyun and Luo Qiuming on the side did not just watch.

Luo Qiuming opened his mouth and spit out eighteen khaki formation flags, which spun around and flew out quickly, spanning a mile and surrounding the attacking mid-stage foundation building demon python.

Once the python was surrounded, the eighteen formation flags formed a formation.

In the formation, yellow sand rolled and continuously swept onto the countless scales of the mid-stage foundation building demon python, causing a series of iron strikes.

Ling Pengyun also followed, and successively shot out the Qinggang mother-and-child flying swords, and pinched the formula to perform the water snake technique, condensing a three-meter-long water snake, bombarding the mid-stage foundation building demon python trapped in the formation.

At this moment, nearly a thousand demon beasts that rushed out of the Shen clan mountain also rushed into Ling Pengyun and others within a mile.

At this distance, the area covered by their spiritual awareness, this group of nearly a thousand Qi training demon beasts, under the signal of the middle stage of foundation building demon python, quickly cast their own magic spells, and launched thousands of magic attacks, bombarding Ling Pengyun and others.

The magic attacks were unstoppable, and they fell on the protective light curtain held up by the Flame Cloud Tiger, causing huge waves.

Even if the body protection Yuan Gang held up by the Flame Cloud Tiger is a few points stronger than the light curtain held up by the second-level lower-grade defense magic weapon.

But at the same time, it is still a bit too much to bear the attacks of nearly a thousand Qi training monks.

However, in an instant, the flashing spiritual light of the protective light curtain held up by the Flame Cloud Tiger became dim at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And this light curtain was also shaking constantly, as if the next moment, this light curtain would be blown away.

Seeing this dangerous situation, the Yanyunhu who held up the light curtain narrowed his eyes slightly, roared in a low voice, and spewed out a large amount of spiritual power from his mouth, which hit the protective light curtain that was about to be shattered.

With the blessing of spiritual power, the shaking protective light curtain stabilized immediately, and its flickering spiritual light became more brilliant.

Liu Daozhong on the back of Yanyunhu performed the beast control secret method "Spirit Transfer Technique" to transfer the spiritual power in his body into Yanyunhu's body.

Although he only had the perfect cultivation of Qi training, the spiritual power in his body also had some effect on Yanyunhu, at least filling up one or two percent of the spiritual power in Yanyunhu's body.

With Liu Daozhong's help in spiritual power, Yanyunhu's pressure to maintain the protective Yuan Gang was much less.

But Liu Daozhong knew that it would be difficult to hold on for long in this situation.

Within half an incense stick of time, the spiritual power in the Yanyunhu's body would be exhausted when he sat down.

Without the spiritual power of this tiger, the light curtain that resisted the attacks of nearly a thousand Qi training monsters from the outside world will also dissipate.

At that time, although Ling Pengyun and Luo Qiuming, the two foundation-building cultivators, can rely on their powerful cultivation to escape.

But he and the Yanyun Tiger, whose spiritual power is exhausted, will definitely not have a good end.

"Senior Ling, Senior Luo, please go all out, Yanyun Tiger will not be able to hold on for long."

"If the two seniors have not made any achievements after two hundred breaths, I will take Yanyun Tiger away." Liu Daozhong said to Ling Pengyun and Luo Qiuming in a deep voice.

Ling Pengyun and Luo Qiuming were a little dissatisfied when they heard this, but they also knew that what Liu Daozhong said was not false, so they strengthened their means of attack.

Luo Qiuming shot out the eighteen formation flags that trapped the mid-stage foundation-building monster python, all of which flashed with spiritual light, and the countless yellow sands transformed by the formation increased their power by three points.

Even though the scales of the mid-stage foundation-building demon python in the formation were covered with a layer of golden armor, making them extremely strong, at least dozens of scales were broken by countless yellow sands in a short period of time, leaving blood marks in the flesh of the snake demon.

Ling Pengyun also condensed two blue sea sky swords at this moment.

The two blue sea sky swords, two bright sword lights, quickly killed the mid-stage foundation-building demon python.

The demon python felt the extraordinary power of the two blue sword lights, and the power of the yellow sand around it became much stronger. It had to support the body protection Yuan Gang to resist the countless yellow sands transformed by the formation and the two powerful blue sea sky swords.

The two blue sea sky swords bombarded the body protection Yuan Gang it supported, causing two huge waves.

The two sword tips bombarded the light curtain, and some small cracks gradually appeared.

After three breaths, when the remaining power of the two Jade Sea Sky Swords was exhausted, most of the cracks on the protective Yuan Gang held up by the demon python were already cracked.

As the countless yellow sands transformed by the formation swept over, the cracks gradually expanded.

Seeing this good opportunity, Ling Pengyun quickly swallowed another Huiling Pill, pinched his fingers again, condensed a Jade Sea Sky Sword, and bombarded the protective Yuan Gang of the demon python in the middle stage of foundation building, further increasing the size of the cracks on the protective Yuan Gang.

Luo Qiuming, who was standing by, saw Ling Pengyun's fierce attack and no longer hid his attack.

He quickly made hand gestures with both hands and condensed a yellow seal with hammer patterns engraved on it.

Once this seal was formed, it quickly turned into a yellow giant hammer that was seven feet long.

Although the yellow giant hammer was large in size, its speed was not slow at all. It quickly bombarded the cracked light curtain held up by the mid-stage foundation-building demon python.

This hammer had a force of thirty or forty thousand pounds.


With a roar, the body-protecting Yuan Gang, which was already full of cracks, suddenly shattered and dissipated in smoke.

The yellow giant hammer also ran out of power and dissipated.

Without the resistance of this body-protecting Yuan Gang, the green steel mother-and-child flying sword that Ling Pengyun had previously shot, the three-foot-long water snake, and the countless yellow sands that Luo Qiuming had transformed using the formation, also swept over the body of the mid-stage foundation-building demon python again.

Wounds suddenly appeared on the body of the demon python.

It screamed in pain, and a golden light flashed around its body. The golden armor on the countless scales on its body suddenly thickened.

However, this layer of golden armor is not as good as the body-protecting Yuan Gang after all, and it will be broken in a short time.

This demon python did not want to fight desperately. Not long ago, it had just taken a large number of spiritual objects. As long as it refined them, it could enter the sixth level of foundation building. At that time, it would be only one step away from the late stage of foundation building. It would have a bright future in the future, and it would not be worthwhile to die here.

After thinking for a while, it made up its mind. Relying on the golden armor on its body, it resisted the countless yellow sands in the formation, broke the yellow sand erosion formation arranged by Luo Qiuming using eighteen formation flags, and quickly retreated to the Shen clan mountain.

However, the group of Qi training monsters did not withdraw.

Instead, they were under the command of the mid-stage foundation building demon python, and continued to attack Ling Pengyun and others, intending to rely on these thousands of Qi training demon beasts to consume the spiritual power of Ling Pengyun and others, in preparation for killing Ling Pengyun and others later.

After all, Ling Pengyun and others are foundation building cultivators, with huge spiritual power in their bodies, which is a great tonic in the eyes of demon beasts.

Luo Qiuming and Ling Pengyun are also people who have been in the world of immortal cultivation, and they know this truth very well.

The two naturally couldn't let the demon python succeed. They summoned Feng Yingpeng and a flying boat respectively, stepped on them, and propped up a defensive spell around them, and then directly left the range of the protective Yuan Gang propped up by Yanyunhu, and chased the mid-stage foundation building demon python that fled back to the Shen clan mountain.

On the way, the nearly a thousand Qi training demon beasts on the ground also attacked the two, but they were all resisted by the two people's defensive spells.

After a few breaths, the two successfully entered the Shen clan mountain.

As soon as they entered the mountain, they found the mid-stage foundation building demon python in the mountain and attacked it.

After fighting for about a hundred moves, Ling Pengyun and Luo Qiuming used the killing moves again.

The former used the Blue Sea Sky Sword technique, and the latter used the giant hammer with a huge force of 30,000 to 40,000 pounds again.

Under the fierce attack of the two people who spared no effort to consume their spiritual power, the mid-stage foundation building demon python was somewhat unable to resist.

Helplessly, it had to temporarily withdraw from the Shen clan mountain.

Ling Pengyun and Luo Qiuming did not chase after it. Both of them had little spiritual power left, especially Ling Pengyun had taken the second soul-returning pill.

If the two rashly chased after it, they might be in danger of their lives.

Because they were concerned about the foundation building stage Yanyun Tiger of Huxiao Liu's family and Liu Daozhong who were still besieged by thousands of Qi training monsters, the two left the Shen clan mountain and killed into the thousands of Qi training monsters at the foot of the mountain to help the Yanyun Tiger and Liu Daozhong escape.

With the help of two powerful foundation-building monks, the thousands of Qi-cultivating monsters were killed or injured in the blink of an eye.

In addition, the mid-stage foundation-building monster python escaped, and they lost their backbone. They were in a state of chaos and retreated in the direction where the mid-stage foundation-building monster python fled.

After all the monsters withdrew, the three men and the tiger also entered the Shen clan mountain together and climbed to the top of the Shen clan mountain.

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