Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 246: The harvest of the Shen clan’s trip to the mountain (2900 words, please subscribe)

The top of the Shen Clan Mountain is the place with the most spiritual energy in the entire Shen Clan Mountain. There is a ruin in the center of the mountain.

There are two plaques in the ruins. One plaque has the words "Dongfu" written on it.

The other plaque has the words "Shen Clan Library" written on it.

In addition, there are several broken formation flags, as well as some spiritual objects such as classics, magic tools, and blank talisman paper that are difficult to eat scattered in the ruins.

The spiritual objects scattered on the ground are all first-level spiritual objects, and there are no second-level spiritual objects.

After all, the Shen family has a weak foundation and has just become a foundation-building family not long ago.

There is no spiritual plant on the more than ten acres of high-level spiritual fields in the surrounding area.

"That snake demon in the middle stage of foundation building is really cruel. The Shen family's cultivation cave and clan library were demolished. The spiritual objects on the ground should be the spiritual objects stored in the Shen family library." Seeing this scene, Ling Pengyun couldn't help but sigh inwardly.

"My two Taoist friends, let's copy the books scattered on the ground together."

"As for the first-level spiritual objects scattered on the ground, we should only take 30% of them. We will divide this 30% equally among the three parties, and keep the remaining 70%."

"If we take less, even if the Shen family guesses that it is our three families' specialty, they will definitely estimate our strength and dare not attack."

"But if we are too greedy and take all the spiritual objects here, it will definitely attract the anger of the Shen family, and the Shen family will go to Bailingmen to sue us for taking advantage of the fire, which will be troublesome."

Luo Qiuming looked at the books and spiritual objects scattered in the ruins in the center of the mountaintop with his eyes flashing, and gestured to Ling Pengyun and Liu Daozhong riding the Yanyun Tiger.

Ling Pengyun and Liu Daozhong both agreed with Luo Qiuming's words.

Everyone agreed and started working quickly.

In just a hundred breaths, the three of them copied the scattered books and divided about 30% of the first-level spiritual objects scattered on the ground. After harvesting the top of the mountain, the three of them went to the Shen family's Gongfa Pavilion halfway up the Shen family mountain.

This Gongfa Pavilion was not destroyed, and there was a first-level superior defense formation to protect it.

However, this level of formation was broken before Luo Qiuming, a deep formation master, could last more than a hundred breaths.

Ling Pengyun, Luo Qiuming, and Liu Daozhong also successfully entered it and quickly used the rubbing method to copy the books on the many blank books prepared in advance.

After doing this, there was no other useful things in the Shen family mountain.

The three did not stay here for long, but went down to the foot of the mountain and began to cut useful spiritual materials from the hundreds of monster corpses killed this time.

While cutting the materials from the monster's corpse, the five Shen family Qigong cultivators who had stayed a few miles away and were protected by a first-grade superior breath-retaining formation also rushed over.

The faces of the five Shen family cultivators were not good. Just now, the five of them had seen Ling Pengyun and others searching for the martial arts books in the ruins on the top of the Shen family mountain through the Qi-reading technique.

However, they saw it, and their cultivation was only Qigong, so they naturally did not dare to get angry and could only swallow their anger.

"Thank you three seniors for helping my Shen family and helping my Shen family regain the family mountain!" Among the five Shen family cultivators, the one with the highest cultivation and perfect Qigong, after suppressing his anger, thanked Ling Pengyun and others.

"No need to thank me, help us harvest the materials from the monsters here."

"After the matter is done, the flesh and blood of these hundreds of Qi training monsters will belong to you. I can also help you repair your Shen family's second-level inferior mountain defense array for free, but you need to provide the materials." Luo Qiuming pretended not to see the angry expressions on the faces of the five Shen family cultivators, waved his hand, and spoke.

The decision to give the flesh and blood of hundreds of Qi training monsters on the ground to the five Shen family cultivators for free was jointly discussed by Luo Qiuming, Ling Pengyun, and Liu Daozhong who controlled the Yanyun Tiger.

It is not good to take the Shen family's inherited martial arts books for free. Giving Shen family some benefits can be regarded as some compensation for Shen family.

Of course, the compensation is not proportional to the value of what they took.

The expressions on the faces of the five Shen family cultivators looked better after hearing this.

The second-grade inferior mountain protection formation on the Shen family mountain was broken by the group of monsters led by the previous mid-stage foundation-building monster python more than ten days ago, causing the formation flag to be damaged and difficult to open.

If this formation can be repaired, the five Shen family cultivators are fully confident that they can rely on the mountain protection formation to resist the attack of the next foundation-building monster and three or four hundred Qi training monsters.

"Thank you, senior." The Shen family cultivator who had completed Qi training bowed and thanked.

Then, he took the other four Shen family cultivators and took out a sharper magic weapon to help Ling Pengyun and others cut the materials from the hundreds of monster corpses on the ground.

After the monster materials were collected, Ling Pengyun and Liu Daozhong, who could control the Flame Cloud Tiger, all left. Only Luo Qiuming, the formation master, stayed in the Shen family mountain to help the Shen family repair the second-grade inferior defense formation on the mountain.

After several hours.

Ling Pengyun returned to Lingxiao Mountain and went straight to the family's general affairs hall.

"My dear, did you gain anything from this trip to the Shen Clan Mountain?" Ling Pengliang, who was in the General Affairs Hall, saw Ling Pengyun return, his face brightened, and he asked.

Before Ling Pengyun left, he told Ling Pengliang that he was going to the Shen Clan Mountain.

Therefore, Ling Pengliang was also an insider.

"Yes, the gains were not small. The Shen Clan Mountain was indeed breached by a large group of monsters. I have copied most of the classics in the Shen Clan Mountain."

"I came to find you this time because I wanted to take you with me to look through the martial arts books obtained during this trip to the Shen family and classify them, so that we can know the value of these books." Ling Pengyun replied with a smile.

After that, he took out two bulging storage bags from his arms and summoned hundreds of books, more than ten first-level magic tools, blank talisman paper, first-level spiritual objects such as spiritual iron.

Earlier, when he was copying these books in the Shen family mountain, Ling Pengyun did not have time to look through the contents.

"Those spiritual objects were also searched from the Shen family. They were all handed over to the family and exchanged for contribution points at half the market price. Just record them in my account." Ling Pengyun pointed to the summoned first-level spiritual objects and said.

He now has thousands of family contribution points in his account, but there are not many good things in the family now, so he has not spent them.

As for calculating the spiritual stones with the family, it would be too difficult for the family, because there are not many spiritual stones in the family now.

"I understand, my dear."

When Ling Pengliang saw that Ling Pengyun not only brought back a lot of classics, but also some first-level spiritual objects, his face suddenly showed a smile of joy.

He did not delay any longer and hurriedly walked out of the counter and looked through the classics with Ling Pengyun.

Although there were many classics, Ling Pengyun and his companions were both cultivators, and they could read ten or even a hundred lines at a glance.

After all, they did not need to look through the classics in detail, but just roughly look through the texts to distinguish the types and values ​​of the classics.

However, in just one day, the two of them classified the hundreds of classics.

Among these hundreds of classics, most of them were not of much value to the Ling family. They were some travel notes or the cultivation insights of Qigong cultivators.

Most of these things were picked up from the Shen family's Gongfa Pavilion. The Ling family also had a lot of them, and they were not lacking at all.

However, among these classics, there were also dozens of precious Qigong methods for the Qigong period, as well as the first-level lower-grade inheritance of the five hundred arts of Dan, Fu, Zhen, Qi, and Zhi.

In addition to these, there is also a second-level talisman-making inheritance, and an earth-based foundation-building technique that can be cultivated to the middle stage of foundation-building.

Although the content of the second-level talisman-making inheritance is extremely ordinary, it is not comparable to the second-level talisman-making inheritance that Ling Yunhong, the patriarch of the Ling family, obtained more than ten years ago when he followed the Pingyun Yang family to destroy the Ye family of Hongye Ridge in Yunshui County.

However, this second-level talisman-making inheritance also records many talisman-making insights left by talisman-makers, and even the insights left by the current Shen family's foundation-building patriarch and second-level talisman-maker.

These talisman-making insights are of great benefit to talisman-makers.

And the earth-based foundation-building technique that can be cultivated to the middle stage of foundation-building is even more valuable to the Ling family. Among the five elements of the Ling family's foundation-building techniques, the only one missing is this earth-based technique.

This earth-attributed foundation-building technique "Tujia Gong" obtained from the Shen family just fills the only gap in the Ling family's five elements of techniques.

In the past, the Ling family only had one water-attributed foundation-building technique, the Bi Hai Zhen Jing.

However, more than a decade ago, the Ling family relied on the share of the Xuanshui iron ore vein to buy a gold-attributed foundation-building technique, the "Geng Jin Jian Dian", from the Bailing Sect.

A few years ago, Ling Yunhong, the head of the Ling family, followed the Pingyun Yang family to destroy the Yunshui County Hongye Ridge Ye family and obtained a fire, wood, and gold-attributed foundation-building technique, "Exploding Clouds and Fiery Fire Technique", "Desolate Wood Fuchun", and "Splitting Gold Treasure Book".

Together with the earth-attributed foundation-building technique "Tu Jia Gong" obtained this time, it just happens to have all five elements.

There are a total of six foundation-building techniques, but there are only two gold-attributed ones.

After Ling Pengyun and Ling Pengliang classified the hundreds of classics obtained from this trip to the Shen family, they put most of the ordinary classics in the family's technique pavilion halfway up the mountain.

Ling Pengyun placed the entire Qigong method, the second-level talisman inheritance, and the local armor-type skills in the study room of the mountaintop cave.

Such an action is also to prevent the precious skills and books from leaking out.

Ling's skills pavilion can be entered by anyone who is a member of the Ling family, but it requires contribution points.

However, only the elders can enter the mountaintop study room.

As for the hundreds of books that Ling Pengyun handed over to the family this time, although they are valuable.

But Ling Pengyun did not ask for more. He packed them into 5,000 contribution points at a very cheap price and let Ling Pengliang put them in his account.


Thanks: Clan Youyishan, Book Friend 20180622123352790, Hainan Island Snow, Floating Years' Monthly Ticket


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