Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 256: Redivision of the Interests of the Rock Scale Snake Cave

After the auction ended, Ling Pengyun followed Ling Yunhong and Ling Pengxing out of the private room on the second floor.

But as soon as the three of them left the private room, they were stopped by a voice behind them before they had even taken two steps.

"Fellow Daoist Ling, Peng Yun, Peng Xing, wait a moment."

Ling Pengyun heard the call and turned around to look, only to find an old monk wearing a green robe walking out of a private room not far from theirs.

This old monk is an old acquaintance of Ling Pengyun, Ling Pengxing and Ling Yunhong, Yang Changxing, the supreme elder of the Pingyun Yang family in Yunshui County.

"Fellow Daoist Yang." When Ling Yunhong saw this person appear, his expression moved slightly and he held his hands in greeting.

Ling Pengyun and Ling Pengxing on the side called this person "uncle".

"There are many people outside here, so come to my private room. I have something important to discuss with you." Yang Changxing, who was not far away, invited.

Ling Yunhong nodded lightly, gestured to Ling Pengyun and Ling Pengxing beside him, and then walked to Yang Changxing's private room first.

Ling Pengyun and Ling Pengxing followed closely behind.

When the three people entered the private room, the door of the private room was closed, and the barrier between gods in this private room was naturally opened.

Ling Yunhong also asked Yang Changxing at the next moment.

"Fellow Daoist Yang, are you looking for me this time to talk about the second-level spiritual vein in the Jiaomang Lake realm?"

Yang Changxing arranged a soundproof ban around the area, nodded slightly, and then replied. "Exactly, since Fellow Daoist Ling has guessed what I want to say, I won't beat around the bush."

"In this monster chaos, the Baiyun Mountains sent two golden elixir monsters to support the monsters from Jiaomang Lake in attacking Xiyangfang City, so we, the cultivators from the Bailingmen Realm, could only stick to Xiyangfang City, without the strength to take advantage of it. The chaos of monsters is a good opportunity to occupy the territory of Jiao Python Lake."

"But now the demonic beast chaos in our country of Yan has ended, and the two golden elixir demonic beasts from the Baiyun Mountains have also left the boundary of Jiaolang Lake."

"According to reliable information, Bailingmen will still extend southward according to the plan before the Monster Rebellion. After seizing tens of thousands of miles of Jiaomang Lake, build a new county and expand its territory."

"By then, the Rock Scale Snake Cave with a second-order spiritual vein that we originally occupied at the boundary of Jiao Python Lake will also be included in this new county."

"Although I, the Yang family, have a way to hide the second-level spiritual vein in the Rock Scale Snake Cave, it still costs a lot of resources to manage the Bailingmen monks. If you, the Ling family, still want to cooperate with me, the Yang family, to occupy that line Second-level spiritual veins also require some resources to manage the Bailingmen monks."

When Ling Yunhong heard this, he did not feel happy. Instead, he frowned and asked with a worried look on his face.

"Fellow Daoist Yang, although the demonic beast chaos in our country of Yan has ended, there are still many great immortal cultivating countries in the entire Northern Wasteland who are still in the demonic beast chaos."

"If at this special stage, the Bailing Sect invades the boundary of Jiao Python Lake to seize the territory, will there be a possibility of another war involving monsters and monsters in the Yan Kingdom?"

Yang Changxing smiled and replied. "Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Ling, I've already inquired about this matter."

"It is said that the trigger for the early end of the demonic beast chaos in our country of Yan was the large-scale second-order blazing iron vein discovered in the outer area of ​​the Baiyun Mountains where the demonic beasts gathered. The second-order blazing iron vein contained in it was There is a lot of fire iron ore in it.”

"The Golden Elixir Perfect Master from the Xuanyang Sect has led the other four Golden Elixir Masters stationed in Baiyunfang City directly into the outskirts of the Baiyun Mountains and established a firm foothold on the blazing iron veins."

"Under such circumstances, the monsters in the Baiyun Mountains will basically not leave the Baiyun Mountains easily."

"There is only one golden elixir water dragon in the Jiao Python Lake. Even if that golden elixir water dragon resists, it may not be able to withstand the invasion of Bai Lingmen."

"As long as the entire Jiao Python Lake realm is not destroyed, the recurrence of the monster chaos will never happen."

"I won't say much more about this matter. Anyway, if something goes wrong, a tall man will take care of it. No matter how much we talk to these foundation-building monks, it will be useless."

"Fellow Daoist Ling, let's talk about whether you are willing to work with me, Yang, to manage the resources of the Bailingmen monks."

Ling Yunhong also agreed with Yang Changxing's words. The Jindan monks of Bailingmen were not stupid. In this special period, they dared to plan the territory of Jiaomang Lake. Naturally, they were confident.

"Of course I am willing, but I don't know how much resources I, the Ling family, need to provide." Ling Yunhong asked after answering.

"Your Ling family needs to provide three thousand spiritual stones. The noble family must hand over these three thousand spiritual stones to me, the Yang family, within three months. The spiritual plants planted on the second-order spiritual veins in the Rock Scale Snake Cave will be divided into Then it will be changed to 46 points, and I, the Yang family, will get 60%, and you, the Ling family, will get 40%."

"Although the division of interests has been changed, the Ling family still needs to send a foundation-building monk to sit in the snake cave in the future to prevent the Rock Scale Snake Cave from being discovered by other monks after it is occupied by the Bailing Gate. The cultivated spiritual plants were robbed by the monks.”

"But Fellow Daoist Ling can rest assured that for the foundation-building monks stationed in the Rock Scale Snake Cave's spiritual veins, I, the Yang family, will still give out three second-level low-grade spirit-gathering pills every year as rewards." Yang Changxing said.

"Fellow Daoist Yang, three thousand spiritual stones are too much."

"Furthermore, in the past, the spiritual plants planted on the spiritual veins in the Rock Scale Snake Cave that you and I jointly occupied were only 50%. Why can I, the Ling family, only get 40% now?" Ling Yunhong frowned suddenly. He frowned and said with an unhappy expression.

A few years ago, the number of spiritual fields developed in the Rock Scale Snake Cave jointly occupied by the Ling family and the Yang family was as many as thirty-five acres.

Ling's family lost 10% of the spiritual plant dividends, which was a huge loss for the Ling family, so Ling Yunhong was naturally unwilling.

Yang Changxing smiled even more when he heard this, and looked like a good old man, laughing.

"Fellow Daoist Ling, you are joking. I wonder if fellow Daoist Ling has heard that my Yang family has another foundation-building cultivator?"

"Including this new foundation-building cultivator, my Yang family's foundation-building combat power is the same as your Ling family, and there are four."

"My Yang family now has enough foundation-building cultivators to occupy the spiritual veins in the Rock Scale Snake Cave alone."

"As for still planning to cooperate with your Ling family to occupy the Rock Scale Snake Cave, it is also because we are relatives. It is not worth it to break the friendship between our two families for more than 200 years for such a second-level spiritual vein."

Ling Yunhong was shocked when he heard that the Yang family had another foundation-building cultivator.

Yang's family was able to suppress Ling's family because of Yang Changxing, a ninth-level foundation-building cultivator, and the other two mid-stage foundation-building cultivators.

After all, the Ling Clan currently only has the clan leader Ling Yunhong, and Ling Pengyun, Ling Pengxing, and the Immortal Crane King are only at the initial stage of foundation building.

Now that the Yang Clan has one more foundation building cultivator, the strength of the Yang Clan will be raised again.

Under such circumstances, the Ling Clan naturally cannot compare with the Yang Clan, and it is normal for the Ling Clan to gain less benefits.

Ling Yunhong is also an experienced person, and naturally understands this truth.

However, he does not think that the Yang Clan is considering the century-old friendship with the Ling Clan.

It is nothing more than worrying that after the Ling Clan breaks up with him, when the Yang Clan occupies the spiritual vein of the Rock Scale Snake Cave alone, it will secretly sabotage.

However, it is not wise to break up with the Yang Clan at this time.

However, Ling Yunhong does not want to let go of the benefits that should be, and said with a firm attitude.

"The three thousand spiritual stones used to bribe the monks of Bailing Sect can be paid by my Ling Clan, but the spiritual plants planted on the spiritual vein of the Rock Scale Snake Cave must be taken by my Ling Clan at 50%."

"If Fellow Daoist Yang is unwilling, our two clans may not cooperate."

Three thousand spiritual stones cannot be compared with the output of spiritual plants planted on the spiritual vein of the Rock Scale Snake Cave at 10%.

With an extra 10% of spiritual plants, the dividends can be earned back in less than ten years.

Yang Changxing's face darkened when he heard this.

Because he was worried that if his family occupied the spiritual vein of the Rock Scale Snake Cave alone, the Ling Clan, who also knew about the spiritual vein of the Rock Scale Snake Cave, would secretly sabotage it, he had no choice but to compromise.

"Okay, 50% is 50%."

Ling Yunhong looked better after seeing this answer, and he also asked. "Fellow Daoist Yang, what is the current situation of the Rock Scale Snake Cave? After the monster rebellion ended, I took into account the large number of monsters outside the Jiaomang Lake area, so I did not go to investigate."

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