Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 257: Little Wu Hong, the Wind Attribute Spiritual Root

Yang Changxing was quite satisfied when he saw Ling Yunhong agreed to the re-proposed division of interests.

He also immediately explained to Ling Yunhong.

"It's good that Fellow Daoist Ling understands the reason. As for the situation of the Rock Scale Snake Cave, it's not good."

"Half a month ago, I went to the Rock Scale Snake Cave. The snake cave was discovered by the monsters during the monster beast chaos."

"Now the snake cave is occupied by a group of wolf monsters. There are four foundation-building wolf monsters in the group of wolf monsters, including one wolf monster in the late foundation-building period, one wolf monster in the middle foundation-building period, two wolf monsters in the early foundation-building period, and thousands of wolf monsters in the Qi training period."

"Such a large wolf pack is difficult for me to fight alone."

"The rest of the foundation-building cultivators of my Yang family have other things to do in the clan and it is difficult to get away. Therefore, I need the help of the three of you to kill the wolf pack occupying the snake cave with me. I wonder if the three of you are willing to do it?"

"Of course." Ling Yunhong replied very straightforwardly.

"Since Fellow Daoist Ling agrees to this, let's rest for a day before setting off. After all, today is the end of the auction, and it is estimated that it will not be peaceful outside the market."

"If we leave the market at this time, I am afraid that other incidents will arise?" Yang Changxing saw this, but he didn't care, and still said calmly.

"Okay, by the way, Fellow Daoist Yang, I wonder if you still remember that when Pengyun and I helped you kill the perfect foundation-building monster, you promised that my Ling family could buy three pulse-protecting pills at a minimum price? I wonder if your family has pulse-protecting pills now?"

Ling Yunhong naturally understood what Yang Changxing meant, and after agreeing, he asked.

Yang Changxing's pupils shrank slightly when he heard this.

From this, it was not difficult for him to guess that this Ling family had another cultivator who would build a foundation.

If not, why did Ling Yunhong buy the pulse-protecting pills?

However, the Pulse Protection Pill only has a half-percent bonus to the foundation building. Even if the cultivator has the help of the foundation building, he may not be able to build the foundation, not to mention the weaker Pulse Protection Pill. Yang Changxing did not care too much about it.

After a moment of stunned, Yang Changxing came back to his senses and replied with a smile.

"Of course I remember, as long as Fellow Daoist Ling brings spirit stones to my Yang family, you can buy it at any time at the low price of 3,000 spirit stones for one Pulse Protection Pill."

"Thank you very much, Fellow Daoist Yang." Ling Yunhong thanked.

"It doesn't matter. I promised you Ling family." Yang Changxing waved his hand and looked at Ling Pengyun who was in the same private room, and said with a smile.

"I didn't expect that you, like Pengxing, have also entered the second level of foundation building so quickly. Fellow Daoist Ling, it seems that your Ling family is very happy."

"Fellow Daoist Yang, you are joking. These two children have just entered the foundation building stage. They are called the second level of foundation building, but in fact they are still in the early stage of foundation building. Their cultivation has not improved much."

Ling Yunhong was shocked when he heard such praise, fearing that Yang Changxing would do something bad in the future, so he quickly spoke.

"Be humble. Just work hard for our Yang family. Your Ling family will definitely benefit in the future."

"Pengyun, three months ago, your cousin Siling gave birth to a boy and named him Wu Hong."

"According to the message sent back to Yang by your brother-in-law Wu Yan, Ling Fu Zhenren, who was stationed in Xiyangfang City, rushed back to Bailingmen after the monster rebellion ended. He used a special secret method to find out in advance that the spiritual root of the little Wu Hong, who was only a few months old, was a wind-attributed spiritual root."

"This made Ling Fu Zhenren very happy. He will hold a hundred-day banquet for the child in ten days. You can go with me then. The scale of this hundred-day banquet is not large. According to the message sent by your brother-in-law Wu Yan, it is just an ordinary family banquet and there will be no one else."

"However, the fact that little Wu Hong has a wind spiritual root has not been spread outside. Please keep it secret for us, fellow Ling Daoist." Yang Changxing glanced at Ling Yunhong and said meaningfully.

Ling Yunhong's expression changed when he heard this, and he muttered to himself.

"There are countless secret methods in the world of immortal cultivation. Those who have reached the golden elixir level can indeed use some special means to detect the spiritual roots of children in advance."

"Besides, it is obvious that the Hundred Days Banquet held by Ling Fu Zhenren Wu Tian this time is not simple. If the newly born grandson of Ling Fu Zhenren Wu Tian is not special, I am afraid he would not mobilize so many troops."

Thinking of this, Ling Yunhong frowned immediately.

Yang Changxing's words just now seemed to be inviting Ling Pengyun to attend the Hundred Days Banquet of Wu Hong, who has the wind spiritual root, but in fact he was demonstrating to him.

Although the alien spiritual root is not as powerful as the five-element single-attribute heavenly spiritual root, it can ignore the bottleneck of Qi training and foundation building. As long as enough spiritual energy is accumulated, it can be broken through naturally.

But the cultivation speed of this alien spiritual root qualification is the same as that of the heavenly spiritual root, but it needs to rely on its own strength to break through the bottleneck.

However, it is much better than the aptitude of a cultivator with dual spiritual roots.

Ling Yunhong knew without much guessing that Yang Siling, who married Ling Fu Zhenren Wu Yan, would be extremely favored.

Yang could also rely on this situation to get more support from Bailingmen.

"From this point of view, as long as Yang does not do things too much, it is not a bad thing for my Ling family to take the Yang family's express ship!" Ling Yunhong muttered to himself.

Although Ling Pengyun on the side also thought of Yang Changxing's meaning, he was also happy that Wu Hong, the child born by his cousin, had the aptitude of wind-attributed spiritual roots.

"Uncle, do my parents know about this? Will they go there?" Ling Pengyun said happily.

"Everyone knows about this. At that time, your parents will go with your grandfather and uncle's family." Yang Changxing said with a smile.

Afterwards, Yang Changxing, Ling Yunhong, Ling Pengxing, and Ling Pengyun chatted for a few more words, and Ling Pengyun and the other two said goodbye to Yang Changxing and left.

Yang Changxing, who was still in the private room, looked at the backs of Ling Yunhong and others leaving, his eyes flickering slightly.

"I didn't expect that Pengyun also entered the second level of foundation building like Ling Pengxing. The cultivation speed of these two people is not slow."

"It is estimated that it will not be difficult for these two to enter the middle stage of foundation building in the future. Ling Yunhong's aptitude is also extraordinary, and it is estimated that he can also enter the late stage of foundation building."

"By then, the Ling family can be more useful to my Yang family."

"A hundred years later, when the Bailing Sect destroys the entire Jiaomang Lake, it may be an opportunity for my Yang family to have the Ling family help my Yang family."

Yang Changxing has never been afraid of the Ling family becoming stronger. His Yang family has the support of the Bailing Sect Ling Fu Zhenren, so why should he be afraid of a Ling family that is a little weaker than his own family, the Yang family.


After a day of rest, the next morning.

Yang Changxing, Ling Pengyun, Ling Pengxing, Ling Yunhong and others left Xiyang Market together and sneaked towards the Jiaomang Lake in the south.

During the journey, although there were foundation-building cultivators who targeted the four people, they did not take action directly because of the strength of Ling Pengyun and the other four. They just followed them quietly for a while and then left on their own.

Ling Pengyun and the other four had important matters to attend to, so they did not waste time on those foundation-building cultivators who were plotting against their will.

Half a day later, the four people went thousands of miles deep into the Jiaomang Lake and finally came to the vicinity of the Rock Scale Snake Cave.

The four people sneaked here and consumed a lot of spiritual power. The four people first found a hidden place and rested for several hours to recover the consumed spiritual power.

After the spiritual power was restored, the four people spent another half a day to kill all the monsters within 20 miles around the Rock Scale Snake Cave.

Those monsters were all Qi training monsters, and there were no foundation-building monsters. It was not until 50 miles away that the foundation-building monsters appeared.

As for killing the monsters around the Rock Scale Snake Cave in advance, it was also to avoid the bloody aura of killing many wolf monsters to spread to the outside world when fighting with the huge wolf pack occupying the Rock Scale Snake Cave, attracting the surrounding monsters and increasing the difficulty of conquering the Rock Scale Snake Cave.

After doing this, Ling Pengyun and the other four headed for the Rock Scale Snake Cave.

On the way, Ling Yunhong also summoned the fairy crane king, the guardian spirit beast he carried with him, from the beast bag.

Soon, the four people and the beast fought together with the huge wolf pack occupying the Rock Scale Snake Cave.

Yang Changxing was extraordinary in strength. With his own strength, he not only blocked the late foundation building wolf king, but also blocked a mid-foundation building wolf monster.

Ling Yunhong also relied on his life magic weapon, the Blue Sea Ice Flying Sword, to temporarily block the other two early foundation building wolf monsters.

Ling Pengyun, Ling Pengxing, and the fairy crane king slaughtered thousands of Qi training wolf monsters.

Although there were many wolf monsters in the Qi training stage, Ling Pengyun, Ling Pengxing, and Xianling Crane King all had foundation building skills.

Ling Pengyun focused on defense, constantly casting the second-level defense spell Yuanshui to create a Yuanshui light curtain to cover everyone and block the attacks from the wolves.

Ling Pengxing and Xianling Crane King, who were both stronger in combat, could attack with all their strength without worrying about defense.

With the cooperation of the three, the thousands of wolf monsters were killed in just half an hour.

Ling Pengyun and the other two, who were free, were not idle either. They went to help Ling Yunhong and Yang Changxing, and attacked the remaining four foundation building wolf monsters together.

The four foundation building wolf monsters were already struggling to deal with Yang Changxing and Ling Yunhong.

With the addition of Ling Pengyun and the other two, the four foundation building wolf monsters were quickly defeated and killed.

After the battle, everyone quickly cleaned up the spiritual materials from the monsters and entered the Rock Scale Snake Cave.

During this period, although the blood outside the Rock Scale Snake Cave was thick because all the wolves were killed, the monsters within more than 20 miles around the Rock Scale Snake Cave were all killed.

In addition, Ling Pengyun and others cut the spiritual materials from the wolf monsters at a fast speed, so no monsters were attracted by the blood.

As for the deep part of the Rock Scale Snake Cave, the spiritual plants planted on the 35 acres of spiritual fields were all destroyed by the wolves that occupied the snake cave before, and no spiritual plants were still alive.

Fortunately, the second-level middle-grade breath-gathering formation plate and formation flag left by Ling Pengyun here were not discovered by the wolf monsters who occupied this place because they had a powerful breath-gathering effect and were hundreds of feet deep underground. They were still intact and there was no loss.

This situation also made Yang Changxing, the owner of the breath-gathering formation, feel at ease.

The Breath-Suppressing Formation was of the second-grade middle grade, and was worth at least four or five thousand spiritual stones on the market. This formation was extremely rare for the Yang family, which had a strong foundation.

Afterwards, Yang Changxing re-arranged the Breath-Suppressing Formation and the second-grade lower-grade Gengjin Crack Needle Formation that had been removed from this place in the early years in the depths of the snake cave.

Ling Yunhong, Ling Pengyun, and Ling Pengxing planted the spiritual plant seeds that had been prepared long ago on the thirty-five acres of spiritual fields here.

After this matter was done, Ling Pengyun, Ling Yunhong, and Yang Changxing did not stay here for long, and left here together.

Ling Pengxing and the Ling family's guardian spiritual beast, the Immortal Crane King, stayed here to protect the spiritual plants planted in the thirty-five acres of spiritual fields here.

The best candidate to stay here was Ling Pengyun, a spiritual plant husband with foundation building cultivation, but because he had to go to Bailingmen to participate in the 100-day banquet of his nephew Wu Hong, he could only let Ling Pengxing stay here temporarily.

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