Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 258 The Secret of Yang Siling's Pregnancy (3200 words, please subscribe)

Six days later.

Ling Pengyun boarded Yang Changxing's flying boat and crossed hundreds of thousands of miles. Finally, one day before Wu Hong's Hundred Days Banquet, he arrived at the Bailing Mountain Range, the seat of Bailing Sect.

The Bailing Mountain Range stretches for thousands of miles. It not only has a third-order spiritual vein, but also many second-order and first-order spiritual veins.

The tens of thousands of miles around the mountains are also directly under the Bailing Sect. This area also has many spiritual veins. Like other places, there are mortal villages and towns around these spiritual veins.

Every year, Bailing Sect will send monks to those villages and towns to test the spiritual roots of mortal children.

At least 70% of the disciples in Bailing Sect entered the sect in this way.

Because the Lingfu Zhenren of Bailing Sect had already informed the sect disciples who were patrolling the Bailing Mountains that the people of the Pingyun Yang family would come to the sect to celebrate the Hundred Days Banquet for Lingfu Zhenren's precious grandson.

Therefore, the sect disciples patrolling in the Bailing Mountains saw Yang Changxing and Ling Pengyun coming and let them pass.

Even the two foundation-building monks guarding the gate of Bailing Mountain were very polite to Ling Pengyun and Yang Changxing.

Moreover, one of the old foundation-building monks personally led Ling Pengyun and the others into the sect and went to the place where Xiao Wuhong's parents, Wu Yan and Yang Siling, lived.

The area inside Bailing Mountain is very large. Following the avenue, they continued to walk deeper into Bailing Mountain. Finally, Ling Pengyun and Yang Changxing, led by the old foundation-building monk, stopped outside a rather luxurious palace.

Above the gate of this palace, there was a golden plaque.

On the plaque, the three words "Ling Fu Fu" were written.

"My two Taoist friends, this is the hall where Junior Sister Yang Siling and Junior Brother Wu Yan, whom you are looking for, live. I still need to guard the sect gate, so I won't stay with you for too long."

"If I have time in the future, I will definitely drink and chat with you two." The old foundation-building cultivator from Bailing Sect, who was originally guarding the mountain gate, said to Ling Pengyun and the others with a slightly flattering look.

Although Ling Pengyun and Yang Changxing were from a large family, the old foundation-building cultivator was from Bailing Sect after all, and the old foundation-building cultivator took the initiative to flatter them, so they naturally couldn't be cold-faced.

After the two of them responded with a smile, the old foundation-building cultivator left.

At this moment, seven cultivators also walked out of the luxurious palace called "Ling Fu Mansion".

The seven cultivators were Ling Pengyun's cousin-in-law Wu Yan, a descendant of the Jindan, his grandfather Yang Minghua, the fifth elder of the Yang family, his uncle Yang Qiujiang, his aunt Zhao Honge, his cousin Yang Sitong, his parents Ling Xiaoshun and Yang Qiuyun.

"I just heard a familiar voice. It's you, Grandpa Changxing." Ling Pengyun's mother Yang Qiuyun was overjoyed when she saw Ling Pengyun coming. She first bowed to Yang Changxing and called him respectfully, and then said to Ling Pengyun happily.


"Mom, Dad." Ling Pengyun hurried over and called his parents affectionately, and then greeted the rest of his relatives.

Yang Minghua and others also greeted Yang Changxing and Ling Pengyun one after another.

After everyone chatted for a while, Yang Changxing and Ling Pengyun looked at the child in Wu Yan's arms, whose hair had not grown yet, but whose facial features were very regular, whose skin was quite white, and whose eyes were shrewd.

"Grandson-in-law, this is the little guy Wu Hong, his nose is like yours, his face is like Siling, he will definitely have a good appearance when he grows up."

"This is a gift I picked for the little guy's hundred-day banquet."

After Yang Changxing praised the child named Wu Hong in Wu Yan's arms with a smile, he summoned a big red gift box that looked very festive from the storage bag and handed it to Wu Yan.

In the past few years, Wu Yan and Yang Changxing were not familiar with each other, and Yang Changxing was not a direct relative of Wu Yan's Taoist partner Yang Siling, but just a "great-grandfather".

He was also concerned about Wu Yan's identity, and in the past he always called Wu Yan "Wu Daoyou".

But after many exchanges of interests, the relationship between the two has become closer, and they have begun to call each other relatives.

"Brother-in-law, I also brought a gift, don't despise it." Seeing this, Ling Pengyun also took out a big red gift box from the storage bag and handed it to Wu Yan.

"Thank you, great-grandfather Changxing and cousin, for the gift. I will accept it on behalf of Xiaohong."

Wu Yan was very happy about the gift from Yang Changxing and Ling Pengyun, and his face was full of smiles.

No matter how valuable the gift boxes were, as a descendant of Jindan, he was quite wealthy, so he didn't care too much. What he cared about was the thought.

"Grandson-in-law, where is Siling?"

When Yang Changxing saw that Yang Siling, the great contributor to the relationship between the Yang family and the descendants of Bailingmen Jindan, was not here to greet him, he frowned slightly and asked Wu Yan, Yang Siling's husband.

"Yes, cousin-in-law, where is my cousin?" Ling Pengyun also said to Wu Yan with curiosity at this moment.

When these words came out, Wu Yan and even Yang Minghua, Yang Qiuyun and others all changed their expressions slightly.

Seeing this situation, Yang Changxing and Ling Pengyun both had a bad premonition and asked again the reason.

Wu Yan felt guilty about the two people's questions, and a trace of heartache appeared on his face. He said in a low voice.

"Grandfather Changxing, cousin Pengyun, I will not hide it from you two. In fact, nine years ago, Si Ling was pregnant with Xiao Hong."

"But in order to increase the probability of Xiao Hong having spiritual roots, my father found a special secret method that only foundation-building cultivators can perform and gave it to Si Ling."

"Si Ling also used that special secret method to never give birth to Xiao Hong. Instead, he kept Xiao Hong in his belly, and relied on that special secret method to use spiritual power to cleanse Xiao Hong's muscles and bones every day."

"Although it took nine years to achieve Xiaohong, Siling's vitality was severely damaged when she gave birth to Xiaohong three months ago. Her cultivation level fell directly from the middle stage of foundation building back to the realm of Qi training, and her Qi and blood were also extremely depleted. ”

"During these nine years, I didn't inform you of this matter because I was afraid that your elders would worry."

"But please rest assured, elders, Siling is a great contributor to my Wu family. Two months ago, my father had found several second-level spiritual objects for Siling to replenish his blood and restore his vitality, as well as first-level spiritual objects. A second-grade high-grade Shouyuan Pill was handed over to Si Ling for consumption."

"Now, Si Ling is in seclusion to refine those spiritual objects. It is estimated that when Si Ling comes out of seclusion, his cultivation will be restored to the realm of foundation building, and his longevity will also be restored."

"It is precisely because of the retreat that Siling did not come to greet you two, Grandpa Changxing and cousin Pengyun."

It was not difficult for Yang Changxing and Ling Pengyun to guess the reason why Yang Siling had been pregnant for nine years.

It is nothing more than that Yang Siling, as the only wife of Jindan Zhenren's only son, wants to rely on children with spiritual roots who have better fertility qualifications to maintain her current status.

If a child with spiritual roots is not born as soon as possible, there is a great possibility that he will be relegated to the "cold palace".

Regarding this matter, Yang Changxing and Ling Pengyun were helpless.

Every family has sutras that are difficult to recite.

"Grandson-in-law, I won't say much about Siling's pregnancy with little Wu Hong, but I hope you will treat Siling's child well in the future for the sake of Siling giving birth to Xiao Hong, and don't let this child down." Yang Changxing said earnestly.

"I understand, great-grandfather Changxing, I made a vow to Siling a long time ago that I will never marry again and never abandon you for the rest of my life. I am lucky to have Siling." Wu Yanyi held Xiao Wu Hong in his arms. Face said solemnly.

When Yang Chang and Ling Pengyun saw this, their hearts trembled, and they both looked up to Wu Yan.

Although Wu Yan made such an oath, it may be because Yang Siling gave birth to Wu Hong with wind spirit root, but this is actually normal.

After all, Wu Yan's identity is not simple. He is the only descendant of Wu Tian, ​​the real person of Bailingmen Lingfu.

It is absolutely impossible for such a family background to interrupt the inheritance of monks.

Seeing that the atmosphere was getting better, Wu Yan also changed the topic and spoke.

"Elders, cousin Pengyun, please come into the hall. I have prepared the best second-order spiritual tea and am waiting for you two to arrive."

When Ling Pengyun heard this, he looked shocked and felt quite moved in his heart.

After the level of spiritual items reaches the second level, they are all rare items, especially spiritual tea, a drink born from heaven and earth, which is somewhat rarer than spiritual fruits of the same level.

Although Ling Pengyun doesn't like tea, he is somewhat curious about the second-grade spiritual tea. He has never drunk this grade of spiritual tea.

However, he did not leave immediately. Instead, he waited for the elders to take action and then followed his parents into the main hall.

As soon as everyone entered the hall, they sat down under Wu Yan's arrangement.

Yang Changxing and Yang Minghua, the two senior elders, sat on the two main seats in the hall.

The rest of the people were sitting on the seats on both sides.

There is a small tea seat next to each seat, specially used to place tea sets.

On the tea seat next to where Yang Minghua and others were seated, there was tea in the teacups. It was obvious that everyone was drinking tea and chatting here just now.

"Hot tea."

Wu Yan shouted softly.

Soon, eight maids came to everyone's seats carrying eight teapots specially made from spiritual jade.

The eight maids first filled a cup of hot tea for everyone, and then placed the jade teapots in their hands on the small tea table beside everyone before leaving.

"Grandfather Changxing, cousin Pengyun, this tea is from the tenderest tips of the three second-grade Yunwu tea trees in our Bailing Gate that only take 300 years to grow. The quality is even among the same grade. It’s also top quality and tastes great.”

"Drink it while it's hot. If the clouds in the hot tea dissipate, the taste and efficacy of this tea will be greatly reduced." Wu Yan also said with a smile at this moment.

Ling Pengyun, who was sitting at the end on the left, was quite moved when he heard this.

However, he was of lower rank in front of this group of relatives. It was not until he saw other relatives picking up the teacups beside them and taking a slight sip that he also picked up the teacup and brought it to his mouth.

He took a sip of the tea in the cup, and the steaming tea entered his mouth.

Immediately afterwards, a huge spiritual energy spread out from the tea and filled all the meridians of Ling Pengyun's body.

Therefore, the spiritual energy contained in spiritual tea is extremely pure and contains no impurities.

Ling Pengyun just moved the technique slightly, then tempered it into pure liquid spiritual power and sent it into the Dantian.

The next moment, Ling Pengyun could clearly feel that his cultivation had improved a little.

Such huge effects shocked Ling Pengyun.

"This tea is worthy of being a second-grade spiritual tea. Just one sip has saved me the last few days of hard work."

"Just this small cup of spiritual tea in my hand is worth the few days I spent traveling from my family to come here."

"There are at least ten cups of tea left in this teapot. When I drink all the tea in this teapot, it will save me at least half a year of hard work."

"Brother-in-law Wu Yan is willing to part with it. Everyone present has such a precious thing. He is worthy of being a descendant of Jindan with great wealth."

Thanks to: Qian Yu Shura, God Killer Diary, and honyeung for their monthly votes.

Thank you all

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