Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 263: When one person succeeds, everyone in the family will benefit (2300 words, please subsc

After several hours, Ling Pengyun and his companions went thousands of miles deep into the territory of Jiaomang Lake and finally arrived at the Rock Scale Snake Cave, where they met up with Ling Pengxing and the Fairy Crane King who were stationed in the snake cave.

After Ling Pengxing, Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong chatted for a while, Ling Yunhong spoke.

"It took a lot of time to get here, and I have a family alchemy commission, so I won't stay here any longer."

"Pengyun, this place is left to you and the Fairy Crane King. If you encounter danger, crush the mother-child token I gave you before in time, and I will arrive as soon as possible."

After saying that, Ling Yunhong called Ling Pengxing who had broken away and left the Rock Scale Snake Cave together.

Ling Pengyun's Fengyingpeng was also here.

And the offerings of Ling Pengyun stationed in the Rock Scale Snake Cave are still the same as a few years ago. Yang's family gives three second-grade inferior spirit-gathering pills every year, and Ling's family also gives three spirit-gathering pills every year, for a total of six spirit-gathering pills.

After Ling Pengyun, the Immortal Crane King, and Feng Yingpeng saw Ling Yunhong and Ling Pengxing off, Ling Pengyun led them into the Rock Scale Snake Cave.

There are a total of 35 acres of spiritual fields in the Rock Scale Snake Cave, including 15 acres of first-grade medium-grade spiritual fields, 15 acres of first-grade high-grade spiritual fields, and 5 acres of second-grade low-grade spiritual fields.

These spiritual fields are planted with the main material seeds of the most popular cultivation elixirs on the market, first-grade medium-grade Huangya Dan, first-grade high-grade Qingling Dan, and second-grade low-grade Juling Dan.

The seeds of these three spiritual materials have been buried for nearly a month, and now they have sprouted one after another.

Ling Pengyun adheres to the idea that if you take care of this place, you must take good care of it. He first pinches the formula to perform the Cloud and Rain Technique, transforming into a small cloud, dropping drops of spiritual rain, and at the same time watering the newly sprouted spiritual plants in the 35 acres of spiritual fields here.

Then he performed the ripening technique of the spiritual plants on those spiritual plants one after another to speed up the growth of those newly sprouted spiritual plants.

After finishing this task, Ling Pengyun wiped the sweat from his forehead and summoned the second-level inferior spirit gathering array plate and array flag that Ling Yunhong had given on behalf of the family a dozen days ago from his storage bag, and arranged them in the Rock Scale Snake Cave.

Once this array was arranged, it began to gather the remaining spiritual energy in the snake cave, supplying the remaining spiritual energy of the spiritual plants in the thirty-five acres of spiritual field, and quickly purifying it into pure spiritual power.

Ling Pengyun did not delay too much. After taking the next spirit gathering pill, he sat cross-legged on the ground and practiced quietly.

The Immortal Crane King and Feng Yingpeng in the snake cave, like Ling Pengyun, absorbed the rich spiritual energy in the spirit gathering array to practice.

About half a month later.

In the Rock Scale Snake Cave, Ling Pengyun, who was closing his eyes and practicing the technique to refine the spirit gathering pill in his stomach, subtly noticed that many different spiritual energy fluctuations suddenly spread out around him, and he immediately opened his eyes.

Because the force that caused the spiritual energy fluctuations was close to the Rock Scale Snake Cave, Ling Pengyun thought about it and left the snake cave, sneaking towards the place where many spiritual energy fluctuations were spreading, to see what was going on.

After sneaking for about two or three miles, Ling Pengyun saw a dozen Qi training monks from Bailingmen, led by a monk in the early stage of foundation building, fighting with dozens of snake monsters under a mountain 100 feet high.

Ling Pengyun saw the dozen Bailingmen monks appearing here, and his expression showed some doubts.

After thinking about it, he suddenly remembered what Yang Changxing said a month ago that the Bailingmen would invade the Jiaomang Lake again in the near future to seize the next piece of land.

"At the beginning, Uncle Changxing said that he had arranged for the Bailingmen monks to pretend not to see the second-level spiritual vein in the Rock Scale Snake Cave. He should also find the way of Brother-in-law Wu Yan."

"Given Brother-in-law Wu Yan's identity, it should not be difficult to handle this matter."

After thinking it through, Ling Pengyun no longer watched the battle between the Bailingmen monks and the monsters in the distance. He quickly returned to the Rock Scale Snake Cave and continued to practice with the spiritual energy gathered by the Gathering Spirit Array and the Gathering Spirit Pill.

But within three days, the storage bag on Ling Pengyun's waist suddenly flashed with spiritual light.

Immediately afterwards, a deafening voice came from a distance.

"I am Zhang Yan, the deputy head of the Bailingmen Steward Hall. I came here on the order of Junior Brother Wu Yan. I have no ill intentions."

Ling Pengyun, who was practicing, was startled and woke up from his practice.

"The Zhang Yan who presided over the auction in Xiyang Market a few days ago and has perfected his foundation?"

"I didn't expect that this person really became the deputy head of the Deacon Hall of Bailingmen as the Third Ancestor said."

"I guess this person is indeed from the faction of Wu Yan's brother-in-law, otherwise he would not obey Wu Yan's orders." Ling Pengyun was shocked.

He quickly stood up and walked out of the Rock Scale Snake Cave.

As soon as he left the Rock Scale Snake Cave, he saw Zhang Yan standing a mile away.

"Please leave the range of the formation that protects the snake cave."

Zhang Yan's voice came again.

Ling Pengyun also understood the meaning of this, it was nothing more than that Zhang Yan was afraid of the Gengjin Crack Needle Formation arranged in the snake cave.

He couldn't refuse the face of Zhang Yan, who had perfected his foundation, so he quickly walked out of the formation range and came to Zhang Yan.

"Fellow Daoist, are you Ling Pengyun, the cousin of Junior Sister Yang Siling, from the Ling family?"

Zhang Yan saw that Ling Pengyun's face looked familiar, and after recalling it, his expression slightly changed, and he asked.

"That's right." Ling Pengyun was a little surprised when he heard it, he didn't expect that a person like Zhang Yan would know him.

"Excuse me, Fellow Daoist Ling, this time I was entrusted by Junior Brother Wu Yan, how come the area of ​​several miles around your snake cave has been occupied by my Bailing Sect in recent times."

"This piece of land of tens of thousands of miles newly occupied by my Bailing Sect is named Yuanzhou by my Bailing Sect, and your Rock Scale Snake Cave is also under the jurisdiction of Yuanzhou. At present, the spiritual veins in this state are occupied by my Bailing Sect monks, who are developing spiritual fields and planting spiritual plants. Daoyou should try to reduce going out when you occupy the snake cave spiritual vein in the future, so as to avoid being discovered by other cultivators of my Bailing Sect."

"Once this matter is exposed, it will be difficult to deal with it." Zhang Yan saw Ling Pengyun's response, and his attitude improved a bit.

If you count seriously, Ling Pengyun is also the mother's family of Yang Siling, the Taoist partner of Wu Yan, a descendant of the Jindan, and his bloodline with Yang Siling is no more than two generations.

Zhang Yan originally made a living in Wu Yan's faction, so he squeezed out a smile on his face and said to Ling Pengyun kindly.

Although he broke through to the perfect state of foundation building, he was able to break through to this state because of the promotion of Wu Tian, ​​the leader of his faction, the Jindan Zhenren.

If it weren't for Wu Tian's promotion, it would take at least ten years for him to break through to his current state.

"I understand. Thank you, Fellow Daoist Zhang, for coming to remind me this time." Ling Pengyun also thanked him tactfully.

"It's a small matter. Fellow Daoist Ling, take this token. If you encounter any accidents while stationed in the Rock Scale Snake Cave, you can crush this token and I will rush there as soon as possible. For a long time in the future, I will be stationed in the front line of Yuanshui Market in Yuantu County to prevent the monsters in the Jiaomang Lake from counterattacking."

"If you have something to do, you can also come to Tuyuan Market to find me."

Zhang Yan waved his hand, took out a sub-card from the mother-and-child token from the storage bag, handed it to Ling Pengyun, and said.

Seeing this, Ling Pengyun guessed why Zhang Yan did this.

But he was not polite, and thanked him after taking it.

"Thank you, Senior Zhang."

"It's okay. I have things to do, so I'll leave first."

After leaving these words, Zhang Yan summoned a flying boat from his storage bag and quickly left the place.

Ling Pengyun looked at Zhang Yan's departing back, and then looked at the card Zhang Yan had just given him, with a bit of brilliance in his expression.

"One person's success brings prosperity to the whole family. Cousin Si Ling's identity is really useful."

After a moment of distraction, Ling Pengyun did not stay here any longer, and returned to the Rock Scale Snake Cave and entered seclusion.


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