Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 264 Ling Yunhong blackmails Wen Clan (3200 words, please subscribe)

At the same time.

In the only cultivation cave on the top of Yunwu Mountain, the mountain of the Yunwu Wen family in Huaishui County, there was a sudden movement, which madly absorbed the spiritual energy of the entire Yunwu Mountain into the cave.

Such movement alarmed the cultivators in the entire Yunwu Mountain.

Two cultivators who were sitting quietly outside the cave gate were awakened by the movement and opened their eyes.

These two cultivators were Wen Xianyun, the patriarch of the Yunwu Wen family, and Wen Ruofei, the great elder.

"Spiritual energy fills the body." Wen Xianyun, who had reached the foundation-building stage, noticed such a movement in the cave in front of him, and his expression was happy, but he was also mixed with some worries and muttered to himself.

"Nianling, this child, has finally reached this step. Now it depends on whether Nianling can refine the large amount of spiritual energy that fills the body and turn it into spiritual power that continuously hits the bottleneck."

Wen Ruofei on the side looked expectant, staring at the cultivation cave in front of him that was spreading with abnormal movement.

But within half a day, the aura-filling phenomenon that was supposed to last for three days suddenly stopped.

The expressions on the faces of Wen Xianyun and Wen Ruofei, who were guarding outside the cave, also froze at this moment and gradually became lost.

The next moment, the tightly closed cave door opened, and a very weak, pale, and extremely embarrassed female cultivator walked out.

This beautiful woman was Wen Nianling, the only talent of the Yunwu Wen family's Nian generation.

Four months ago, she relied on a foundation-building pill brought back from Xiyang Market by Wen Xianyun, the head of the Wen family, and had been trying to break through the foundation-building realm in the cultivation cave.

"Tenth Ancestor, Nine Great Ancestor, I have failed your expectations." Wen Nianling looked depressed, and with guilt, she spoke helplessly to Wen Xianyun and Wen Ruofei in front of her.

"Forget it, let's not talk about this matter. Maybe it's the fate of my Wen family's unparalleled foundation-building." Wen Xianyun waved his hand and sighed.

Then, he asked another question.

"Nian Ling, this time the foundation building failed. Are the injuries to your meridians from the impact of spiritual energy infusion serious?"

"With the protection of the foundation building pill, my meridians are not seriously injured. Even if I use spiritual power to warm them up, I can recover within ten years." Wen Nian Ling said.

"Ten years is not a long time. You are only over thirty years old now. In ten years, you will be over forty years old. There are still more than ten years away from the best time to build the foundation."

"After a while, the family will find a way to find a second-rate foundation building spiritual object for you to assist in building the foundation." Wen Xianyun said.

Wen Nian Ling did not feel happy when she heard this, but felt even more depressed.

Because of her talent in refining instruments, she entered the family's upper echelons early.

She knew the financial situation of the family very well.

In order to buy her the foundation building pill this time, the Wen family not only emptied all the resources of the family and handed them over to Bailingmen to exchange for contribution points, but also owed several relatives thousands of contribution points.

The debt of thousands of contribution points will weigh on the Wen family for at least ten or twenty years.

Under such circumstances, if the Wen family still wants to buy another foundation-building spiritual object in a short period of time, even if it is a lower-priced second-class foundation-building spiritual object, the only way left is to borrow spiritual stones from relatives again.

Such behavior will also greatly increase the debt of the Wen family in the future.

If she fails to build a foundation for the second time after more than ten years, the Wen family will probably be overwhelmed by the huge debt.

"Tenth Ancestor, I failed to succeed this time with the foundation-building pill, let alone seeking a breakthrough with the help of a second-class foundation-building spiritual object. I am no longer sure that I can try to build a foundation again after more than ten years." Wen Nianling lowered her head and said ashamedly.

As soon as these words came out, Wen Xianyun's anger was immediately ignited.

He roared.

"How can you say such words as "unsure" so easily?"

"If you don't build your foundation, how can I stop the neighboring Ling family from greedily targeting my Wen family?"

"Do you think that now that the monster rebellion is over, the Ling family, which has four foundation-building warriors, will be as friendly to my Wen family as before?"

"If you don't build your foundation, my Wen family will definitely be destroyed by the Ling family within a hundred years."

At this point, Wen Xianyun realized that he had lost his composure, stopped talking, and slowly suppressed his anger.

This also awakened Wen Nianling, her expression trembled, and her lifeless eyes gradually became firm.

"Tenth Ancestor, I was wrong."

Seeing this, Wen Xianyun waved his hand and said in a deep voice. "Go back to your courtyard halfway up the mountain to recuperate, recover your meridians as soon as possible, and wait for the family to gather spiritual stones to find spiritual objects for you to build your foundation."

Wen Nianling nodded solemnly, bowed slightly to Wen Xianyun and Wen Ruofei, and then stepped out of here, walking along a small path to the halfway up the mountain.

After Wen Nianling left the mountaintop area, Wen Xianyun turned around and looked at Wen Ruofei, who looked helpless, and said in a deep voice.

"Uncle Jiu, in this situation, the only way is to take the path of marriage."

"Let the five unmarried female cultivators of the Nian generation who are of the right age prepare for marriage."

"I will go to the Ling family to find Ling Yunhong of the Ling family."

After saying that, Wen Xianyun called a gray-haired Peng bird in the Qi training period, and rode the Peng bird to quickly fly away from Yunwu Mountain.

Wen Ruofei, who was still on the top of the mountain, looked at Wen Xianyun's departing back, and the helpless look on his face intensified again.

"I didn't expect it would come to this."

Wen Ruofei sighed.

After being stunned for dozens of breaths, he finally cheered up and left the top of the mountain.

One day later.

Wen Xianyun, the head of the Wen family, landed under Lingxiao Mountain, the mountain of the Ling family. He used the sound enhancement technique and shouted to Lingxiao Mountain.

"Brother Ling, please come out and see me."

After a while, Ling Yunhong, the head of the Ling family, landed in front of Wen Xianyun from Lingxiao Mountain.

"Brother Wen, what are you doing here this time?" Ling Yunhong was a little confused when he saw Wen Xianyun's sudden arrival.

"I came here this time to thank your family's supreme elder Ling Pengyun for helping my family to avoid the invasion of monsters during the monster rebellion."

"This spirit gathering grass is a gift from my Wen family to Ling Pengyun. I hope Brother Ling will not despise the gift. I will pass it on to Ling Pengyun."

Wen Xianyun smiled and said.

While speaking, he took out a soul-locking jade box from his storage bag. The soul-locking jade box contained a soul-locking grass, the main material for refining the soul-locking pill.

Ling Yunhong saw that the soul-locking jade box handed over contained a fifty-year-old soul-gathering grass, and his expression suddenly brightened.

Although the soul-gathering grass was only worth four hundred spirit stones on the market, after being processed by an alchemist like him and adding a few auxiliary medicines, the value of the soul-gathering grass could be increased several times.

However, Ling Yunhong was also an experienced person.

He also heard Ling Pengyun say that during the monster beast rebellion, Ling Pengyun also received spirit stones for supporting the Wen family.

Under such circumstances, Wen Xianyun suddenly came to give gifts, which was somewhat like showing courtesy for no reason.

With a lot of thoughts in his mind, Ling Yunhong remembered that at the end of the monster beast rebellion, he had learned from Luo Minghui, the patriarch of the Luoxia Luo family, that Wen Xianyun had exchanged a foundation-building pill from Xiyang Mansion with the contribution points of the Bailingmen.

"If the Wen family has another foundation-building cultivator, it will be troublesome for my Ling family to expand its territory in the future." Ling Yunhong muttered to himself.

Ling Yunhong frowned slightly as he thought back to himself. After he took the spirit gathering grass handed to him, he asked in a deep voice.

"Why would you dislike this spirit gathering grass? I'll wait for Peng Yun to accept it first."

"You and I are both smart people. Brother Wen, if you have something to say, just say it directly. Don't beat around the bush and waste time."

Seeing this, Wen Xianyun no longer hid it. He still had a smile on his face and said.

"There are five female cultivators of the right age, clean status, and good looks in my Wen Clan. They have high standards and have never found a Taoist partner. Their parents are very anxious about this matter. They also heard that there are many outstanding people in your family, so they entrusted me to come and talk to Brother Ling about this matter. They want to marry into a good family."

"I wonder if Brother Ling's family has male cultivators of the right age?"

"If there are, our two families might as well take a step closer through this matter, allowing the people in the two clans to intermarry and become relatives."

When Ling Yunhong heard this, his heart moved. He probably guessed that the foundation-building pill exchanged by the Wen Clan did not give birth to a new foundation-building cultivator in the Wen Clan.

If the Wen Clan had another foundation-building cultivator, why would the Wen Clan take the initiative to come and plan to marry five female cultivators in the clan to the Ling Clan.

Five female cultivators are not a small number. Under normal circumstances, if the Wen Clan wants to get along well with the Ling Clan, it is considered very good to marry one or two female cultivators into the Ling Clan.

Female cultivators from ordinary families usually seek Taoist partners by recruiting a son-in-law, and a small number of female cultivators from a family are used for marriage.

This is also to retain the female cultivators of their own family.

Thinking of this, Ling Yunhong also understood the intention of the Wen family.

It is nothing more than planning to use marriage to exchange for peace.

This is a good opportunity to take advantage, and the experienced Ling Yunhong will not let it go.

"There happen to be many young people in my clan who don't have a Taoist partner, so marriage is naturally possible."

"But I also understand what Brother Wen means by marriage."

"If you want peace, you must pay something, and marriage alone is not enough."

"I heard that your Wen family lost a lot of Qi training people because of this monster rebellion. How about my Ling family, take care of the five first-level spirit veins in Wuying Town, which is closest to my Ling family's territory, for a few years?" Ling Yunhong said with a smile.

Wen Xianyun's face froze when he heard this.

Spiritual veins are the foundation of a family, and there are five first-level spiritual veins in the territory of Wuying Town.

These five first-level spiritual veins can provide the Wen family with spiritual plants worth at least a thousand spiritual stones every year.

If these five first-level spiritual veins are lost, it will be like cutting off an arm for the Wen family, which is now in a lot of debt, and will lose a lot of income.

Although he was angry about what Ling Yunhong said, he did not dare to get angry in front of him.

After all, he was under the Lingxiao clan mountain at this time, and Ling Yunhong standing in front of him was also a strong man of the sixth level of foundation building.

If he offended Ling Yunhong, he would definitely be in trouble.

Moreover, this incident might prompt the Ling family to invade the Wen family's territory.

"Brother Ling, the marriage between our two clans will be completed. Don't joke. Although my Wen clan cultivators have suffered heavy casualties, it is still no problem to take care of the spiritual veins in our own territory. Don't bother your family to worry about it." Wen Xianyun said in a deep voice.

"Brother Wen, how can you be so rude!"

"Could it be that Brother Wen intends to make the incident of the Ye family in Hongye Ridge, Yunshui County, happen again?"

Ling Yunhong's expression flashed with a hint of teasing, and he threatened with a smile.

Wen Xianyun had naturally heard about the destruction of the Ye family in Hongye Ridge.

It is said that Ling Yunhong was one of the participants in the destruction of the Ye family in Hongye Ridge.

Thanks: My dish of family cultivation, book friend 534***257, and book friend 20221208190735738 for their monthly tickets.

Thanks: Qingfeng Yinxiangli for the reward

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