Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 266 Zhu Wen shows his talent for talismans (3400 words, please subscribe)

Half a year later.

On the hillside of Lingxiao Mountain, in a quiet room in a courtyard shrouded in mist, a middle-aged man with a simple and honest face was sitting in front of a small table, holding a talisman pen tightly, holding his breath and concentrating on drawing on a blank talisman paper placed on the small table.

After about an incense stick, when the blank talisman paper was full of talismans, the simple and honest middle-aged man finally picked up the talisman pen.

The next moment, the talismans on the talisman paper all flashed red, as if they were naturally formed into a whole.

The simple and honest middle-aged man saw this scene and looked slightly happy.

"Another fireball talisman."

With a sigh of joy, he also put away the fireball talisman that he had just drawn, and took out another blank talisman paper from the pile of talisman papers on the upper left corner of the small table, and used the talisman pen in his hand to lightly touch the small dish of talisman ink placed on the upper right corner.

Then he started writing on the blank talisman paper and began to write.

The whole process was smooth and there was no pause.

After several hours, when the man had used up all the blank talisman papers placed on the left foot of the small table, he stopped drawing.

And on the small table in front of the middle-aged man, there were five good quality fireball talismans.

Looking at the five fireball talismans on the small table, the middle-aged man's face was a little happy, and he muttered to himself.

"In the past two days, I have been refining fireball talismans. Five out of ten can be made into talismans. It is basically certain that my success rate in refining this talisman has reached 50%."

"This is a good thing. This will not only consolidate my position in the Ling family and make the Ling family reluctant to touch me, but I can also earn more resources by drawing this talisman."

Thinking of this, he smiled like a flower.

This honest middle-aged man was "Zhu Wen" who failed to kill Ling Pengyun and was captured alive by Ling Pengyun and imprisoned as a black slave to draw talismans for the Ling family all day long.

Zhu Wen was delighted, then he stood up, walked out of the quiet room, came to the center of the courtyard, waved his hand and sent out a spiritual power, touching the thick white fog covering the entire courtyard.

The thick white fog was touched by the spiritual power, and a flash of spiritual light appeared, and array patterns emerged, making the thick fog covering the courtyard thicker.

Zhu Wen was not surprised to see this.

The thick fog was transformed by a first-level low-grade maze array, which was specially used by the Ling family to trap Zhu Wen in this courtyard.

In order to prevent Zhu Wen, a talisman maker, from carrying many spiritual talismans to help the Ling family refine spiritual talismans and endangering those members of the Ling family who were not strong in the early stage of Qi training in the mountain.

In addition to this maze array, Zhu Wen's courtyard was also arranged with a first-level middle-grade image-retaining array.

The photo-retaining formation can record what happened in the formation. This formation is used by the Ling family to supervise the number of talismans drawn by Zhu Wen, so as to prevent Zhu Wen from hiding the talismans while helping the Ling family to draw them.

Zhu Wen touched the thick white fog covering the courtyard, and after waiting for about half an incense stick of time, the thick fog suddenly dispersed, leaving a small passage.

After a while, a hunchbacked old man wearing Ling family Taoist robes entered Zhu Wen's courtyard from this small passage and walked in front of Zhu Wen.

Zhu Wen was a little surprised to see this person.

"Old Senior Ling, why are you here to hand over the fireball talisman that you successfully drew to me? Wasn't it always Brother Ling Pengliang in the past?"

Ever since he officially accepted Ling's commission to refine talismans during the monster beast rebellion and was trapped in this courtyard by Ling, the talismans he drew have always been traded with Ling Pengliang, the current Ling family's acting elder.

The hunchbacked old man in front of him was Ling Ruxian, the great elder of the previous generation who had retired to the second line due to his short life span.

Although Zhu Wen had been captured alive in the Ling clan mountain for more than ten years and had rarely come into contact with the Ling clan, Ling Ruxian was still working in the General Affairs Hall when he was captured alive in the Ling clan mountain, so he knew Ling Ruxian.

"Pengliang has other things to do. In the next few months, I will hand over the drawing of talismans to you."

"This time you touched the mist that was transformed by the maze formation around the courtyard, but did you draw the fireball talisman that I, the Ling clan, commissioned you to draw this month?" Ling Ruxian did not want to answer Zhu Wen's answer. After a simple perfunctory sentence, he spoke.

Zhu Wen felt strange after listening to Ling Ruxian's explanation.

The Ling family is a foundation-building clan, and the position of the great elder is of utmost importance. If Ling Ru first replaced the current great elder of the Ling family, Ling Pengliang, to hand over the talisman to him only this time, he would not feel anything.

But in the next few months, it was Ling Ru who came to hand over the talisman affairs to him, and the information contained in it was huge.

"As the great elder of the Ling family, Ling Pengliang is in charge of the affairs of the Ling family and rarely goes out."

"Now that the monster beast chaos has ended, it is even more impossible for Ling Pengliang to go out of the Ling family for several months."

Zhu Wen was full of thoughts, thinking about the fact that when Ling Pengliang came to hand over the talisman affairs to him last month, Ling Pengliang was about to enter the perfection of Qi training.

"So it's foundation building. No wonder Ling Pengliang couldn't come to me in person for several months to hand over the spiritual talisman business."

"However, the Ling family is really full of talented people."

"With my qualifications and age, I don't have the opportunity to build a foundation in this life. I'm afraid I won't have the opportunity to leave the Ling family mountain in this life."


Zhu Wen sighed lightly, came back to his senses, waved his hand and patted the storage bag on his waist, summoned five dozen fireball talismans from it and handed them to Ling Ruxian in front of him.

Then, he forced a smile and took the initiative to tell him about the increase in the success rate of drawing spiritual talismans this time.

"Furthermore, relying on the insights left by the talisman makers recorded in your family's spiritual talisman inheritance, and the help of the 100 pieces of talisman paper provided by your Ling family every month, my success rate in drawing fireball talismans has reached 50%."

"And at the beginning of this month, I made a total of 45 fireball talismans from the 100 blank talisman papers given by your Ling family."

"Is what you Daoyou Zhu said true?" Ling Ruxian was slightly surprised when he heard that Zhu Wen's probability of drawing fireball talismans had increased to 50%.

The probability of drawing fireball talismans 50% is not low. If a talisman maker has mastered this success rate, it means that the talisman maker has reached a higher level in drawing that kind of spiritual talisman.

Generally, this level is not something that ordinary first-level low-grade talisman makers can achieve.

"Of course, if Senior Ling doesn't believe it, you can count the 45 fireball talismans I drew this month. If there is no 50% success rate, it is difficult to draw 45 fireball talismans with 100 blank talisman papers."

"Furthermore, Senior, you can also use the image-retaining formation arranged by your family around my courtyard to call up the images of the fireball talismans I drew in recent days, and everything will be clear." Zhu Wen said with a smile.

Ling Ruxian saw Zhu Wen's confident look, and the number of fireball talismans Zhu Wen drew this month was indeed more than before, so he believed what Zhu Wen said.

However, in order to confirm this, after he took the 45 fireball talismans handed over by Zhu Wen, he still called out the image-retaining formation array plate arranged around Zhu Wen's courtyard from his storage bag.

The array plate of the image-retaining formation is a bit special, it is a bronze mirror style.

Ling Ruxian pinched the magic formula and hit it on the array plate, and images suddenly appeared on the surface of the array plate.

After watching for several hours, Ling Ru first quickly watched the entire process of Zhu Wen drawing the talisman in recent days, and then he confirmed what Zhu Wen had just said that the success rate of drawing the fireball talisman reached 50%.

Then, Ling Ru first thought carefully about Zhu Wen's success rate of drawing the fireball talisman reaching 50%, and then he spoke.

"You have such a success rate in drawing fireball talismans. I think you have made great achievements in the art of spiritual talismans."

"My Ling family also intends to train you, so I plan to give you an extra 100 first-grade medium-quality blank talisman papers to support you, so that you can draw the first-grade medium-quality rocket talisman, which is the fire-type spiritual talisman you are best at."

"If you can draw a rocket talisman with the 100 first-grade medium-quality blank talisman papers that my Ling family supports you, my Ling family is willing to buy it from you at the price of ten spirit stones per piece."

"But this move will make you a little tired. After all, my Ling family will still entrust you to help me refine fireball talismans every month in the future."

On the market, the price of a rocket talisman is five spirit stones.

The reason why Zhu Wen's rocket talisman is purchased at the price of ten spirit stones per rocket talisman is to increase Zhu Wen's enthusiasm for drawing rocket talismans.

Zhu Wen's cultivation method is of fire attribute, and his control over fire attribute aura is stronger than the other four five elements aura, which is also helpful for drawing fire auras.

Therefore, Zhu Wen mainly focuses on fire auras, and he rarely draws the other four common auras of water, wood, earth, and gold.

"Junior is not afraid of tiredness, thank you for your attention, senior Ling." Zhu Wen was delighted when he heard this proposal, and he immediately agreed.

The reason why he took the initiative to talk about the increase in the success rate of drawing fireball auras was waiting for this moment.

Now that the monster beast rebellion has ended, the Ling family members do not need to equip themselves with a large number of fireball auras he refined to prevent monster beasts.

And the fireball auras he refined are of lower grade, and it is still difficult to sell on the market.

In addition, the Ling family is not without aura masters, if it were not for the monster beast rebellion that too many monsters invaded the Ling family.

I'm afraid Zhu Wen is still working illegally, earning a basic salary, and constantly using monster skins to refine blank talisman paper for Ling's day and night.

Under such circumstances, if he doesn't show more value to Ling's, his situation will not be good.

After all, in this world, no one wants to support idle people.

Ling Ruxian saw Zhu Wen's response and had expected it.

He also smiled, and after putting the five dozen talismans that Zhu Wen had just handed over back into the storage bag, he took out a hundred blank talisman papers from the storage bag and handed them to Zhu Wen in front of him.

"Fellow Daoist Zhu, if you want to thank someone, thank my Ling's for valuing you."

"These hundred first-level low-grade blank talisman papers are the spiritual materials that my Ling's entrusted you to refine the fireball talisman next month."

"As for the hundred first-level middle-grade blank talisman papers that my Ling's funded you, I don't have them with me, please wait for me for a moment."

After saying this, Ling Ruxian slowly relied on the array plate of the mist array in his hand, passed through the thick mist covering Zhu Wen's courtyard, and left this place.

When he returned to this place, he also handed over the 100 pieces of first-grade middle-grade blank talisman paper that he had just promised to give to Zhu Wen.

"Fellow Daoist Zhu, let me be frank. If you do not draw more than five rocket talismans with these 100 pieces of first-grade middle-grade blank talisman paper, your offerings for drawing spiritual talismans for my Ling family in the future will be reduced by 30%." Ling Ruxian said in a deep voice.

Zhu Wen, who had just received the 100 pieces of first-grade middle-grade blank talisman paper and whose face was full of joy, did not care when he heard this. He said confidently.

"Please rest assured, Senior Ling, I am still confident that the success rate of refining half of the rocket talisman is still there."

"I hope so." Seeing this, Ling Ruxian responded without emotion and left this place.

Zhu Wen then returned to a quiet room in the courtyard and tried to use the 100 first-grade middle-grade blank talisman papers he had just obtained to draw a first-grade middle-grade rocket talisman.

If he could draw a rocket talisman, one piece would be worth ten spirit stones.

He is not far from the peak of the sixth level of Qi training now. If he has enough elixirs to help him, he can reach the peak of the sixth level of Qi training in a few months and reach the bottleneck of the seventh level of Qi training.

At that time, he can also ask Ling for the first-grade upper-grade miasma-breaking pill that he promised him at the beginning, and then rely on this pill to directly break through to the seventh level of Qi training, entering the elite level of Qi training "late stage of Qi training", and he will have more capital to save his life in Ling.

Thanks to: Book friend 534***257, book friend 20170403141654928, book friend 20220321172601784 for their monthly tickets.

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