Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 267 Ling Pengliang's breakthrough to the foundation building stage (4000 words, please

On the other side.

After Ling Ruxian left Zhu Wen's courtyard, he went straight to the top of Lingxiao Mountain and stopped outside the "Hongyun Cave" in the middle of the three caves on the top of the mountain.

There were two people outside the Hongyun Cave.

These two people were Ling Yunhong, the patriarch of the Ling family, and Ling Pengxing, the supreme elder of the Ling family.

At this moment, the two of them were sitting cross-legged on the ground, closing their eyes and regulating their breathing.

When Ling Ruxian walked into this place, the two were also startled and opened their eyes.

"Eleventh Uncle, what is Zhu Wen looking for?"

Ling Pengxing, who was standing aside, also looked at Ling Ruxian who had just reached the top of the mountain with curiosity.

Previously, when Zhu Wen did not touch the clouds and mist of the maze formation, Ling Ruxian was also here, but he left for a short time because of Zhu Wen's matter.

Therefore, Ling Yunhong asked this question at this time.

"As before, this time Zhu Wen triggered the maze that trapped him because he had drawn the talisman that my Ling family commissioned him to draw this month."

"In addition, Zhu Wen also increased the success rate of drawing the fireball talisman to 50%."

"Considering that the family already had the intention of training this person to make talismans, I gave Zhu Wen 100 pieces of first-level middle-grade blank talisman paper in the name of the family for free, allowing him to try to draw first-level middle-grade talismans."

"And gave him a huge profit to encourage him to draw first-level middle-grade talismans." Ling Ruxian said with a smile.

"I know a thing or two about Zhu Wen. He has been in the family for more than ten years. In the first ten years, he only made blank talisman paper for my Ling family."

"Until the monster rebellion last year, the family had too many monsters invading the territory, and there was a large gap in the spiritual talismans in the family. Peng Yun and others stationed in the family entrusted him with an important task and entrusted him to help my Ling family draw spiritual talismans."

"In just one year, this person's success rate in drawing fireball talismans has increased from 30% to 50%. Even if this person has the insights left by the talisman makers in my Ling family's spiritual talisman inheritance, it can be imagined that this person's talent for making talismans is not bad, and he can be regarded as a talent."

"It is feasible to cultivate such talents."

"But Eleventh Uncle, Zhu Wen is an outsider after all, not a member of our Ling family. More importantly, he was kidnapped by our Ling family and now he seems to be honest, but I'm afraid he has some resentment towards our Ling family."

"If this person is not still useful and can create considerable benefits for the family, it would be safer to kill him."

"However, in this situation, it is better to turn him into one of our own. It is worthwhile for the family to cultivate this person."

"Otherwise, if there are other changes in the future, this person may also attack our Ling family and cause trouble for our Ling family." Ling Yunhong heard the news, his expression suddenly moved, and he said in a deep voice.

"Yunhong, do you mean to recruit Zhu Wen as the son-in-law of our Ling family?" Ling Ruxian heard it and immediately understood, his expression slightly brightened, and said.

"Yes, although Zhu Wen used to be a killer, he is a talent now that he has mastered the art of making talismans."

"And according to the current situation, it is estimated that Zhu Wen will have no problem in making talismans of the first level in his lifetime. Such a talent can be regarded as a good match. My Ling family's female cultivator will not suffer any loss if she marries him."

"Now Peng Liang is still in the process of building his foundation, and the affairs of the clan are temporarily handed over to you, the eleventh uncle. I can only trouble you to arrange for those female cultivators of the clan who are of the right age and have not yet married to have more contact with Zhu Wen to see if Zhu Wen is interested in any female cultivator in the clan."

"If this can be accomplished, Zhu Wen, who has entered the land of gentleness, should also be more at ease. If the family gives him more benefits, it is probably a matter of time before he is conquered by the combination of beauty and benefits." Ling Yunhong said with a smile.

"And if this matter is not accomplished, the family does not need to train this person too much in the future. It is enough to provide resources for him to master the first-level middle-grade spirit talisman. Don't let him master the more powerful first-level upper-grade spirit talisman to avoid accidents."

The current family's acting elder Ling Pengliang broke through to the perfect state of Qi training half a month ago with the five bottles of Youhan Spirit Water that Ling Pengyun sold to him at the bottom price.

He also applied for a bottle of Xiaobai Spirit Water and a pulse protection pill from Ling Yunhong, and entered Ling Yunhong's Hongyun Cave Mansion, which was equipped with a second-level lower-grade spirit gathering array, to break through the foundation-building state in seclusion.

Ling Yunhong and Ling Pengxing, two foundation-building people, were sitting outside the Hongyun Cave Mansion at this time to protect Ling Pengliang who was breaking through the foundation-building state.

The affairs that Ling Pengliang, the acting elder, needed to take charge of were temporarily handed over to the previous elder Ling Ruxian who retired to the second line.

This is why Ling Ruxian went to hand over the spirit talisman affairs with Zhu Wen just now.

As for the uncontrollable love affairs, Ling Yunhong was not sure that the Ling family had a female cultivator who could bewitch Zhu Wen and let him marry into the Ling family.

Ling Pengxing, who was standing by, was not good at handling such matters, so he did not speak, but just listened quietly.

"It is a small matter to arrange for the female cultivators in the clan to contact Zhu Wen, and there is no trouble at all." Ling Ruxian said, and then he thought of something, his face brightened, and asked.

"Yunhong, since you have the idea of ​​recruiting Zhu Wen as the son-in-law of my Ling family, I wonder if you have ever thought about recruiting those rootless male and female cultivators from the outside world into my Ling family, and let them become the son-in-law or wife of my Ling family members?"

Ling Yunhong heard this and said with a little helplessness.

"I have naturally thought about this. There are not many members in the family who are in the Qi training period, but their foundation-building combat power is comparable to that of ordinary established foundation-building families. Under such circumstances, if you want to expand the number of monks in the clan in a short period of time, the only option is There is this method mentioned by the eleventh uncle."

"But according to the difficult situation of the non-religious cultivators in the world of immortality, I am afraid that as long as the family tells the outside world about recruiting a son-in-law and a wife and concubines, many male and female non-commercial cultivators will flock here."

"At that time, there will be a mixture of fish and dragons, everyone will be there, and the clan will not have special auxiliary formations such as those to ask questions."

"When recruiting sons-in-law and wives and concubines, we can only rely on experience to judge. Once we make a mistake and recruit a few sons-in-law, wives and concubines who harbor bad intentions or have human faces and animal hearts, it will not only be detrimental to the clan members, but It’s not good, and it’s also a bad thing for the family.”

Ling Ruxian already had a way to deal with this. "More than ten days ago, Yun Qian led a convoy to transport spiritual objects to the store opened by the family in Yunshuifang City, Yunshui County. On his way back to the family, he was intercepted and killed by a group of evil cultivators."

"Yun Qian and his party are all very skilled and equipped with good spiritual objects. They killed nearly half of the evil cultivators who intercepted them. Among the trophies obtained by Yun Qian and the others, there was a first-order mid-level formation. inherited."

"In that inheritance, there are several formations recorded, and among them is the layout method of a first-order mid-level illusory formation called the Shadowless Phantom Array."

"Although this formation is not as effective as auxiliary formations such as the Questioning Heart Formation in terms of interrogating monks, it is no problem to rely on this formation to create some wine ponds and forests of meat. It can also test the character of others with a little effort."

"Coupled with the help of the group of Caixia Spirit Butterflies kept in captivity in the clan who can perform illusions, I am afraid that even ordinary seventh-level Qi-training monks will be trapped in illusions."

"The family can completely rely on the phantom formation and the spirit butterfly to test the character of those casual cultivators who intend to join my Ling family and serve as my Ling family's son-in-law, wife and concubine."

Ling Yunhong's expression suddenly lit up when he heard this, and he asked. "Does the family have the spiritual materials for refining the Shadowless Phantom Array?"

"Yes, some time ago, when the family was collecting some auxiliary formation spiritual materials needed for the two caves of Pengyun and Pengxing, they also collected some rare refining formation spiritual materials to prepare for emergencies. , there are several spiritual materials for refining the Shadowless Phantom Array."

"As long as the spiritual materials for refining the Shadowless Phantom Formation and the method for refining this formation are handed over to Yun Xi, according to Yun Xi's attainments in the formation, I'm afraid it won't take long to refine it." Ling Ru Replied first.

Ling Yunxi is the fifth elder of the Ling clan and the strongest formation master of the Ling clan. The level of formations has reached the high level of first-level high-level formations in the past few years. It is extremely easy to refine the first-level mid-level formations.

"Uncle Eleven, you have dedicated your life to the family, and you are also the great elder of the previous generation of the Ling family. I will not hide it from you. During the chaos of monsters, Pengyun discovered a spiritual pool that can produce cold spiritual water. It's just that Lingtan is located in the territory of Huxiao Liu family, and Yunxi is now stationed there. "

"It would be better for me not to go looking for Yun Xi, so as not to increase the risk of exposing the Lingtan where Yun Xi is stationed."

"Eleventh Uncle, Lingtan is of great benefit to the family, please keep this matter confidential."

"I remember that Peng Lin child, when he was stationed in Xiyangfang City with me and the rest of the tribe during the Monster Beast Rebellion, he also refined the first-level mid-grade formation disk and formation flag. This Shadowless Phantom Array Let this child arrange it."

"When this formation is successfully refined, the recruitment of sons-in-law, wives and concubines can also be carried out. When the time comes, Uncle Eleven, please call me and Pengxing to prevent the group of casual cultivators who came from causing chaos." Ling Yunhong said.

Ling Jin heard the words first and looked shocked.

He did not expect that there would be such an opportunity in the clan.

Lingtan can produce spiritual water, which can be said to be a golden mountain. As long as it is well maintained, it can be inexhaustible.

At the same time, he felt warm in his heart.

The matter of Lingtan was of great importance, and Lingtan was located within the boundary of Huxiao Liu family. Being able to tell him such an important matter, who had already retreated to the second line, showed Ling Yunhong's trust in him.

"I understand the importance of Lingtan to the family. Please rest assured that I will definitely bring the matter of Lingtan to the earth." Ling Jinxian said solemnly.

"Uncle Eleven, you are serious." Ling Yunhong said.

Afterwards, the two chatted for a few more words. Ling Ruxian, like Ling Yunhong and Ling Pengxing, also sat cross-legged outside Hongyun Cave to protect Ling Pengliang, who was in retreat inside Hongyun Cave.

About a month later, a huge wave of spiritual energy erupted in Hongyun Cave.

This fluctuation of spiritual power was caused by Ling Pengliang, who had broken through the realm of Foundation Establishment in seclusion in the Hongyun Cave, and condensed the spiritual energy that was triggered by the signature liquid spiritual power of the Foundation Establishment monk.

But this spiritual energy filling the body only lasted for about two days, and then suddenly stopped.

Ling Pengliang, who had been in seclusion for a month and a half, also walked out of the Hongyun Cave, covered in blood and with a sluggish aura.

"Eleventh great-grandfather, third grandfather, and third brother, my breakthrough failed." Ling Pengliang looked helpless and said to Ling Yunhong and Ling Ruxian, who had been guarding the cave for a while. .

Ling Yunhong saw that Ling Pengliang had not broken through the foundation building, but he didn't care. On the contrary, the result was actually expected.

Ling Pengliang's qualifications were quite satisfactory, and the Xiaobailing Water and the Pulse Protecting Pill only added 10% to foundation building. It was normal for him to fail to break through the foundation building.

He stepped forward, patted Ling Pengliang's shoulder, and spoke comforting words.

"Failure to break through the foundation building is a trivial matter. Don't forget your desire to find the way. After all, Xiao Bailing Water and Pulse Protection Pill can only increase your probability of breaking through the foundation building by 10%. Failure to break through is also relatively normal."

"You failed to break through the foundation building. How serious is the damage to your meridians?"

Ling Pengliang said happily. "My meridians are protected by the Pulse Protecting Pill. The damage to my meridians is not serious. I estimate that I can recover within a year and a half of cultivation."

Hearing this, Ling Yunhong waved his hand and took out a bottle of rejuvenation pill that had been prepared from his storage bag and handed it to Ling Pengliang.

"This is a second-level healing elixir, a rejuvenation elixir. Take it quickly so that you can recover from the injuries to your meridians quickly."

When Ling Pengliang saw the rejuvenation pill handed over by Ling Yunhong, he felt even more ashamed of his family's expectations for him.

After all, the Pulse Protection Pill and Bailing Water were both valuable, but they were all wasted because of his failed breakthrough.

"Third Grandfather, I..."

Seeing Ling Pengliang's expression, Ling Yunhong guessed what he was thinking and comforted him.

"There is no need to think too much about Peng Liang. If the injury to the meridians is not recovered in time, it may damage the foundation. With the help of this rejuvenation pill, you can recover faster."

"You are not old, and you still have at least twenty years before the end of foundation building."

"The spiritual energy you poured into your body when you set out to build the foundation lasted for two days. I think you are about to succeed in attacking the foundation, but you are just unlucky."

"In addition, although you did not succeed in building the foundation this time, you have accumulated some experience. When you build the foundation for the second time, you can also increase your success rate."

"When the family's finances are better, I will make the decision and find you a foundation-building spiritual object to help you build the foundation."

"I, the Ling family, have not encountered any difficulties or troubles. We also have four foundation-building combatants, which are enough to rival the veteran foundation-building families. You don't need to be too hasty."

"Next time, just take advantage of the opportunity to build a foundation. There is no need to put too much psychological pressure."

"After the injury to the meridians has recovered, I will leave the seclusion as soon as possible, take over from the eleventh uncle, and regain control of the affairs of the clan."

The Ling family currently only has Ling Pengliang, who has reached the perfection of Qi training before the best period of foundation building.

There are not many talented people in the three generations of Ru, Yun and Xiao clansmen, and those who have perfected their Qi training are all too old and not suitable for foundation building.

Although there are many members of the younger generation Peng and Cheng who have outstanding talents, they are still young and their cultivation level is relatively low.

Ling Pengliang can be said to be the leader among the two generations of Peng and Cheng who are in the Qi training period.

Therefore, Ling Yunhong planned to give Ling Pengliang another chance to build his foundation.

After all, if the Ling family were to obtain a foundation-building spiritual object, Ling Pengliang would be the only one suitable.

Hearing this, Ling Pengliang felt warm in his heart, and at the same time, he was very sure of breaking through the foundation building realm for the second time in the future.

For this breakthrough, if the pulse-protecting pill and Bailing water he took were not effective for a short time, he would definitely be able to successfully build the foundation.

In the future, all he needs to do the second foundation building is a bottle of Little Bailing Water and the Pulse Protecting Pill. Although he is not 100% sure that he can enter the foundation building, he still has a 50% certainty.

After taking the rejuvenation pill from Ling Yunhong, he thanked him and left the top of the mountain alone, walking toward his courtyard halfway up the mountain.

Ling Yunhong, Ling Ruxian, and Ling Pengxing, who were still on the top of the mountain, chatted for a few words and then said goodbye to each other and left.

Ling Yunhong entered the Hongyun Cave where Ling Pengliang had previously retreated.

Ling Pengxing entered the Star Cave.

As for the eldest Ling Jinxian, he returned to the General Affairs Hall to sort out the affairs handled by the General Affairs Hall in the past few months as soon as possible and prepare to hand them over to Ling Pengliang, who is recovering from his injury.

Dear friends, I am not trying to suppress the number of foundations built by the Ling family. It is actually a bit of a lie to directly write that Ling Pengliang successfully built a foundation.

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