Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 268: Breaking through two realms in a row and entering the fourth level of foundation buildi

Half a year later.

In the Rock Scale Snake Cave in Yuanzhou and Yuantu County.

Ling Pengyun, who had been in seclusion for a year with the help of the Gathering Spirit Pill and the second-level lower-grade Gathering Spirit Array, suddenly opened his eyes and a hint of joy appeared on his face.

"Finally, my cultivation has reached the peak of the second level of foundation building and reached the bottleneck of the third level of foundation building."

"It's time to take the spiritual water on me and break through to the third level of foundation building."

According to his cultivation speed, even with the help of the Gathering Spirit Pill and the second-level lower-grade Gathering Spirit Array, it would take at least one year for his cultivation to reach this level.

But when the wind-attributed spirit root of the Bailing Sect, Xiao Wuhong, went to the Hundred Days Banquet, he drank two pots of the second-level upper-grade cloud and mist spirit tea from Wu Yan and his cultivation improved a lot.

After saying this, Ling Pengyun waved his hand and patted the storage bag on his waist, and took out all the cold spirit water, a total of 23 bottles.

Afterwards, he poured the twenty-three bottles of cold spirit water into his mouth, swallowed them, and madly practiced the Blue Sea Sutra, refining the huge amount of spirit water in his stomach, turning it into pure liquid spirit power, and sending it into his dantian, and together with the liquid spirit power in his dantian, he attacked the unclear and inexplicable bottleneck.

With the help of a large amount of cold spirit water as a backup, Ling Pengyun spent three consecutive days attacking the bottleneck of the third level of foundation building countless times, and finally broke the bottleneck.

Once the bottleneck was broken, his cultivation and spiritual consciousness also increased rapidly by several times.

When the improvement stopped, his spiritual consciousness and spiritual power strength were far beyond that of ordinary third-level foundation building cultivators.

His spiritual consciousness can cover more than 550 feet, which is comparable to the spiritual consciousness strength of fifth-level foundation building cultivators.

His spiritual power strength is weaker, but it is also comparable to the total spiritual power of fourth-level foundation building cultivators.

"My spiritual consciousness is stronger than that of ordinary cultivators because of the primordial energy of yin and yang. It is reasonable that I have such strength after breaking through to the third level of foundation building."

"I didn't expect that I had just broken through the third level of foundation building and my cultivation was not yet stable, but it was enough to be comparable to the total spiritual power of a cultivator at the fourth level of foundation building."

Thinking a lot, Ling Pengyun could only attribute the strength of his spiritual power to the strength of a cultivator at the fourth level of foundation building to the fragment of the "Blue Sea Sutra" that he practiced, which was suspected to be a golden elixir or a primordial infant technique.

After being happy for a while, he no longer wasted time and relied on the remaining cold spirit water in his body to consolidate his cultivation, which was still a little frivolous after the breakthrough.

After a few days, when he consolidated his cultivation, he opened his eyes and two rays of light shot out of his eyes.

"Now that I have entered the third level of foundation building, it is time for my life spirit plant, the thorn vine, to take the Bailing water and try to break through the foundation building stage."

Since he bought the bottle of Bailing water from the auction in Xiyang Market a year ago, he has not given it to the thorn vine to take, but has been waiting for his own cultivation to enter the third level of foundation building.

If the thorn vine succeeds in breaking through the foundation building, he can also rely on the spiritual power of the thorn vine to feed back to break through the bottleneck of the fourth level of foundation building and cross to the level of the middle stage of foundation building.

With the idea, Ling Pengyun immediately took action. He first summoned the thorn vine living in the dantian, took out the bottle of Bailing water in the storage bag, and gave the Bailing water to the thorn vine to take.

After the thorn vine took the bottle of Bailing water, Ling Pengyun also quickly mobilized his spiritual consciousness and poured it into the body of the thorn vine to help the vine refine the Bailing water absorbed into its body.

The Bailing water is extremely pure, comparable to the spiritual water of heaven and earth.

However, in just one day, the thorn vines, with the help of Ling Pengyun, who had a strong spiritual sense, refined the Bailing Water in its body.

The next moment after refining the Bailing Water, the spiritual sense of the thorn vines also increased rapidly by nearly one-fold.

Seeing this, Ling Pengyun said to the thorn vines whose spiritual sense had greatly increased.

"Thorn, you can try to impact the foundation, and condense the liquid spiritual power first."

Only by condensing the liquid spiritual power can the spiritual energy be triggered to fill the body.

Then, with the help of the huge spiritual energy when the spiritual energy is filled, the breakthrough will have a greater chance to break through the bottleneck of foundation building.

As soon as the thorn vine heard the order, it immediately followed it and continued to compress the spiritual power in its body with its spiritual sense.

The spiritual power in its body had already been compressed to the limit of the Qi training period. After the compression of the thorn vines, the spiritual power in its body was extremely violent and constantly collided with its body.

But the thorn vines have a lot of Yimu essences in their bodies. Under the soothing of those Yimu essences, the violent spiritual power in the thorn vines gradually calmed down.

This also made it much easier for the thorn vines to compress the spiritual power into liquid spiritual power.

After dozens of rounds of compression, with the help of the huge Yimu essence and Ling Pengyun's powerful consciousness, the vine successfully compressed the first drop of liquid spiritual power relying on the spiritual power in its body.

Once this drop of liquid spiritual power was formed, a chain reaction naturally occurred.

That drop of liquid spiritual power was like a vortex, madly absorbing the spiritual power in the thorn vines and strengthening itself.

After a while, the spiritual power of the thorn vines was completely absorbed.

Ling Pengyun, who had been guarding the thorn vines, also mobilized his consciousness to guide the thorn vines, which had no foundation-building experience, to touch the drop of liquid spiritual power in their bodies and induce spiritual energy to fill their bodies.

Then the drop of liquid spiritual power in the thorn vine flashed, and with Ling Pengyun's help, it emitted a stronger suction force, attracting the huge spiritual energy in the entire Rock Scale Snake Cave, and madly poured into the thorn vine's finger-length body.

The huge spiritual power entered the body, causing the thorn vine's finger-length body to swell.

Cracks gradually appeared on its body.

However, fortunately, Ling Pengyun mobilized and performed the secret method of spiritual plants in time, condensed pure wood spiritual power, and passed it into the body of the thorn vine to help the vine repair the cracks on its surface.

After half a minute, the thorn vine was restored to its original state.

At the same time, Ling Pengyun also guided the thorn meridians with weak spiritual intelligence to mobilize the drop of liquid spiritual power that had just been compressed to continuously impact the bottleneck of foundation building in its body.

When the spiritual energy was infused into the body, the large amount of spiritual energy that filled the body served as a backup for this drop of liquid spiritual power.

Under the joint efforts of Ling Pengyun and the thorn vine, whose spiritual consciousness had greatly increased after taking Bailing Water, and who did not hesitate to consume its own Yimu essence, the drop of liquid spiritual power in its body impacted the bottleneck of foundation building hundreds of times, and finally broke the bottleneck of foundation building.

The bottleneck was gone, and the huge amount of spiritual energy caused by the spiritual energy infusion and the drop of liquid spiritual power quickly flowed into various parts of the thorn vine's body, nourishing its body.

In just three breaths, under the nourishment of the huge spiritual energy, the amount of Yimu essence in the thorn vine and its body quickly increased by nearly one-fold.

Even the spiritual intelligence of the thorn vine has increased by several times.

Although it is not as good as the spiritual intelligence of a three-year-old child, it is much stronger than when it was in the Qi training stage.

The spiritual intelligence of spiritual plants is very weak, even weaker than that of monsters. Only after the spiritual plants enter the golden elixir stage will they improve.

Ling Pengyun, who has been guarding the thorn vine, saw the thorn vine that successfully entered the foundation building stage. The enhancement is very happy.

When the thorn vine stops improving, Ling Pengyun also seizes the opportunity of the thorn vine breaking through the foundation building spiritual energy and allows the thorn vine to feed back spiritual power.

As Ling Pengyun's life spiritual plant, the thorn vine is very obedient. Without any hesitation, it immediately does it and transfers all the huge spiritual power in its body into Ling Pengyun's body.

At the same time, this vine also relied on the essence of Yimu madly, and quickly refined the huge amount of spiritual energy that was poured into the body into liquid spiritual power, as a backup force when feeding back spiritual power to Ling Pengyun.

Ling Pengyun and this thorny vine belonged to the same body, and the spiritual power transferred by this vine was no different from the spiritual power cultivated by Ling Pengyun himself.

In addition, the thorny vine has entered the foundation building stage, and the strength of the spiritual power in its body is not much weaker than that of Ling Pengyun.

Ling Pengyun directly sent the large amount of pure liquid spiritual power that the thorny vine continuously transferred into his dantian.

In just a hundred breaths, Ling Pengyun's dantian was filled with the huge spiritual power transferred into his body by the thorny vine.

But for this, the thorny vine not only consumed all the spiritual power in its body, but also consumed a lot of Yimu essence, which was used to refine the huge amount of spiritual energy poured into the body and pass it to Ling Pengyun.

Seeing that the thorn vines were already somewhat exhausted, Ling Pengyun immediately patted the storage bag on his waist and called out the only three bottles of century-old Evergreen Spirit Water left on him and poured them into his mouth.

Two of the three bottles of Evergreen Spirit Water were given by Ling Yunhong, the head of the Ling family, after the end of the monster rebellion, and the other one was purchased by Ling Pengyun at the Xiyang auction.

It was precisely because of these three bottles of century-old Evergreen Spirit Water that Ling Pengyun dared to let the thorn vines try to build the foundation just after entering the third level of foundation building.

With the huge spiritual power contained in the three bottles of century-old Evergreen Spirit Water, Ling Pengyun also had more backup.

It took nearly half a day to hit the bottleneck nearly dozens of times in a row, until the spiritual energy contained in the three bottles of Evergreen Spirit Water was about to be consumed, and the Yimu essence in the thorn vines was consumed by nearly 70%, Ling Pengyun just broke the bottleneck and entered the fourth level of foundation building.

Once he entered the fourth level of foundation building, Ling Pengyun's spiritual power and consciousness were further improved, reaching the level of the sixth level of foundation building.

Thanks to: Mu Tuotuo, asd bloody battle eight wastes, and waste weri for their monthly tickets

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