Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 269 The Strength of Thorny Vines in the Foundation Establishment Period (2200 words, please

When everything calmed down, Ling Pengyun also opened his eyes and was secretly delighted.

"Although the spiritual stone earned by spiritual plants is not as good as that of refining tools, my spiritual plants have greatly helped me in my cultivation."

"If I didn't have this vine to help me this time, I'm afraid it would take at least five to ten years for me to break through to the fourth level of foundation building."

"Now that the thorn vine has entered the foundation building, I have also entered the second-level spiritual plant husband, and I should pay attention to finding a second kind of spiritual plant."

"In the future, if I have two spiritual plants to help me, my cultivation will definitely improve faster."

A few years ago, Ling Pengyun comprehended the ripening technique of spiritual plants to the fourth level, and now the thorn vine has broken through to the foundation building stage.

Under the circumstances of these two factors, Ling Pengyun's spiritual plant grade was also upgraded to the second level.

A second-level spiritual plant husband can refine another spiritual plant and turn it into his own spiritual plant.

Another second-level spiritual plant husband of the Ling family, Ling Yunhong, the patriarch of the Ling family, has two spiritual plants.

Thinking back, Ling Pengyun summoned the thorn vines, which had consumed too much Yimu essence when feeding back the spiritual energy and had a weak breath.


"Transform into armor."

The thorn vines moved and transformed into countless roots.

Those roots quickly grew larger and turned into vines as thick as thighs, which wrapped around Ling Pengyun's body and turned into a set of thorn wood armor on Ling Pengyun's body.

Once the wood armor was completed, Ling Pengyun waved his hand and patted the storage bag on his waist, summoned the Qinggang mother-and-child flying swords from it, and controlled the two flying swords to bombard his own set of wood armor.

"Boom! Boom!"

Two dull sounds rang out.

The two Qinggang mother-and-child flying swords did not break the wood armor transformed by the thorn vines, but only blasted two thumb-sized gaps on the thorn wood armor.

And the two small gaps were repaired by the thorn vines using spiritual power before half a breath had passed.

Seeing this scene, Ling Pengyun looked delighted.

You know, just now he urged the set of green steel mother-and-child flying swords to bombard the wooden armor transformed by thorny vines, but he used up 50% of his spiritual power.

"It seems that the defensive power of this set of wooden armor transformed by thorny vines will not be weaker than the defensive power of ordinary second-level lower-grade defensive magic tools."

"If this vine stabilizes its cultivation, or if it goes a step further and breaks through to the second or third level of foundation building, the defensive power of the wooden armor transformed by this vine will probably become stronger."

"With the help of this vine, I have an extra means of saving my life."

"And looking at the strength of this vine, if it relies on the vine transformed by this vine to trap the enemy, it is estimated that it will also have a miraculous effect. It is estimated that there is no problem in trapping the monster in the early stage of foundation building for two or three breaths."

Although two or three breaths are short, they are enough to decide the outcome in the battle between cultivators.

Considering that the thorn vines consumed a lot of Yimu essence, Ling Pengyun did not try too much to use the defensive power of the wooden armor transformed by the thorns. Instead, he removed the wooden armor, let the thorn vines turn back into the size of a thumb, and stored them in the Dantian to warm them with spiritual power.

In order to avoid delaying for a long time and damaging the roots of the thorn vines.

Then, Ling Pengyun stood up and watered the spiritual plants planted in the 35 acres of spiritual fields in the snake cave with a wave of spiritual rain, and performed a ripening technique on those spiritual plants.

Under the blessing of these two spiritual plant secrets, the spiritual plants planted in the 35 acres of spiritual fields here have become more beautiful.

Ling Pengyun looked at the spiritual plants in the 35 acres of spiritual fields in front of him, and his eyes flashed with a bit of brilliance.

"I am now a second-level spiritual plant husband. The ripening technique alone can speed up the growth rate of spiritual plants below the second-level lower grade by 120%. If the cloud and rain technique is added, it will be 130%."

"With this speed bonus, the spiritual plants planted in the 35 acres of spiritual fields here can save more than half of the time to mature."

"The Yang family has not considered this. I just need to hand over the spiritual plants here according to the normal maturity period of those spiritual plants."

"I can take advantage of this loophole. After the spiritual plants in the snake cave mature, I can plant a batch of spiritual plants myself and sell them to the family, so that the family can refine them into pills and sell them."

"This move can not only make me more profit and quickly collect enough spiritual stones to buy Xuanyuan heavy iron, but also help the family. It is really a win-win situation."

"As the third ancestor said, the higher the grade of the spiritual plant, the stronger it is."

Suppressing the joy in his heart, Ling Pengyun sat cross-legged on the ground again, absorbing the spiritual energy in the snake cave to consolidate the cultivation that had just broken through.

After his cultivation was consolidated, Ling Pengyun tried to practice for a few days. He found that even with the help of the Gathering Spirit Pill and the Gathering Spirit Array, his cultivation speed was still extremely slow, so he stopped practicing.

Instead, he took out a large number of refining materials and began to refine magic tools.

During the Monster Rebellion, the family acquired a large number of Qi training monster corpses from the clan members stationed in various spiritual veins in the family territory.

There were many spiritual materials that could be used for refining on these monster corpses, and the number was large.

Ling Pengyun was originally a refiner trained by the family. As early as the Monster Rebellion, he accepted the family's commission to refine the monster materials obtained by the family into magic tools.

For refining a first-level lower, middle, and upper-grade magic tool, he can get 5, 10, and 15 contribution points respectively.

Such a low income is also because there are many magic tool styles that Ling Pengyun has never touched in this batch of refining materials, and the success rate may be extremely low.

It is also because of the low success rate of refining magic tools that the family reduced Ling Pengyun's remuneration for refining tools.

However, Ling Pengyun didn't care about this.

He still had thousands of useless contribution points in his account. There was no big difference between having more or less contribution points.

The reason why he accepted the family's refining commission was that in addition to talent, refining also required more practice.

In the following month or so.

In addition to taking care of the spiritual plants in the snake cave, Ling Pengyun spent the rest of his time continuously refining magic tools with the help of monster materials.

This crazy refining behavior also made Ling Pengyun consume hundreds of refining spiritual materials in just one month and refine them into magic tools.

Although there were many magic tool styles that he was not good at refining, relying on his powerful spiritual consciousness that broke through the middle stage of foundation building, the success rate of refining those first-level magic tools that he was not good at reached about 20%.

As for the success rate of refining this batch of magic tools, it also reached between 30% and 40%.

Perhaps because of the more complex refining of magic tools, his understanding of refining has also deepened a lot.

In addition, at least 30% of the spiritual materials for refining weapons given by the family were spiritual materials for refining flying swords.

This made his success rate in refining first-grade upper-grade flying swords reach about 30%, which was barely profitable.

The success rate of refining first-grade middle-grade flying swords was as high as 50%, and the success rate of the other two types of inner armor and Taoist robes, which he was good at, reached about 30% to 40%.

This also made Ling Pengyun very happy.

"I have reached this level in refining weapons, and I can earn spiritual stones faster in the future."

"I can also get the 80 kilograms of Xuanyuan heavy iron in Wu Yan's brother-in-law's hand earlier, and refine it into my life magic weapon to help me improve my combat power."

Thinking of this, Ling Pengyun was immediately looking forward to it.

After he put the flying sword magic weapon he had just refined into the storage bag, he closed his eyes, absorbed the spiritual energy here, filled it in his dantian, and restored the spiritual energy consumed by today's refining.

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