Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 281 Successfully Improved New Type of Spiritual Rice (3600 words, please subscribe)

Ling Xiaoying said helplessly. "Mother, I understand this matter, and Fellow Daoist Zhu is indeed not bad."

"But Fellow Daoist Zhu, after all, killed Peng Yun in his early years."

"I was quite good friends with Peng Yun's mother, Sister Qiu Yun, in my early years. If I marry this Zhu Wen, how should I face Sister Qiu Yun and Peng Yun in the future?"

Ling Yunhan saw his daughter Ling Xiaoying say this, but a smile appeared on his face.

"You silly girl, if Pengyun really hated Zhu Wen, he would have killed him long ago, why would he keep him alive until today."

"Since you still have such concerns in your heart, send two letters, one to Pengyun's mother and the other to Pengyun, and ask Pengyun's mother and Pengyun what their attitudes are towards Zhu Wen."

"If Pengyun's mother and Pengyun feel disgusted with Zhu Wen, then let's stop with this matter."

"If Pengyun's mother and Pengyun don't care about your union with Zhu Wen, then it won't be too late for you to take your relationship with Zhu Wen a step further."

Ling Xiaoying's expression brightened when she heard this.

"Okay, let's do this."

As soon as these words came out, Ling Yunhan, an old man with a short life span, also looked at Ling Xiaoying with a smile on his face.

Ling Xiaoying blushed slightly when she saw her mother's gaze, and then she realized that she had lost her composure.

"Okay, you continue to feed the monsters in the spirit beast garden with flesh and blood. I'm going to rest." Seeing this, Ling Yunhan smiled and returned to the tree house of the giant tree.

Ling Xiaoying looked at the jade box in her hand, and the blush on her cheeks became even more intense.

After being stunned for a long time, she came back to her senses and continued to feed the monsters in the spirit beast garden with flesh and blood.

Three months later.

Ling Pengyun and Yang Qiuyun also received Ling Xiaoying's inquiry messages one after another, and they also replied to express their approval of her union with Zhu Wen.

Ling Xiaoying, who already had a good impression of Zhu Wen, no longer concealed her good impression of Zhu Wen in her heart.

Zhu Wen also took advantage of the situation, and the relationship between him and Ling Xiaoying deepened day by day.

Within three months, the two got together.

After this matter spread among the Ling clan, the Ling clan leaders also looked for Zhu Wen and Ling Xiaoying separately during this period, cast magic, and asked about their true feelings.

When they found out that they were truly in love, the Ling clan leaders also took this opportunity to let the two hold a wedding directly.

From then on, Zhu Wen became the son-in-law of the Ling clan, and the Ling clan leaders also removed the maze array and the photo-retaining array arranged around Zhu Wen's courtyard.

Zhu Wen's offerings were also distributed according to the late stage of Qi training of the Ling clan.

His commission for drawing talismans was also increased.

And this is what Zhu Wen wanted to see.

Of course, Zhu Wen really liked Ling Xiaoying.

With Ling Xiaoying as his beautiful wife and the improvement of his treatment, Zhu Wen gradually felt a sense of belonging to the Ling clan, and everything was developing in a good direction.

Time passed slowly.

In the blink of an eye, another half a year had passed.

During this half year, the five male and female cultivators from the Ling and Wen families who were dating each other were able to get together because of the help and convenience provided by the Ling and Wen families.

This also made the relationship between the Wen and Ling families closer.

Since two years ago, the Ling family has started to recruit sons-in-law and concubines, which has also led to a surge of more than ten cultivators in the Ling family.

However, the Ling family leaders considered that these more than ten male and female cultivators who had just married into the Ling family might not have much sense of belonging to the Ling family.

They did not send these male and female cultivators to work for the family, but only arranged some simple tasks for these cultivators to temper sand and soil ores.

According to the idea of ​​the Ling family leaders, they planned to let these cultivators stay in the Ling family for a few years to see the situation.

Those who performed well would be sent to do jobs with more money.

Those who did not perform well could be used as reproductive tools.

However, Ling's move was nothing to those male and female cultivators who married into the family or joined the Ling family.

These cultivators joined the Ling family just to seek a stable life and a good monthly salary, so why not?

This also made those cultivators quickly integrate into the Ling family.

Since the sand and soil vein incident was resolved, Ling Pengxing, the Ling family's supreme elder who had been in seclusion, also successfully broke through to the third level of foundation building two months ago.

After his cultivation was stabilized, Ling Pengxing once again proposed to the clan leader Ling Yunhong that he planned to go to the Jiaomang Lake to kill the foundation building monsters to earn spirit stones.

Ling Yunhong, the clan leader of the Ling family, did not persuade him too much about this matter.

After all, Ling Pengxing's cultivation had reached the third level of foundation building, and he was a sword cultivator whose combat power was not weaker than that of ordinary mid-stage foundation building cultivators, so he had the ability to protect himself.

Furthermore, the monster rebellion had passed for several years, and the huge monster group surrounding the outer periphery of Jiaomang Lake had retreated back to the depths, so the danger of Ling Pengxing entering Jiaomang Lake to kill monsters was much smaller.

Ling Yunhong also agreed to Ling Pengxing's going to Jiaomang Lake to kill monsters.

Moreover, in order to prevent Ling Pengxing from leaving the family and encountering the hands of Luo's foundation-building cultivators on the way to Jiaomang Lake, he personally sent Ling Pengxing on the trip.

As for the Luo family, which had a feud with the Ling family two years ago because of the competition for sand and soil veins, it has not made any other big moves.

It was as if the two families had not made a feud.

However, the top leaders of the Ling family did not dare to let down their vigilance against the Luo family.

This day.

Inside the Rock Scale Snake Cave.

Ling Pengyun looked at the mature yellow bud grass in the fifteen acres of first-level middle-grade spiritual field in front of him, and his eyes were full of brilliance.

"During these three years, the second batch of yellow bud grass planted has finally matured."

"According to the agreement with the Third Ancestor, I will sell it to the family at 50% of the market price. I can earn 1,875 spirit stones from these fifteen acres of yellow bud grass."

"In addition, the spirit stones I earned from refining magic tools in my storage bag in the past two years, and the 500 spirit stones I earned from selling the blood and flesh of a thousand kilograms of foundation-building monsters to Fairy Yan, there are nearly 3,000 spirit stones."

"In six or seven years, I can get two more batches of these fifteen acres of yellow bud grass, and I can also get a batch of the first-grade green spirit grass planted in the fifteen acres of first-grade spiritual fields."

"By then, relying on this With the three batches of spiritual plants and the spiritual stones I earn from refining magic tools in the future, I should be able to collect the eight thousand spiritual stones I need to pay for the eighty kilograms of Xuanyuan heavy iron in the hands of Wu Yan's brother-in-law. "

"However, according to the current financial situation of the family, it is estimated that it will be difficult to help me buy the Xuanyuan heavy iron, and the other eight thousand spiritual stones."

"The other half of the eight thousand spiritual stones, I can only find a way by myself."

"Fortunately, there is this treasure land. My spiritual plant has broken through to the second level. It is not difficult to earn spiritual stones. At most, I should be able to collect this amount of spiritual stones in fifteen years."

Now, the spiritual plants planted in the large spiritual field of the snake cave were all planted three years ago after the end of the monster rebellion.

And the fifteen acres of yellow bud grass can only mature once in three years, but because Ling Pengyun's spiritual plant has entered the second level, the yellow bud grass that matures once in three years can also reach two harvests in three years with the help of Ling Pengyun's spiritual plant secret method.

Except for the first batch of mature yellow bud grass, all were handed over to Yang and the family.

Ling Pengyun had already agreed with the family to keep the second batch of mature yellow bud grass for himself, and sold it to the family at 50% of the price without telling Yang.

This was because the 15 acres of yellow bud grass was a large amount.

Moreover, he also needed the family as a channel. After selling the yellow bud grass, the family would also have a share of the spiritual veins here.

The family was reasonable and could share part of the benefits.

Yang, who also owned the share of the second-level spiritual vein under this treasure land, had no idea that his spiritual plant had broken through to the second level, and did not expect that Ling Pengyun could take advantage of the loophole and find a good way to earn spiritual stones by spending wool.

As for this treasure land, there are two main factors for earning so many spiritual stones.

First, there is a second-level spiritual vein under this treasure land. As a foundation-building family, the Ling family only has this one. Generally, there are only five or six in a county, which is rare in the world.

Second, it is because Ling Pengyun is a second-level spiritual plant husband.

After a moment of joy, Ling Pengyun also stepped into the fifteen acres of first-grade medium-quality yellow bud grass and carefully picked the fifteen acres of mature yellow bud grass.

It took several hours to pick all the yellow bud grass and put them into the soul-locking jade boxes that could prevent the leakage of spiritual energy.

Ling Pengyun also took out some yellow bud grass seeds from the storage bag and planted them one by one in the fifteen acres of empty first-grade medium-quality spiritual fields.

He also performed the cloud and rain technique to rain down drops of spiritual rain to water the seeds that had just been planted in the soil to grow faster.

After doing this, Ling Pengyun stopped, walked out of the spiritual field area, and sat cross-legged on a cushion on the ground.

He closed his eyes tightly, practiced the skills to absorb the spiritual energy here, and restored the spiritual power consumed by watering the spiritual plants here, and then he opened his eyes.

As usual, he took out the seeds of Qiuyun Spiritual Rice and Qingyu Spiritual Rice from the storage bag, quickly pinched his fingers, and used the secret method that could stably improve the seeds of Qiuyun Spiritual Rice and Qingyu Spiritual Rice, and injected them into the two seeds respectively to strengthen the Yimu power in the two seeds.

After making preparations for improving the spiritual rice, Ling Pengyun also condensed two spiritual power seals with the pure wood spiritual power in his body and injected them into the two spiritual rice seeds respectively.

Then, Ling Pengyun relied on his spiritual consciousness to mobilize the Yimu essence in the body of Qiuyun Spiritual Rice and injected it into the body of the Qingyu Spiritual Rice seed.

However, the Yimu essence in the body of Qiuyun Spiritual Rice was rejected by the Yimu essence in the body of Qingyu Spiritual Rice as soon as it entered the Qingyu Spiritual Rice seed.

The Qingyu Spiritual Rice seed also had cracks on the surface of the seed due to the conflict between the two Yimu essences in its body.

Ling Pengyun had already expected this scene.

He first relied on it and injected the huge amount of pure wood spirit power into the seed to repair the cracks on the surface of the jade rice seed.

Then, he called out the thorn vines, the spiritual plant of his life, which was attached to the dantian.

The thorn vines received Ling Pengyun's signal and quickly transferred a trace of Yimu essence into the jade rice seed.

Under the soothing of the Yimu essence transferred by the thorn vines, the two conflicting Yimu essences in the jade rice seed gradually calmed down.

Ling Pengyun also seized this opportunity and relied on his spiritual consciousness to control the Yimu essences of the two different rice seeds to merge together.

In the middle, although the two Yimu essences had some small repulsion, they did not cause much trouble.

About half an incense stick later, the two Yimu essences also merged into one under Ling Pengyun's control.

The jade rice seed glowed green, and the Yimu essence in the seed also underwent a transformation at this moment.

When the transformation stopped, the color of the surface of the seed also turned green.

Seeing this scene, Ling Pengyun mobilized his spiritual sense and scanned the green seed. He found that although the Yi wood essence in the seed was still a little unstable, it was not a big deal. His expression suddenly became overjoyed.

"After more than ten years, I finally improved a new spiritual rice seed based on Qiuyun Spiritual Rice and Qingyu Spiritual Rice seeds."

"Today is a double happiness."

"The second batch of yellow bud grass matured, and a new spiritual rice was improved at the same time."

"Judging from the aura of this spiritual rice seed, it should be the same as the Qiuyun Spiritual Rice and Qingyu Spiritual Rice seeds that improved this spiritual rice seed. The spiritual rice grown from the seeds is in the realm of the first-order lower grade."

Thinking back, Ling Pengyun quickly relied on some of the extra spiritual energy in the Rock Scale Snake Cave to open up a millstone-sized spiritual field, buried the newly improved green seed in the small spiritual field, and carefully cultivated it.

About a month later, Ling Yunhong, who had agreed with Ling Pengyun to take the second batch of yellow bud grass that matured in the snake cave, arrived on time.

After Ling Yunhong took the batch of yellow bud grass away, he left two thousand spirit stones for Ling Pengyun, and handed over the six spirit gathering pills that the family would provide this year to Ling Pengyun, and then hurriedly left here and returned to the family.

In order to refine the batch of yellow bud grass into pills as soon as possible, so as to sell them and earn spirit stones.

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