Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 282 Qingyun Spiritual Rice Qingyun Secret Method (4100 words, please subscribe)

Five months later.

This day, early morning.

After a night of cultivation, Ling Pengyun, who had just woken up, watered the spiritual plants planted in the 35-acre spiritual field deep in the snake cave with a wave of spiritual rain as usual, and then walked directly to the outside of the large spiritual field, next to a spiritual field the size of a millstone.

In this spiritual field the size of a millstone, there was only a three-foot-high green spiritual rice planted.

Ling Pengyun still pinched his fingers and performed a cloud and rain technique as before, and a small cloud appeared above the spiritual field the size of a millstone.

The cloud flashed with spiritual light, and drops of spiritual rain immediately fell on the green spiritual rice.

Under the nourishment of the spiritual rain, the figure of the green spiritual rice was raised again, and the spiritual energy contained in the spiritual grains on the rice ears also increased a little.

After a while, when the spiritual rain was about to stop, the green spiritual rice suddenly flashed with spiritual light, exuding the aura of a first-level low-grade spiritual plant.

Ling Pengyun was delighted to see the spiritual rice change.

"I thought it would take a few days for this new spiritual rice to mature."

"I didn't expect that this spiritual rice would mature today."

This three-foot-tall green spiritual rice was the new spiritual rice seed that Ling Pengyun improved six months ago based on the seeds of Qiuyun Spiritual Rice and Qingyu Spiritual Rice.

And this new spiritual rice, which originally took a year to mature, can be matured in nearly half the time, also because of the help of Ling Pengyun, a second-level spiritual plant husband.

After waiting for a while, Ling Pengyun calmed down.

He looked at the fifty-five green spiritual grains on the newly mature green new spiritual rice ears.

When he felt that the spiritual energy contained in these spiritual grains was not weaker than that of the family's Qingyu Spiritual Rice, he was overjoyed.

"The spiritual rice in this green spiritual valley has perfectly inherited the advantages of both the green jade spiritual rice and the autumn cloud spiritual rice."

"The spiritual energy contained in the spiritual rice is comparable to the green jade spiritual rice. Although the output is not as good as the autumn cloud spiritual rice, it is not much worse, and it is much better than the output of the green jade spiritual rice."

"In general, this spiritual rice is better than the family's signature first-grade low-grade green jade spiritual rice."

"If the output of this green spiritual rice ancestor is based on the output, it is probably no problem to produce more than 1,200 kilograms per mu."

"Even without the help of the spiritual plant husband, there should be no problem to produce 1,000 kilograms per mu."

" Judging from this new green spiritual rice, it is already a high-quality spiritual rice, and it is also the best choice among the high-quality spiritual rice. "

"The Jade Spiritual Rice is already ranked in the top five among the first-grade lower-grade spiritual rice planted by major forces in the entire Bailingmen territory."

"Now, this new green spiritual rice, which has a higher yield than the Jade Spiritual Rice, is probably only lower than the first-grade lower-grade Yuehua Spiritual Rice unique to Bailingmen."

The yield of Jade Spiritual Rice per mu is about 700 to 800 kilograms. If a spiritual plant husband uses the spiritual plant secret method to bless it, the yield per mu can be increased to 900 kilograms or even 1,000 kilograms.

Yuehua Spiritual Rice is a very famous spiritual rice in the Bailingmen territory. The spiritual rice produced by this spiritual rice, whether in terms of the richness of spiritual energy or the yield, is far more than that of Jade Spiritual Rice by 20 to 30%. It was improved by a master of the Spiritual Plant Hall of Bailingmen hundreds of years ago.

The smile on Ling Pengyun's face became even brighter, and he even laughed out loud.

Improving a new type of excellent spiritual rice is a lifelong wish of a spiritual plant husband.

What's more, the new spiritual rice improved by Ling Pengyun this time is much better than the green jade spiritual rice improved by Ling's ancestors.

Just talking about this new type of spiritual rice of the first grade, Ling Pengyun's achievement in improving spiritual rice, among the spiritual plant husbands alive in the entire Bailingmen territory, there are definitely no more than three spiritual plant husbands who can surpass him.

Of course, this is just the achievement of improving spiritual rice.

If we talk about the grade of spiritual plants, there are many spiritual plant husbands who surpass him, if not dozens, there are at least ten.

But even so, Ling Pengyun is satisfied.

After he was ecstatic for more than ten breaths, he calmed down.

"This new spiritual rice has a value far exceeding that of the green jade spiritual rice. It can be kept in the family to replace the green jade spiritual rice planted in the first-level low-grade spiritual fields in various parts of the family."

"In this way, the family's income from the spiritual rice can be increased, and the financial income can be gradually increased, which will benefit the cultivators of my family."

"However, the only disadvantage of handing over this spiritual rice to the family is that it is difficult to make me rich in a short period of time."

"This spiritual rice is a top-quality spiritual rice with extraordinary value. Judging from the current financial situation of the family, it is probably difficult to come up with a huge amount of spiritual stones to buy this spiritual rice."

"Nine out of ten, the family will slowly pay me a reward for improving this spiritual rice."

"Fortunately, with my current level of spiritual planting, plus this precious land, the speed of earning spiritual stones is not slow, and I am not particularly short of spiritual stones. The disadvantages of selling this new spiritual rice to the family are not particularly serious to me."

Ling Pengyun has been trying to improve spiritual rice in recent years, in addition to wanting to improve a new type of high-quality spiritual rice.

He wanted to earn spirit stones and improve his cultivation by improving the spirit rice.

As for selling this new spirit rice, which is more effective than the green jade spirit rice, to the outside world, Ling Pengyun never thought about it.

Good things should naturally be kept by one's own people. Only good spirit rice like Qiuyun Spirit Rice, which the family can't use, is the most suitable for sale.

Moreover, he handed over this new spirit rice to the family, but the family paid the reward a little slower, and the family did not give no reward.

He is a member of the Ling family. He has taken a lot of spiritual objects from the family over the years, so it is his duty to give back to the family.

"This new spiritual rice is improved based on the Qingyu spiritual rice and Qiuyun spiritual rice. The main body of this spiritual rice is green, so it is named after the green and the word Yun at the end of my name."

"Name it Qingyun spiritual rice, four characters."

"In the future, if I improve spiritual rice, I can name it Yun series spiritual rice."

After naming this new spiritual rice, Ling Pengyun also cheered up and used the spiritual plant secret method to condense a seal and hit it into the body of the mature Qingyun spiritual rice in front of him.

Relying on the spiritual plant secret method, he felt the essence of Yimu in the body of the Qingyun spiritual rice ancestor.

Combined with the vague and inexplicable feeling when he successfully improved the Qingyun spiritual rice ancestor seed six months ago, he tried to create a secret method that can use Qiuyun spiritual rice seeds and Qingyu spiritual rice seeds to stably improve this spiritual rice seed.

Any improved spiritual rice needs a secret method that can be improved stably to improve it on a large scale.

Otherwise, Ling Pengyun would succeed only once after thousands or tens of thousands of times with Qiuyun spiritual rice and Qingyu spiritual rice seeds. It would be impossible to mass-produce the new Qingyun spiritual rice improved this time.

Of course, not everyone can create this method to improve it.

The key to creating this method is the vague and inexplicable feeling when you need to successfully improve the new spiritual rice seeds.

Without this special feeling as a guide, even if Yuanying Zhenjun gets the ancestor of Qingyun spiritual rice, it is difficult to create a method that can stably improve Qingyun spiritual rice seeds.

Ling Pengyun also relies on this special feeling, as well as the stable Yimu power in the mature Qingyun spiritual rice as a reference, and the experience of creating a stable method to improve Qiuyun spiritual rice in his early years.

However, in just three days, he easily created a method that can stably rely on Qiuyun Spiritual Rice and Qingyu Spiritual Rice seeds to improve Qingyun Spiritual Rice seeds.

And this method was also named Qingyun Secret Method by Ling Pengyun.

Once the method was completed, Ling Pengyun also used a lot of Qiuyun Spiritual Rice and Qingyu Spiritual Rice seeds to try the effect of Qingyun Method.

When they successfully improved Qingyun Spiritual Rice seeds, and the Yimu essence in the Qingyun Spiritual Rice seeds improved by this method was more solid than the Yimu essence in the Qingyun Spiritual Rice Ancestor, Ling Pengyun was relieved.

The Qingyun Spiritual Rice Ancestor has been growing for six months, and he has not dared to leave the side of the Qingyun Spiritual Rice Ancestor at will.

In order to prevent the Yimu essence in the Qingyun Spiritual Rice Ancestor, which was not completely stable in the growth process, from rioting and causing its body to explode.

Thinking back, Ling Pengyun relied on hundreds of spiritual stones on his body to open up an acre of first-level low-grade spiritual field deep in the snake cave.

Afterwards, he used the newly created Qingyun Secret Method to improve the Qingyun Spiritual Rice seeds that could be planted in one acre of land, and planted them in the lower-grade spiritual field.

He also used the Cloud and Rain Technique to summon a large cloud, which rained down drops of spiritual rain to irrigate the one acre of Qingyun Spiritual Rice seeds that had just been planted.

Previously, he only estimated the yield of Qingyun Spiritual Rice per acre based on the yield of the Qingyun Spiritual Rice Ancestor.

Therefore, he did not dare to guarantee the exact yield of Qingyun Spiritual Rice per acre.

This is how he experimented.

When the one acre of Qingyun Spiritual Rice matures, he is also confident that he can report the matter of Qingyun Spiritual Rice to the family.

After all, if he directly informed the family of this matter, and the yield of Qingyun Spiritual Rice per acre did not meet expectations, it would be a false joy.

After this matter was done, Ling Pengyun looked at the one acre of Qingyun Spiritual Rice in front of him, and a bit of expectation flashed in his eyes.

"The Qingyun Spiritual Rice seeds improved by the Qingyun Method have Yimu essence in their bodies that is much stronger than the Qingyun Spiritual Rice ancestor, which is comparable to the spiritual rice found."

"During the growth process of this acre of Qingyun Spiritual Rice seeds, there should be no accidents, and it can grow normally like ordinary spiritual rice."

"I should also go to Tuyuan Market. In the past six months, the batch of magic tools I have refined have been sent to the Lingxiao Treasure Pavilion run by the Tenth Ancestor."

"By the way, I can also rely on that batch of magic tools to earn some spiritual stones."

Thinking back, Ling Pengyun also stepped out of this spiritual field area and sat cross-legged in a place with rich spiritual energy deep in the snake cave, closing his eyes to practice the skills and restore the spiritual power of the dantian.

After a day of rest, the next morning.

Ling Pengyun absorbed a breath of the power of the early sun and watered the spiritual plants planted in the spiritual fields in the snake cave after a spiritual rain.

He called the crane king of the early stage of foundation building, which had been sleeping and cultivating in the corner of the snake cave for many years, and rode the crane to fly away from the snake cave.

After several hours and thousands of miles of long journey, Ling Pengyun finally arrived at the destination of this trip, "Tuyuan Market".

After registering on the roster in the hands of the Bailingmen foundation building cultivator stationed on the wall of the market, he successfully entered the market.

However, at this time, the number of cultivators in the Tuyuan Market was nearly half more than before.

In the huge market, at least four or five hundred Qi training cultivators can be seen.

This situation made Ling Pengyun a little confused.

Generally, the flow of cultivators in the major markets will not fluctuate too much.

If the flow of people increases dramatically or decreases, there must be a reason.

Ling Pengyun thought about it carefully and remembered that five months ago, the Tuyuan Market held an auction every three years.

"I think there were a lot of good things in the auction at Tuyuan Market five months ago."

"Otherwise, it would be difficult to attract so many cultivators here."

"And those cultivators from all over the country who have not left Tuyuan Market, most likely came to Tuyuan Market once, intending to sneak into Jiaomang Lake to kill monsters and earn some spirit stones."

Ling Pengyun, standing on the avenue, guessed.

Just when he was distracted, a female cultivator's voice with a little joy came from the entrance of the market behind him.

"Fellow Daoist Ling."

Ling Pengyun heard the call and turned his head to see that there were two women and three men, a total of five cultivators with foundation-building pressure and wearing Bailingmen Taoist robes. After registering with the Bailingmen foundation-building cultivator guarding the city gate on the wall of the market, they jumped onto the avenue and walked towards him.

And one of the two women and three men, a beautiful female cultivator, was Ling Pengyun's acquaintance, the granddaughter of "Yan Cang", the head of the Bailingmen Lingzhi Hall.

A year ago, Yan Siyi was only at the second level of foundation building.

But now, Yan Siyi's aura has reached the peak of the third level of foundation building, and is about to enter the fourth level of foundation building.

Ling Pengyun's expression changed slightly when he saw this, but thinking that Yan Siyi had the support of Yan Cang, it was normal for her to improve so quickly.

After thinking back, Ling Pengyun looked at the other four people beside Yan Siyi and saw that they were all in a bit of a mess, and the Taoist robes they wore were a bit damaged. One of them even had a disordered aura and a pale face, as if he was seriously injured.

In addition, Yan Siyi and her group had just entered the market.

Ling Pengyun guessed a little about the general situation of Yan Siyi and her group.

Nine out of ten, Yan Siyi and her group had just returned from the Jiaomang Lake, and they probably didn't get much benefit from their trip to Jiaomang Lake.

As soon as this thought came out, Ling Pengyun frowned.

"Fairy Xiao, you are not in Bailingmen, why are you here? Does Senior Yan know about this?"

Yan Siyi's grandfather Yan Cang has done him a favor. This time, he was able to improve Qingyun Spiritual Rice, not less than 30%, but at least 10% of the credit came from Yan Cang.

If it weren't for Yan Cang's generous teaching when he discussed Taoism with him a year ago, it would probably take a very long time for him to improve Qingyun Spiritual Rice, a superior quality spiritual rice.

Under such circumstances, he also regarded Yan Cang as an elder.

Yan Siyi, a female cultivator who only nodded to Ling Pengyun, was therefore regarded as a peer with some relationship in Ling Pengyun's eyes.

Now, Yan Siyi, who was only at the third level of foundation building, left Bailingmen and entered the Jiaomang Lake to hunt monsters, which really worried Ling Pengyun.

He knew that Yan Cang had only Yan Siyi as a descendant, and he didn't want to see Yan Cang's last bloodline destroyed by the monsters in the Jiaomang Lake.

Thanks to: Feifei Feiyu and Yijian Renxiaoyao for their monthly tickets.

Thank you all

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