Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 299: Transaction with Ling Fu Zhenren Wu Tian (4000 words, please subscribe)

After watching Yang Siling leave, Ling Pengyun felt a little uneasy, fearing that Yang Siling's father-in-law, Ling Fu Patriarch, would refuse to allow the Luo family's spiritual veins to belong to the Ling family.

Once this happens, the Ling family can only plunder the Luo family's spiritual objects after destroying the Luo family, and the benefits will be greatly reduced, which is far less cost-effective than obtaining those spiritual veins.

After waiting for about half a cup of tea, Yang Siling, who had just left, also hurried back.

"Pengyun, the father-in-law agreed to meet you, but it is still uncertain whether this matter can be accomplished." After Yang Siling said this, he sent another voice transmission.

"If you want to succeed, it's best to give more sand and soil ore. The sect has a big gap in spiritual iron."

Ling Pengyun's anxiety was reduced a little after hearing this.

Being able to meet Ling Fu Patriarch, at least it can be seen that Ling Fu Patriarch has no aversion to the Ling family occupying the Luo family's spiritual veins after destroying the Luo family.

No aversion means that the Ling family is not without the opportunity to obtain the Luo family's spiritual veins.

As for the second half of Yang Siling's voice transmission, it was obvious that she didn't want outsiders to hear it, or didn't want the Lingfu Patriarch, who had all-powerful means, to hear it.

After Ling Pengyun cast a grateful look at Yang Siling, he followed a small path under Yang Siling's guidance and continued to walk deeper into the Lingfu Mansion.

As they went deeper into the Lingfu Mansion, the surrounding spiritual energy became more concentrated.

Soon, the two left and came to the back mountain of the Lingfu Mansion.

This mountain is also called Lingfu Mountain. There is a cave on the top of the mountain, named Lingfu Cave Mansion. This cave is the place where Lingfu Zhenren Wu Tian practices.

When Ling Pengyun came here, he felt that the spiritual energy around him was several times more concentrated than the spiritual energy of the clan mountain, and even ten times more, and he was shocked.

"It is worthy of being the place where the Lingfu Patriarch practices." Ling Pengyun sighed secretly.

After being stunned for a while, he quickly came back to his senses and followed his cousin Yang Siling to the top of Lingfu Mountain, where there was a cave gate with a plaque with the words "Lingfu Cave Mansion".

With the arrival of the two, the cave gate quietly opened.

"Little friend Ling, come in."

A man's voice came from the cave.

Ling Pengyun had a conversation with Lingfu Patriarch during his nephew Xiao Wuhong's 100-day banquet. When he heard this, he knew it was the voice of Lingfu Patriarch.

He glanced at Yang Siling beside him, and seeing Yang Siling nodded slightly, he also stepped into the Lingfu Cave Mansion with the door open.

After he entered the cave, the open door also closed.

Yang Siling stood outside the cave gate waiting.


At the same time.

Ling Pengyun entered the Lingfu Cave Mansion, walked along the path for a while, and entered an extremely simple hall.

Although there was no luxurious decoration in this hall, there were complete seats.

The most important thing is that the spiritual energy in this living room is more than twice as rich as that in the outside world.

Wu Tian, ​​the ancestor of the spirit talisman, is now sitting on the main seat in this living room.

"Senior." Ling Pengyun saw Wu Tian and immediately bowed and saluted.

Wu Tian, ​​the ancestor of the spirit talisman, waved his hand and sent out a spiritual power. After helping Ling Pengyun who was bowing, he asked.

"Si Ling, the child, has told me what you want."

"To make a long story short, 30,000 kilograms of sand and soil ore is too little, and it is not worth it for me to let Luoxia Luo's spiritual veins reward you Ling family."

Ling Pengyun saw Wu Tian so straightforward, his expression moved slightly.

He did not waste too much time, because he thought of Yang Siling's previous voice transmission and guidance, he also said.

"Fifty thousand kilograms of first-grade high-quality sand and soil ore."

Wu Tian's expression did not change, and he still had no emotional fluctuations, and said.

"Although my Bailing Sect lacks spiritual iron ore, 50,000 jin of ore can only solve the current thirst of my Bailing Sect. Before long, my Bailing Sect will still lack spiritual iron ore."

"This benefit is not enough."

Ling Pengyun frowned slightly when he heard this.

50,000 jin of first-grade sand and soil ore is the limit that the Ling family can take out.

Even, this 50,000 jin of first-grade sand and soil ore also includes the ore that Luo's share of sand and soil veins will get after the Ling family destroys Luo's.

Otherwise, it would be difficult for the Ling family to take out so much sand and soil ore with their share of sand and soil veins alone.

Of course, if such an effort can be exchanged for Luo's spiritual veins, it is worth it.

"Senior, I wonder if you can tell me clearly what you want?" Ling Pengyun also saw some of Wu Tian's ancestors, as if he had something to say, so he spoke out.

"I can give you the first-level and even second-level spiritual veins of the Luo family, but I want 30% of the profits from the spiritual fields and spiritual plants planted on the spiritual veins in the Luo family's territory. The period is 100 years. After 100 years, we will settle the debt."

"In addition, do things for me when necessary."

Seeing Ling Pengyun asking, Wu Tian no longer concealed his thoughts and spoke.

Ling Pengyun frowned even more when he heard Wu Tian's harsh request.

The Luo family's territory is richer than the Ling family's territory. There are more than 20 first-level spiritual veins, which are enough to open up nearly 100 to 150 acres of first-level spiritual fields.

These spiritual fields can be planted with spiritual plants, and at least 3,000 to 4,000 spiritual stones can be obtained every year.

Give 30% of the profits to Wu Tian, ​​at least 1,000 spiritual stones every year, 10,000 spiritual stones in 10 years, and 100,000 spiritual stones in 100 years.

In addition, the 50,000 kilograms of first-level high-quality sand and soil ore worth 50,000 spiritual stones.

This time, asking the Lingfu Patriarch to do something for him would cost a total of 150,000 spirit stones.

Although it was not all given at once, Ling Pengyun still felt very distressed.

This amount of spiritual stones was extremely huge for the Ling family, and Ling Pengyun did not dare to agree to it easily, after all, the Ling family was not decided by him alone.

As for the fact that the Luo family's spiritual fields planted spiritual plants, it was normal to get so many spiritual stones every year. Basically, all the major foundation-building families did so.

The benefits of planting spiritual plants were an important source of income for each family.

As for the fact that planting spiritual plants could bring such a large profit, it was also because the offerings to the clan members were not included.

If the offerings to the clan members were included, it would probably not be enough to earn spiritual stones from planting spiritual plants every year.

This is why every foundation-building clan needs to master a hundred arts, otherwise it will always be in deficit.

And the income from spiritual plants can only be regarded as the cash flow of a foundation-building clan, not the real income.

As the saying goes, if the annual income of a foundation-building family is one-tenth of the annual cash flow, it can be considered rich.

"I can agree to Luo's spiritual vein planting 30% of the spiritual plants, but it's really too much for the senior to ask me to do something. I wonder if I have the opportunity to refuse if what the senior wants us to do is too dangerous?"

After a moment of hesitation, Ling Pengyun made up his mind.

"Don't worry, I won't let you die. I'm still waiting for your Ling family to take over the spiritual plants after Luo's."

"I don't lack people in Bailing Sect. As long as I respond, I can mobilize nearly half of the foundation-building cultivators in the entire sect. Why should your Ling family work for me?"

"It's just that when necessary, I will need your Ling family to help me with some small things."

Seeing Ling Pengyun agreed to his proposal so quickly, Wu Tian couldn't help but look up to Ling Pengyun in his heart, and he followed suit.

Hearing this, Ling Pengyun felt much more at ease.

"Thank you for your help, senior." Ling Pengyun thanked.

"It's a small matter. I heard that you are close to Yan Cang, the head of the Lingzhi Hall of Bailing Sect. Is this true?" Wu Tian said.

"I have discussed Taoism with Senior Yan Cang several times. I wonder what you are asking about?" Ling Pengyun's expression moved slightly. He did not dare to hide it and told the truth.

"It's okay. Yan Cang has never liked to make friends with others. You can catch Yan Cang's eye. I think you have a very good talent in spiritual plants."

"If you want to leave your family and join Bailing Sect, I can recommend you to be the deputy head of the Lingzhi Hall. If you have made some achievements, when Yan Cang's lifespan is exhausted and he abdicates, it is not impossible for you to take over Yan Cang's position."

"My friend, I wonder if you are interested in this matter?" Wu Tian said with a smile.

Ling Pengyun was quite interested in this matter.

You know, even if the position of deputy head of the Lingzhi Hall of Bailing Sect is only the position of deputy head, it can be regarded as a high-level person below the Jindan level of Bailing Sect.

Needless to say, the status of the clan is high, and there is a lot of money to be made.

But he relies on the family, and he is not a female cultivator, but a family member. The family also helped him with the spiritual objects for building the foundation. Since he entered the foundation building stage, the clan leader Ling Yunhong has never given him less second-level elixirs.

Under such circumstances, Ling Pengyun's desire was immediately suppressed.

If he agrees to this, he will be a person who forgets his roots.

As for Wu Tian, ​​he suddenly gave such a huge profit. Ling Pengyun also guessed something based on Wu Tian's greed.

"Thank you for your appreciation, senior, but I know my ability, I am afraid it is difficult to take on this task." Although Ling Pengyun refused, he said apologetically to avoid Wu Tian's intention.

"Since you don't want to, I won't force you. This is the second-level top-grade array-breaking talisman you requested this time. I will handle the matter of the Luo family's spiritual vein for you, Ling family. Leave."

Seeing Ling Pengyun's refusal, Wu Tian said nothing more. He took out a talisman from his storage bag and handed it to Ling Pengyun, waving his hand.

After Ling Pengyun took the array-breaking talisman, he thanked him and didn't dare to delay Wu Tian too much. After bowing to him, he turned around and followed the cave path and left the cave.

And Wu Tian, ​​who was still sitting on the main seat in the hall, looked at Ling Pengyun's back, but revealed a hint of deep meaning.

"Si Ling, this relative, has a good character and is valued by Yan Cang. His spiritual plant talent is at least one level stronger than those rubbish in the Spirit Plant Hall."

"It's a pity that this person didn't join the sect. Otherwise, relying on his spiritual plant talent and my support, it shouldn't be difficult for him to serve as the head of our sect's Spirit Plant Hall."

"In the future, I can also use his hand to make some money from the spiritual plant garden with a large number of spiritual fields in the sect."

"Under such circumstances, I will buy the spiritual stones needed for Xiao Hong to break through the golden elixir spiritual objects, and I can raise them faster."

"What a pity."

The "Xiao Hong" mentioned by Wu Tian is naturally Yang Si Ling's only son Wu Hong, who has the wind spiritual root.

In Wu Tian's mind, it is completely no problem for his precious grandson Wu Hong to reach the perfect state of foundation building before the best age of 150 to break through the golden elixir.

And Wu Hong can also have the opportunity to break through the golden elixir. If there is a golden elixir spiritual object to help him, Wu Hong's chance of breaking through the golden elixir will be a little greater.

Wu Tian was excited when he thought about the matter of two golden elixirs in one sect.

However, the price of spiritual objects that assist cultivators in breaking through the golden elixir is extremely expensive.

This is why Wu Tian has been looking for profitable things and saving spiritual stones since the birth of Wu Tian's precious grandson Wu Hong and learned that his spiritual root is the wind spiritual root.

This time when he returned to Bailing Sect from Tuyuan Market, he was asked by Bailing Sect Master Bailing Zhenren to watch over Lingzhen Zhenren in exchange for a third-level low-grade defensive magic weapon.

To prevent the spirit formation masters who intend to leave the sect from causing chaos in the sect.


Outside the spirit talisman cave.

Yang Siling saw Ling Pengyun walking out of the cave with a bit of joy on his face, and immediately asked.

"Pengyun, have you completed the matter of breaking the formation talisman and the spirit vein?"

"Both things are done, and I have to thank you for this, cousin." Ling Pengyun replied with a smile, took out a bulging storage bag from his arms, handed it to Yang Siling, and introduced it.

"Cousin, I know that you are not short of spiritual objects. The storage bag contains some worthless food, such as blue moon spirit fish, pine flower spirit chicken, green spirit bamboo shoots and other delicacies. I hope you don't dislike it."

These spiritual objects were specially prepared by Ling Pengyun when he came to Bailingmen, including the ten kilograms of first-grade medium-quality fruit flower honey that he had given to his nephew Wu Hong before, which was actually specially prepared.

To my nephew Xiao Wuhong, saying that they came in a hurry was just a rhetoric.

Of course, this was just to deceive Xiao Wuhong. Yang Siling and others were all experienced people and knew these rhetoric.

The Ling family had a weak foundation, and Yang Siling had the support of Jindan Zhenren, so they had no shortage of spiritual objects.

The Ling family was just an ordinary foundation-building family, and they couldn't afford to give the things that would make Yang Siling, the daughter-in-law of Jindan, look at them differently. They could only choose some things with their hearts to thank Yang Siling for helping to connect with the spiritual talisman ancestor Wu Tian.

Yang Siling heard what Ling Pengyun meant.

Although the gift Ling Pengyun sent was small, even not worth a thousand spiritual stones, the taste of these food was really good. In the past, Ling Pengyun would bring these spiritual objects when he came to Bailingmen, and Yang Siling had tasted them before.

Especially the delicious blue moon spiritual fish, Yang Siling loved it very much.

However, this fish is extremely rare. Even within the Bailing Sect, there is no such fish. Only the Ling family has one.

Yang Siling's foundation was destroyed because of giving birth to Wu Hong. With the support of Jindan Zhenren Wu Tian, ​​she does not need to worry about spiritual objects at all. Instead, she likes these delicious food.

Now Yang Siling, who has no way to the Tao, focuses on enjoying.

She is also very satisfied with the gift sent by Ling Pengyun this time.

"Pengyun, you are thoughtful." Yang Siling took the storage bag with a smile.

"It's almost time for lunch. Can we have lunch together?"

"Of course." Ling Pengyun said.

Then, he and Yang Siling left this place together and returned to the Lingfu Mansion. They called Yang Qiuyun, Zhao Hong'e, and Wu Hong to have lunch together.

While eating and chatting, Ling Pengyun also learned from Yang Siling that her brother-in-law Wu Yan was in seclusion to break through the late stage of foundation building.

Ling Pengyun was in a hurry to return to Luoxia Mountain, the mountain of the Luo clan, so after lunch, he said goodbye to the elders and left.

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