Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 300 The Siege of Luo's Family (4000 words, please subscribe)

A dozen days later.

Ling Pengyun rode on the Fairy Crane King, crossed hundreds of thousands of miles, and landed on the top of a barren mountain three miles away from Luoxia Mountain, the Luo clan’s mountain.

As soon as he landed on the top of the mountain, the clan leader Ling Yunhong and Ling Pengxing, who had been staying here, came to meet him.

“Pengyun, have you finished the formation-breaking talisman and the Luo clan’s spiritual veins?”

Clan leader Ling Yunhong looked at Ling Pengyun, who had just jumped off the Fairy Crane King, with a look of expectation, and asked.

"Third Ancestor, although this matter has been accomplished, the price paid for these two things is far beyond our estimation."

"Not only does Ling Fu Zhenren want 50,000 jin of first-grade high-quality sand and soil ore, but he also wants three-tenths of the spiritual plants planted by my Ling family on the spiritual veins of the Luo family in the future, which will last for a hundred years."

"In addition, my clan still needs to work for Ling Fu Zhenren, but Ling Fu Zhenren is not too harsh on this matter. He has promised Luo Yu that if it is too dangerous, my clan can refuse it."

Ling Pengyun waved his hand and patted the storage bag on his waist, took out the second-grade high-quality breaking array talisman given by Ling Fu Zhenren Wu Tian, ​​handed it to Ling Yunhong, and spoke carefully.

Clan leader Ling Yunhong raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard this.

He is the head of the clan, although he rarely handles clan affairs on weekdays.

But he probably guessed a little about the price Ling Pengyun mentioned.

However, these prices are within his acceptable range.

As long as the Luo family can be destroyed, the family will occupy the spiritual veins of the Luo family in the future, and the spiritual plants planted will still have a 70% share, and the family can still get a lot of benefits.

"The price paid for this matter is acceptable. A hundred years is not a long time for a foundation-building family like us that can last at least a hundred years. It's nothing more than that our Ling family will earn less within a hundred years."

"Pengyun, you did a good job on this matter." After Ling Yunhong praised first, he looked at the array-breaking talisman in his hand, his eyes flickered slightly, and said with a smile.

"With the help of this talisman, the mountain-protecting magic array of Luoxia Mountain, which is only the second-level middle-grade, will be like nothing. Luo Minghui is the only foundation-building person left in the Luo family, and he is not our opponent. This time we will definitely destroy the Luo family in one fell swoop."

"Pengyun, you are very tired after rushing back from Bailingmen, so you should rest for a night and attack Luoxia Mountain tomorrow."

"Third Ancestor, are the side effects of the explosive spirit pill over?" Ling Pengyun asked.

"A few days ago, the side effects of the Explosive Spirit Pill ended." Ling Yunhong said.

"That's good. With you in charge of destroying the Luo family, there will be less trouble."

"By the way, Third Ancestor, did anything happen when my clan and the Huxiao Liu family jointly besieged the low-level spirit veins of the Luo family?"

Hearing this, Ling Pengyun felt relieved. Although the key to destroying the Luo family is the formation-breaking talisman, if Ling Yunhong's strength has not recovered, it will be extremely difficult to kill Luo Minghui of the Luo family and then destroy the Luo family.

Then, Ling Pengyun asked about another concern in his heart.

"Nothing has happened. Fortunately, I listened to your and Pengxing's opinions and set off directly to form an alliance with the Huxiao Liu family."

"Relying on the manpower of the Huxiao Liu family, we besieged the Luo family monks stationed on the low-level spiritual veins in time."

"With the arrival of our clan's Qi training monks, the more than 20 low-level spiritual veins in the Luo family's territory are constantly falling under the joint attack of our clan and Liu's Qi training monks."

"I'm afraid that in less than ten days, the Qi training monks of our clan and Liu's clan will be able to capture all those low-level spiritual veins."

"As for the Luo family monks in various towns and markets, Liu Daozhou, the head of the Liu family, and I sent people to send messages to the clan members in the same town and market to monitor them directly. Once those Luo family Qi training monks leave the town and market, they will be killed directly."

"After all, fighting is not allowed in the town and market." Ling Yunhong said with a smile.

"This is a good thing. As long as the remnants of the Luo family are destroyed, after the Ling family destroys the Luo family, we can grow stronger without any worries." Ling Pengyun said with a smile when he heard the good news.

"Not bad." Ling Yunhong agreed.

Afterwards, Ling Pengyun chatted with Ling Yunhong and Ling Pengxing for a few more words before they dispersed.

The next day, early morning.

For nearly a month, Liu Daozhou, the head of the Tiger Roar Liu family, and the Flame Cloud Tiger, the guardian spirit beast of the Tiger Roar Liu family, who had surrounded Luoxia Mountain, formed an encirclement with the Ling family. After receiving Ling Yunhong's message, they learned that Ling Pengyun, who went to Bailingmen to find the Breaking Array Talisman, had returned, and immediately rushed to the barren mountain where Ling Pengyun and others were.

"Chief Ling, the Breaking Array Talisman was really found." Liu Daozhou saw that Ling Pengyun had indeed returned, and his eyes suddenly showed expectation, looking at Ling Yunhong and asking.

Ling Yunhong did not hesitate, and took out the second-level superior Breaking Array Talisman from the storage bag.

Liu Daozhou, the head of the Liu clan, took a look at the talisman. When he saw that it was really a formation-breaking talisman, he immediately showed joy on his face.

His Liu clan and the Luo clan were enemies, and the two clans were adjacent to each other. Since the Bailing Sect finished developing Jiaozhou, the Luo clan had been bullying the Liu clan.

What made Liu Daozhou even more angry was that in recent years, the Luo clan's Qi-training cultivators had disguised themselves as evil cultivators and killed Liu clan members.

In just a few years, ten Liu clan Qi-training cultivators died at the hands of Luo clan cultivators.

In the past, he tolerated this because the Luo clan was powerful and adjacent to the Liu clan's territory, so he didn't dare to go directly to them.

But now that the Luo clan was beaten by the Ling clan's foundation-building, only Luo Minghui was left, and the Luo clan became weak, how could he give up this good opportunity.

This was also the main purpose of his agreement to form an alliance with the Ling clan and destroy the Luo clan.

"The wait has finally come today." Liu Daozhou was ecstatic.

Ling Yunhong saw Liu Daozhou's expression and urged.

"Fellow Daoist Liu, now that the Formation Breaking Talisman has arrived, it would be best to destroy Luo Shi quickly to avoid other incidents."

"Okay." Liu Daozhou came to his senses when he heard the call.

Afterwards, Ling Yunhong, a seventh-level foundation-building monk, led everyone to Luoxia Mountain, the Luo clan mountain three miles away.

Luoxia Mountain is now shrouded in a huge yellow light curtain. This defensive light curtain has appeared since Ling Yunhong and others besieged Luoxia Mountain a month ago.

The distance of three miles is very short for Ling Yunhong and others.

In just ten breaths, everyone rushed within one or two miles of Luoxia Mountain.

At this moment, the huge yellow light curtain in Luoxia Mountain suddenly trembled.

Immediately afterwards, a giant seal weapon several feet in size was quickly shot out from Luoxia Mountain.

Although the seal instrument is large, its flying speed is not slow at all.

But in the blink of an eye, the several-foot-long seal weapon spread across a mile and was about to hit Ling Pengyun and the others.

Ling Pengyun and others were all seasoned monks with full fighting experience. They quickly used their respective magic weapons to attack the incoming seal magic weapon.

Several magic weapons collided, and the sounds of metal and iron were heard.

The power of the seal magic weapon also appeared, with a power of thirty thousand kilograms.

"This seal magic weapon is only a second-level mid-grade magic weapon, but its power far exceeds the ordinary second-level mid-grade magic weapon. I think this seal magic weapon is the mountain-protecting magic array called the Xuantu Formation in Luo Clan Mountain. Xuantu Seal."

Ling Pengyun looked at the huge seal blocked in the air and secretly guessed.

The grade of the black earth formation is as high as the second-order mid-grade, and the grade of its formation device, the black-earth seal, is also the second-order mid-grade.

This magic weapon can absorb the power of the earth's veins to accumulate strength. It takes nine years to accumulate the power of the earth's veins before it can reach its strongest state. However, this magic seal only has the power of three strikes.

The first strike has a force of thirty thousand catties, the second strike has a force of sixty thousand catties, and the third strike has a force of ninety thousand catties.

This first blow is also the weakest blow.

Ling Pengyun and the six of them blocked it very easily with their combined efforts.

Just when the black earth seal struck Luoxia for the first time, floated into the air, and was about to charge up its strength for the second blow, nearly a hundred attacks suddenly came from the Luoxia Mountain of the Luo Clan.

Among these hundreds of attack methods, there are magic weapons and spells, all produced by the Qi-training clan members in the Luo Clan Mountain.

Ling Yunhong, the strongest among the people, frowned when he saw this, and faced the sword cultivator Ling Peng Xingdao who was using a long whip magic weapon to resist the Xuantu Seal with everyone. It was difficult for him to show his strength.

"Pengxing, you can't use your Caixia long whip to exert your strength, so you use defensive methods to block the attack from Luoxia Mountain. We will block the black earth seal."

Ling Pengxing heard the order and immediately followed it.

He waved his hand and took out a black magic shield, which he named Mo Yun Shield. He got it from killing the mid-stage foundation-building demon cultivator named "He Sha" a month ago.

As soon as the magic shield was taken out, Ling Pengxing poured a large amount of spiritual power into it, and propped up a huge dark green light curtain, covering everyone around him, including Liu Daozhou of the Tiger Roaring Liu Family, and Yan Yun who was in the middle stage of foundation building. Tiger.

Ling's Immortal Crane King is not flying in the air now, but is on the ground.

This is also to stay together and resist the attack.

Once the magic shield light screen was completed, Ling Pengxing also activated the Caixia long whip to greet the hundreds of magic attacks coming from Luoxia Mountain.

With a slight swipe of the long whip, at least a quarter of the attacks were dispersed.

Just when Ling Pengxing was about to swing his long whip again, when he was launching other attacks towards the sky, a red sword light suddenly rose from the Luoxia Mountain into the sky, and quickly bombarded the Caixia whip, directly blowing the Caixia The long whip flew several feet away.

A small wound appeared on Caixia's whip.

"Old thief Luo's second-level high-grade red fire sword." Ling Pengxing saw the powerful aura emitted by the sword light, his eyes trembled, and he said secretly.

In order to avoid the Caixia Long Whip, the only second-level attack weapon on his body, being chopped off by the red fire sword that was as high as the second-level high-grade weapon.

He quickly mobilized his consciousness and took back the Caixia whip that was knocked away.

It was precisely because of his move that the red fire sword and dozens of attacks from Luoxia Mountain were like heavy rain, falling on the dark green light curtain supported by Mo Yun Shield, creating waves.

Although the attacks from the dozens of Luo Qi Practitioners were not strong, Ling Pengxing was not afraid.

But the second-order high-grade red fire sword is very powerful. Every time the sword strikes the light curtain of Mo Yun's magic shield, the aura above the light screen of the magic shield will become dimmer.

"If this sword is allowed to hit Mo Yun's light curtain, I'm afraid that within a hundred breaths, the light curtain held up by this shield will be shattered." Ling Pengxing said secretly.

In desperation, he had no choice but to waste his spiritual power, cast his own magic, and transformed into an eight-foot-long "Gengjin Cloud-Splitting Sword" to delay the attack of the powerful Red Fire Sword.

at the same time.

The huge black earth seal in Tianqiong also gathered its strength and landed the second blow.

The force of this second blow was twice as strong as the first blow.

In addition, the hero Ling Pengxing is missing.

Ling Pengyun, Ling Yunhong, Xian Linghe King, Liu Daozhou, and Yan Yunhu found it difficult to resist.

When the third strike landed, it directly forced out the innate spells of Ling Pengyun, Ling Yunhong, and Liu Daozhou, and only then repelled it.

After this strike, the Xuantu Seal had no more power, its spiritual light dimmed, and it quickly flew back to Luoxia Mountain, so Ling Pengyun and others also got away.

"Pengyun, Xianling, Liu Daoyou, you attack the defense formation on the Luo family mountain, I will go to help Pengxing."

Ling Yunhong saw that Ling Pengxing relied on his innate spell to resist the red fire sword shot by Luo Minghui, and it consumed a lot of energy. In just a few breaths, he had to take the spirit gathering pill. He frowned and signaled.

In order to prevent Ling Pengxing from being unable to cast his innate spell to resist the powerful red fire sword, causing the sword to hit the light curtain supported by the black cloud shield and shatter the light curtain.

Ling Yunhong made a quick move, and blasted the Ice Blue Sea Flying Sword, which was emitting bursts of cold air, towards the Red Fire Flying Sword, and started fighting with it.

Ling Pengxing, who had been struggling to resist the attack of the Red Fire Flying Sword, saw Ling Yunhong coming to support him, and the pressure was immediately reduced.

At the same time, an idea came to his mind.

He waved his hand to withdraw the Gengjin Cloud-breaking Sword, which consumed a lot of spiritual power, and instead sacrificed the second-level inferior grade Caixia Long Whip that he had just put away, and waved his hand.

The Caixia Long Whip rose into the air like a long snake, and while the Red Fire Flying Sword and the Ice Blue Sea Flying Sword were fighting, it quickly climbed onto the sword body of the Red Fire Flying Sword.

Although the grade of this whip was only the second-level inferior grade, Ling Pengxing, a sword cultivator, was not good at using it.

But the material used to refine this long whip was extraordinary, and even the second-level superior grade Red Fire Flying Sword could not cut off the Caixia Long Whip in a short time and get away.

Ling Yunhong seized this good opportunity, injected more spiritual power into the Ice and Sea Flying Sword, and fiercely bombarded the Red Fire Flying Sword, knocking it directly away.

Then, he pursued the victory and beat the Red Fire Flying Sword step by step.

The flashing spiritual light of the Red Fire Flying Sword became dim, and even several small gaps appeared on the sword body.

After fighting for more than ten moves, the Red Fire Flying Sword had been severely damaged by the Sea Flying Sword, and the sword body was dim and even looked like it was about to break.

"Third Ancestor, please hold back."

Seeing this, Ling Pengxing hurriedly said to prevent Ling Yunhong's Ice and Sea Flying Sword from breaking the sword.

Hearing this, Ling Yunhong also understood what he meant, waved his hand to take back the Ice and Sea Flying Sword, and went to help Ling Pengyun and others to bombard the defense formation on the Luo clan mountain.

And Ling Pengxing still used the colorful whip wrapped around the Red Fire Flying Sword to trap it.

If the Red Fire Flying Sword was victorious, the Colorful Cloud Whip would naturally have difficulty trapping it, but the Red Fire Flying Sword had been severely damaged at this time, and its power was only about 10% or 20%.

This power is a few points weaker than the Colorful Cloud Whip.

Thanks to: Saonian's Big Knife, Zixuan Linnan, Quanta Niu, Shuyou 20221019203515676, and Fu Ruo Nianhua's monthly ticket

Thank you all

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