Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 301 The stalemate between Ling and Liu Daozhou (4000 words, please subscribe)

Ling Pengxing looked at the sword, his eyes flickering slightly.

"Although this red fire flying sword is now severely damaged, it can be handed over to the third ancestor for repair. Adding a few pounds of second-level spiritual iron to it should restore nearly half of its power."

"Although the fire attribute flying sword is incompatible with my skills, with my sword cultivation method, I should be able to barely exert the power of the flying sword. It's better than nothing. I will find a gold attribute flying sword in the future and exchange it."

After a moment of distraction, Ling Pengxing continued to use spiritual power to maintain the colorful whip to trap the red fire flying sword to prevent it from escaping.

The owner of this sword, Luo Minghui, is not dead yet, and Luo Minghui's spiritual imprint is still left in this sword. If this sword is forcibly put into the storage bag, this sword can completely destroy the storage bag and escape.

Therefore, Ling Pengxing can only wait at this moment, waiting for Ling Yunhong and others to break the defensive formation of Luoxia Mountain and kill Luo Minghui.

On the other side.

The top of Luoxia Mountain.

Luo Minghui, the only remaining foundation-building cultivator of the Luo family, saw that his only second-grade top-grade red fire flying sword was trapped by Ling Pengxing's life-saving magic weapon, the colorful long whip, which was used by his Taoist companion Li Xia when she was alive. His face was extremely dark and he was extremely angry.

But he could not change this dangerous situation.

"I am afraid that my Luo family...cannot hold on."

Luo Minghui looked at the situation outside the mountain, his eyes darkened, and he sighed helplessly.

Due to the dilemma of having no weapons available, he could only summon the small flame burning formation with only six formation flags left, forming a formation, and transforming into flames, bombarding Ling Yunhong and others who were attacking the Luoxia Mountain defense formation outside the mountain.


After several hours.

Under the continuous attack and bombardment of Ling Yunhong, Ling Pengyun, the Immortal Crane King, Liu Daozhou, the head of the Liu family, and the Liu family's guardian spirit beast Yanyunhu.

Finally, a small crack was blasted on the defensive light curtain supported by the Luo family's Luoxia Mountain protective formation.

Ling Yunhong also seized this opportunity and quickly sacrificed the second-grade superior formation-breaking talisman that Ling Pengyun had spent a lot of money to ask for from Bailingmen, and hit the crack in the huge defensive light curtain.

The formation-breaking talisman suddenly flashed with spiritual light, causing a huge spiritual energy fluctuation.

Immediately afterwards, the defensive light curtain covering the entire Hongye Mountain trembled, and the spiritual energy in the formation was frantically absorbed into the talisman by the formation-breaking talisman.

Without the support of spiritual energy, the power of the formation naturally continued to weaken.

Ling Pengyun and the other five foundation-building fighters did not hold back and launched their strongest attacks, bombarding the defensive light curtain supported by the Luoxia Mountain protective formation, causing huge waves.

Even the defensive light curtain began to shake continuously, as if the next moment, this defensive light curtain would be blown away.

Ten breaths later, the huge light curtain supported by the Luoxia Mountain Protective Array was covered with cracks, and turned into countless fragments, dissipating in this world.

The array-breaking talisman that absorbed a huge amount of spiritual energy was also difficult to maintain after the array was broken, and cracks appeared on the talisman paper.

The huge spiritual power previously absorbed by the talisman also gushed out from the cracks on the talisman paper in an instant.

The spiritual energy in Luoxia Mountain became dense again.

But even so, the Luoxia Mountain Protective Array was broken and suffered heavy damage.

Even if there is enough spiritual energy, it is difficult to open it again in a short time.

"Pengyun, follow me on the back of the Immortal Crane King and kill into Luoxia Mountain. Pengxing, you stay here to trap the second-level superior red fire sword."

Ling Yunhong, who was at the seventh level of foundation building, jumped onto the Immortal Crane King and called out.

Ling Pengyun did not dare to delay and immediately climbed onto the back of the Fairy Crane King.

The Fairy Crane King spread its wings and took the two of them up to the top of Luoxia Mountain.

Liu Daozhou, the head of the Liu family, followed closely on the Flame Cloud Tiger, the guardian spirit beast of the Liu family in the middle stage of foundation building.

Ling Pengxing still stayed at the foot of Luoxia Mountain, using the colorful whip to trap the red fire flying sword.

After a few breaths.

When everyone reached the top of Luoxia Mountain, they fought with Luo Minghui, the head of the Luo family, and more than 20 or 30 Luo family Qi training cultivators on the top of Luoxia Mountain.

Although Luo Minghui's cultivation was higher than everyone else, reaching the eighth level of foundation building, Luo Minghui's second-grade upper-grade red fire flying sword was still trapped by Ling Pengxing's colorful whip.

The natal formation flag, the small flame burning formation, was nearly half destroyed, and its power was greatly reduced, and it was difficult to exert its strength.

Under the siege of the crowd, he was killed not long after.

Not to mention the twenty or thirty Luo family Qi training cultivators, Ling Pengyun and others who were building foundations killed them with a wave of their hands.

As a result, no Luo family cultivator survived in Luoxia Mountain.

"Old thief Luo, the revenge of the past has finally been avenged."

After a loud laugh, Ling Yunhong quickly walked to the headless body of Luo Minghui, searched Luo Minghui's property, and put it in his pocket.

Seeing this, Ling Pengyun didn't care too much.

He knew Ling Yunhong's character, as long as Ling Yunhong got something, he must have a share.

But the only "outsider" here, Liu Daozhou, the head of the Liu family, was very dissatisfied when he saw Ling Yunhong swallowing Luo Minghui's property.

But he didn't dare to say much, and even had to pretend not to see it.

In order to avoid attracting the dissatisfaction of Ling Yunhong, Ling Pengyun and Xianling Hewang who are also on the top of the mountain, and causing his own death here.

Just when Ling Yunhong was collecting the property from Luo Minghui, Ling Pengxing, who had used the Caixia whip to trap the Red Fire Sword at the foot of Luoxia Mountain, also took advantage of the opportunity to put the Red Fire Sword into the storage bag because Luo Minghui died and the Red Fire Sword was left without a master. He broke away and climbed to the top of Luoxia Mountain.

At this moment, Ling Yunhong had also collected all the property from Luo Minghui.

He looked at Liu Daozhou, his expression gradually became cold, and even a hint of murderous intent emerged.

Ling Pengyun and Ling Pengxing saw the change in the expression of the clan leader Ling Yunhong, and immediately understood what Ling Yunhong meant.

The two of them moved their feet gently, forming a three-legged formation, surrounding Liu Daozhou and the Yanyunhu beside him, waiting for Ling Yunhong's signal to take action.

Liu Daozhou frowned when he saw the delicate situation.

With the strength of him and the Yanyunhu next to him, if they started fighting with Ling Yunhong and others, they would suffer a little bit.

Although he had guessed that this result would occur after destroying the Luo family when he agreed to go to war with the Ling family to destroy the Luo family.

But in order to destroy the Luo family, his enemy, as soon as possible, he had to take risks, otherwise when the Luo family turned over again in the future, his Liu family would be finished.

You know, the sand and soil vein occupied by the five families in Huaishui County was originally discovered by the Luo family, and the matter was leaked by his Liu family, causing the Luo family to miss the opportunity to monopolize the sand and soil vein worth hundreds of thousands of spiritual stones.

For this reason, the hatred between his Liu family and the Luo family has reached an extreme. If it were not for the fight to divide the interests of the sand and soil vein, the Ling family would have involved the Luo family, otherwise it would not be certain whether the Liu family would still exist at this time.

As for the fact that his Liu family spread the news that the Luo family discovered the sand and soil vein, it was also very simple. The sand and soil vein is of extraordinary value. Once the Luo family gets the sand and soil vein alone, the Luo family will become strong in a short time.

By then, it was only a matter of time before the Liu family, which was adjacent to the Luo family, was destroyed.

Of course, Liu Daozhou dared to follow Ling Yunhong and others to destroy the Luo family this time, and he also had a trump card.

Liu Daozhou did not intend to reveal this trump card, so he used the intention of forming an alliance to pressure Ling Yunhong first.

"Clan leader Ling, everyone knows that our clans have formed an alliance to destroy the Luo family, which is in collusion with the evil cultivators."

"If I die here, I'm afraid it will be easy for outsiders to guess that it was your clan that did it. After all, there is only Luo Minghui left in the Luo family who has established his foundation."

"In the future, your clan will probably also bear the bad reputation of betraying an ally."

"And if the bad reputation of betraying an ally spreads to the noble relatives Pingyun Yang and Yunwu Wen, do you think these two clans will still trust your Ling family?"

"Will anyone still go to the shops opened by your Ling family in major markets and bazaars to buy spiritual objects?"

Ling Yunhong frowned a little more when he heard this.

He was very clear about what Liu Daozhou said.

The bad reputation of destroying an ally is not much different from the crime of destroying a relative, and the trouble it brings is even greater.

It was precisely because of this concern that Ling Yunhong hesitated to take action.

But Liu Daozhou and the Yanyun Tiger here are both strong, and their cultivation is as high as the middle stage of foundation building.

And both of them have the possibility of entering a higher realm.

More importantly, now that the Luo family has been destroyed by the Ling family, the Luo family's spiritual veins will also be returned to the Ling family through Yang Siling's operation in the future.

And the Liu family's territory is adjacent to this territory, while the Ling family's clan land is thousands of miles away.

In the future, if there is any change in the foundation building combat power of the Ling family, which causes the Ling family to lose strength, I am afraid that the Liu family will take the opportunity to directly seize this piece of Luo family's territory and then strengthen themselves.

If these two are kept, it is tantamount to raising a tiger to cause trouble, which will bring disaster to the future development of the Ling family.

Moreover, now that the Luo family has been destroyed, it is also necessary to give the Liu family a share of benefits.

Thinking of this, Ling Yunhong's murderous intent in his heart became stronger.

Seeing this, Liu Daozhou's already frowned brows became even more frowned.

He had no choice but to reveal his trump card.

He opened his mouth and summoned a red magic fan from his inner elixir, holding it tightly in his hand.

This magic fan was the reason why he dared to follow Ling Yunhong to destroy the Luo family this time.

This magic fan was called the Flame Bird Magic Fan, and it was his life-long magic weapon. With the Liu family's efforts to cultivate it, the grade of this magic fan had been upgraded to the second-level middle grade, and it was not far from the second-level upper grade.

The Flame Cloud Tiger next to him, who was in the middle stage of foundation building, also supported the body protection Yuan Gang at Liu Daozhou's signal, protecting Liu Daozhou.

"Chief Ling, I know your concerns. As long as the nobles are willing, my Liu family is willing to become a relative of your Ling family, and I can also promise the nobles that within a hundred years, or even two hundred years, there will be no major conflicts with the nobles."

"I wonder if Chief Ling is satisfied with this?"

"If fellow Ling really wants to fight me, then let's try."

Liu Daozhou tightly grasped the magic fan in his hand, his heart was full of confidence, and his frowning brows also fell slightly, and he said unyieldingly.

Ling Yunhong heard the words, staring at the magic fan in Liu Daozhou's hand, feeling the breath of the magic fan, and his pupils shrank.

"A second-level medium-quality life magic fan, judging from the quality of the magic fan, it should be considered a medium-quality life magic weapon, with considerable power."

"I didn't expect that Liu Daozhou had never taken out such a big killer when he was fighting just now, and had kept it hidden until now. In the past, I underestimated this person's strength and character."

"No wonder this person dared to form an alliance with my Ling family to destroy the Luo family together."

Considering that Liu Daozhou has the second-level middle-grade life magic fan, his strength will be greatly improved. In addition, the Yanyun Tiger he sits on has entered the middle stage of foundation building for many years, and its strength is also extraordinary.

If he forces a fight with it, his own foundation building strength may be damaged.

In addition, Liu Daozhou took the initiative to make concessions and marry the Ling family, and promised that there would be no major conflict with the Ling family within two hundred years.

The matter of marriage is related to the reputation of the clan, and Ling Yunhong still believes it very much.

"Since fellow Daoist Liu is interested in marrying with my clan, I will naturally not refuse. After my clan occupies this Luo family territory in the future, I will need fellow Daoist to help me a lot." The murderous aura in Ling Yunhong's eyes quickly dissipated, and a smile appeared on his face.

Liu Daozhou saw that Ling Yunhong, the old fox, was relieved.

However, he did not let down his vigilance, in case Ling Yunhong was just talking deliberately.

However, when he heard the second half of the sentence, his expression was shocked.

Logically, it was normal for the Luo family to collude with the demon cultivators and attack the Ling family's foundation building. Now it was destroyed by the Ling family. Bailingmen would not care.

But after the Ling family destroyed the Luo family, under normal circumstances, they could only plunder the Luo family's spiritual objects.

The Luo family's spiritual veins, such a gold mountain, would be recovered by Bailingmen, so as to prevent the winning family from relying on those spiritual veins to strengthen its strength and destroy the balance between the foundation-building families.

"Fellow Daoist Ling, the Bailingmen will not recover the Luo family's spiritual veins? Instead, it will belong to your Ling family?" Liu Daozhou was surprised.

"Yes." Ling Yunhong never thought of hiding it from the beginning to the end. Even if he did not say it today, the matter of his Ling family occupying the Luo family's spiritual veins in the future would be spread in a few days.

Liu Daozhou saw Ling Yunhong's affirmation, his eyes shrank, and he could not help but feel a little more afraid of the Ling family.

If a foundation-building family wants to occupy two ready-made second-level spiritual veins, it will be involved. At least it needs to get the nod of the Jindan Zhenren of Bailingmen, which is difficult for ordinary Bailingmen high-level people to do.

"Ling family, like my clan, used to be a small Qi training family, but now they can meet Jindan Zhenren. Could it be that some time ago, when Ling Pengyun of Ling family went to Bailingmen to ask for the Breaking Array Talisman, he relied on his cousin, Yang Siling, the daughter-in-law of Lingfu Zhenren, to find Lingfu Zhenren?"

"Then, he dealt with the matter of Luo family's spiritual vein?"

"That makes sense."

"If I had thought of this earlier, I could have asked for more benefits from Luo family's spiritual vein when I agreed to form an alliance with Ling family."

Liu Daozhou muttered helplessly.

Earlier, when Ling family sought him for an alliance, he did not know that Ling family had plans for Luo family's spiritual vein.

He only proposed that after destroying Luo family, he would get 30% of the benefits of the existing spiritual objects such as Luo family's clan library, spiritual plants planted on Luo family's spiritual veins in various places, and Luo family's skills inheritance.

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