Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 302 The idea of ​​building a spiritual garden (4100 words, please subscribe)

"Fellow Daoist Liu, according to the rules established when we formed an alliance, after destroying the Luo family, you can get 30% of the Luo family's existing property."

"In this Luo clan, I am afraid that the clan's treasury contains the most spiritual objects. Let's first loot the Luo clan's treasury that is protected by formations. What do you think?"

Ling Yunhong suggested.

"Of course you can."

Liu Daozhou, the leader of the Liu clan, heard the call and looked at the corner of the mountain top, where there was a luxurious hall with a plaque with the four characters "Luo clan treasury" hanging on it.

This luxurious ceremony was enveloped by a huge white light curtain.

Everyone agreed, Ling Yunhong also led everyone to the Luo Clan Treasury, took out their respective magic weapons, and continuously bombarded the white light curtain protecting the Luo Clan Treasury.

The strength of several people is as high as the foundation building realm, and the defensive array is not of a high grade, only a first-grade top grade.

In addition, this first-level high-grade defensive formation has no one to control it, and its power is less than 70% of that of a complete victory.

In less than ten seconds, the defensive formation protecting the Luo clan's treasury was shattered by everyone, and everyone entered the Luo clan's treasury.

Although the Luo family's treasury is the place where the Luo family stores spiritual objects.

But at this time, there are not many spiritual objects in the clan library.

Moreover, the spiritual objects in this family library are all low-value blank talisman paper, low-level spiritual iron, and other raw materials for refining spiritual objects.

The combined value of these spiritual objects is probably less than a thousand spiritual stones.

Ling Yunhong and Liu Daozhou were not surprised by this.

After all, a month ago, when they came to Luoxia Mountain, they encountered Luo Minghui, the leader of the Luo clan, and several young children of the Luo clan, fleeing the scene of the Luo clan mountain.

Obviously, Luo Minghui at that time must have put most of the valuable spiritual objects in the Luo clan's treasury into storage bags and taken them away to use them as funds for revenge.

But now, the several storage bags "suspected" of Luo Minghui containing a large amount of Luo's belongings have all fallen into the hands of Ling Yunhong.

Thinking of this, Liu Daozhou felt extremely helpless.

Naturally, he did not dare to ask Ling Yunhong for it. It would be bad if there were no spiritual objects in those storage bags and Ling Yunhong and others thought they were deliberately looking for them and a fight broke out.

Liu Daozhou could only admit that he was unlucky and only received 30% of the extremely valuable spiritual objects in the Luo clan's treasury.

The Luo clan's treasury was confiscated once, and everyone left the place.

Turn around and descend halfway up the mountain to the edge of a large field.

There is a trace of spirituality left in this vast wasteland.

Obviously, this large area of ​​wasteland was previously a spiritual field, and its grade was not low, with at least the first-level mid-grade realm.

But now, the spiritual energy in these fields has been used by others to remove the spiritual energy from these spiritual fields, destroying all the spiritual fields and turning them into mortal fields.

And in this large wasteland, there is no spiritual plant at all, only some potholes.

"This destruction of the fields must have been done by the old thief Luo Minghui during his lifetime. Presumably, he had already guessed that Luoxia Mountain would be lost, and had no intention of leaving a way out for his family, so he destroyed the fields." Ling Yunhong said helplessly.

When Liu Daozhou heard this, he also felt that it made sense.

After all, if his family was going to be destroyed, how could the family's spiritual field be left to the enemy?

As for the spiritual plants originally planted on the spiritual fields, Liu Daozhou knew without much guessing that most of them were not destroyed by Luo Minghui.

Instead, like the spiritual objects in the Luo clan's treasury, Luo Minghui put them into storage bags. If he could escape this time, those spiritual plants would be like the spiritual objects in the Luo clan's treasury and become his turning point. capital.

"It's a pity that these spiritual objects have all fallen into the hands of that old fox Ling Yunhong, and I, the Liu family, can hardly get any of them." Liu Daozhou looked at Ling Yunhong and said helplessly.

Afterwards, everyone searched separately, the two training caves on the top of Luoxia Mountain, and the "Luo Family Kung Fu Pavilion" halfway up Luoxia Mountain.

These two places, like the Luo clan library and the Luo clan high-level spiritual field area, do not have anything good.

Even the Luo Cultivation Technique Pavilion was directly burned down, leaving only ashes and debris on the ground.

This incident also made Liu Daozhou, Ling Pengyun and others feel regretful.

"If the Luo Clan Mountain could be captured in a short period of time, this situation would not have happened." Liu Daozhou, the leader of the Liu Clan, sighed as he looked at the ruins of the Kung Fu Pavilion in front of him.

For Liu Daozhou, the main purpose of forming an alliance with the Ling family this time was to destroy the Luo family, the enemy clan, and then to obtain the Luo family's inheritance of these skills and arts.

The Huxiao Liu family, like the Ling family, was formerly a small qi-training family with very little background.

If the Luo family's skills and skills can be inherited, it can also increase the Liu family's heritage, and there will be more paths for the Liu family to follow in the future.

Unfortunately, they were all burned down.

But at this time, Ling Yunhong, the leader of the Ling clan, was thinking about other things.

"I don't know if Luo's most precious second-level formation inheritance is in the storage bags on Luo Minghui's body, or if it has also been destroyed."

The Ling family is different from the Huxiao Liu family. A few years ago, the Ling family followed their relatives, the Pingyun Yang family in Yunshui County, to destroy the Ye family in Hongye Ridge, but they received some inheritance from the Ye family, an established foundation-building family.

During the Monster Rebellion, Ling Pengyun received the inheritance from the Shen clan in Bingjiao County.

This also makes the Ling family's current foundation no less than that of the established foundation-building families. The only difference is time.

Clan leader Ling Yunhong was not interested in the ordinary inheritances in Luo's Gongfa Pavilion. Only Luo's second-level formation inheritance was worthy of his attention.

With the second-level formation inheritance, Ling's formation master also had the opportunity to break through and become a second-level formation master.

Although Ling Yunhong got Luo Minghui's storage bags, they still had Luo Minghui's spiritual imprints, and he could not open them in a short time.

After thinking fruitlessly, Ling Yunhong no longer thought about it and turned to make a suggestion.

"Fellow Daoist Liu, this Luoxia Mountain has been plundered by us."

"We should also go to help our clansmen and capture the low-level spiritual veins under Luo's command, so as to avoid delaying for a long time and causing accidents.".

"Okay." Liu Daozhou agreed.

In the past month, they, the foundation-building cultivators, have been besieging Luoxia Mountain to prevent Luo Minghui, the eighth-level foundation-building cultivator, from escaping, so they did not go to help their clansmen and capture the low-level spiritual veins in Luo's territory.

Those low-level spiritual veins are all arranged with formations. Even if the Liu family and the Ling family form an alliance, with a large number of Qi-cultivating cultivators, it will be difficult to break through the defensive formations arranged on those low-level spiritual veins in a short time.

And the Liu family can also share 30% of the profits from the spiritual objects planted on these low-level spiritual veins of the Luo family.

"Pengyun, we are both second-level spiritual plant husbands, and we can also open up spiritual fields. The matter of re-opening the spiritual fields in Luoxia Mountain will be handed over to you."

"Except for leaving enough spiritual energy for a foundation-building cultivator to practice, the rest of the spiritual energy in Luoxia Mountain can be used to open up spiritual fields."

"In the future, this mountain will only be used as a stronghold."

"At the same time, you can also stay here to suppress the scoundrels, so that no cultivators will take advantage of the destruction of the Luo family and want to take the opportunity to make a fortune in the Luo family mountain."

"I will go to help those Qi training clansmen capture the low-level spiritual veins of the Luo family. If I take action, I can also speed up the progress of capturing those low-level spiritual veins."

"And if those Luo family cultivators stationed on the low-level spiritual veins, like the old thief Luo Minghui, do something to destroy the fields."

"I am there with the low-level spiritual veins, and I can also re-open up the spiritual fields."

Ling Yunhong saw Liu Daozhou's response, looked at Ling Pengyun, and transmitted the voice.

"Understood, Third Ancestor." Ling Pengyun had no objection to this proposal and also replied with a voice transmission.

This mountain will only be arranged in the future, and Ling Yunhong does not intend to let Liu Daozhou know in advance.

"Clan leader Liu, Pengxing, let's go." Ling Yunhong nodded lightly, and with a word, he called the fairy crane king in the sky to land beside him and turned over.

Ling Pengxing also followed and climbed onto the back of the fairy crane king.

"Xianling, let's go." Ling Yunhong called out.

The fairy crane king's eyes moved slightly, and its wings spread out. The wind blew, and it also took off. Under the help of Ling Yunhong, it flew towards the south with a purpose.

Liu Daozhou sat on the Yanyun Tiger King, followed closely, moved his four legs, and ran away.

Ling Pengyun, who was still on the top of Luoxia Mountain, watched Ling Yunhong and others leave, and began to use the secret method of spiritual plants "Spirit Cultivation" to attract the spiritual energy in the mountain, refine the mortal soil into spirits, and open up spiritual fields in this mountaintop area with rich spiritual energy.

Opening up spiritual fields consumes a lot of spiritual energy. Even though Ling Pengyun's cultivation is as high as the fourth level of foundation building and his spiritual energy is strong, he can't bear it after opening up more than ten acres of first-grade upper-grade spiritual fields in a row. Most of the spiritual energy in his dantian is consumed.

Helplessly, he had to stop and absorb the spiritual energy in the mountain to restore his spiritual energy.

This also greatly slowed down his speed of opening up spiritual fields.

It took three consecutive days to complete the work of opening up spiritual fields.

During these three days, Ling Pengyun also opened up a full thirty acres of spiritual fields on the top of this mountain.

Twenty-five acres of them are first-grade upper-grade spiritual fields, and five acres of second-grade lower-grade spiritual fields.

For this reason, the spiritual energy in Luoxia Mountain has become a little thinner.

Ling Pengyun wiped the sweat from his forehead, looked at the thirty mu of spiritual fields in front of him, his expression slightly changed, and he muttered to himself.

"According to the records of the inheritance of spiritual plants, thirty mu of first-grade upper-grade spiritual fields are already large enough, not to mention that there are five mu of second-grade lower-grade spiritual fields here."

"This number of high-grade spiritual fields is enough to match the arrangement of several formations to assist the growth of spiritual plants, and build it into a first-grade spiritual plant garden."

"In this way, it can also speed up the growth of spiritual plants planted in the twenty-five mu of first-grade upper-grade spiritual fields here in the future, and increase the benefits."

Only when there are more than thirty mu of spiritual fields and more than five formations that can assist the growth of spiritual plants are arranged, it can be called a spiritual plant garden.

The five formations arranged in the spiritual plant garden are generally "Gathering Spirit Formation", "Morning Moon Turning Rain Formation", "Moistening Soil Formation", "Supporting Spring Formation", and "Condensing Wood Formation".

The Gathering Spirit Formation is the most common of the five formations, and its function is only to enhance the richness of spiritual energy in the spiritual plant garden.

The Morning Moon Transformation Rain Formation can absorb the essence of the early morning and the night moon, and transform it into the morning moon spiritual rain.

The "Moistening Soil Formation" can absorb the surrounding spiritual energy and strengthen the spiritual energy contained in the spiritual soil.

The wonderful thing about the "Supporting Spring Formation" is the two words "Supporting Spring". The spiritual plants in this formation will grow rapidly like spring.

The Condensing Wood Formation absorbs spiritual energy and can convert it into the essence of two woods, A and B, which has an excellent effect on the growth of spiritual plants.

The five formations are connected to each other. Only by cooperating with each other can a spiritual plant garden be established, and the growth rate of spiritual plants of the same level in the spiritual plant garden can be doubled.

The cost of arranging these formations and building a spiritual plant garden is extremely high, and ordinary foundation-building families cannot afford it at all.

There are at least 70 or 80 foundation-building families in the entire Bailingmen territory, but there are no more than ten foundation-building families that have built spiritual plant gardens.

This is also because the formations that assist the growth of spiritual plants are expensive and few people can afford them, which has resulted in no circulation on the market.

If you want to obtain them, you can only find a high-level formation master to refine them, which also increases the cost of purchasing formations.

In addition, a spiritual plant garden requires at least five formations, and the grade of the formation must be the same as the grade of most spiritual fields in the spiritual plant garden, otherwise the effect of the auxiliary formation will be weakened.

Under such circumstances, this has led to the situation that not many foundation-building families have built spiritual plant gardens.

Of course, although the cost of building a spiritual plant garden is high, once it is built, it will also have miraculous effects.

Even if only five auxiliary formations of the same grade as the spiritual field are equipped, the growth rate of the spiritual plants in those spiritual fields can be at least doubled.

This is tantamount to finding a second-level spiritual plant husband to take care of the spiritual plants in the spiritual plant garden day and night.

As for the rock scale snake cave with 35 acres of spiritual fields that Ling Pengyun used to guard, it has not been built into a spiritual plant garden, because the cost of building a spiritual plant garden is too high.

The Yang and Ling families have spent a lot of money to manage Bailingmen and take over the second-level spiritual vein in the snake cave.

At the very least, they need to earn back the cost before the two clans will consider building a spiritual plant garden on that spiritual vein and arranging the matching formation.

Thoughts returned.

Because the construction of the spiritual plant garden requires a lot of expenses, and he needs to ask the opinion of the clan leader Ling Yunhong, he didn't think much about it.

He took out a large number of spiritual plant seeds from the storage bag, and planted the seeds in the 30 acres of spiritual fields in front of him. He also watered the spiritual plant seeds that had just been buried in the 30 acres of spiritual fields with a wave of spiritual rain to nourish those seeds to germinate quickly.

After finishing this task, Ling Pengyun had nothing to do, so he closed his eyes and absorbed the rich spiritual energy in Luoxia Mountain to improve his cultivation.

Waiting for Ling Yunhong and others who went to help the Qi-training clan members of the family and capture the low-level spiritual veins of the Luo family to return.

A day later, Ling Yunhong and others returned with good news.

All the twenty-two first-level spiritual veins occupied by the Luo family in this "Luoyu County" were captured.

The Luo family Qi-training cultivators stationed in these spiritual veins were also killed.

However, nearly half of the Luo family Qi-training cultivators stationed on these spiritual veins did the same thing as the old thief Luo Minghui, destroying the fields.

Fortunately, Ling Yunhong, a second-level spiritual plant husband, went there and relied on the "spirit-raising technique" of spiritual plants to open up spiritual fields on those spiritual veins again.

As for the spiritual plants planted on those low-level spiritual veins, those Luo family Qi-training cultivators were reluctant to destroy them directly, so they left them.

After killing the Luo family's Qi-cultivating cultivators, the Ling family and the Liu family, who had formed an alliance with them, also obtained a large number of spiritual plants.

After the two families divided the spiritual plants 70% and 30%, the Ling family still obtained a lot of spiritual plants.

Although there were fewer mature spiritual plants among these spiritual plants, there were still hundreds of mature spiritual plants.

These spiritual plants, if refined into elixirs, could also be worth thousands of spiritual stones.

Barely, it was considered a considerable harvest.

Thanks: Mo Ershiliu and Xiao Wuzi of Shuhuang for their monthly tickets.


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