Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 314: Combined Attack Technique Thorn Python (4200 words, please subscribe)

After making up his mind.

Ling Pengyun tried his best to gather his aura and carefully moved towards the place where Wang Yun and Qin Shi were fighting.

Because Qin Shi was strong, Wang Yun had not been distracted, which also prompted Ling Pengyun to approach without him noticing.

When Ling Pengyun was one or two miles away from Wang Yun, he quickly pinched his fingers and successively shot out three five-meter-long water dragons, and then sacrificed the set of green steel mother-and-child flying swords, bombarding Wang Yun.

It was not until this moment that Wang Yun realized Ling Pengyun's arrival.

He turned his head and saw that the person coming was Ling Pengyun, and his expression paused.

"I remember that this person was able to escape from the three mid-stage foundation building Cang Yan wolf monsters of Wei Yan who were chasing him, and even came here to attack me. I think that Wei Yan's three mid-stage foundation building Cang Yan wolves are dead."

"Thinking so, this person's strength is probably not low."

"But... his arrival is also a good thing, so I can get more benefits."

Wang Yun showed a trace of joy on his face, raised his hand and patted the storage bag on his waist, and took out a blue transparent jade bottle from it.

As Wang Yun transferred spiritual power into the jade bottle, the jade bottle transformed into a large amount of frost.

A small part of this frost was separated, and the attacking Qinggang mother-and-child flying sword was rolled up and trapped in the frost.

Most of the frost quickly gathered together and turned into a huge frost ice dragon that was thirteen feet long.

This ice dragon had bright eyes and roared in its mouth, just like a real dragon.

When this dragon appeared, the momentum of the three water dragons that Ling Pengyun had hit was slightly weakened.

Seeing this, Ling Pengyun's eyes trembled.

Although the three-headed water snake was formed by magic, it also has a trace of spirituality.

And the only one who can suppress the water snake is the real dragon.

"Could it be that the jade bottle that transformed into frost was made of dragon materials?"

As soon as this doubt came out, Ling Pengyun suddenly remembered that more than ten years ago, Wang Yun's master, Bailingmen Lingzhen Zhenren, had killed a golden elixir ice dragon in Jiaomang Lake.

Coincidentally, the frost-transformed frost ice dragon is also ice.

In addition, Wang Yun is also the fourth disciple of Lingzhen Zhenren.

It is normal for this person to have a magic weapon made of materials from the ice dragon.

Just when Ling Pengyun was distracted, the three-headed water dragon collided with the huge ice dragon.


A loud noise was heard.

The three-headed water dragon was smashed by the huge ice dragon before it lasted half a breath.

Seeing this, Ling Pengyun frowned. He waved his hands, and green light flashed in his hands. A hundred green seeds suddenly appeared in his hands.

He also threw more than 200 seeds in his hands on the surrounding ground.

"Into the soil."

The more than 200 seeds that fell on the ground flashed green light, and countless roots emerged from their bodies, piercing deep into the soil, madly absorbing the rich wood vein power deep under the dense forest.

But in just a short moment, the more than 200 seeds turned into more than 200 thorny vines that were one foot long and as thick as thighs.

At this moment, Ling Pengyun also transformed the thorny vine of his life spirit from his dantian.

This thorny vine, which was only the size of a finger, quickly grew to three feet long as soon as it came out of the outside world.

Ling Pengyun hit this vine in the surrounding area formed by more than 200 thorny vines that were one foot long.

"Thorny Python!"


The two hundred or so 10-foot-long vines quickly wrapped around the body of the thorny vine in the early stage of foundation building.

In an instant, it turned into a 12-foot-long and 3-foot-thick thorny python.

This spell was named "Thorny Python" by Ling Pengyun. It is the strongest attack method that Ling Pengyun has mastered at present. Its power is comparable to the full-strength attack of a cultivator in the seventh level of foundation building.

However, this move also has disadvantages, because the core of the thorny python is constructed by the thorny vine itself.

Therefore, the thorny vine itself is very easy to be injured or even destroyed in battle.

If the thorny vine is destroyed, Ling Pengyun will also suffer from the backlash of his life spirit plant, and will also lose a life spirit plant.

After the life spirit plant is destroyed, it is difficult for the spirit plant husband to supplement and refine another life spirit plant.

It is precisely for this reason that Ling Pengyun has not used this move in recent times when he has encountered many dangers. This move is a desperate spell.

If Ling Pengyun had not wanted to kill Wang Yun, who was quite wealthy, he would not have used this move.

The thorny giant python roared like a real python, and its momentum was not weaker than that of the ice dragon. It directly rushed towards the 13-zhang ice dragon.

The two behemoths collided, making a huge collision sound.

For a while, the thorny giant python and the ice dragon fought back and forth.

At the same time, every time the two collided, the vines and cold air on the bodies of the thorny giant python and the ice dragon would be dispersed.

Wang Yun was shocked when he saw that the ice dragon condensed by the Frost Transformation Jade Bottle was blocked.

He did not expect that Ling Pengyun, who was at the fourth level of foundation building, could make such a powerful attack.

"The combined attack spell with the natal spiritual plant, no wonder this person has the strength to kill Wei Yan's three mid-stage foundation building blue flame wolves."

"I'm afraid this person's talent in the spiritual plant is extraordinary, no wonder this person can make friends with wealthy people like Qin Shi."

Wang Yun's face gradually became more serious.

The combined attack spell between the spiritual plant husband and the natal spiritual plant is not something that any spiritual plant husband can perform.

It requires a deep understanding of the spiritual plant.

And the combined attack spell with the natal spiritual plant is different, and other spiritual plant husbands can't learn it at all.

Even in the huge Bailingmen Spiritual Plant Hall, only the hall master Yan Cang and two deputy hall masters have mastered this move.

It is enough to see that it is rare for a spiritual plant master to use the combined attack technique.

Wang Yunyin still needs to activate the Frost Ice Cloud Formation to trap Qin Shi and the puppet, and now he has no spare energy to mobilize more cold air to flow into the ice dragon to fight with the thorny python that Ling Pengyun has hit.

He can only watch the two behemoths constantly collide and fight, consuming the remaining energy.

But Ling Pengyun on the other side frowned slightly when he saw this scene.

The thorny python is not like the ice dragon. It is transformed by cold air. The core of the thorny python is his life spirit plant thorn vine.

Once the wood vines around the thorny python are lost too much, the ice dragon will also hurt the thorny vine body.

Ling Pengyun dare not save any more energy and changes the fingering of both hands.

Countless tiny vines sprouted from the huge thorn python and took root deep underground, continuously absorbing the power of the earth veins deep underground in the forest.

Although these wood vein powers could not increase the power of the thorn python, they could speed up its recovery.

Whenever a vine was broken by the ice dragon, it would recover quickly.

Then, Ling Pengyun pinched his fingers and used the water snake technique to transform into five-meter-long water snakes to help the thorn python fight with the ice dragon.

The thorn python and the ice dragon were already on par in strength, and now there were several more water snakes to help the thorn python, and the thorn python had a continuous supply of wood vein power to help.

The powerful ice dragon gradually fell into a disadvantage.

After dozens of moves, the coldness on the ice dragon was extremely thin, and its power was less than 30% of the victory.

Seeing this, Ling Pengyun spared no effort to transfer the spiritual power of his dantian into the body of the thorny python.

With enough spiritual power as a backup, the thorny python flashed with spiritual light. Although its body did not grow in size, the vines on its body became stronger.

Under Ling Pengyun's control, the thorny python opened its bloody mouth and took advantage of the ice dragon's lack of strength to bite the ice dragon's neck directly. Its body kept rolling, relying on the huge force brought by this inertia.

The ice dragon's neck was directly bitten off by the thorny python.


The ice dragon wailed and then stopped moving, and its whole body turned into thin cold air.

Although the power of these cold air is still extraordinary, the thorny python is not afraid of it at all. It directly disperses it, and helps the Qinggang mother-and-child flying sword to disperse the cold air that trapped this set of flying swords, and kills Wang Yun together with this set of flying swords.

Wang Yun noticed this, and rarely black lines appeared on his brows.

His Ice-Transforming Dragon Jade Bottle can only summon limited cold air. Now that the ice dragons transformed by the cold air have been destroyed, the Ice-Transforming Dragon Jade Bottle has dimmed its spiritual light and will be difficult to use in a short time.

Helplessly, he could only put the Frost-Transforming Dragon Jade Bottle back into the storage bag.

Then, he transferred his spiritual power into the ice jade shield in front of him, propped up an ice-blue light curtain, and temporarily blocked the powerful thorny giant python and the green steel mother-and-child flying sword.

He had no other attacking magic weapons on him. In the past, in order to exchange for the three sets of magic weapons, the Frost Sword, the Frost-Transforming Dragon Jade Bottle, and the Ice Jade Shield, he consumed nearly half of the spiritual objects he earned through refining formations over the years.

It can be said that it was to buy these three powerful magic weapons that slowed down his cultivation speed, causing him to be trapped in the eighth level of foundation building for many years and making it difficult to make progress.

However, Wang Yun had no regrets. After all, these three magic weapons were extremely powerful, which greatly improved his strength.


Ling Pengyun, who was suppressing Wang Yun, was slightly happy when he saw that the situation had stabilized.

He immediately sent a message to Qin Shi, who was inside the Frost Ice Cloud Formation and was using the yellow long stick to attack the Frost Sword.

"Brother Qin, I am helping you this time not to help you escape, but to kill this person. Are you willing to help me?"

Qin Shi, who was inside the Frost Ice Cloud Formation, was shocked when he heard the message in his head.

He didn't expect that Ling Pengyun had such a bold idea. You know, Wang Yun's cultivation level is as high as the eighth level of foundation building. With the four second-level high-quality magic weapons in his hand, his strength is enough to match that of a cultivator at the ninth level of foundation building.

However, he turned around and raised a ferocious smile on his face.

"Brother Ling, what you said is exactly what I want."

He was a person who would avenge his grudges. This time, he did not offend Wang Yun, but was killed by Wang Yun, which made him extremely angry.

When Ling Pengyun came to help, he originally intended to escape as soon as possible and seek revenge on his master Zhang Yan, who had completed his foundation building.

But now, with the help of the powerful Ling Pengyun, it was a good opportunity for revenge. How could he let it go?

Qin Shi did not hold back. He transferred more spiritual power into the full body armor of his life magic weapon, resisted the frost transformed by the formation, called back the yellow iron stick, and held it tightly in his hand.

He rushed to the solid light curtain supported by the frost and ice cloud formation that trapped him, and kept waving the yellow long stick magic weapon in his hand, bombarding the solid light curtain, hitting the light curtain with waves.

Even, this solid light curtain shook constantly, and it seemed that it was about to be blown away by the huge force.

As for the ice arrow transformed by the formation, it was still resisted by the second-level middle-grade puppet who had been following Qin Shi with the shield in his hand.

The frost transformed by the formation and the frost sword were blocked by the light curtain supported by Qin Shi's full body armor.

As a result, Qin Shi's spiritual power was consumed very quickly.

But at this moment, he couldn't care less.

As long as he can break the formation, the powerful Wang Yun will lose a lot of help. He can also attack Wang Yun with Ling Pengyun and kill him.

The situation of Ling Pengyun and Qin Shi gradually improved, and Wang Yun's situation naturally changed from an advantage to a disadvantage.

At this moment, Wang Yun felt like scolding her.

"Why are these monks in the middle stage of foundation building stronger than the other?"

Under this situation, Wang Yun did not dare to be careless.

He made a secret with both hands and used the secret technique "Amplification Technique" of the formation to condense eight dharma seals.

Then, he waved his hand and patted his chest, forcing out eight strands of blood essence and pouring into the eight seals.

The eight seals suddenly turned blood red, and their aura became one or two points stronger.


These eight blood-red seals quickly penetrated into the eight formation flags formed into a formation of frost and ice clouds.

The eight formation flags flashed with inspiration, and the power of the formation increased by 40 to 50%.

The power of the ice arrows condensed in this formation also greatly increased, and the second-level mid-level puppet next to Qin Shi was even a little overwhelmed.

The giant shield it held was even blasted with small holes by countless ice arrows.

Under Qin Shi's attack, the formation's swaying light curtain trapping the enemy became stronger and stabilized.

Qin Shi's advantage was gone, and he gradually became weaker again.

However, Qin Shi was also very human. He waved his hand and patted the storage bag on his waist, took out a second-level medium-grade long-cone magic weapon, and used the long stick in his hand to bombard the formation of light that trapped the enemy.

The long cone magic weapon is a treasure that breaks the Gang. Even if the long cone is only the second-level mid-grade, the threat of this cone to the light screen that traps the enemy is not small.

Under the continuous bombardment of the two attack weapons, the light curtain trapping the enemy began to shake again.

far away.

"The second-level high-grade formation mage is indeed extraordinary in strength."

Ling Pengyun frowned when he saw Wang Yun suddenly showing off his power.

Considering that Qin Shi had taken the Explosive Spiritual Pill and the Explosive Spiritual Pill had lost its effectiveness, Qin Shi would also fall into a period of weakness, with no strength remaining.

Ling Pengyun made a secret with both hands and used the technique of the Blue Sea and Heavenly Sword, condensing a ten-foot-long Blue Sea and Heavenly Sword technique. Following the thorn python and the set of green steel mother-and-son flying swords, it bombarded Wang Yun's ice jade shield. The defensive light curtain that was propped up caused ripples in the light curtain.

Wang Yun, who had fought more than a hundred moves and defended himself against two enemies, already had some deficiencies in his spiritual power.

He had no choice but to take out a second-grade high-grade spirit-gathering pill from his storage bag and swallow it to restore his spiritual power.

But the spiritual power was restored, but it was difficult to change the situation.

He has the Spirit Gathering Pill, and Ling Pengyun and Qin Shi also have the Spirit Gathering Pill.

Even Ling Pengyun's giant thorn python can mobilize the power of the wood veins in the forest to continuously restore its strength. It is always in its strongest state and extremely powerful.

Under such circumstances, he already wanted to give up the idea of ​​killing Qin Shi and Ling Pengyun.

But as soon as the thought came up, he suppressed it.

Just because Qin Shi took the Explosive Spirit Pill, as long as he delayed for some time and Qin Shi fell into the weak stage of the Explosive Spirit Pill, he could rely on his natal formation, the Frost Ice Cloud Formation, to kill this person.

Although the remaining Ling Pengyun was good in strength, his cultivation level was very different after all, so it didn't take much effort to kill him.

More than a hundred moves were exchanged.

Outside the large forest, the sound of extremely loud footsteps could be heard.

Immediately afterwards, in the direction where the sound of footsteps came from, many trees collapsed.

Within a few breaths, a herd of more than three hundred bronze-armored iron bulls appeared in front of Ling Pengyun and others.

When Ling Pengyun saw this, he was not surprised but happy.

"It turns out that I am a herd of bronze-armored iron cows who are not good at magic but good at physical fitness. God is really helping me."

He patted the beast-control bag on his waist and summoned the Fairy Crane King who had consumed a lot of spiritual energy during the previous battle with the Blue Flame Wolf. He jumped on the back of the crane and rode the crane into the sky. In this way, avoid the group of bronze-armored iron bulls.

And Wang Yun had a dark look on his face.

His frost and ice cloud formation was arranged on the ground.

If he continued to maintain the formation of frost and ice clouds to trap Qin Shi, the group of bronze-armored iron bulls would definitely rely on their bodies to collide with the formation.

With Qin Shi's strength alone, he could only maintain the bombardment of this formation. If there were another group of steel-armored iron oxen, the formation would probably be destroyed within a hundred breaths.

Once his natal formation is destroyed, his strongest attack method will also be lost. At the same time, he will also be seriously injured due to the destruction of his natal formation flag.

In desperation, he could only remove the formation first and take back the eight frost and ice cloud formation flags.

Then, he took out the second-order high-grade black airship from the storage bag and ascended into the sky.

But in this way, Wang Yun also lost the advantage of using formation to trap Qin Shi.

Qin Shi was able to escape after swallowing the explosive spirit pill. He quickly took out a flying boat and rose into the sky, and fiercely hit Wang Yun with the long yellow stick containing huge power.

Ling Pengyun was also at this moment, blasting the huge thorn python, a blue sea sky sword, and a green steel flying sword at Wang Yun.

With the combined efforts of the two, cracks appeared in the light curtain of the ice jade shield in front of Wang Yun.

To prevent the light barrier from being broken, Wang Yun had no choice but to use a large formation of frost and ice clouds to prop up a defensive light barrier to resist the attack, replacing the ice jade shield for defense.

As for the three hundred bronze-armored iron bulls in the forest below, although they are not good at spell attacks, they are not incompetent. They just take a long time to cast spell attacks and are weak in power.

Therefore, Ling Pengyun and the other three were able to easily resist the spell attacks from the group of bronze-armored iron bulls.


After hundreds of moves.

Wang Yun took another second-grade high-quality spirit-gathering pill to restore his spiritual power, but in the fierce battle, his spiritual power hit the bottom again.

His meridian strength is the same as that of ordinary cultivators. Taking two spirit-gathering pills of the same grade at the same time in a short period of time will make his meridians feel painful.

If he takes another spirit-gathering pill, his meridians will also be burst.

This also put Wang Yun in a situation where he had a spirit-gathering pill but dared not use it.

On the other hand, Ling Pengyun and Qin Shi fought more and more fiercely, constantly suppressing Wang Yun.

Although Wang Yun also used several second-grade attack and defense talismans to resist, Qin Shi was born wealthy and also had many second-grade talismans, which were resolved by Qin Shi one by one.

Just when the effect of Qin Shi's spirit-exploding pill was about to end, Ling Pengyun's huge thorny python finally smashed the formation light curtain supported by the Frost Ice Cloud Formation, and then smashed the magic shield light curtain supported by the Ice Jade Shield, biting Wang Yun into pieces in one fell swoop.

Wang Yun's countless pieces of flesh also fell to the ground, and the magic weapons he had used also had no power left, falling into the three hundred bronze-armored cattle on the ground.

Thanks: Xianjian Qiankun, Huahua Yulong, Fu Ruo Nianhua, Reader 202303151643576076076200003, FU Rogner, awddwe Book Leaf Shadow, Book Friend 20170821184353178, Bored Northern Show, Luo Jin, Book Friend 20220326111537340, Book Friend 20230202182050177, Quantitative Bull, Book Friend 20220505003004308, Family Cultivation My Dish.

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