Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 315 A Chance Encounter with Yan Siyi (4200 words, please subscribe)

Ling Pengyun looked overjoyed when he saw Wang Yun being beheaded. He immediately wanted to activate the thorn python to destroy the group of bronze-armored oxen, and then pick up Wang Yun's belongings.

But when he saw that Qin Shi was still there, he immediately stopped thinking.

After all, Wang Yun has a lot of wealth. The four second-level high-grade magic weapons alone are worth at least 20,000 to 30,000 spiritual stones.

With this kind of wealth, not to mention Qin Shi, I am afraid that his master, Zhang Yan, who has perfect foundation building cultivation, will be moved by this.

As for Wang Yun's wealth, it is very simple. This person is not only a veteran second-level high-grade formation mage.

He also serves as the Great Elder in the Spiritual Formation Hall, which ranks third among the three most powerful weapon refining, spiritual formation and talisman making halls in Bailing Sect.

This position can only be held by the head of the Spiritual Formation Hall and a few deputy heads, and there is a lot of money to be gained.

In addition, he is a real disciple of the Spiritual Formation, so it is normal to have such wealth.

If it weren't for this person's poor cultivation aptitude and his strong talent for the formation, otherwise if this person's cultivation level could keep up and reach the ninth level of foundation building, he would have been promoted to the deputy hall of the Spiritual Formation Hall by his master Lingfu Zhenren long ago. host.

After Qin Shi saw that Wang Yun had been beheaded, Ling Pengyun, who was riding the Fairy Crane King, remained motionless. Instead, he stared at him with a wary expression, and understood what Ling Pengyun was thinking.

At the same time, he was also wary of Ling Pengyun, and was a little worried that Ling Pengyun would take advantage of the effect of his explosive spirit pill to attack him.

After all, he had a lot of property. This kind of thing happened from time to time in the world of immortality. No matter how much he said, he and Ling Pengyun had only known each other for a year.

Furthermore, this place is the boundary of Jiao Python Lake, with monsters everywhere. On the forest floor below there are three hundred Qi-training-stage bronze-armored oxen, as well as two foundation-building stage bronze-armored oxen.

Once a few breaths have passed and he falls into the weak stage of the Explosive Spirit Pill and his strength is reduced to ten percent, the herd of cattle below may be enough for him to eat a pot, let alone leaving the realm of Python Lake where monsters roam.

In order to ensure that Ling Pengyun would not attack him and escort him out of the boundary of Jiaomang Lake, he put aside his heavy profits.

"Fellow Daoist Ling, please take Wang Yun's wealth first. The effect of the explosive pill will pass within ten breaths after I take it. After that, I will also fall into a very long period of weakness. Please give me this time, Brother Ling. Take me away from the boundary of Jiao Python Lake."

"If Brother Ling agrees, I, Qin Shi, owe Brother Ling a favor. As long as Brother Ling is in trouble in the future, it doesn't have to do with my faction or bullying my master and destroying my ancestors. I will do it."

"Fellow Taoist can also give priority to Wang Yun's wealth."

"I wonder if Brother Ling is willing to take me out of here?" Qin Shi said.

As soon as he said these words, Qin Shi's seventh-level foundation-building aura indeed quickly fell back. In less than half a breath, that powerful aura became extremely weak.

When Ling Pengyun heard this, his expression moved slightly.

Qin Shi's strength is not weak, but this favor is great. It is really a big help. He can hit wherever he wants. When necessary, it will be of great help.

In addition, he saw Qin Shi's aura changing again, and understood that Qin Shi had fallen into the weak stage of the Explosive Spirit Pill.

Qin Shi, who had no strength, would naturally find it difficult to attack him, so he felt relieved.

Ling Pengyun had no intention of killing Qin Shi. If he did so and Qin Shi's perfect foundation-building master, Zhang Yan, knew about it, he might not be able to survive.

He followed.

"Brother Qin is serious. You and I are good friends. Senior Zhang Yan saved my life a few years ago. This time I help Brother Qin leave the realm of Jiao Python Lake. It is my right to repay the favor."

Qin Shi's worries about Ling Pengyun's evil hand immediately disappeared in smoke.

Although he had known Ling Pengyun for a long time, he also knew that Ling Pengyun was a person who always spoke the truth.

"My master's favor belongs to my master. Every favor belongs to my master. The favor I owe to my Taoist friends is still there. After this incident, just give me your orders." Qin Shi said with gratitude.

"Easy to say."

Ling Pengyun waved his hand and said with a smile, and controlled the thirteen-foot-long thorn python to directly attack the three hundred cattle on the ground.

In the face of the powerful strength of the thorn python, the more than 300 bronze-armored oxen in the Qi training stage and the two bronze-armored oxen in the early stage of foundation building were physically strong, but they were slaughtered by the thorn python before they could last for dozens of breaths.

Ling Pengyun followed suit and rode the Fairy Crane King to the ground. He picked up Wang Yun's belongings and the few magic weapons that fell to the ground without the support of magic power.

After collecting the carcasses of the two bronze-armored oxen in the initial stage of foundation building, he put the fairy crane king under him into the beast-control bag, removed the thorn python, and took back the thorn vine that was his native spiritual plant.

After doing these things, he and Qin Shi switched to the wind control technique and went on their way together.

Although Qin Shi's strength has been greatly reduced and he has fallen into a period of weakness, he can still perform small spells such as wind control, but it is just difficult to fight.

As for putting away the Fairy Crane King, it was because riding on the Fairy Crane King was too blatant and might attract monsters.

Just now, that was how we attracted the group of bronze-armored oxen.

Hundreds of thousands of miles away.

Deep in the Bailing Gate, in a quiet room rich in spiritual energy, there is an old man with white hair and a star pattern, sitting cross-legged on a futon.

This old man is none other than the oldest and most senior Spirit Formation Master Mo Congxin among the three Golden Pills in Bailing Sect.

Suddenly, a shattering sound came from the storage bag on Mo Congxin's waist.


Mo Congxin was awakened by the strange movement and opened his eyes.

He raised his hand and patted the storage bag on his waist, and took out a dim token with the word "Yun" engraved on it, broken into two halves.

Looking at this token, Mo Congxin's eyes trembled.

Within this token, there is a trace of the consciousness of his fourth disciple Wang Yun.

Now that the token is broken, it means that Wang Yun is dead.

"Unexpectedly, Wang Yun was sent to take people to kill the foundation-building monster in the realm of Jiaoman Lake this time to obtain the inner elixir, but he actually lost his life."

"This is troublesome. The third-level low-level Zhuxing Tiangang formation that I plan to use to resist Bai Ling requires eighteen monks to deploy it. Without Wang Yun, the second-level high-level formation mage, the power of this formation will be It will be weakened by at least half a percent, or even a tenth.”

"One year later, when the three-hundred-year-old Evergreen Spirit Fruit matures, I'm afraid other troubles will arise because of it..."

"If I have trouble getting that evergreen spiritual fruit... I can only use the money I have saved over the years to buy a spiritual item that breaks through the golden elixir for that kid Qianqiu."

"It would be great if it can happen in a thousand years, but if it doesn't, I'm afraid I will end up with nothing in my personal fortune. If I want to leave the sect and establish a family that I can control alone, I'm afraid I can only drag it out for dozens or hundreds of years. ”


After letting out a long sigh, Mo Congxin returned to his thoughts, and his thoughts turned to the death of his fourth disciple Wang Yun.

"Wang Yun has the three magic weapons made from the materials of the ice dragon that I originally refined, as well as the frost and ice cloud formation, which is powerful enough to rival a ninth-level foundation-building monk."

"Jiang Song, who went with him to the realm of Jiao Python Lake this time to hunt demon python-like foundation-building demon beasts, had a second-level high-grade shape-changing magic weapon. Wei Yan also had five extraordinary powerful demon beasts in his hands. The three of them As one of the combined forces, there is a slight chance of hunting down the foundation-building monsters.”

"Could it be that they were besieged by a large number of monsters?"

With his thoughts in vain, Mo Congxin decided to go to the place where Wang Yun died to check it out.

With the token containing Wang Yun's spiritual consciousness, Mo Congxin can find the place where Wang Yun died through secret methods.

But as soon as this thought came out, it disappeared into smoke.

The three-hundred-year-old evergreen spiritual fruit is about to be conceived. If he leaves at such a time, something will happen.

"The death of Wang Yun's child can only be postponed."

Mo Congxin sighed secretly, didn't care anymore, and then closed his eyes again.

The boundary of Jiaomang Lake.

Ling Pengyun and Qin Shi were probably running hundreds of miles toward Tuyuanfang City when they suddenly saw green fire rising into the sky several miles ahead.

"Ink ghost fire?"

Seeing the shape of the green fire, Ling Pengyun's expression changed.

The Mo Ghost Fire is an attack method transformed from Yan Siyi's Mo You Furnace. It is extremely hot and very powerful.

Ling Pengyun performs fingering and kneading techniques, and uses the technique of Zhanzhan Qi to bless his eyes.

A few miles ahead, the situation in the land of green fire suddenly became clear.

Under a barren mountain, Yan Siyi was being besieged by a group of two hundred demon pythons.

Among the group of demon pythons, there was only one early-stage foundation-building demon python.

But Yan Siyi, a fourth-level foundation-building monk, seemed to have cast some secret technique, her aura was extremely weak, and her strength also became extremely weak.

Surprisingly, under the siege of a group of demon pythons numbering no more than 200, they were unable to withstand the fight. They could only rely on the Mo You fire shield held up by the Mo You stove to defend themselves.

Ling Pengyun's eyes turned and he actually saw the seven-layer golden-scaled scorpion that the beast control master "Wei Yan" sent to chase Yan Siyi while the pythons were fighting with Yan Siyi.

But at this time, this golden-scaled scorpion with a seventh-level foundation was like a corpse. The whole body was dark, and many places were even burned to charcoal.

Apparently, the golden-scaled scorpion was burned by extremely high-temperature fire.

"I think Fairy Yan also took some pills that can enhance her strength in a short time or used some secret techniques that can enhance her strength."

"But judging from its side effects, it shouldn't be as serious as the explosive spirit pill used by Brother Qin."

"Otherwise, at this moment, Fairy Yan will not only have a weak aura, but her strength will probably be as difficult to display as Brother Qin." Ling Pengyun secretly guessed.

The pale-faced Qin Shi on the side also used the aura technique to see his "sweetheart" Yan Siyi, who was in danger.

However, at this moment, he was trapped in the side effects of the Explosive Spirit Pill, and it was difficult for him to go to rescue him. If he insisted on fighting, all his meridians would be severed.

In desperation, he looked at the "savior" Ling Pengyun beside him, lowered his posture very low, and prayed.

"Fellow Daoist Ling, can you go Yibanyan?"

"Okay." Ling Pengyun nodded and responded without hesitation.

The group of demon pythons that besieged Yan Siyi were actually not very strong. There was only one demon python in the early stage of foundation building. If Yan Siyi was completely victorious, it would not take much effort to kill it.

For Ling Pengyun, destroying it is even easier.

Furthermore, Yan Siyi still owed him twenty-four second-level low-grade spiritual food, and he didn't want Yan Siyi to die like this.

Qin Shi looked happy when he heard this.

Ling Pengyun also turned into a breeze at this moment, rushed with all his strength, and quickly provided support.

As soon as he got close to the battlefield, Ling Pengyun immediately used water snake techniques to attack the two hundred monster pythons.

Yan Siyi, who was under siege, saw Ling Pengyun suddenly appeared and came for support. The dejection on her face immediately disappeared, and her eyes gradually became brighter.

"Fellow Daoist Ling."

Previously, she had tried all she could to kill the seventh-level golden-scaled foundation-building scorpion that was chasing her, and her spiritual talismans had long been exhausted.

It was indeed as Ling Pengyun expected, she used a small method to slightly enhance her strength.

It was precisely because of this that her current strength was less than 30% of that when she was completely victorious.

She thought that she would fall into the hands of the group of demon pythons this time, and she never expected Ling Pengyun to appear.

"The three mid-stage Cang Yan Wolves of Wei Yan who chased and killed fellow Daoist Ling were quite powerful. With their combined strength, they were much stronger than the seventh-level golden scale scorpion of the foundation building that I killed."

"I didn't expect that fellow Daoist Ling could also turn the enemy into a supporter."

Thinking about it, she quickly came back to her senses, and without any reservation, she madly injected the little spiritual power in her dantian into the Moyou Fire Furnace, and used all her strength to drive the furnace to transform into more Moyou Ghost Fire and shoot it out, sweeping towards the surrounding demon pythons.

But in just a hundred breaths, the group of more than two demon pythons were killed by Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi.

Yan Siyi, who had escaped the disaster, waved her hand and put the corpse of the seventh-level foundation-building golden-scaled scorpion not far away into the storage bag, and then quickly walked to Ling Pengyun and bowed to thank him.

"Fellow Daoist Ling, thank you for your rescue this time. The demon python in the early stage of foundation-building was also killed by you, and it all belongs to you."

"It's just a small effort. Even if I don't help, I think Fairy Yan can solve this problem."

After Ling Pengyun said this, he didn't hesitate to walk to the corpse of the demon python in the early stage of foundation-building and put it into the storage bag.

During this period, Qin Shi, who had been watching the battle from a distance, also hurried over.

"Brother Qin, why are you here too? What's wrong with you, brother?" Yan Siyi was a little surprised by Qin Shi's appearance. Seeing Qin Shi's weak breath, she was immediately puzzled.

Qin Shi then simply told Yan Siyi about Ling Pengyun's rescue and how he took the Explosive Spirit Pill and worked together with Ling Pengyun to kill Wang Yun, to clear her doubts.

After hearing this, Yan Siyi was shocked.

She had often followed Qin Shi into the Jiaomang Lake to hunt monsters in the past one or two years, and she probably knew Qin Shi's limit.

In addition, Qin Shi just told her that Ling Pengyun knew a combined attack technique with his natal spiritual plant.

Yan Siyi's impression of Ling Pengyun changed immediately.

"In my sect, only my grandfather and the two deputy hall masters of the Spirit Plant Hall have comprehended the combined attack technique with the natal spiritual plant. I didn't expect that fellow Daoist Ling could also comprehend it. No wonder my grandfather often praised this person."

"It seems that this person is not only talented in improving spiritual rice, but also has extraordinary talent in the entire spiritual plant field, and is not comparable to ordinary spiritual plant geniuses." Yan Siyi thought to herself.

"You two, the battle just ended here. I'm afraid that many monsters around have also noticed the fighting here."

"Besides, we are all heading back to Tuyuan Market. Since I can meet two fellow Taoists in succession, I'm afraid that the two remaining late-stage foundation-building cultivators who killed us will have a chance to find us."

"Given the current situation of the three of us, if we encounter those two late-stage foundation-building cultivators, we will probably be in trouble again."

"It's better to leave quickly."

Ling Pengyun interrupted Qin Shi and Yan Siyi after seeing them chatting for a few words.

Qin Shi and Yan Siyi also understood this truth. After the chat, they followed Ling Pengyun, the strongest fighting force, and sneaked away towards Tuyuan Market.

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