Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 316: Divide Wang Yun's property and make a fortune (4200 words, please subscribe)

Half a day later.

Ling Pengyun and the others were sneaking for thousands of miles around the boundary of Jiaomang Lake, when they suddenly saw a figure running in front of them.

When everyone saw the figure's face, everyone felt at ease, and there was even a hint of joy on their faces.

This is also because the person who came was Qin Shi's master Zhang Yan.

As early as half a day ago, when Qin Shi was intercepted and killed by Wang Yun and others, he crushed a high-level mother-in-law token given by his master Zhang Yan to ask for help.

Zhang Yan found it based on the mother-in-law token.

Zhang Yan, who was rushing towards him, also noticed Qin Shi, Ling Pengyun, and Yan Siyi. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that his beloved disciple and the most important Ling Pengyun were all fine.

Qin Shi was his close disciple, and he had taken him with him to train him since he was a child. Although he had no blood relationship, the relationship between the two was that of father and son.

Ling Pengyun is the blood cousin of Yang Siling, the daughter-in-law of his immediate boss Lingfu Zhenren. Judging from the fact that the Ling family destroyed the Luo family and the Ling family still occupied the Luo family's spiritual veins, it is enough to see that Yang Siling values ​​​​Ling Pengyun.

If Ling Pengyun accidentally hunts monsters due to the invitation of his disciple Qin Shi, I am afraid that his position as deputy head of the General Affairs Hall will also be lost.

This position is extremely important to him, and it is the most critical step in his journey to find the golden elixir.

As for Yan Siyi, it's not that important.

Although she was also born an extraordinary person, although Yan Siyi's grandfather Yan Cang was the master of Lingzhi Hall, he was only a Lingzhifu and was not very strong. Even if something happened to Yan Siyi, Zhang Yan was not afraid.

After all, even if Qin Shi invited Yan Siyi to enter the Python Lake to hunt monsters, Yan Siyi did so voluntarily.

After Zhang Yan arrived in front of Qin Shi and the others, he briefly asked about the story of Qin Shi's request for help.

When he heard that the crisis Qin Shi and others encountered this time was due to interception and killing by his fellow disciples, he was immediately furious.

"Wang Yun, Jiang Song, and Wei Yan dared to violate the sect's rules and attack and kill fellow sect member Shi'er. Are these three people still in the Jiaomang Lake area now? I will definitely kill these three thieves this time to suppress them. The power of the sect.”

"Master, Wang Yun has been killed by me and Brother Ling. As for Jiang Song and Wei Yan, they went to hunt down Xue Chao, Zhang Chuan and Ye Yu respectively. Now they are missing." Qin. Shi Wei said with a bit of worry.

Zhang Yan was slightly surprised when he heard that his disciples Qin Shi and Ling Pengyun had killed Wang Yun, who was on the eighth floor of the foundation. But when he heard that Xue Chao, Zhang Chuan, and Ye Yu were still in danger, he suddenly had a headache.

The elders Xue Chao, Zhang Chuan, and Ye Yu are not like Yan Siyi's grandfather Yan Cang, who only knows how to farm and never cares about worldly affairs.

The elders of these three people not only have reached the ninth level of foundation building or above, but also mastered the three most popular talisman-making, weapon-refining, and alchemy-refining sects in the world of immortality. They also hold high positions in the Bailing Sect. He is highly regarded by the two golden elixir ancestors, Master Lingfu and Master Bailing.

Once Xue Chao and the other three were killed because of his lover's invitation to hunt monsters, the elders of those three people might not look good on him in the future.

"Shi'er, where was the direction that Xue Chao and others fled after being intercepted and killed?" Zhang Yan asked.

Qin Shi then roughly pointed out the direction in which Xue Chao, Ye Yu, and Zhang Chuan escaped.

Zhang Yan waved his hand and took out a blue-eyed ape whose strength was comparable to that of the later stage of foundation building to protect Qin Shi and the others. After leaving the boundary of Jiao Python Lake, he went to support Xue Chao and others in the direction where they were being chased and fled.

"I didn't expect that Senior Zhang would have a powerful spiritual beast with such cultivation." Ling Pengyun looked at the blue-eyed ape, his eyes trembled, and he murmured to himself.

Ling Pengyun and the other three were also on the back foot, continuing to return to Tuyuanfang City.

Because of the protection of the blue-eyed ape in the late stage of foundation building, and because Ling Pengyun, Qin Shi, and Yan Siyi were extremely careful, no monsters were attracted on the way back. It took two days to finally return to Tuyuan safely. In the market.

Afterwards, Ling Pengyun and the others went to the temporary residences of Xue Chao, Zhang Chuan and Ye Yu in Fangshi respectively. They found no one living there and no message was left.

In addition, Zhang Yan, a perfect monk who went to find Xue Chao, Zhang Chuan and Ye Yu, had not returned yet, and Qin Shi couldn't help but feel worried.

"I wonder what happened to Junior Brother Xue and the others?"

"Although Brother Xue and others are not high in cultivation, their methods are extraordinary and they should have some chance of escape."

"Furthermore, Senior Zhang, come to the rescue. Ji people have their own destiny."

After Ling Pengyun agreed, he looked at Yan Siyi beside him who had used a special secret method to enhance his cultivation, causing his cultivation to temporarily drop to the first or second level of the foundation building, and asked.

"Fairy Yan, when will your cultivation level return to the time of complete victory?"

"The secret method I used to enhance my strength in a short period of time has little side effects. It will take about five days at most to return to full victory. At that time, I can cook spiritual food for my fellow Taoists."

Yan Siyi was also a knowledgeable person, so she naturally understood the meaning of Ling Pengyun's inquiry, and she followed suit.

"In five days, I'll be looking for the fairy."

Ling Peng said in words.

"Okay, I will go back to my residence to recover from my injuries. If you have any news about Junior Sister Ye and the others, please let us know as soon as possible."

Yan Siyi nodded.

Due to her background, she had been acquainted with Xue Chao and others since she was a child, and she was her only best friend with Ye Yu.

Therefore, she was very concerned about the life and death of Ye Yu and others.

After saying this, Yan Siyi stepped away first.

Ling Pengyun and Qin Shiyin killed Wang Yun together, and both of them shared Wang Yun's property.

However, the four storage bags on Wang Yun still had spiritual marks on them and were not opened.

Ling Pengyun followed Qin Shi to his residence, and in the same quiet room, they used their spiritual sense to remove the spiritual marks on Wang Yun's four storage bags.

In this way, they could supervise each other's embezzlement.

Three days later.

After Ling Pengyun and Qin Shi opened the two storage bags on Wang Yun.

The two immediately took out four foundation-building initial stage, three foundation-building middle stage, two foundation-building late stage, and one foundation-building perfect snake demon and python demon skin from the four storage bags.

Ten foundation-building initial stage, eight foundation-building middle stage, five foundation-building late stage, and two foundation-building perfect demon beast inner pills.

As well as some materials for setting up formations, a second-level middle-grade breath-retaining formation, more than 3,000 spirit stones, and some sundries.

Qin Shi and Ling Pengyun were both in ecstasy when they saw so many spiritual objects.

This batch of spiritual objects is worth at least 70,000 spiritual stones.

However, after the two suppressed their joy, they looked at the many monster materials on the ground, all of which were from snakes and pythons, and there were so many of them, and they were all confused.

It was not difficult for the two to see from these snake and python monster materials that Wang Yun was specifically looking for this kind of monster to kill in Jiaomang Lake.

"Brother Qin, do you know what kind of snake or python spiritual beast Wang Yun has?" Ling Pengyun asked in doubt.

"I am not familiar with that old thief Wang Yun, and I have only met him a few times, but Wang Yun is also well-known in the sect because he is the fourth disciple of the spiritual array master Mo Laozu."

"I have also heard that Wang Yun has a spiritual beast, but that spiritual beast is a foundation-building turtle monster, which died in an accident decades ago. So far, I have not heard that Wang Yun has tamed a spiritual beast again."

Qin Shi said carefully.

"That's strange." Ling Pengyun said in doubt.

Qin Shi was also confused.

What the two didn't know was that the inner cores of those monsters were collected by Wang Yun, Wei Yan, and Jiang Song, three late-stage foundation-building cultivators, who hunted in Jiaomang Lake in the past six months. They were just placed on Wang Yun, the fourth disciple of Ling Fu Zhenren.

The three collected the inner cores of snake monsters and python monsters in the foundation-building period under the order of Ling Zhen Zhenren.

As for the materials obtained by the three people from killing monsters, they were divided equally among the three people, which resulted in more inner cores on Wang Yun and less monster materials.

After a few breaths, the two people's thoughts were fruitless and they came back to their senses.

Ling Pengyun looked at the many spiritual objects on the ground, roughly estimated the value, and took out the eight-sided frost ice cloud formation flag, frost sword, ice jade shield, and frost dragon jade bottle from the storage bag.

These four magic tools were all used by Wang Yun to fight during his lifetime, so they were not in his storage bag.

At the same time, Qin Shi also has a share of these four magic tools, and they are of great value, so Ling Pengyun can't take them all by himself.

"Brother Qin, the value of the pile of spiritual objects on the ground is about 41,000 to 2,000 spiritual stones."

"The flags of this second-grade upper-grade Frost Ice Cloud Array are damaged on four sides, leaving only eight sides, and the value is greatly reduced. It is only slightly stronger than ordinary second-grade upper-grade magic tools, and is worth at most 6,000 to 7,000 spiritual stones."

"Although the three items, the Frost Sword, the Ice Jade Shield, and the Frost Transformation Jade Bottle, have not yet reached the top quality among the second-grade upper-grade magic tools, due to the good materials, these three magic tools are enough to sell for more than 21,000 spiritual stones."

"The four magic tools are worth about 27,000 to 28,000 spiritual stones."

"The total value of this batch of spiritual objects is about 70,000 spiritual stones."

Ling Pengyun first told the value of these spiritual objects, and then pointed to the four second-grade upper-grade magic tools, the Frost Sword, and asked Qin Shi.

"Brother Qin, the cultivation method I practice is water-based. Although the three magical instruments, the Frost Sword, Ice Jade Shield, and Frost-Transforming Jade Bottle, are ice-based, they are complementary to my cultivation method. I come from a family, and the powerful Frost Ice Cloud Formation is of great use to my family."

"Can you give me these four items?"

"I am a physical cultivator. If I get these four magical instruments with ice attributes, I can only sell them at most. Since Brother Ling wants them, they belong to Brother Ling."

"But this The value of the four magic tools is only 27,800 or 28,000 spiritual stones. Brother Ling, your combined secret technique, the giant thorn python, has made great contributions to the killing of Wang Yun. Brother Ling will take 60% of the benefits obtained this time, and I will take 40%. "

"Brother Ling, in addition to taking these four magic tools, you can also choose spiritual objects worth about 15,000 spiritual stones from those monster materials."

Knowing that Ling Pengyun had comprehended the combined attack secret technique, Qin Shi, who had a promising future, took the initiative to show his goodwill and said with a smile.

Ling Pengyun's expression moved slightly when he heard this.

Although he made more contributions than Qin Shi in the battle of killing Wang Yun, it was not much greater.

However, Ling Pengyun also understood why Qin Shi took the initiative to give up the benefits this time.

He did not refuse this, after all, an extra 10% of the benefits in this batch of benefits is not a small amount.

After nodding lightly, he picked up the second-level middle-grade breath-retaining formation worth about 6,000 spiritual stones on the market.

He also selected two early foundation building, two middle foundation building, and one late foundation building demon python skins.

Three middle foundation building, one late foundation building, and one perfect foundation building demon beast inner pills.

And several second-level water attribute layout materials worth thousands of dollars, which were used to repair the four damaged formation flags of the second-level top-grade frost ice cloud formation.

After dividing the spiritual objects, Ling Pengyun also said goodbye to Qin Shi and went to the Jubao Pavilion opened by the family in this market, and found Ling Yunfu, the third elder of the Ling family who was in charge of this store.

He briefly told Ling Yunfu about following Qin Shi and others into the Jiaomang Lake to kill monsters and Wang Yun of Bailingmen for nearly a month.

However, he did not reveal Wang Yun's cultivation level to avoid Ling Yunfu's worry.

A month ago, he found Qin Shi and others as soon as he came to Tuyuanfang Market, and followed Qin Shi and others to hunt monsters, so he did not meet Ling Yunfu.

Afterwards, Ling Pengyun handed Wang Yun's set of only eight remaining frost ice cloud formation flags and several water attribute formation materials to Ling Yunfu, asking him to pass them on to the Hui clan.

Ling Yunfu was also an experienced person. From the grade of the second-grade upper-grade frost ice cloud formation flags, he could see that the strength of Wang Yun killed by Ling Pengyun was probably at least in the late stage of foundation building.

"Pengyun, it's better to be careful in the future. You are one of the pillars of the family. If you fall, the strength of the family will also be weakened." Ling Yunfu worried and warned.

"I understand, great-grandfather." Ling Pengyun nodded in response.

Seeing this, Ling Yunfu said no more, so as not to annoy Ling Pengyun.

Then, he took out two storage bags that he had prepared long ago and handed them to Ling Pengyun.

"Pengyun, this storage bag contains a batch of refining materials, which are the materials needed for the family to entrust you to refine magic tools in the past six months. In addition, this storage bag also contains a set of spiritual materials for refining the second-level lower-grade wind-controlling Taoist robe. This spiritual material is the spiritual material funded by the family for your refining."

"As for the other storage bag, it is all filled with spiritual stones, which are the 8,000 spiritual stones that the family helped you buy Xuanyuan heavy iron, and the 4,000 spiritual stones that you handed over for the yellow sand erosion formation, a total of 12,000 spiritual stones."

Speaking of this, Ling Yunfu laughed and talked some gossip.

"These spiritual stones were earned from selling some unused spiritual objects after the family destroyed the Luo family."

"In addition, after selling that batch of spiritual objects, there are still more than 3,000 spiritual stones left, which I have sent back to the clan."

"After half a year, the first-level low-grade spiritual plants planted by the family on the more than 20 spiritual veins of the Luo family will mature, which will be a large profit."

"According to the clan's plan, after paying back your spiritual stones, we plan to help Peng Liang build his foundation with all our strength. I'm afraid that in two or three years, Peng Liang will be able to try to impact the foundation again."

"If Peng Liang's foundation building can be successful, our clan will have five foundation-building fighters. By then, my Ling family will be ranked in the top three in the entire Jingzhou area."

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