Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 328: Dividing the Benefits of the Battle of Huaishuifang City (3000 words, please subscribe)

"Wang Yun was indeed killed by me, but Wang Yun failed to kill me and was killed by Qin Shi Daoyou, a disciple of Zhang Yan, the deputy head of the Steward Hall of your sect. My cousin knows about this, and Senior Zhang Yan also knows about it."

"In addition, this matter also involves Yan Siyi, the granddaughter of the head of the Lingzhi Hall of your sect, Xue Chao, the son of Xue Yuan, the deputy head of the Talisman Hall, and Ye Mu, the daughter of the deputy head of the Alchemy Hall. These three were also killed by Wang Yun and his men."

"But fortunately, none of them were killed."

"This matter has a bad reputation, so we did not spread it."

"Please don't spread it, otherwise it may cause some unnecessary trouble." Ling Pengyun said carefully.

He dared to use the magic weapon obtained from Wang Yun openly, and naturally he had the confidence.

A few months ago, when he went to Bailingmen to refine his life magic weapon, his cousin Yang Siling had already handled the follow-up of killing Wang Yun.

After all, Ling Pengyun and others were acting in self-defense, and Qin Shi also used a video disk to record the crimes of Wang Yun and others, leaving evidence.

In addition, the elders behind Qin Shi and others who were killed by Wang Yun were all capable subordinates of Ling Fu Zhenren and Bai Ling Zhenren, and they were involved in a wide range of affairs.

Under the joint nomination of everyone, Ling Fu Zhenren and Bai Ling Zhenren also sent people to inform Ling Zhen Zhenren not to retaliate against Ling Pengyun and others.

Otherwise, Ling Fu Zhenren and Bai Ling Zhenren would also take action to destroy the people of Ling Zhen Zhenren's faction to suppress the power of their own faction.

"That's good." Ouyang Qun heard this and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Li Xiang was the same.

If the matter of killing Wang Yun was not handled properly, and the two of them were close to Ling Pengyun, they might get into trouble because of this.

However, since the matter has been handled, the two are naturally not afraid.

"Fellow Daoist Ling, we have consumed a lot of energy today, so we will take a half-day break."

"After half a day, can we kill the monsters outside the market?" Ouyang Qun asked Ling Pengyun.

"Of course." Ling Pengyun replied.

The three chatted until this point, and all sat cross-legged on the north wall of the market, taking pills and practicing martial arts to restore spiritual power.

Time passed slowly.

After half a day, when the three of them had recovered to their best condition, the three of them gathered together.

"Fellow Daoist Ouyang, Fellow Daoist Li, there are now seven foundation-building monsters left besieging the market town, including three early-stage foundation-building, one mid-stage foundation-building, one late-stage foundation-building purple star demon wolves, and two mid-stage foundation-building blue sky apes."

"I want to kill all of these wolf monsters."

"That late-stage foundation-building purple star demon wolf is at the seventh level of foundation-building, but with the help of its innate magical power, the Purple Demon Boiling Technique, its strength is comparable to that of an ordinary eighth-level foundation-building monster."

"Even if I face this wolf, I need to deal with it with all my strength."

"In addition, my early-stage foundation-building spirit beast Fengyingpeng, with the advantage of the formation protection in the market town, can attack with all its strength, and should be able to temporarily block the attack of a mid-stage foundation-building purple star demon wolf."

"The remaining three early-stage foundation-building Purple Star Demon Wolf and two mid-stage foundation building Qingming apes, as well as the two thousand Qi training monsters, are you sure that you can temporarily trap them with the second-grade upper-grade Gengjin Poyun formation set up in this market? "

"If we can't trap these monsters, once a monster leaves, I'm afraid the news that Huaishui Market has escaped will spread, and then attract more monsters. "

"This is why I want to kill all the monsters outside the market. This time I can support the market because my Ling family is worry-free. If the market falls into crisis next time, my Ling family is also attacked by monsters, I'm afraid I can't support it again. "

Ling Pengyun looked at the more than two thousand monsters outside the market, his eyes flashed with fierce light, and said in a deep voice.

Ouyang Qun and Li Xiang were slightly shocked when they heard this.

They originally wanted to repel the group of monsters outside the market and keep the market peaceful for a while.

But what Ling Pengyun said also made sense. If the group of monsters outside the market are not eliminated, Huaishui Market will definitely fall into crisis in the future.

In addition, Ling Pengyun took the initiative to block the strongest late-stage foundation building purple star demon wolf outside this time, and Ling Pengyun's strength is extremely strong.

They naturally have no other concerns.

"I can temporarily block the two mid-stage foundation building blue wolves, so that the pressure of trapping the enemy in the Gengjin Liyun formation can be reduced." Li Xiang was the first to speak.

"Since both of you are working so hard, I have to do my best."

"The spiritual vein under the Huaishui market is of the second-class upper grade. With the help of the rich spiritual energy of this spiritual vein."

"I will use all my strength to activate the Gengjin Poyun formation and set up the light curtain to trap the remaining three foundation-building early purple star demon wolves and the two thousand Qi training monsters. It should not be a problem."

"And when I control the formation, I still have some spare energy. I can rely on the formation flag Gengjin Poyun Knife to fight with the three foundation-building early purple star demon wolves."

"However, setting up the light curtain to trap the enemy consumes a lot of spiritual energy. In addition, the group of monsters will attack the light curtain, which consumes more spiritual energy."

"I'm afraid that the light curtain to trap the enemy can only last for about half a day at most."

Ouyang Qun said.

"Half a day is enough."

"Fellow Daoist Ouyang, you can trap the group of monsters outside the market." Ling Pengyun said confidently.

Ouyang Qun nodded slightly, waved his hand and patted the storage bag on his waist, took out a golden array disk from it, and continuously entered the magic formula into the array disk.

The next moment, the huge golden light curtain protecting Huaishuifang City suddenly trembled.

From then on, a more solid golden circular light curtain was separated from the light curtain.

This light curtain quickly expanded, and in an instant, it completely covered the three-mile area around Huaishui Market.

This change surprised the more than 2,000 monsters that were attacking Huaishui Market.

However, they did not think much about it, and continued to attack, constantly bombarding the light curtain of Huaishui Market, trying to break it.

But in the next moment, Ling Pengyun, Ouyang Qun, and Li Xiang, three foundation-building cultivators in Huaishui Market, suddenly took action, and launched their own attacks, looking for the seven foundation-building monsters outside the market.

In the market, hundreds of spiritual sect Qi-training cultivators, dozens of independent cultivators with industries in the market, and dozens of family cultivators, all made full efforts at this moment to bombard those Qi-training monsters.

At the same time.

Ling Pengyun also fought with the strongest foundation-building seventh-level purple star demon wolf here.

After all, this wolf was only at the seventh level of foundation building, and after a few moves, it fell into a disadvantage.

Even though this wolf used its innate magical power "Purple Demon Boiling Technique" to burn spiritual power, it raised its cultivation to the eighth level of foundation building in a short period of time.

But even so, this wolf was not Ling Pengyun's opponent.

After all, the magic weapons that Ling Pengyun mastered were all extraordinary, and he also knew a powerful combined attack technique.

After a few hundred moves, this wolf was killed by Ling Pengyun.

Ling Pengyun, who had escaped from his hand, also helped Feng Yingpeng and killed his opponent, a purple star demon wolf in the middle stage of foundation building.

Afterwards, the two went to help Ouyang Qun, Li Xiang and others to kill the foundation building monsters.

But after half an incense stick.

This battle ended with victory, and the monsters that besieged the market were all trapped and killed, and no monster could stand.

Outside the market, there was only a large area of ​​monster corpses.

On the north wall, hundreds of cultivators stationed in the market all showed joy at this moment.

Ling Pengyun and the other two also gathered together.

"Fellow Daoist Ouyang, Fellow Daoist Li, now that the war is over, it's time to share the benefits."

"The bodies of the late-stage and middle-stage foundation-building purple star demon wolves that Feng Yingpeng and I killed independently are undoubtedly mine."

"In addition, I also helped Fellow Daoist Ouyang to kill the two middle-stage foundation-building blue sky apes, and helped Fellow Daoist Li Xiang to kill the three early-stage foundation-building purple star demon wolves."

"I also contributed, so I will take the body of the middle-stage foundation-building blue sky ape that Fellow Daoist Ouyang got, and I won't take its magic weapon."

"Fellow Daoist Li Xiang, give me the body of an early-stage foundation-building wolf demon, and I also want its sword embryo."

"I will take 30% of the two thousand demon beast bodies outside the market."

"Do you think this is good?"

Ling Pengyun asked.

Ouyang Qun and Li Xiang were quite satisfied with Ling Pengyun's division of benefits.

After all, Ling Pengyun did help them and took too much benefit, which was considered normal.

Moreover, there were still 70% of the 2,000 Qi-training monster corpses outside the market, and these 70% of monster corpses could be divided between the two of them.

Of course, the Qi-training monks stationed in the market also had to share.

But even so, they could still get a good share of benefits.

And all this was due to Ling Pengyun, the great savior.

If there was no Ling Pengyun to help, the second-level superior defense array in Huaishui Market would probably be broken by the monsters in a few days, and then the Huaishui Market would be destroyed.

Ouyang Qun and Li Xiang naturally knew this, and they happily handed over all the benefits that belonged to Ling Pengyun to Ling Pengyun.

They thanked Ling Pengyun again and again, and even forced Ling Pengyun to entertain him.

After the meal, Ling Pengyun chatted with Ouyang Qun and Li Xiang for a while, and Ling Pengyun also drove the second-level middle-grade flying boat and left the place with dozens of storage bags containing hundreds of Qi training monster corpses.

However, he did not return to the clan mountain immediately.

Instead, he drove the second-level middle-grade flying boat to the territory of Jiaozhou Bingjiao County, which was adjacent to Huaishui County.

Because the second-level flying boat he drove was extremely fast, in just a few hours, Ling Pengyun had checked the territories of five of the six families in Bingjiao County.

Among these five families, the worst was the Shen family, which was attacked by monsters once during the monster rebellion.

Back then, Ling Pengyun took advantage of the good opportunity when the Shen family mountain was captured by monsters, and together with Luo Qiuming of the Luo family and the Yanyun Tiger of the Huxiao Liu family, he destroyed the monsters occupying the Shen family mountain.

Then, they plundered the Shen family's martial arts manuals and most of their property.

Now, this sudden beast tide has once again forced the Shen family, which has a weak foundation, into a desperate situation, and the clan mountain has been besieged by monsters again.

However, this time, with the help of two Bailingmen mid-stage foundation-building cultivators stationed in Bingjiao County Bingjiao Market, they quickly escaped from danger.

Finally, Ling Pengyun came to the vicinity of the Sun clan mountain that he had contacted in his early years.

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