Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 329: Obtaining the Earth-Bearing Silkworm (3400 words, please subscribe)

When he realized that there was no Sun cultivator in the Sun clan mountain, but that it was occupied by more than two hundred Qi-training stage Qingming apes and one Foundation-building stage Qingming ape, he was not surprised but overjoyed.

"Sure enough, as I expected, the group of Green Apes that attacked Huaishuifang City earlier came from Jiaozhou."

"It's just that... I didn't expect that the one who was destroyed by the group of Green Apes that attacked Huaishuifang City was... the Sun family."

"The Sun family was also in a bit of a miserable situation. During the monster beast rebellion, because they were too weak, the family had not been established for a long time, and there were not many monks, the family mountain was besieged by monsters, but they still found me and that damn Luo Qiu Ming. Only then did we survive the chaos of monsters safely.”

"I think it is precisely because the Sun clan lost too many monks during the monster beast rebellion. This beast wave came in a hurry, and the Sun clan's monks had no time to recover. As a result, there were not many monks left in the family this time. The defensive strength is several times weaker than that of the Monster Rebellion."

"This has caused us to fall into deep crisis again, and even now we have been captured by Clan Mountain."

"This Sun family is also unlucky. If it were like the Shen family, with timely support from Bingjiaofang City's foundation builders, I'm afraid they wouldn't have been captured by Clan Mountain."

"I don't know if any of Sun's monks who stayed in the Clan Mountain managed to escape."

"If not, the Sun family's... soil-bearded spirit silkworms should still remain in the Sun family mountain."

During the current beast tide, the Purple Star Demonic Wolf Clan invaded Jingzhou, where Huaishui County is located, and the Qingming Ape Clan invaded Jiaozhou.

Thinking of this, Ling Pengyun's eyes flashed with light, and with a thought, he quickly flew to the Sun Clan Mountain.

On the way, more than two hundred Qingming apes who were in the early stages of foundation building on the other side of the Sun clan mountain also noticed Ling Pengyun's arrival.

However, this group of Qingming Apes did not dare to confront Ling Pengyun head-on.

After all, the Qingming Ape in the early stage of foundation building had already developed his intelligence.

And because of its strong bloodline, which is several times stronger than the same level of monsters in intelligence, it has also detected that Ling Pengyun's Breath Gun is in the middle stage of foundation construction, and it is not that it is a match for the two hundred Qing Ming Apes in the Qi training stage under its command.

Because of this, this group of Qingming Apes quickly fled the Sun Clan Mountain.

But this group of Qingming Apes was a piece of fat in Ling Pengyun's eyes. He did not let them go easily, and directly chased them, and cooperated with Feng Yingpeng to quickly kill these group of Qingming Apes.

Then, he picked up the corpse of the Green Ming Ape in the early stage of foundation establishment, as well as its long stick magic weapon that was a quasi-second-level magic weapon.

There are still more than ten Qingming Ape corpses in the late stage of Qi training and in the perfect state. There are too many Qingming ape corpses in the Qi training stage. Ling Pengyun can't fit them in the storage bag on his body, so he has no choice but to give up.

Ling Pengyun also climbed up the Sun Clan Mountain.

Today's Sun Clan Mountain is in dilapidated condition.

All the originally exquisite attics were turned into ruins.

Ling Pengyun did not stop at these ruins, but went straight to the top of Sun Clan Mountain and walked to a spiritual field area of ​​more than ten acres.

In this spiritual field area, there are now only dozens of bare spiritual trees exuding spiritual energy, and the remaining acres of spiritual fields are in a mess.

Apparently, spiritual plants were planted on those spiritual fields before, but they were all destroyed by the group of Green Underworld Apes that previously occupied this mountain.

Those bare spiritual trees are all spiritual mulberry trees. This area is also a mulberry garden specially established by Sun.

The mulberry leaves produced by the dozens of mulberry trees in this mulberry garden are specially supplied to the group of "soil silkworms" raised by Sun, so that the group of soil silkworms can produce soil mulberry leaves. silk.

Looking at the dozens of bare mulberry trees in front of him, Ling Pengyun's eyes shone slightly.

"The group of Qingming Apes who occupied this mountain had some brains. They just ate the spiritual mulberry leaves on the trees and kept these spiritual mulberry trees."

"That group of Qingming Apes did something like this, which actually benefited me."

"However... I am afraid that this group of Qingming Apes left these dozens of spiritual mulberry trees... also intending to completely occupy the Sun Clan Mountain and use it to thrive."

"Monsters in the Foundation Establishment Period are expected to have intelligence, and this place is deep in the Bailing Sect, which covers the ground. If the group of Qingming Apes who previously occupied this place dared to do this, I am afraid they also received instructions from the Golden Core Demon King of the Qingming Ape clan."

Thinking of this, Ling Pengyun suddenly felt a crisis in his heart.

"If this speculation is true, I am afraid that the demon king of the Qingming Ape clan also plans to take advantage of the trouble caused by the Bailing Gate to occupy the next land, multiply and multiply here, and strengthen the Qingming Ape clan."

Monsters, like monks, will improve their cultivation faster if they are in a place with rich spiritual energy.

For the huge Qingming Ape clan, the more spiritual veins, the better. This is the same reason as the Bailing Sect has been expanding to the Jiaomang Lake boundary in recent years.

After returning to his thoughts, Ling Pengyun shook his head, and his spiritual consciousness penetrated into the depths of the mulberry garden, searching for traces of the earth-bearded silkworms.

The earth-bearded spiritual silkworms are different from ordinary spiritual silkworms. They do not live on mulberry trees, but live deep underground.

In this way, they can be guaranteed to avoid being hunted by some birds, and they can also go deep underground to absorb the power of earth veins, temper their spiritual power, and improve their cultivation.

At the same time, you can also breed unearthed silkworms through the power of earth veins and your own special spiritual power.

Soon, Ling Pengyun detected hundreds of auras half a mile underground.

His expression also lit up.

"These timid earth-bearded silkworms are indeed still here."

Ling Pengyun's spiritual thoughts moved and sent a spiritual shock towards the hundreds of earth-bearded silkworms deep in the ground.

The hundreds of earth-bearded silkworms were only at the level of Qi training, and the silkworm clan had weak spiritual consciousness. They all fell into coma after being gently shaken by Ling Pengyun's powerful spiritual consciousness.

Ling Pengyun also used a small earth-related magic to take out the hundreds of earth-bearded silkworms deep underground, and then floated them in the air.

Looking at the hundreds of unconscious earth-bearded silkworms, Ling Pengyun's spiritual consciousness swept through them and carefully explored the cultivation of these silkworms.

"Seventy-one earth-bearded silkworms in the early stage of Qi training, twenty-three earth-bearded silkworms in the middle stage of Qi training, eleven earth-bearded silkworms in the late stage of Qi training, and one silkworm king who has completed Qi training."

"According to what I saw in a travelogue in my early years, silkworms can produce about three kilograms of spiritual silk every year. If there are enough spiritual mulberry leaves, even five kilograms can be produced annually."

"The earth-bearded silkworm should also produce silk."

"As for spiritual mulberry leaves, with the dozens of spiritual mulberry trees here, plus my spiritual plants, the annual output of spiritual mulberry leaves from these spiritual mulberry trees can be doubled."

"In this way, with double the mulberry leaves, this Each of the earth-bearded silkworms can produce five kilograms of silk silk per year, so there should be a chance. "

"In this case, this group of earth-bearded silkworms can produce 355 kilograms of first-grade inferior silk, 115 kilograms of first-grade medium silk, 55 kilograms of first-grade superior silk, and 5 kilograms of first-grade superior earth-bearded silk every year. "

"And the annual harvest of this batch of silk can at least reach more than 4,100 spiritual stones. "

"With this group of earth-bearded silkworms, the family's future income can be increased, and the family can become more and more wealthy in the future. "

Ling Pengyun looked at the hundreds of unconscious earth-bearded silkworms in front of him, and his expression was delighted.

After the joy, Ling Pengyun had a trace of worry in his heart.

The cultivators left behind by the Sun family may have been killed by the Qingming Ape Clan, but the Sun family still has 30 Qi training cultivators and the Sun family's patriarch Sun Mingle, who is in the middle stage of foundation building, who are still alive.

However, they are now stationed deep in Jiaomang Lake in response to the call of Bailingmen.

If Jiaomang Lake can be stationed, the group of Sun family cultivators can also survive, and the Sun family can still continue.

The group of Sun family members have the clan leader Sun Mingle, even if the Sun family mountain is occupied by monsters again, it can be easily seized.

Considering this point, Ling Pengyun hesitated for a moment and only took away half of the Qi training stage earth-bearded silkworms and half of the spiritual mulberry trees.

The other half of the earth-bearded silkworms were put back deep underground, and half of the spiritual mulberry trees were left here.

In addition, Ling Pengyun also left two second-level inferior magic tools of poor quality obtained by killing the foundation-building stage Qingming Ape and Purple Star Demon Wolf, and placed them in the Sun family library, all as a forced sale of half of the spiritual silkworms and spiritual mulberry trees.

Of course, the value of this batch of magic tools is not low, and it is also worth about 4,000 spiritual stones.

As for whether the Sun family is willing to accept it, Ling Pengyun doesn't care so much. After all, the Sun family now has no cultivators and has become a place occupied by monsters.

At the same time, this behavior is also to appease the Sun family.

After all, this group of earth-bearded silkworms and spiritual mulberry trees are the foundation of the Sun family.

Just like the jade series of spiritual rice of the Ling family, if it was put more than ten years ago, if someone dared to rob the jade series of spiritual rice of the Ling family, the Ling family would definitely fight desperately.

Afterwards, even if the Sun family knew through some special secret methods that it was the Ling family who took their spiritual silkworms and spiritual mulberry trees, nine out of ten would still consider that the Ling family had six foundation-building cultivators and endured the matter.

But if Ling Pengyun did it too much, it might also force the Sun family into a hurry. Even if they did not attack the Ling family cultivators in revenge, they might spread the matter and ruin the reputation of the Ling family.

After all, this matter is not a fair and upright thing.

Afterwards, Ling Pengyun searched for the Sun family's martial arts inheritance books, and he copied them one by one regardless of their value.

After handling everything, Ling Pengyun left this place and returned to Lingxiao Mountain.

During the day he was away, the clan mountain was safe and sound, and the clan members sent to patrol various parts of the clan did not find any other monster groups led by foundation-building monsters invading the clan territory.

At the beginning, Ling Pengyun, Ling Pengxing, and Ling Penglin killed the six or seven hundred Qi training period purple star demon wolves, and Ling Pengxing and Ling Penglin also transported them back to the clan.

Now, on a huge flat land in Lingxiao Mountain.

Dozens of clan members, regardless of gender, age, or age, used sharp magic tools here to cut the materials from the purple star demon wolves.

Ling Pengyun controlled the flying boat and landed here.

The three family leaders, the Great Elder Ling Yunhui, the Second Elder Ling Yunan, and the Sixth Elder Ling Yunqian, who had already noticed Ling Pengyun's return, all came forward with worried expressions.

"Pengyun, how did you return to the family so quickly? Huaishui Market is... gone?" The Great Elder Ling Yunhui asked with dim eyes and a slightly trembling voice.

The Second Elder Ling Yunan and the Seventh Elder Ling Yunqian also looked the same.

It took Ling Pengyun only one day to destroy the group of purple star demon wolves in the family and rush to Huaishui Market, but Huaishui Market was besieged by more than 2,500 Qi training monsters led by eight foundation-building monsters.

The two foundation-building monsters in Huaishui Market, plus Ling Pengyun, only had three foundation-building monsters.

According to the expectations of Ling Yunhui and the other two, the battle to defend Huaishui Market was a protracted war.

It would take at least ten days and a half months to slowly rely on the second-level formation in Huaishui Market to cripple the monster group.

Then, the group of monsters were repelled.

"The Huaishui Market has been secured, and the group of monsters that besieged the Huaishui Market have been annihilated by me, the two Bailingmen foundation-building cultivators from the Huaishui Market, and the other Qi-training cultivators. Not a single monster escaped."

Ling Pengyun also saw that the elder and the others were overthinking, and said with a smile.

When the elder Ling Yun'an and the others heard this, they were shocked, and then turned to ecstasy.

They had never expected such a happy event.

"Pengyun, did you also... annihilate the eight foundation-building monsters that besieged the Huaishui Market?" Elder Ling Yun'an asked curiously.

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