Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 330: The profound inheritance of sericulture (4200 words, please subscribe)

"Yes, during this trip to aid Huaishuifang City, I killed two late-stage foundation-building monsters, and one mid- and early-stage foundation-building monster. These four foundation-building monsters were all from the Purple Star Demonic Wolf, and the Qing Dynasty Demonic Beast. All members of the Ming Yuan clan have one or more magical weapons."

"This quasi-second-order Qingxuan long stick is forged from a large amount of Qingxuan spiritual iron. It weighs nearly ten thousand kilograms. Although its power is weaker than ordinary second-order low-grade magic weapons, it will also consume less for monks. Some."

"Eighteenth Grandfather, you are a body cultivator, so it is appropriate for you to use this magic weapon. Now you are among the beasts, and you often ride the fairy crane out to explore the safety of the family territory, so this stick is entrusted to you."

Ling Pengyun did not hide it. He patted the storage bag on his waist with his hand and took out a quasi-second-order magic weapon Qingxuan Long Stick that he had obtained during his trip to Shanfang Market by killing a Qingming Ape in the early stage of foundation building. He handed it to the sixth elder Ling Yun. An, let me know.

Afterwards, he took out a second-order mid-grade Purple Star Flying Sword that he had obtained during his trip to Huaishuifang City by killing the Purple Star Demonic Wolf in the late stage of Foundation Establishment. The faces of dozens of clan members on the corpse of the Purple Star Demon Wolf.

Seeing that Ling Pengxing was not here, he immediately asked.

"Elders, where is third brother?"

The First Elder Ling Yunhui, the Second Elder Ling Yunan, and the Sixth Elder Ling Yunqian saw Ling Pengyun take out two magic weapons one after another. In addition, Ling Pengyun always spoke the truth, and they were immediately convinced that Huaishuifang City had been relieved.

The three of them suddenly had smiles on their faces.

"Okay, okay, I didn't expect that this kid really has the ability to kill late-stage foundation-building monsters as that little girl Peng Xing and Peng Lin said."

"This time during your trip to Huaishuifang City, it is also a good thing to destroy all the monster beasts that besieged Huaishuifang City."

"Monster beasts do not have communication objects such as talismans. The monster beasts that besieged Huaishuifang City did not escape. I am afraid that the monster beasts in other areas will not get the news that the monster beasts that besieged Huaishuifang City were destroyed."

"For some time in the future, our Huaishui County will finally feel more peaceful."

"As for the child Peng Xing, after returning the corpses of the purple star demon wolves in the Qi training period to his family, he returned to Luoxia Mountain in Luoyu County to garrison. After all, there are many groups of monsters in Luoyu County."

"It is somewhat unsafe for Xiaohua alone to rely on the mountain-protecting formation in Luoxia Mountain."

The great elder Ling Yun replied with a smile.

"In this case, I can only send this purple star flying sword to it personally." Ling Pengyun heard that Ling Pengxing was not in the family, he frowned slightly and muttered to himself.

The Sixth Elder, Ling Yunqian, glanced at the Qingxuan Long Stick, a quasi-second-order magical weapon in front of him, his eyes filled with fondness.

"Peng Yun, your eighteenth grandfather will not be polite to you. However, although we are a family, this stick is precious. As long as it is given to a second-level weapon refiner to be re-refined, it will definitely become a second-level low-grade magic weapon. In such a situation, this stick is of great value and I can’t ask for it in vain.”

"In this case, I will buy this stick from you at a price of 1,000 spiritual stones. What do you think?"

"Okay." Ling Pengyun's expression moved slightly and he nodded in response.

This price is the normal price of a quasi-magical weapon forged by this kind of monster.

Ling Yun Qian followed suit, reluctantly taking out a bulging storage bag from his arms, and waved a thousand spiritual stones from it on the ground.

Ling Pengyun also trusted Ling Yunqian very much and put the thousand spirit stones directly into the storage bag with a wave of his hand.

Then, he took out the dozens of storage bags containing hundreds of qi-training corpses that he had obtained during his trip to Huaishuifang City from the flying boat next to him.

Then he asked the tribesmen to help cut the materials from the hundreds of Qi-training monsters.

At the same time, he also said that he could give 10% of the profits from that batch of monster materials as rewards to the tribesmen.

Harvesting monster materials is not difficult, it just takes time.

In addition, there are spiritual stones to earn, and the dozens of clan members in the clan will naturally not refuse.

Later, Ling Pengyun pulled the three senior family members, the eldest elder Ling Yunhui, the second elder Ling Yunan, and the sixth elder Ling Yunqian, to a secluded area on the top of a mountain where no one else was around.

The clan members who left the Sun clan, the founder of Jiaozhou Bingjiao County, in their family were all wiped out, and the clan mountain was also occupied by a group of Qingming apes.

In addition, during Sun's trip, he obtained fourteen first-order low-grade spiritual mulberry trees, six first-order medium-grade spiritual mulberry trees, and three first-order high-grade spiritual mulberry trees.

Thirty-five earth-bearded spiritual silkworms in the early stage of Qi training, eleven earth-bearded spiritual silkworms in the middle stage of Qi training, and six earth-bearded spiritual silkworms in the late stage of Qi training.

As well as Sun's hundreds of martial arts books, etc., they were taken out from the storage bag and the beast control bag.

When the Great Elder Ling Yunan and others saw this, their expressions were even more joyful.

"Peng Yun, you have made a great contribution this time. These earth-bearded silkworms are treasures. In the future, the raw materials such as silk required by the family formation master to refine the formation flag will no longer need to be purchased from the outside world."

"In the future, the family will not only save money, but also make a lot of money by selling the silk spun by these earth-bearded silkworms."

"There are probably a lot of good things in this pile of Sun's inherited skills." The great elder Ling Yun sighed happily.

But at this moment, his expression changed and he became a little worried.

"Peng Yun, you have robbed the Sun family this time. There is also a group of Sun family members stationed at Jiaomang Lake. The Sun family has not been completely wiped out. If the Sun family knows this, I am afraid that they will not let it go."

When Ling Pengyun heard this, he smiled and said domineeringly.

"I left half of the spiritual mulberry trees and half of the earth-bearded spiritual silkworms to the Sun family, and the inheritance of the skills was just rubbings. I did not take the spiritual objects in the Sun family's treasury. Instead, I left some property to the Sun family. "

"If you do this, Mrs. Sun still dares to come to your door, what do I, Mrs. Ling, have to fear?"

"Tenth Grandfather, I, the Ling Family, am no longer the Ling Family I used to be."

"With the current strength of the family, it is enough to compete with the top three foundation-building families in Jingzhou, where the family is located. Why should we be afraid of... the Sun family!"

"Previously, the Sun family mountain was captured by monsters. If I didn't empty out the Sun family's treasury and took all the Sun family's earth-bearded silkworms and other spiritual objects, I would have given Sun family face."

Great Elder Ling Yunan and others were shocked when they heard this.

What Ling Pengyun said is indeed true. Now that the Ling family is so powerful, what's the point of doing domineering things.

This kind of thing is not uncommon in the world of immortality.

As for the Ling family, it was precisely because in recent years, following the Yang family, they had done such domineering and even annihilating actions several times, that they gradually became rich.

Destroying Luo Shi alone was a huge transformation point.

The three elders, Ling Yunan and the others, looked at the domineering Ling Pengyun, and felt more and more that Ling Pengyun had some shadow of the patriarch Ling Yunhong, no... he was even more domineering than the patriarch Ling Yunhong.

This move would naturally not be good if the Ling family was weak.

But now the Ling family is in its prime, and they have watched Ling Pengyun grow up. Naturally, they know that Ling Pengyun is domineering when he should be domineering, and he can tolerate the words he should swallow.

"Good boy, I have learned a lesson. In the future, the family will still have to rely on the younger generation like you." Ling Yunan said with a smile.

Second Elder Ling Yunan and Sixth Elder Ling Yunqian agreed one after another.

Ling Pengyun didn't take any credit, he said modestly.

"The words of the three grandfathers are serious. My confidence also comes from the strength of the other five foundation-building members of the family."

After saying this, Ling Pengyun pointed to the pile of at least four to five hundred classics on the ground in front of him and replied to the great elder Ling Yun.

"Three grandfathers, let's talk about this. There are a lot of these classics that I copied from the Sun family. Three grandfathers, please help me classify them."

The great elder Ling Yun replied to the three of them, and they all agreed with a smile.

This batch of classics is the heritage of the Sun family.

Everyone agreed and immediately began to look through the hundreds of classics together.

After being busy for about half an hour, everyone briefly looked through the hundreds of classics and divided them into categories.

Most of these skill inheritances are ordinary things, such as the experiences of qi-training monks or travel notes.

Of course, among these classics, there are also dozens of precious Qi-training period exercises, as well as the first-level low-level inheritance of five common arts including elixirs, talismans, arrays, weapons, and plants.

In addition to these, there is also an earth-type foundation-building technique called "Earth Source Book" that can be practiced to the later stage of foundation-building, as well as a second-level silkworm-raising inheritance.

Ling Pengyun and others did not attach too much importance to the local source book. After the Ling family destroyed the Luo family, they also acquired a "Yellow Sand Technique" that can be practiced to the late stage of foundation building.

Now, the addition of this earth source manual is just the icing on the cake.

However, the contents recorded in the second-level sericulture inheritance were an eye-opener for Ling Pengyun and others who had never been exposed to sericulture.

Within this inheritance, there are not only records of several secret techniques of raising silkworms, such as the "technique of pregnant silkworms" that can increase the probability of silkworm eggs turning into silkworms, the "technique of raising silkworms" that increases the output of spiritual silk produced by spiritual silkworms, and the "technique of raising silkworms" that increases the breakthrough of spiritual silkworms. The "technique of cultivating cultivation" for the probability of cultivation and so on.

"I didn't expect that sericulture is so advanced."

"Three ancestors, our clan has now obtained the spiritual mulberry tree and the earth-bearded spiritual silkworm. Now that we have found this silkworm breeding heritage, it is appropriate to train several silkworm breeders."

"If this can be done and a silkworm farmer takes care of the group of earth-bearded silkworms, the family's income from these earth-bearded silkworms will also be greater."

"The search for clan members with the talent to raise silkworms is left to the three grandfathers."

"I wonder if the three ancestors are willing?" Ling Pengyun said.

"Of course we are willing to do such a small thing. Besides, this matter is also for the good of the family." The elder Ling Yun said with a smile.

"That's good. Among this batch of classics, the more common ones will be placed in the family Kung Fu pavilion. I will put the dozen or so books on Qi training techniques and this inheritance in the study room of the Third Grandfather's Hongyun Cave. , for easy storage," Ling Pengyun said.

Great Elder Ling Yunhui and others nodded one after another and left here with most of the classics.

Ling Pengyun was also on the back foot and placed the remaining dozen or so books of Kung Fu inheritance in Hongyun Cave.

Later, Ling Pengyun walked ahead and took out the twenty-three spiritual mulberry trees, and estimated the number of spiritual fields needed to plant these spiritual trees.

"Although spiritual mulberry trees produce spiritual mulberries that contain spiritual energy, they are also classified as spiritual trees and not spiritual fruit trees. The spiritual energy contained in one acre of spiritual field is enough to plant twice as many spiritual fruit trees, and six can be planted. A mulberry tree of the same order."

"In this way, to plant these twenty-three spiritual mulberry trees, we only need to develop two acres of first-order lower-grade spiritual fields, one acre of first-order middle-grade spiritual fields, and one acre of first-order high-grade spiritual fields."

After making plans, he also stepped into the spiritual field area on the top of the mountain.

Relying on the second-level breath-condensing formation that protected this spiritual field area, he expanded the area covered by the clouds and fog transformed by the breath-containing formation. In this area, he first opened up four acres of wasteland.

And through the array of Ling's mountain protection array, the spare spiritual energy in the mountain was mobilized, and the secret method of spiritual planting "the art of nourishing spirits" was used to wash away the mortal soil in these four acres of wasteland and turn it into spirits.

Because the number of spiritual fields was small, Ling Pengyun developed the four acres of wasteland into spiritual fields in just one hour.

He then planted the twenty-three spiritual mulberry trees on the four-acre spiritual field.

Afterwards, he watered the spiritual mulberry trees with spiritual rain and used the "ripening" technique to awaken the dozens of earth-bearded spiritual silkworms, and then he stopped.

And on the bare branches of the twenty-three trees that had just been buried in the soil, some small green dots appeared.

Obviously, after a while, those small green dots will grow into spiritual mulberry leaves.

Ling Pengyun's eyes swept over the dozens of earth-bearded spiritual silkworms that were wrapped in mud and fell into a coma in front of him.

He found the highest-cultivated spiritual silkworm of the ninth level of Qi training among these spiritual silkworms.

He placed a master recognition restriction on this spiritual silkworm, sacrificed it to become a spiritual beast, and awakened it, and ordered this spiritual silkworm to be the leader of this group of earth-bearded spiritual silkworms.

He also promised to give this spiritual silkworm a large number of spiritual mulberry leaves to help it break through to the perfection of Qi training.

The spiritual silkworm at the ninth level of Qi training was quite interested in this and immediately agreed to it happily.

The original Qi training perfect silkworm king of this group of earth-bearded spiritual silkworms had been set up with a master recognition restriction by the Sun family cultivators, and it was obviously sacrificed and refined into a spiritual beast by the Sun family.

And the person who sacrificed and refined it was most likely the Sun family patriarch who had the foundation-building cultivation.

Under such circumstances, Ling Pengyun naturally could not take the silkworm king directly, otherwise the Sun family patriarch could rely on the master recognition restriction to kill the silkworm king in a moment.

Then, Ling Pengyun awakened the remaining dozens of spiritual silkworms and put them on the four acres of spiritual soil where the spiritual mulberry trees were planted.

"In the future, manage those dozens of spiritual silkworms well and don't let them leave the four acres of spiritual fields where the spiritual mulberry trees are planted. If you don't manage them well, I will not forgive you."

Ling Pengyun looked at the new silkworm king at the ninth level of Qi training and threatened.

The new silkworm king felt the terrifying aura of Ling Pengyun and nodded his head in agreement, not daring to have second thoughts.

Seeing this, Ling Pengyun stopped caring about the matter and left the spiritual field area to find the elder Ling Yunan and others.

He told them to pay attention to the safety of the family. He would be away for a few days to deliver magic tools to Ling Pengxing stationed in Luoxia Mountain and Ling Pengliang in the Rock Scale Snake Cave tens of thousands of miles away.

Now that all the monsters in the family have been eliminated, and the news of the elimination of those monsters has not been spread, the monsters, who can easily pass on the news, will naturally not send troops to attack the family in a short period of time.

The elder Ling Yunan and others naturally would not object, but agreed very much.

Ling Pengyun also followed and drove the family's second-level middle-grade flying boat magic tool and flew away from the family again.

His first stop was Luoxia Mountain, the original Luo clan mountain, which was also in Huaishui County and only thousands of miles away.

He gave the extra second-level middle-grade purple star flying sword to Ling Pengxing, a sword cultivator.

Afterwards, he and Feng Yingpeng worked together with Ling Pengxing to clean up the strongest purple star demon wolf group in Luoyu County, where Luoxia Mountain is located, with three mid-stage foundation building and hundreds of Qi training stage.

After finishing this, Ling Pengyun left this place and went to the "Rock Scale Snake Cave" in Yuanzhou.

Thanks: Book friend 20220526183117048, book friend 20190829142409164, reader 20230315164357607620003, book friend 20180321081611296 for their monthly tickets.

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