Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 334 Taking out the third-level black flame fire phoenix talisman (3400 words, please subscri

Time passed gradually.

In just half an incense stick of time, with the help of Ling Pengyun, who had many tricks, the crowd killed all seven wolf monsters in the middle stage of foundation building.

Four wolf monsters in the late stage of foundation building were also killed, leaving only two wolf monsters in the seventh level of foundation building, one wolf monster in the eighth level of foundation building, and one wolf monster in the ninth level of foundation building alive.

Such incidents attracted the attention of the pair of purple star demon wolves in perfect foundation building who were trapped in the light curtain of the enemy-trapping magic formation of Fengxi Mountain and were fighting with the Fire Cloud Phoenix, the guardian spirit beast of the Fengxi Feng family.

The "little wolf king" with the blood of the golden elixir among the two wolves became anxious when he saw his generals dying one after another.

Once the remaining four wolf monsters in the late stage of foundation building outside the light curtain of the enemy-trapping magic formation were killed, there would be no wolf monster in the late stage of foundation building under its command.

The strength of the wolf pack it led would also be greatly reduced.

Maybe, the twenty-six foundation-building cultivators and spirit beasts outside the light curtain that trapped the enemy could also reverse the situation and cooperate with the foundation-building cultivators of Fengxi Mountain to suppress the wolf pack led by it.

Thinking of this, the little wolf king could not bear it any longer.

It roared at the perfect foundation-building female wolf next to it, indicating that the female wolf should resist the Fire Cloud Phoenix alone for some time.

Then, it quickly moved its four legs, turned into a purple shadow, and rushed towards Ling Pengyun and others.

On the way, it also sacrificed the purple star miasma cone that had been nurtured for hundreds of years, and repeatedly bombarded the enemy-trapping light curtain supported by the formation.

Although the grade of this miasma cone is still at the second-grade upper grade, in recent years, with the help of his father, the Golden Core Wolf King, the little wolf king has integrated a lot of third-grade spirit iron into this magic weapon, making the power of this magic weapon comparable to the power of the second-grade upper-grade middle-level life magic weapon.

In addition, the Miasma-Breaking Cone is best at breaking the barrier, and the light curtain that trapped the enemy was very large, which took away a lot of spare power.

After a while, a big hole was hit on the light curtain.

The foundation-building cultivators in Fengxi Mountain were all entangled by the other foundation-building wolf monsters in the light curtain that trapped the enemy, and they had no spare power to stop the wolf monster with perfect foundation.

They could only roar one after another, signaling Ling Pengyun and others who came to help outside the light curtain that trapped the enemy.

"Fellow Taoists who came to support, the little wolf king with perfect foundation has escaped from the light curtain that trapped the enemy. Be careful. If you can't defeat him, run as soon as possible."

As soon as these words came out, they also alarmed Ling Pengyun and others who were fighting fiercely with the last four wolf monsters in the late stage of foundation building outside the light curtain that trapped the enemy.

When everyone looked over, they just happened to see the little wolf king with perfect foundation, who came out along the big hole that was blasted out on the light curtain, and rushed towards them with great momentum.

Seeing this, everyone was immediately panicked.

That little wolf king has reached the perfect foundation building realm.

This realm has reached the pinnacle of the foundation building realm, enough to fight against three ninth-level foundation building monsters, which is not something that ordinary foundation building can resist.

"Madam, Fellow Daoist Ling, follow me to stop this wolf."

"Other Daoists, don't hide your tricks, take out all the talismans you have, quickly kill the remaining four late-stage foundation building wolf monsters, and then help me, otherwise we can't leave."

Yue Shan, who was using a giant hammer to fight a ninth-level foundation building wolf monster, frowned when he saw the appearance of the little wolf king, and immediately had a way to deal with it.

Then, he quickly left the attack range of the ninth-level foundation building wolf monster, no longer cared about the wolf, and instead bit the bullet and killed the rushing little wolf king.

And this ninth-level foundation building wolf monster was blocked by four mid-stage foundation building cultivators.

Ling Pengyun and Yue Shan's wife "Meng Yao" on the side did not dare to delay, and immediately used their strongest means to support Yue Shan and attack the little wolf king.

But what everyone did not expect was that the little wolf king was extremely powerful, and he used his innate magical power "Purple Star Sky Shining Light" as soon as he attacked.

Between Xumi, a long purple rainbow was spewed out by it, directly hitting the body of Yue Shan who was rushing over, and fixed Yue Shan in place.

Then, the little wolf king's purple star miasma cone directly blasted towards Yue Shan.

If Ling Pengyun had not used the second-level upper-grade "Ice Jade Shield" that he had not taken out in time to block this attack for Yue Shan.

Otherwise, this attack would definitely kill Yue Shan.

After the Ice Jade Shield blocked the second-level upper-grade purple star miasma cone of the little wolf king, its spiritual light dimmed and its power was greatly reduced.

Seeing this, Ling Pengyun frowned.

To avoid damage to the Ice Jade Shield, Ling Pengyun immediately waved his hand to withdraw the Ice Jade Shield when Yue Shan was able to move.

Yue Shan had no time to thank him, and quickly swung the giant hammer in his hand to hit the second-grade top-grade Purple Star Miasma-Breaking Cone.


The giant hammer collided with the Purple Star Miasma-Breaking Cone, causing a piercing sound.

Immediately afterwards, a huge force came out of the Purple Star Miasma-Breaking Cone, directly knocking the giant hammer containing 90,000 pounds of force directly away.

Yue Shan also retreated several steps before he stabilized his body.

His eyes rarely showed fear.

"The foundation-building perfect monster with the blood of the golden elixir is so strong."

During this short moment of distraction, the Purple Star Miasma-Breaking Cone attacked again.

However, the magic weapons played by Ling Pengyun and Meng Yao also arrived in time.

With the cooperation of several magic weapons, they barely blocked the extremely powerful Purple Star Miasma.

But how could the little wolf king, a direct descendant of the Golden Core Wolf Demon, only have one life magic weapon?

The little wolf king opened his mouth, and four purple streams of light flew out of his mouth.

Three of the streams of light were three sets of purple star flying swords, and the other one was a purple gourd magic weapon.

As soon as the four magic weapons came out, Ling Pengyun's eyes were fixed on the purple gourd whose aura was several times stronger than that of the second-level magic weapon.

His eyes trembled suddenly, and he was secretly shocked.

"It's actually a magic weapon cone!"

The gourd magic weapon is called "Purple Star True Fire Gourd", which was made by the little wolf king's father, the Jindan demon king, using the third-level purple star spirit iron and his own life-born purple star spirit fire.

As long as the little wolf king breaks through to the Jindan realm, warms it with his life-born Dan Qi, and cultivates the purple star true fire, it can be tempered into a real third-level magic weapon.

At this moment.

The little wolf king also urged the set of purple star flying swords that he had just taken out, and the purple star gourd to spit out a large amount of purple spirit true fire, and directly killed Yue Shan.

Yue Shan quickly took out several second-level defensive talismans and a second-level top-grade magic shield from his storage bag, and propped up several defensive light curtains.

But how could these light curtains be a match for the Purple Star Flying Sword and the Purple Spirit Fire?

In just half a breath, the several defensive light curtains were shattered by the Purple Star Flying Sword and the Purple Star Spirit Fire.

Seeing this, Yue Shan's face was full of fear. He immediately waved his hand and took out a second-grade top-grade "Earth Escape Talisman" that was rarer than the Thunder talisman from his storage bag and stuck it on his body.

His body flashed with yellow light, and he quickly melted into the ground and disappeared.

The Purple Star Flying Sword and the Purple Star Spirit Fire that attacked him also fell into vain.

When Yue Shan appeared again, he had already appeared beside Ling Pengyun and others.

"Madam, Fellow Daoist Ling, this wolf has a magic weapon cone, which can be said to be invincible in the foundation-building realm. If the other twenty or so foundation-building fighters can break away and join forces with us at this time, we still have a chance of winning, but they are now being held back by the four late-stage foundation-building wolf monsters, and it is difficult for them to attack in a short time."

"It is simply impossible for the three of us to defeat them."

"We will definitely lose this battle, Fellow Daoist Ling, this talisman is for you."

After saying this, Yue Shan's eyes showed a trace of reluctance, and he took out the last earth escape talisman from his storage bag, intending to help Jindan daughter-in-law Yang Siling's cousin Ling Pengyun escape.

Through this, he established a relationship with Ling Pengyun.

As for his wife Meng Yao, she also had an earth escape talisman, which she was about to stick on her body.

But before the earth escape talisman was handed over, he saw Ling Pengyun helplessly take out a red talisman with a very strong aura and a lifelike black fire phoenix from the storage bag.

"Level 3... Black Flame... Fire Phoenix Talisman!"

Yue Shan was surprised and sighed secretly.

This Black Flame Fire Phoenix Talisman was sent to him for protection when Yang Siling, who was in Bailingmen, estimated that the beast tide would be several times more dangerous than the monster beast chaos in previous years when the beast tide was about to rise some time ago.

And the person who refined this talisman was Yang Siling's father-in-law Lingfu Zhenren, who used a large amount of level 3 black flame spiritual fire as materials.

Ling Pengyun waved his hand lightly and sacrificed the "Black Flame Fire Phoenix Talisman" in his hand.

This spiritual talisman flew into the void, and a black light flashed. Countless scorching black flame spiritual fires erupted and quickly gathered into a fire phoenix.

This fire phoenix had bright eyes and a phoenix cry rang out of its mouth, resounding through the sky.

When its wings spread, a strong wind blew around it, and most of the clouds in the surrounding sky were blown away.

This phoenix flew out between Xumi.

There was only silence in the void, and the Black Flame Phoenix turned into a stream of black light, flying towards the "Little Wolf King" one or two miles away with an unstoppable force.

Even a Jindan-level strongman would not dare to take such a spiritual talisman head-on.

Even the Little Wolf King, seeing the might of this powerful Black Flame Phoenix, suddenly showed fear on his face.

Naturally, he did not dare to take such a powerful blow head-on.

He quickly threw out his life-defining magic weapon, the Purple Star Miasma-Breaking Cone, and the set of three Purple Star Flying Swords, to meet the attacking Fire Phoenix.

But these four magic weapons were only second-level magic weapons after all, and the main materials for refining were also second-level spiritual iron.

But the Black Flame Phoenix was refined with the third-level black flame spiritual fire as the material, and the temperature was extremely high.

Once the four magic weapons came into contact with the Black Flame Phoenix, they quickly melted into balls of molten iron.

The Little Wolf King also felt a pain in his sea of ​​consciousness because his four life-defining magic weapons were destroyed at the same time.

At this critical moment, it had no time to worry about it. It endured the pain in its sea of ​​consciousness and had no choice but to shoot out the most precious Purple Star True Fire in the "Purple Star True Fire Gourd".

The Purple Star True Fire in this gourd was transformed by its father's half-realized true fire.

At the same time, this Purple Star True Fire is also the core of this "Purple Star True Fire Gourd".

Once the Purple Star True Fire is destroyed, its Purple Star True Fire Gourd will be of little use.

This is also the reason why the little wolf king did not shoot it out just now.

The large piece of Purple Star True Fire spewed out by the gourd contained a charm, and it turned into a Purple Star Demon Wolf that looked eight points similar to the "Little Wolf King".

However, this Purple Star Demon Wolf transformed by the Purple Star True Fire was more domineering than the Little Wolf King, and had a golden elixir pressure.

This flame demon wolf roared at the attacking fire phoenix, stepped on the void with four feet, and rushed quickly.

The two collided quickly, causing a loud noise.

A wave of spiritual power containing high temperature also rippled out, not only dispersing the clouds in the sky, but also stirring up the dust on the ground.

In this dust, the Black Flame Phoenix and the Purple Star Demon Wolf were still fighting fiercely.

Although the Black Flame Phoenix was strong, the Purple Star Demon Wolf was not weak either.

The two sides fought dozens of moves in just three breaths, and finally they all ran out of energy and dissipated on their own.

And the Purple Star True Fire Gourd also lost its spiritual charm and its spiritual light completely dimmed because the "Purple Star True Fire" in its core was exhausted.

The special aura of the gourd, which was originally emitting the magic weapon cone, also fell to the second level at this moment.

Only by relying on the Purple Star True Fire of the Golden Core Stage Purple Star Wolf King or the spiritual fire of this level to re-refine this gourd, can this gourd be upgraded to the level of a magic weapon cone again.

As for the owner of this gourd, the "Little Wolf King", he was even more miserable, his aura was extremely weak, his blood and qi were running wild, and holes appeared in his sea of ​​consciousness.

If this injury is not recovered, this wolf will no longer have the possibility of entering the Golden Core.

Seeing this, Ling Pengyun sighed helplessly.

"The magic weapon cone is worthy of being a magic weapon cone. I didn't expect such a powerful attack to be blocked."

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