Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 335: Dividing the Little Wolf King's Property (3000 words, please subscribe)

Then he waved his Taoist robe and quickly used three attacks, namely, the Jade Sea Heavy Yuan Pearl, the Frost Flying Sword, and the Frost Transformation Dragon Jade Bottle, to attack the seriously injured little wolf king.

At the same time, he whispered.

"Fellow Daoist Yue Shan, Madam Yue, the three life magic tools of the little wolf king have all been destroyed. Now he is seriously injured. If not now, when will we attack!"

Yue Shan and Meng Yao, who were still stunned by the fact that Ling Pengyun had such a precious item as the third-level Black Flame Fire Phoenix Talisman, immediately came back to their senses after hearing this call, and successively used magic tools to attack the little wolf king.

The little wolf king was also powerful. He dragged his seriously injured state and fought with Ling Pengyun and the other two for more than ten moves with only several life magic skills. Only then did he suffer from injuries due to the battle and a flaw appeared.

Then, his head was cut off by Ling Pengyun's Frost Flying Sword.

As soon as the little wolf king died, the female wolf who had completed the foundation building and was trapped in the light curtain of the formation suddenly howled.

It glared at Ling Pengyun who was outside the light curtain of the formation, and wanted to kill him immediately.

But the guardian spirit beast "Fire Cloud Phoenix" of the Fengxi Feng family was really powerful, and like the little wolf king, it was the direct bloodline of the golden elixir monster beast, and its combat power was extremely strong.

Just now, it joined forces with the little wolf king to suppress this phoenix.

Now, fighting this phoenix alone, at most fighting with it once or twice, it would be good if it could not lose the upper hand.

In this situation, it was difficult for it to free its hands and go to avenge its Taoist partner "Little Wolf King".

On the other side.

Outside the light curtain of the trapped enemy.

"Fellow Daoist Yue Shan, Madam Yue, I'm using a third-level low-grade black flame fire talisman that is hard to buy on the market, so I want the little wolf king's magic weapon, the cone-shaped purple star true fire gourd, and the inner elixir of this wolf."

"The body of this wolf belongs to the two Daoists."

"Do you agree to this division of interests?"

Ling Pengyun waved his hand to take back the magic weapon beside him, pointed to the body of the little wolf king who had completed the foundation building in the distance, and said to Yue Shan and Meng Yao.

"Of course, of course." Yue Shan replied politely without any hesitation.

From the fact that Ling Pengyun was able to possess the third-level black flame fire phoenix talisman that could only be refined by the Jindan realm Ling Fu Zhenren of Bailingmen, Yue Shan could easily guess that Ling Fu Zhenren's daughter-in-law Yang Siling valued Ling Pengyun, his cousin.

Yue Shan's wife Meng Yao was also a sensible person, and she also spoke out in agreement.

Seeing this, Ling Pengyun also turned into a breeze and quickly rushed to the body of the wolf king who had completed the foundation building. He picked up the "Purple Star True Fire Gourd" that had fallen to the second level next to the wolf king's body.

Then he shot out the Frost Flying Sword, pierced into the wolf's body, and dug out the inner pill in the wolf's body.

Looking at the Purple Star True Fire Gourd and the inner pill in his hand, Ling Pengyun's eyes were full of brilliance.

"Although this gourd has lost the powerful purple star true fire and its grade has dropped to the second level, the material used to refine this gourd is extraordinary. I'm afraid that the whole gourd is forged with third-level purple star spirit iron."

"And it has the ability to contain spirit fire. Even if it is difficult to find third-level spirit fire to refine this gourd in the future, it can be upgraded to the cone-shaped grade of magic weapon again."

"But even if you find second-level spirit fire and refine it again, I think the power of this gourd is enough to match the top-level second-level upper-grade life magic weapon."

"As for this foundation-building perfect demon beast inner elixir, it can be handed over to Yang's uncle Changxing to refine Xiaobai Lingshui in an open furnace."

"In this way, one of the sources of spiritual objects for Pengliang's clan brother's unmarried wife Wen Nianling to break through the foundation in the future will be available."

"With these two items, the precious black flame fire phoenix talisman just now has not been wasted." Ling Pengyun was secretly happy.

Yue Shan and his wife followed closely behind, and came to the body of the little wolf king, and put the body into the storage bag.

Then, the three of them immediately went to help the rest of the foundation building, and attacked the remaining four powerful late foundation building wolf monsters.

Under the joint siege of 26 foundation building warriors, the four late foundation building wolf monsters did not survive for long, and were besieged and killed one after another.

Then, the foundation building cultivators in Fengxi Mountain also forced several foundation building wolf monsters out of the enemy trap light curtain again, and handed them over to Ling Pengyun and others to kill.

Under the cooperation of Ling Pengyun and Fengxi Mountain, in just one hour, the remaining 35 early foundation building, 10 middle foundation building, and the perfect foundation building female wolf were killed one by one.

Needless to say, the remaining nearly 10,000 Qi training purple star demon wolves were directly slaughtered by the attacks of more than 50 foundation building warriors.

After the war.

The nineteen foundation-building cultivators in Fengxi Mountain also brought eight foundation-building spirit beasts and walked out of Fengxi Mountain to join the twenty-six foundation-building combat forces supported by Ling Pengyun and others.

"Thank you fellow Taoists for helping the eight foundation-building families in Ziziyue County to destroy this group of purple star demon wolves. I am Feng Yuqing, the supreme elder of Fengxi Feng Clan. I don't know your names yet, so please forgive me."

"Can you tell me your names? We, the family cultivators in Ziyue County, can also thank you in the future."

"In addition, I have agreed with other fellow Taoists in Ziyue County that this time, in addition to the foundation-building monsters we killed, 70% of the tens of thousands of Qi training monster corpses will belong to the fellow Taoists who supported us."

"The number of those Qi training monsters is huge, and I also know that it is difficult for you fellow Taoists to take them away at once, so the corpses of those monsters can be placed in my Fengxi Mountain ice cellar first."

"When this beast wave ends, I, the Feng family, and the other seven foundation-building families in Ziyue County can send one of them to our doorsteps to express our gratitude."

"Don't refuse."

Among the group of foundation-building monks in Fengxi Mountain, a six-level foundation-building monk who was seven feet tall, quite fair-looking, and dressed like a scholar bowed deeply and thanked Ling Pengyun and others who came for support.

Just now, if Ling Pengyun and others had not arrived with support, I am afraid that within two days, his third-level clan-protecting formation in Fengxi Mountain would have been exhausted due to the exhaustion of spiritual energy, and it would be difficult to maintain the formation open, leading to it being destroyed.

Fengxi Mountain's spiritual veins had only reached the second-level high-grade a few years ago, and it was still somewhat difficult to maintain the third-level low-grade clan-protecting formation to withstand the attacks of thousands of monsters.

Ling Pengyun and others were extremely satisfied with the attitude of "Feng Yuqing" of the Fengxi Feng clan.

The monks from both sides also briefly introduced their families and names.

After the introduction, Feng Yuqing approached Ling Pengyun and said with a smile as a sign of goodwill.

"Fellow Daoist Ling's action just now was really extraordinary. If it hadn't been for the black flame phoenix talisman of fellow daoist that destroyed the purple star true fire gourd of the little wolf king, otherwise you and I, the foundation-building monks, would have suffered heavy losses this time. I'll wait, Ziyue The county's foundation-building monk thanks fellow Taoist."

Ling Pengyun said modestly. "Fellow Taoist, you are serious. I came here this time with the intention of counterattacking the monsters and wiping out all the monsters that invaded our Jingzhou territory. No need to thank you."

"As long as fellow Taoists and others are willing to join the counterattack team, we will be satisfied."

"As for the spiritual talisman, my fellow Taoist is even more exaggerated."

He knew very well that the reason why this "Feng Yuqing" of the Fengxi Feng clan was so friendly to him was probably due to his third-level black flame phoenix talisman and the "Yang Siling" behind him.

"My Feng clan naturally supports the counterattack with both hands. During the chaos of the beast tide, the three foundation builders who were left behind in our clan can all be mobilized."

Feng Yuqing felt much better about Ling Pengyun's humble appearance and responded with a smile.

Then he pulled out from among the group of purple Yue County foundation-building monks behind him a female foundation-building cultivator who was also wearing the robe of the Fengxi Feng family. She was tall, with fair skin and watery eyes.

"Fellow Daoist Ling, this is a clan sister from one of my mothers. Her name is Feng Yurou. She is currently at the third level of foundation construction. She is fifty-eight this year."

"I heard that Fellow Daoist Ling is best at spiritual planting. My sister likes to plant flowers and plants. I wonder if you can teach me some planting skills?"

When Feng Yurou and Ling Pengyun heard this, they immediately understood that Feng Yuqing wanted to bring them together, and the two looked at each other.

Although Feng Yurou is fifty-eight years old, she is still a female cultivator who has not yet left the palace.

A blush suddenly appeared on her cheeks, but it quickly dissipated on its own. Feng Yurou then raised her hands and spoke softly to Ling Pengyun.

"Fellow Daoist Ling."

Ling Pengyun was a little surprised. Judging from Feng Yuqing's attitude, if he and Feng Yurou could succeed, he planned to let Feng Yurou marry into the Ling family.

This move is rare. Feng Yurou's cultivation is as high as the third level of foundation building, and she is not young. She has every chance to try to reach the later stage of foundation building in this life.

It is extremely rare for a female foundation-building cultivator with such good qualifications to get married.

It makes sense for Feng Yuqing to do this.

First, he was aware of the relationship between Ling Pengyun and Yang Siling, the golden elixir daughter-in-law. This time Ling Pengyun was able to produce the third-level Black Flame Phoenix Talisman, which showed that Ling Pengyun and Yang Siling had a close relationship.

Secondly, the Ling clan where Ling Pengyun is located has many foundation-building monks, more than his Feng clan, which is enough to be considered prosperous.

Thirdly, Ling Pengyun was only at the fifth level of foundation building, but he understood an excellent combined attack technique, which is enough to show Ling Pengyun's powerful spiritual planting talent.

With good family background and qualifications, Ling Pengyun is naturally a good husband.

After being distracted for a moment, Ling Pengyun shook his head and said hello to Feng Yurou first.

"Fairy Phoenix."

Then, he said very politely to Feng Ziqing.

"Fellow Daoist Feng is serious. If Fairy Feng has any problem with planting a tree, you can tell her. I will tell you everything I know."

Feng Ziqing looked happy and said.

"This will trouble fellow Daoist Ling."

After saying this, he walked over to talk to Yueshan and his wife.

The other foundation-building monks in the surrounding area also saw something and moved away one after another, leaving Ling Pengyun and Feng Yurou alone here.

Regarding the matter with Ling Pengyun, Feng Yuqing and Feng Yurou had already been vaccinated.

In addition, Feng Yurou really liked planting flowers and plants, so she immediately asked Ling Pengyun some planting issues.

Ling Pengyun naturally answered all questions and handled the matter in a prudent manner without any impropriety.

After a while, Feng Yuqing also invited everyone into Fengxi Mountain to have a celebration banquet together.

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